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'1� s� �5'�"'.. <br /> �] (� `��[� <br />_ —.-- �.q /I �ll�C�n.�. �;r.° <br /> "?ruceeds')In�onnecilon with oandemnatlon or other takinp o?tho Property or part the'raof,or tor conveyance in Ileu o1 contlemnatlon. ;,•��=- <br /> " Londar ohail bo ontltled�al f:a optlan to con�roncu,appQAr In and prosecuto In fts own namo ony action ar proceading9,and ehall al�so <br /> h3 ontlilcd to rnalco any cNnproml�u or eattlom�nt in conncctlon ulth auch ta{clnfl or damago, In tho ovont nny portlon o1 the Proparly la <br /> � so tnkon or dQmapad,L_ander ahrall hc►vo tho opticn In ite aole and adsolute dlsarotlon, to epply sIi such procaeds, af�er deducting <br /> lhoreirom all cests and expenses Incurr�d by It in connection with euch Proceeds,upun any indebtedness secur9d hereby nn�In such <br /> �� order as Lender may determir►e,or to apply all Buch Proceeds,&fter such deducilons,to the restoratlon of the Proporiy vpon s�ach aon• <br /> ditlona ae Lendor may delormino.Any npplicatlon of Pra:escls to Indebtednes3 sh�tll not extc�nd or postpone the due dato of any pay <br /> menta under the Note,or curo any default theraunder ar hereunder.Any unapptio�!fund�shatl be patri to Trustor. <br /> .. 0. Perionttense by Lender.Upon 4ho occurrence of an Event o1 Detauit horeunder, or If eny act 12 taken or legal praceedireg <br /> commenced which matadally attocte Lendere Interest In the P�operty,Lendsr may in ile own discrotion,but w�ihou�obllga4lon¢�c;a�, . <br /> ; �� and wlthaut notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor trom any obligation,do any act whicto Tmstor has agreod •� <br /> •-�� but tailed to do end may ai�o do any other act It deems necessQry to protect the security hereof.7rustor shall. Imrttedlatety upon • <br /> .,:.�� demand th�,retor by Lertder,pay to Lender ell costs end expenses incurrod and sums expended by Lender In connecllon wllh tho exor- <br /> +�w�-•�'' alse by Lender�f the(oregoing rlghta,together with Interest theroon at the deisuft�ste provided In the Note, whlch shall be added to <br /> the Indebtedness secured horeby.Lender ehall not incur any Iiabllity because of anything it may do or emit to do horeunder. <br /> 9. HAxerdous 111IaUrl�le. Trustor shell keep the Property In compllance with all applicable lawa,ordinanees and regulutlans <br /> �_ relating to industdal hygiene or en�(ronmental pratection(collect(vely re}erred to hereln as"Environmental Lawa").Trustur ahail keep , <br /> . the Property freo from all substances deemed to ba hazardaus or toxlc under any Environmental Laws(coiloctively reterred to heretn __ <br /> as"Hezardoua Materials�.TNStor hereby warrante and representa to Lender th�t thsre ara no Ht�zardous Materiats on or u�der the <br /> '� Propertyr.Trustor hereby egreos to Indemnity snd hold harmless Lender,its dlrectore,oiNcers,employees and agents,nnd eny aucces• <br /> �. sore to►dere Interest,iram and against any and ell claims,damagas,losses and Ilabilfties adsing in connectfon with the pra�nce, <br /> '� � use,dlsposal or transportoJ arry Hazardous Materials o�,under,from or ebout the Proporty.THE FOAEGOING WARRANTiES AND �.'°- <br /> REPRESENTATIONS. AND TRUSTOR'S UBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING INOEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE �?- <br /> � RECrNV�YANCE�F rHIS DEEDOFTiaUST. �:�-_ <br /> � '0.Asslpninent[s of iients.Trustor heraby assigne to Lender,and grants Lender a security ira4orest in,aN present,tuture and :���. <br /> after a�ising renta,Issue�and profits of the Property;provideci that Truator shall,unUl iho oocurrence of an Evont o9 Defauit,hereundor, _ <br /> have the�ight to collect and retain suct�rents,issues end profits as they become duo and payeble.llpon the ecc�rrence of an Event of <br /> Datault,Lender may,either in person ar by agent,wfth or without bringing any acUon or p�oceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a �-'' <br /> couR and without regard lo the adequacy of fta sscurity,entor upon and take possesslon of the Proporbj,or a�y part therc�ol,in its own �•. <br /> name or tn the name af 1he Trustee,and do any acts which it deems necessury or desirabta to preservo ihe value,ma�ka4abllin or <br /> �� rentabitity ot the Propnrty,or eny part thereot or Interest therein,or to increase the income theretror+n or protect ths socurity hereof and, ��; <br /> ` ` ' with or�vithaut takinp possesalon o4 the Property,sue for or othemise collect the rents,issues and proNts thereol, induding those past __ <br /> , due antl unpaki,by notityin�tenanta to mak�payrnents to Lender.Lender may apply rents,Issues snd protits,lass oosts end expens- <br /> es of opereUon and collecllon Includinfl attomey's fees, to any indebtsdness secured hereby,all in such or�dor as Lender mny deter- <br /> � mine.Tt�a ontedng upon end taking pnssession o4 the Property,the collection of such rente,Issues and profite. and the application <br /> . it�.�s�•„�sr�z�:t,�,q^^!��_rs or!�!?!ye al,�r�fa��lr�r nnrir.�ot d�tault herounder or invalidate any ect dona in response to such <br /> ; r�„7;.: e. <br />-,. deteult or pursunnt to such noUce of detault and, notwithstanding the continuance in possession of the property or the collection, <br /> __ receipt and appRCatlon of rents,issues or proflts,T�ustee and Lender shall be e�titlUed ro exercise every dght provided for in any of the <br /> Loan instrumenta c�r by lew upon occurrence of any Evont of Defautt,Including without Ilmi?aUon the right to exerclse the powe�of safe. <br /> � �` . Further,Lender's dghts end remedit�s under thls paragraph shatl be cumulative with,and In no way e Iimitet'ron on. Lerbders righte and <br /> ,��-'•�_�''�`R° remedles uncier eny assipnment ot leeses snd rento recorded agalnst tho Property.Lender,Tructee and the receiver sfiatl be Il�ble to <br /> ,�:�'�:h:;;;y � account oniy 4or those renle actualty received. <br /> -,-�'y'_r�:�.• �, 11.Ev�nb of Dehutt.The following shall constltute an Event ot Defauit under this Doed of Trust <br />�-�-��`���'"`�� (a)Fali�re to pey any(ns�.allment of pdnclpal or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; <br />-'�"=�r� (b)A breach of or defauit undar any provislon contelned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any af the Loan Instruments,or any <br /> � �--�•��-� other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Pro�eertyr; - <br /> �=_...e-� <br />�r`��; (c)A writ oi executbn or attachment or any slmiiar process chall be entered against Trustor wh[ch ehall become a Ilen on <br /> ---• - . the Pmperly or erry porUon thereof or tnterest thereln; <br /> w��„�� (d)There shall be filed by or egelnst T�vator or Borrower an action under any prosent ar tuture tederel,state or other statute, <br /> - — law or regutatbn relating to bankruptcy,Insotvency or ather retlef tor debtorES;or there ahall bc�appolnted any Wstee,recelver or <br /> Iiquldator of Trosta ar Borrower or of afl or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or proflts thereof,or TrusYor or Borrwirar <br /> shall make any general assignment far the beiiefit of credltors; <br /> -- (e) 'Phe sala,Uansier, loase, asstgnment,conveyence or turther oi�cumbrance of a!I or any pa�t ot or any tNerest U the _ <br /> --_. — Property,eithor vduntarfly or Involuntarily,wittwut the cxpresa written consent of Lander,provided tt}at Trustor shali be permR- <br /> =-�:-� ted to oxocuto rx lea�o ot the Property[hat does not contetn an option to purchase and the tertn of wh�h does not exceed one __ <br /> _��- ! year, <br /> - --- (�Abandonrnent�f the Propcirty;or <br /> --� (g) If Trustor Is not en Ind(vidual,the issusnce,sale,transfer,asslgnment,conveyance or oncumbranco ot more than(f4 a <br /> =:�._r� corporation)a tot�of percent o!Its Issued and outstanding stock,or(I}a partnershlp)e total of per _ <br /> _. -=°"''� cent of pannership F�teresta,or(if a Itmked tiebiliry company)a total ot__ percent of the I�mflod liabllity compn- <br /> �v'�;.