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..._i :: <br /> ... . -.------ . _ <br /> ,. � „ -� . �. <br /> , _ _ <br /> � . . - -- _ « _ <br /> I10. Borrower Not ReleAOed;�orbearence BY l.ender Plot a Walver.Extens�on of the time ior pnymer�i or��iuuitic�tton . <br /> � of amortizatlon of the sums secured by thls Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor In inte�rest oi Borrower shall not <br /> 1 operato to Pel�ase,in�ny mannor,tho Ilabllity of tho orlglnal Borrov�er and Borrower's succeosors In Intoreat. Lender shall nnt <br /> ' �2 be requlred to commence proceedings agalnst such succesoor or refuse to extend time tor�aymertit or otherwise modlly ° <br /> amartlzatlon of the sums socured hy thls Doed otTrust by reason of sny demand made by tho orlglnal Borrowor and Dorrower's •••F <br /> � � successors In interost. Any forbearanco by Lender in exercfsing any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwiae afforded by � <br /> I appiicable law,ahall not be a waiver of or preclude tho exercise of any such right ur remody. <br /> � 11. Succeasors and Assl��s�ound;Joint and Several Liabllity;Co•signers.The covenants and ayreemonts herein .R <br /> cuntained shall bind,and the rights hereunder shall inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> � oubJect to th�provislons of paragraph 18 her9ot.Atl covenants and agreements of Borrower ahall be jolnt and soverai.Any . ; <br /> h- Borrower who co-slgns this Deed o4 Truat,but does not execute the Note,(a)Is co•signing this Deed of lYust oniy to grant and <br /> � convey that Borrower's Interest in the Propefty to Trustee under the 4erms of thia C1eed of Trust,(b)is not porsanally Ilable on <br /> the Noto or under thls Deed of Trust,and(c)agrees th�t Lender and any other Borrowar h�reunder may agreo to extend,madily, <br /> � torbear,or make any other accorv�modations with rer�rcl4o the terms ot this Deecl af 1Yust or the Note,without that Borrower's • <br /> consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifyinc�this Deed of Trust r�s to that Borrower's interest in the Property. � <br /> 12. Notice.Exceptfor any notice rea�uired under applicable law 4o be given in another rr�anner,(a)any notice to Borrower <br /> provid9d for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by malling such notice by certltied mall addresaed to Borrower <br /> at the Pr4perty Addresa or at such other address as Elo�'rower may designate by notice to Lender as provlded hereln,and(bj :. <br /> any notice to Lender shalt be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated hereln or to such other addrass as Londer may <br /> designate by notice to Borrower as providod herefn.Any notice provided ior in this Deed oi Trust shall be deemed to havo besn ,: N __ <br /> given to Borrowar or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. �,�,.i, <br /> I 13. Gov�Tning Lew;Severability.The sta4e and local isws applieablo to this Deed of Trust shall be the Isws of theJurisdictlon . . , <br /> in whfch the Property is located. The toregoing sentence shall not Ifmit the applicability of Federal law to this Deed of Trust. �- , <br /> In the evont that any prov(si4n or clause of this Dood of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable law,such confllct shall not � �` �P,,�,:; <br /> affect other provislons of this De�d of 1Fust or the Note which c�n be glven effect w(4hout the confl(cting provision,and to thfs `t-,.� <br /> end the provisi�ns of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable.As used herein,"costs","expenses"and •a�. �-��-_, <br /> �� "attorneys'fees include all surns to the extent not prohlbited by applicable law or Iimited herein. •�'°� <br /> 14. Borrower's Copy. Borrower�hall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Oeed of Trust at the time of �� <br /> �` execution or atter recordatian hereof. <br /> � 1S. Rehabllitetlon Loan Agreement.Borrowar shail fulfiit all of Borrower's obligat(ons under any home rehabllitatlon, � "� <br /> Improvement,rApalr,or other loan agreement whlch Borrower enters Into with Londor.Lender,at Lender's optlon,may requlre - ��� <br /> Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender,in a form accep ta b i e t o L�n d e r,a n a s s i g n m e n t o f a n y r(ghts,clalms or defenses � � <br /> - which Borrower may have�yairi5i Nui uv�wh:,s::pply lsb�s,r!?�terlelG or carvires in connection with(mprovements made to �' <br /> 1 the Property. �. �u <br /> 16. tiYansfer of Pn�per�y mr a Baneficiai Infaras¢lii 6ori�o�a�.If all or any part of tho Property or any interest in ft is sold -+;`_x, � <br /> � or transferred(or if a beneficial Interest In Borrower is sold or transferred and Barrower is not a natural person)wlthout Lender'S r��.;.,. <br /> p�lor wrltten consent, Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in iull of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust. � <br /> However,this optfon sheil notbe exercised by Lender If oxercise fs prohibited byfederal law as of the date of this Deed of Trust. ��`��. . ' <br /> It Lender exercises this option,Lender shall gfve Borrower notice of accoleration.The notice shali provide a period oi not .d�( <br /> � . less than 30 days from the date the notice Is delfvered or mailed with(n which Borrower must pay ali suma secured by thls Qeed '' ��'.