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Performence by 4endmr. Upon the oocurrenct�of en Event oi[)e}ault hereunder,or II eny act le takon or lo(�I praceodlnp <br /> cor�irnenced whlcti �7alerially eftects Lende�'s Intersat In Ihe F'ra���iy,Lcnsiar riiny In It:,orm dl:.crction,but�Jltlout ah�lgatla�i to uo�, <br /> ?_ ' and without notke to or demand upon Trustor and wlthaut releasing Trustor Irom any obl{gatlon,do any act wh�Ch Trus6�r hae eflreed <br /> � but fatlod to do and may also do any other ect it desms necessary to protoct tho socurity hereol. Truotor ahall, Immediatety upon <br /> ;:���' demand thorefor by Lender,pay to ls�dar all costs and expenses incurred and sums expende�d by Lencber In connectlon wlth the exer- <br /> --•��•'d"�` `� cise by LenrJer af the forepo!ng rtghts,tagether with tnterest thoreon at the default ra4e provided In tho Note,wh�h ehall be edded to <br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall net Incur eny Ilabttity because o!Anylhinp It may do or omlt to do hereunder. <br /> .. ' ; 9.Haza.*dous NIat�Hals.Trustor shalt keep the Property in compllance with all eppllcable laws,ordlnences ertd regulatbna <br /> reieting to industrial hyglene or environmentel pro2ection(collectively reterred to heratn es"Envlronmental").Yrustor stuill keep �. <br /> . the Property free trom all substancos deemed to be hazardous of�toxla under any Environmental Wws(collectivety reterred to hereln <br /> as"Hazardoua Matedals"),Trustor hereby warrante and roprese�te to Lender that there are no Hazerdous Materlats o�or under the • - <br /> Property.Trustor horeby ac�roes to indemnify and ho�d ha►mlesa Lerxler,(ta directore,offlcere,employees end egente,end eny succ�es- '�� <br /> sors to Lendor's Interest,from and agalnat any and eil claims,demages,tosses and Iiabfllties nrising In connection vxlth the presence, °�p <br /> .� �,• use,disposal or transport of any Hazardous Matedals on,under.from or about the Property.THE FOREt301Na WARRANTIES AND _���� <br /> � REPRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE ___ <br /> �• RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. �,.:. <br /> � 10.Asslynments of Rsnta.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grante Londer a secudry interest in,aii presont,tuture and s:.Y <br /> after arising renta,issues end proflta of the Property;provided ths�t Trustor shell,until the occuRence ot an Event oi Default,hereunder, <br /> � hnve tha dght to coltect and�etaf�such rsnts,Issues and protite as they b�come due and payable.Upon tl�e axurrence af an Event oi <br /> • Defauii,Lender may,elther in person or by agnnt,with or wlthout bdnging any acBon or procending,or by e receiver appointed by e �'� ' <br /> couR and wfthcaut regard to the adequacy of fts securiry,entor upan and take possassion o}the Property,or any part theroof,in its own -. <br /> name or In the name of tlxa Trustee,and do any acts which it deems necessary or destrable to preservo the value,marketaDlUty or - <br /> � rentability of the Praperty,or any part thereot or interest there(n,or to increass the in�amo thbrefrom or protect the security hereof and, � <br /> wlth or without taking possession of the Praperty,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issues ancl profits thereof,including those past = <br /> due and unpald,by ratity(ng tenants to�ake payments to Lende�.Le»der may eppty rento,fssues and protits,less costs and e�cpens- <br /> - ,�� es o1 operation and collection Including attomey's fees,to any indebiedness secured hereby,ell in such order as Lender may deter- _ <br /> m!ne.Tho entedng upon and taktng possesslon of the Propertyr,the colloctbn of suah rents, issues and proflts, end the applicarion <br /> thereo}as aforesatd shA!I reot cure or walve any detault or nottce of default hereunder or inva8date any act done t�response to such <br /> defauit or pursuent to such notice of defauit and,not►vlthstanding the continuance in possession oi the proparty ar the collectbn, <br /> � ,,. �. recoipt and appl�atfon ot rents,Issues or profita,Trustee and Lender shall be enUtted to exercise every�ight provided tor in any of the c <br /> Loan Instrumente or by law upon occuROS�ce of any Event a}Doi�utt,Inciuding without IlmttnUon the dght to exercise the power ot eale. <br /> Further,Lende�s�ighla and remedies under this paragreph shall be cumulative w(th,and in no way a IlmitaUon on,Lender's 8gl�ts nnd <br /> —" '�' ,`' remedies under any assignment o}leasos end rents reoorded agpinst the PropeRy.Lender,Trustoe and the re�ceiver shatl be Uable to <br /> _ ` account onty tor thoso ronts aatuaAy received. -- <br /> =��'���.��•� i t.Hvantd af D�MuR.The follow(ng shell�ns:itute An Event of Defeult undar thfs Qeed of Trt�st: . <br />-�t-�1.