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Lender aliall not be roqulred to comm�ncs proceedinps <br /> • � apaln9t such eu�cessor or rotuse to axtend tlme far paymert or otherwice mafity amartizatlon of the eum9��cured by thla <br /> Dead of Trust by re�son of uny demantls made by lho original Borrower end Borrowor'o euccessore In Interest. <br /> �.: � ' (b)L�nder'�Pow�r�.Without attectinp the Ilabillty o1 any other person Ileble for the paymant ot any oblipatbn herein mon- <br /> tlonod,and wlthout attoctin�the Ilon or cherge of this neod of Trust�pon eny portion o1 the Property not then or thAretotore <br /> rel�a5ec1 as secu���y for the 9uil amounl u9 ail unp�ld Qb.lgatlor.:.,Lcndor mny,trom timo to Um�and:�ithout nottco(I) rct���� - <br /> �,.y.;.�i ' any person sa Ileble,(il)extartd the matu►!ty or aKer any of the tsnna o1 any euch obllpatlone,(ul)prant other IndulQencse,(Iv� <br /> = �� release or convey, or cause to be reteseed or reconveyed a4 eny time at Lendsr'e optior�any parcol,partion or atl of the <br /> PropoRy,(v)t�ke or release any other or additlon�l security or re�nveyed a4 any tlmo et L�ndefs optlon any parcel,pnrllon or <br />`._� . all of the Property,(vi)take or reteaso eny other or addflional aecudty for any obligatiorr herein mentloned,or(viq make compo- <br />•1- aitions of other arrangemenis wlth dobtors In relation thereto. <br /> . „ ,�. (c)Forbs�r�nce by Lsnd�r Nat�Walvrr.Any forbea►anco by�ender In exer�cising any riflht or remedy hereunder,or oth- <br /> � enylse aitorded by epplicabls law,shall rtot be a Hatver oi or QreClucb tho exon:ise of any such►ight or rer►eedy.The pracure- <br /> � ment o!insurr�nce or the payment of taxes or othor Ilens or charges by Lendor shall not he a walver or LendeYe right to acceler- <br /> ate the meturity of the inciebtedness securai by this Deed o}Tnist <br /> (�Succe�sors atsd Assipn�gAUnd;Jolnt snd Sc�veral Ll�blllty;C�ptlono.The covenants end egreements herein con- <br />." ;��•'r, .:� tain9tl shall bind,and the d�nte hereuneler ehall Inure to,the respectiva euccessore and aecigns af Lender and Trustor. All <br /> �� cov�narete snd agreementa ot Trustor shall bo Join4 and several.Tho cepUona and headings o1 tho paregraphs of thls Deed of <br />._�;���.:_� Trust are tar.onvenlence only and are not to be used to intorpret or dotine the provislona hereot. <br /> ==T;�;,;;.�.� �e)6t�usst toe Noi{s�s.The partles horeb/request that a copy of any not�e of defauti hereunder and a copy of eny notfae <br /> =-���'� •� o!�le hsreuntler tte mafled to eech party to this Deed ot Tn�st at tho addross set forth above In the manner presc�ibed by <br /> - �,� �- • <br /> ��`�""� ' appllcublo iaw.Except for nny pthar notice raquired under applicable law to bo piven in enother mannar,any noUce�rovided for <br />- ,r�. t:•�„, , <br /> ��.,;��a�-,. in thfs Ueed of Trust shal�be givan by mel�n�euch not�e by certifled mail addrossed to tha other parties, at the address set <br /> - foith above.Any notice provided(or In thia Deed of Trust shatl bo eBective upori maliinfl(n tho menner designated hereln.If <br /> �. � '' Trustor is more than one person,notice Eent to the address set forth above shali be notica to all such persons. <br />�,•c�, ' (� P� Y Po spect opertY,Provided <br />- - � Ins tion.Lender ma make or cause to be made reasonable entdes u n and fn iona of ihe Pr <br /> ,��,���ti ►hat Lender shali give Trustor notice pdor to any such Inspection specitying reasonabla causo thorefor releted to Lendar's IntAr- <br /> :.%��� est tn tha Pro�eerty. <br />`�;�� •�': (g)Recanuayancs.Upon payment of all sums secured by thls Deed of Trust,Lender ehell request Trustee to reconvey the <br /> `"� Property and shall surrnndar this Deed of Trust and all notos evtdencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed oi Trust to <br />',�1;' Tn�stee.Trustee shaJl reconvey the Property,wtthout warranty and w(thout charge to ihe person legally entitled thereto.Trustor <br />::-:�,;�, shall pay nil costs or re�ordaUon,If any. <br /> ����:�:� (P�)Pernonel Ptoparty; Security Agroemont.As additlonal securiry for the payment of the Noto,Tnistor hereby yrante <br /> -�`A�`,`, Lender under the Nebraske Unitorm Commerclal Code a security Intereat in all Nxturea,equipment,and other personel property <br /> -�`�'�" used In connectton with the�eal estate ur Improvements la;ated tnereon,ana not otnerwise dectareu or ueemeu to be a part at <br /> �'�• the real estate securod hereby.This Mstrument shall be canstrued�s a S�cur(ly Agraement under said Code,and the Lender <br /> - "j� shali have t�ll the dghte and remedles M a secured party un�er sald Code!n additfon to the�Ighte and remedies urYder thls <br /> _= <br />