� <br /> � of'1i�ust.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the explration of this period,Lender may invoke any remedles permitted �" ,a .: <br /> � t3y this Deed of Trust without further notice or demand on Borrower. �ti • �, <br /> NQN•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: � ;�� � � <br /> 17. Acceleratlon;Remedles.Except es provided In paregraph 18 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of eny covenant ;�. �" t,��_._ <br /> " orsgreement of Baro�ower Intl�is Deed of Thuat,Including Borrower'eialluret�pay,by the end oY 10 calendar dayr�eftar ,,,�:.��__- <br /> � they are due,any sums secured by this Deed of 1Yuat,Lender�erlor to�cceteretlon shell glve notice to Borrower es _,�::,�,,_ <br /> • provided In paragreph 12 hereof speaifylr��:(i)fit6�'i6e8�h;(2j the acticr:�c.;ulresi to.^.l:�C 9!!Ch b(l�Ch,!a)�±�late,not --��:,;_v _ _ <br /> .'"�` leas the�20 days irom tho date tho notic�!�.^.^.°!!°•!to Borrower�by whlch such breach must be cured;end(4)thnt tailuro �;���;.- — <br />- •� to cure auch breach on or betore the date specifled in tha notice may result In acceleration of the sums sea�red i�y thl� :>�,s.:,, -- <br /> ,'`.� . De�d of 1tu�t and sale of tha Property.The noElce shall turther Intorm Bormwer of the right 4o relnstete aner ecceleratlon __ ����,,, <br />- and the right to brle�g e court ectlon to assert the nonexiatence of a defAUit or a�ny other dofen�e ot Borrovyer to .,����.���;:-:� <br /> acceleretfon and sale.If the br�ach la not cured on or betore the date specifled In the notice,Lersder,c�t Londpr's optlan, •�r_r_�r,T-; <br />- , "" .,_,?r..�.�_::. <br /> : mey declare ail of the suma gocured by this Deed of'�I�ust to be immedlatoly due and payable wtthoutfurther demand <br /> " end may Invoke the power o}sale end eny otNer remedles permttted by eppllceble law l.snder shall be entitled to coliect �� � :� �s•_ <br /> � all roasoneble costs and expenaes Incurred In purauing the remedtes provlded in thls peragreph 17�including,but nat , ;' ��� <br />- � Itmited to,reasonable attorneys'teea. <br /> - ' If the power of sale 1�Invoked�1Yustee shell record e notiae of deteult in each county In which the ProFaerty or some � <br />- � � part theroof Is located and shall mell coplea of such notice in tho manne�prescrlbed tfy epplicable lawto Borrowerend <br /> , � ' to the other peraons pr�escribed by eppticable law.Aiter tha lapse of auch time as mey be requli�ed by epplicable lew� <br /> �Yustee ahali give public notice of sale to the persor�a and In the manner��rescribed by appllcable law.iFustee,withQUt <br />= � demand on Borrowor,shali sell the Property at publ{c auction to the hlgtiost bidd�sr at the time and placo and under , <br /> the term�designoted In the notice o4 sele In one or more paraola nnd in such orrler as 7Yuatee mey determtne.71�ustee <br /> may poatpone sale of ell orany par�e0 of the Property by publlc announ�ement at the time and place of any prevtauely , <br /> ' scheduled sele.Lenaec mr Lender's designee moy purchasv the Property at any sele. <br /> _ Upon r+ecelpt ot payment of the price bf�, �usteo shall dellver ta tho purchaser TPustee's doed aonveying the <br /> F�roperty sotd.The recltets In the lYustee's deexl sh�lt be prime facle evides�ce of the truth of the stt�toments mado thereln. <br /> .�._�__�_��_....�...h.w.,,,�.�.�n�fth..A9�a in the iollowtna order:(a)to all reasonable coats and expen�os of the sele, <br />' _.. =-� u�o.�o..a..arr.� ...-r•-------•� -- - �/fD 0}th0 t�OSS 91i10 fIC@� -_-—._ -- . <br /> includin�,but not Iimited to,Ttustee e fees actually incurreal of not more than S P <br /> reasoneble attorneys'feea end costs ot t141e evidenco;(b)to all sums secured by this Deed of Ttust;and�c)the exce�s, <br /> � If eny,to tha peraon or peraons leg�lly entltled thereto. <br />- � 18. Borrower's Rlght to Rolnatate.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Dged of Ttust, <br /> dua to Borrower's breach,Bor�o�ver shall have the right to have any proceedings be�un by Lender tb enforce this Doed of Trust <br /> dlscontinued at any tlmo�rfor to tho earlier M occur of(I)tho fifth dey before sale of 4he Proporty pursuant to the powdr of sale <br /> - cuntalnod In this Deed of'TFust or(if)entry of a judgment enforcfng thfs Deed of Trust it:(a)�orrowor pays Lender all sums which <br /> would be then due under thls Deed of Trust and the Note had no acceleration occurred;(b)Borrower cures all breaches of any <br /> other cavenants or agreements of Borrower contalned in thfs Deed of 1Fust;(c)Borrowor pays all roasonable c�xpenses Incurred <br /> by Lender and 1Fustee In enforcing tho covenants and agreements of Borrowercontainad in thls Deed of Trust,and in enforcing <br />- Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provlded in paragraph 17 hereof,Including,but not Ilmlted to,reasonable atrorneys'fees; <br /> PAQE 3 <br /> _ <br /> Y � ' -_ <br /> .. . <br />