�,. ,. <br />�-_;��;,':'a. (a)Fallure to pay any Ushaliment ot principal or InteresT of sny other sum secured hereby when due; <br />'�''"'r'��"�`P�%,�., (b)A breach of oP detault under any provision contatned In the Note,thts Deed of Truat,any of the Loan instn�ments,or any <br /> - ���-� °• other Iten or encumbranca upon the Property; <br /> -_�,�,;,,`;t,:� <br /> L_�,•;�- � (c)A w�it of execuUon or attechment or any slmitar process ohell be entered ageinst Trustor whtch shali becomo a Iien on <br /> =�6-=*•" tfie Property orany portion thereof or tnterest thereln; <br /> "::='�'=�'- - '— <br /> »r.n�,��, (d�Thore shall be ffled by or against T►ustor or Borrower an action undsr any presant or tuture federal,state or other statute, <br /> �'-�"°'�� Iaw ar repulatlon relsttng to bankn�ptcy,insolvency ar other rellet tor debtors;or there shalt be appotnted any trustoe,r�ceiver ot <br /> -'��''�'''""�`: Iiquidator oi Truator or Borrower or of all or any part of the Property,or tfie rents,issues or proflts thereof,or Trustor or Bomnwer <br /> ---�'`"��� shail meke any peneral assignment for the benefit of creditora; <br /> _ -_�-��� <br />=°=:=�:�u . '9 (a)The sa!a,transfer, lease,asslgnment, convoyance or further oncaimbrr�nce of�II or any part of or any Inierest in th8 — <br /> r <br /> - "'�°�" Properiy,etther votuMarlty or fnvoluntadty,without the express w�itten oonsent of I.ender,pmvided that Trustor shait be permit- <br /> —"'�`=�` r p rty op purchnse and the tertn of wh►ch does not exceed orso __ <br /> ��f ted to oxecute e lanse ot the Pro e that does no2 contain an ilon to <br />=-9'ti.!:�� year, <br /> ---:-�=,;�x�;�: (fl Aband�nment of the Proparty;or <br /> --�`�°_� (g)if Trustor Is not an indfvidual,the issuance, sale,tranafer,assignment,conveyance or encumbranco of more than(If a <br /> =���==°�'� carporati�n) a total of percent of its Issued and outstanding stock,or pf a partnorship)a tota!oi per __ <br /> ""-=��'"" cent of partnership interests,or pf a Ilmited Ilabilfty company)a total of percent ot the Ifmited Itabil(ty compa- <br /> `'�°�'�;� ny Interests or voUng dghts dudng the pedod this De�d ot Trust remalns e Ilen on the propeRy. <br />--��_ — <br /> - :�y�-� .,: � 12.ffaamedlss;Accsleratlon Upon Defeult.In the event ot any Evont oi Detault Lender may,wfthout notice excapt as roquired <br /> �-� ' . by law,declare ell(ndebtedness secured hereby to be due end payable and the same shall th�reupon becon�a due and payable w(th- <br /> - , : •�r � out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thoreaftar Londer may: —� <br /> ., ' . (a)Demand thut TNStee exer�ise the POWER OF SALE gmnted heretn,and Trustee shaii therearor cause Trustar's Inter- - <br /> '" , est in the Property to be so(d and the proceeds to be distributed,atl In the manner provided tn the Ne2ir�sica Trust Deeds Act; <br /> (b) Exerciso any and all rtghts provided tor In e�ny oi fhe Loan Irtstrumonts or by taw upon occurrence of eny Event of i�- <br /> Defaulh,and — <br />_ (c)Commence an actton to foreclose 4hls Deed ot Trust as s mortgage,appolnt a receivar,or speclfically enforce any of the - <br /> ' . covenents hereof. <br />� ' No remedy hereln con(erred upon or reservsd to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exclusive of any other remodyr herein,In the Loan � ' <br /> Instruments or by law provided or aermitted,but each shall be cumuiativo,shall be in add(tlon to every other remedy given hereunder, ° '_ <br /> . � in the Loan fnstruments or now or hereaiter oxisUng at taw or In equity or by statute,and mey be exe�cisod ooncurrentty,IndependonUy <br /> a or succosivaty. <br /> ".—._. �A Tnut� Thn Tn�atm mnv rnclnn nf anv tima withnut�aur.a Aff[I 1 fUl(1f�►MAV A}ARV tIrt1A Ar1f1�ulthtud��iieo arwdnf n mv�.. - <br />. _____—..— .�. �.���� ...� ..�_'__...�� '__'o"_'_.y _""""'.'_' ____'•_"___..__. .."• _'_.'• _'..__.._..'_'__. �...r��....���� — <br /> _-____._._ _._ ��� � ___. <br /> cessar or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Ifable to any partyr,Inciuding v�ithout Ilmitatio:,Lendor,8orrowor,T�ustor or any pur- <br />_ chaser of the Property,tor any loss or demage unless due to reckless or wilitul mtsoonduct,and sltall not be roqufred to teke sny actbn <br /> " in connection with the entorcement of this Deod of Yrust unless indemnitied,in wdting,tur ali costs,componsation or expenses whicti <br /> ' may be associatesi therewlth.In addition,Trustea may bacome a purchaser at any sale of th�Propertyr Qudicial or undor tho power o4 <br /> eale granted herelnj;postpone the sale of all or a�y portion of the PropaRy,as provided by law;or sell the Pruperty as a whote,or In <br /> soparate parcels or lots at Trustos's discretlon. <br />-� 14.Fo��nd Exprns�s.In the ovent Trustee sells tho Proportyr by exercise oi�owor of sdle,Trusteo shall be entittod tq appiy - <br /> any sale proceeds first to paymont of all costs end expenses oi exercislr,g powor of sa!e,inciuding ett Trustee's tees,end Lenders and <br /> . �, Trustae's ettomoy's teos, ectually Incurred to oxYent permftted by epplicnbte the ovent Borrower or 7n�stor axorciseo any right <br /> provided by law to cure an Evont of Oetault,Lender shall be entitled to recover from Trustor�tl costs and oxpensos nctually Incurrud as <br />- �� a resuit of Trustor's detault,tncludMg without Iimitetion all Trusteo's and ettomey's feos,to the extent permitted by appilcabto law. • <br />, 15. Futuro Advances.Upon request o}Borrower, Lendor may,at iro optlon, make additlonal and tuture advunc�s and read- <br /> • vances to Borrower.3uch advences end readvancea,wlth Interest thereon,shall be secured by 4his Doed oi Truat.At no timo shnll the <br />