� <br /> _---• +� rty interests orvotlng rights dudng the pedod thia Deed of Trust remains a Itan on the propeRy. __ <br /> ``�`�'�e 92.R�medie�; 1lccelaratlon Upon Dafaut�in the event oi Any Event ot Detault Lender may,without notice except a3 requlrod � <br /> �j ��?� by la�,declare all Indebledness socured hereby to bo due and payable and the snmo ahall thoreupon bocome duo and paynble with- _ - <br /> -'-"-";�`�-� aut any presentment,demand,protest or notica of eny kind.7hereaftor Lender may: �° <br />-- . (u) Demand that Trusteo exer�clse the PQWEH OF SALE eranted hereln,and Trustee shall t{�en3after ceuse Tms4nr'e inter- �� <br />. . " est In the PropeAy to be soid and the proceeds to be diatributod,ali In tha manner provided in fhe Nobreska Trust Ik�ecDe Act; � <br /> . (b) Exerciso en� end all rights provided ior in any o}the Loan Instn�ments or by Iaw upon occurrenoe of any Event of <br /> .. . Defaulh,end �` <br /> (c)Commence an actton to toreclose thlu Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appotnt a receiver,or specllic�alty enforoe any of the Fa <br /> � covenants hereol �i. <br /> �'.-_. <br /> � No re�mody herein confeirad upon or rosorved tu Trustee or Lender is intendod to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in tho Loan �,�:. <br /> � Instruments or by law provided or permftted,but each shall be cumutat(ve,shall be In addition to overy other romc3dy given hereunder. .,,�, <br /> � in the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or in equlry or by stetuto,and may be exercised concurrentiy.Indopen�entiy <br /> _ .:.��� or succesively. ..,_ _.,...�.,.,........ .,.,...�M e �^j <br />. r' ..--- -- 13.T�{li�.t n9 i Pustee may resign ai eny ome wiinoui i:au�v,nitu'i.vinivi n�ar ai w�jr un�o w�.....,�v.....a�.w.y�.........�. — <br /> �. ', cessor or eubstftute Trusle�.Trustee shall not be Ilable to any parry,Including without Umitation Lendor,Borrowor,Trustor or any pur- <br /> � chaaer of the Propedy,lor rany loss or damage unloss duo to rockiess or wiliful misconduct,and shail not be roquired to tako any action <br /> In connection with the entorcoment of thls Deod oi Trust unless indernnified,In writing,4or all cnsts,compe�satfon or expensos wh�h <br /> may be essciciated therowSth.In addition,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sate of the Propertyr Qud�IN or under ti�o power of <br /> sale pranted herein);postpone the sale ot ati or any poRlon of tho Property,as providod by law;or sell the Propedyr as e whole,or in <br /> „ separeto parcols or lots et Tru3tee's discretion. - <br /> 14.Fee�ond�r•cpernsss.In the event Trusteo selis tho Property by exerciso of power of selo,Trustso shall bo vntittecJ io apply <br /> any sale proceeds lirst to payment of all costs end expenses of oxercicfnfl power o}sale,Includfng all 7rustoe'�feen,and Lendera end <br /> Trustee's attomey's fees, actualiy incurred to extent permittod by applicabte law.In the event Borrowor or Trustor exordces eny riDht <br /> provided by la�v to curo an Event ot�afault,l.ender shalt be ontitlod to recovor trom Trustor ell cosis and expenses actually I�cuRed es <br /> � a resuit ot Trustor's dotault, Inciuding without Iimltatlon atl T►uatee's and attomey's tees,to ihe extent pennitted by appUcaMe law. <br /> '. 16.Futuro Adeance�. Upon roquest ot Borrower,Lender may,ut its option, make additional and future advancas end read- <br /> , vances to Borrower.�uch advances and readvances,w(th intorast thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed of Trust.At no tlme shall the <br />