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<br /> princlpal amount o1 tho Indebtednesa sor.urod by Ihls Deod ot Yrust,�g�l�dl�EUme advenced to protect t e secu �y of thisUae o1 _
<br /> " Truat,oxcQ:�d thce orl�lnul principal amount statod hor�eln,or$ ,whichever Is�reater.
<br /> 10.E'�Ine�:lfa�zcoGa PP�vt�lrsno.
<br /> (n)Botroeiv�r Met Rd��tdd.Extenalon n!Iha tlmA for paymc�nt or modilicatlon ot amortizatlon ol tFsa sums eacured by ihia •
<br /> Oeod ol Trust flranted by Lendar ta eny euccossor In Interest a1 Borrower sh�il not operate to releasa,in eny mannur,thu Iiabill•
<br /> ty o1 the urlgtnal Burrower�nd Borrower's succeseore In intorest. l.ender shall not bo roquired lo commence procAedings �
<br /> agninat euch euccessor or retueo to erten�i timo tor payment or othenvlse modity amortization ol the sums aecured by lhis �
<br /> Doed ot Truat by reason ot any demanda made by tha orlpinal Borrower arttl Borrowere succeasore In Interest. _
<br /> - (b)6ond�r'�Powen.Wlthout aibating the Ilabillry o1 any ather person Iiabte tor the payment ot any obligatbn herein men- �-
<br /> • qon�d,a�d rlithout attccdnp tho Il�n or chAr�a n1 th!s Deod of Yn�at upon nny portion ot the Property not then or theretotore �;
<br /> �� released as securfty for the tull amount a}atl unpald obll�etlons, Lender may,Irom time to timo end without notice(i) release =
<br /> � . .. any person so Ilaple,(II)extend the maturiry or altar any of the tertns ol any euch obllpatlo�s,(Ili)prant ather Indutpenceo,(iv� _
<br /> { reloase or convey,or cause to be releaee�or reconveyed et any timb at Lendore optlon sny paresi, porilon or all 01 tho
<br /> �.,�„�� propaAy. (v)teke or retease any other or additlonal secudty or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optfon any par�el,porilon or _
<br /> � all ot tho Property,(vf)take or retease any other or additlonel securiry for any ohtlgat:on hereln mentloned,or(vii)make compa _
<br /> { sitlons o! other arrangem�nts with debtore in relatlon thereto. _
<br /> ! (o)Fafi�ar�nca by Lsndar Not�W�Iv�►.Any forbearance by Lender In exercisinfl any dght or remedy herounder,or oth-
<br /> • + orwtse afforded by applicebie law,shatl not be a walver of or preclude the exercise of any such rlght or rem�dy.The pracuro- —
<br /> ment of la�surance or tPie payment of taxes or other Ilens or chargea by Lender shall not be a wafver or Lenders right to acceter-
<br /> • �� . ete the rnatuNry of the Indsbtedrsess seeured by this Deed of Tru�t
<br /> (d)8ucc�twn�nd Aeslpns Bound;Jolnt end S�venl l.Iabllfty;C�ptbn�.Thm covenants end agreements herei�i c�n• -
<br /> talned shall bind. end the dghts hareunder shall Inure to, the res{►ecUve eucce3sore and assigns of Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> covenants and aflreoments of Trustor sha�l be Joint and several.The captiona and headings of the paragraphs ot thia Dead of
<br /> Trust ara tor convenlence only and are not to be used to Interpret or detine the provisions hereat.
<br /> • " (e}R�que�t tor Notic�s.The paRles hereby request that a copy of any notice oi detauit hereunder and a copy ot any ratice
<br /> • • of sate hereunder be mailed to each psrty to this Dee�J ot 7rust at the address sot for4h eE�ove ui 4he manner prescrib�d by
<br /> " eppl�able law.Except tor any other notice required under applicable igw to ba given in another menner,any noUce provided tor
<br />� � In thls Qeed of Truat ahall be given by mailing Euch notice by certifled mail addrecsed to the other partles,at the address set
<br /> . fortfi above. Any notice provided tor In this Deed of TNSt ahall be eHective upon mailing in the manner dasignated hereln. If
<br /> `` Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address sut toRh above shail bo notice to all such per^+ons.
<br /> �'` (�Insp�tton.l.ender may malce or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspoctions of the Property,provided
<br /> - tliat Lender shati flive Trustor noUce prior to any such Inspection speclfying reasonable cause theretor related to Lender's inter-
<br /> •�,j•�� est tn the Property.
<br /> (g)Raconvsyanc�.Upon psyment of al!sums secured by this Deed o!Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> ��4 r;rr.r;'', Property and shall surrender this Deod oi TNSt and all notes evldancing indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust to
<br />=-�:.�::. •,,.�. Trustee. Trustee shal!rer,onvey the PropeRy,wlthout warranty and w(thout charpe to tho person legalty entitled thereto.Trustor
<br /> shc►II pay all casts or recordatian,if any.
<br /> -' = �° (h)P�nond Property; Securiry Agreement.Aa additional securiry for the peyment ot the Note,Trustor hereby grante
<br /> � Ls►►der un�er tne neorasica ilniiorm�ommvri.;ai�'vw,a�.,-ur:i�;�sti:.r^,,:C::r s!!!�.�2ssr_..�,�;��Ympn�,!!nd otMr oeraonel nroperty
<br />'�t,^ 1._ e
<br /> .�,,. ° used in connectton with the real estate or tmprovements tocated thereon.and not otherwise declared or deertied to be a paR ot
<br /> - � ��•�'`^ the resl ostste secured hereby.This instrument aha0 be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code,end the Lender
<br /> � ���y���:�•� shail have all the dghts and remedies ot a sscured party under sa{d Code(n addition to the rlghts end remodies under th�s
<br /> „,:,'
<br />-- ` �,�'�` paregraph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a limftat(on on,Lender's r(ghts and remedies under eny other secunty agr�e-
<br /> ,.-_-�_=-y� ment signed by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (i)L,I�ns ux!Encumbnnc�s.Trustor hereby warrants end represents that there Is no detault untler the provisions of any
<br /> -'-�?��:?�`� rr.Mt;s�,c�eecl of trust,lease or purchase cor►treet describing all or flny part ot the Property,or other contrect,instrument or
<br /> :°_.��� agreement constftuttng a ilen or encumbrance against ali or eny part of the Rroperty(coi�ective�Y�`Uens��exisFing as a 4ne
<br /> -_ - date af Rnis Deed of Trust,and Mat any and all exlating Llens remain unmodified except es disclosed to Lender(n T�ustors wdt-
<br /> - - � ten disclosure of Ilens end encumBrance$provlded tor herefn.Trustor shall timely pe�foren ali of TrustoPo oblly4Uons,
<br />