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Thi, insur�uuc,hull lm nuiint;►incd in thc amowits and for thc perio�is <br /> - that Lender requires.The insuranre c��rrier pr<�viding the insur.mce shidl bc chosen by Borri�wer subject tu l.ender's npprovul <br /> " � which shull ni�t bc unrcu�onably withhctd. IF Borruwcr fail, t�� maintciin rovcru�c dcscribcd �hovc, Lcn;lcr may, at Lcndcr's <br /> - upUun,ublt�in cuverugc lu prutecl Leiider',right,in tl�e Prupc�ty in ucrurdunre with panil;r,iph 7. <br /> -�r • All insurance policies und renewnls shull be ucceptuble to L.ender und shull incluJe a standard mortgage clnuse. L.ender <br /> � "�" shull have thc right ta hold thc policics�nd renew,ds. If Lcndcr rcyuires,Aorrotver shall promptly give to L.endcr uU rcccipts of <br /> --��� paid premium�;and renewal notices. In the cvcnt of loss,Borruwer shall give prompt notice to thc insurancc carrier und Lcnder, <br />_= Lcndcr muy m%�kc proaf of loss if not madc promptly by Horrowcr. <br /> ��. Unlcss l.cnder and 8orrower otherwise ugree in writing, insurancc procceds shull be applied to restoratian or repair of the <br /> � . Property Jamug�l, if tlie reswrutiun ur repair is?�oiiomirally f�isible and I..cndcr's sccurity is not lessened.If thc restoration or <br /> • `� repair is not economically feasible or Lender's sccurity would be lesscned, thc insurance proceeds shall bc applied to the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower ubnndons the <br /> , ', , Property, ��r does not answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender that the insurance carrier has affered to setde a cluim,then <br />_ Lender muy collect the insurance proceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or restore the Yraperty or to pay sums <br /> �.:�A�'-'; sccured by this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then duc.The 30-day period will begin when thc notice is given. <br />="����;�.h Unless Lender and 6orrowcr otherwise agree: in writing, any application of proceecls tu principal shall nat extend or <br />=`��:'�'�� postpone thc due date of the monthly payments referzed to in paragruphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> `'��+3�=� under arA rA h Z1 the Pro ert is ac uired b Lender, Borrower's ri ht to an insurance olicies and roceeds resultin from <br /> _.,.,;.,�..-T. � P S P P Y� 9 Y B Y � P P S <br /> �� .�'*'^ damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall puss to L.�;nder to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> "`�'�ti�� immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> "t-�� 6. Occupuncy, Preservation, Mn(ntanance and Prot�sn�on of the Property; Boren�ver's Loan Applicatton;I.easeholds. <br />`'`"�y-:� Bon•ower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as�3arrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> �"�d� this Securiry Instrument and shall continuc to occup,y the Froperty us Borrower's principal residence for nt least one year aiter � <br /> -_".�:'��,�i• the date of occupancy,unless Lender othenvise agrces in writing, which consent shaU noi be unre:►sonably withheld, or unless <br /> s'�-^�`�''� extenunting circumstances exist which are beyond Borrvwer's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> _�=-���R�. Property, allow the Propeny to deteriorate, or commit «•aste on the Propeny. Borrcwer shall be in default if�ny forfeiture <br /> - �.��q�. ac.ion or procceding,whether civil �r criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of thc <br /> �._y_,�� :; Ymperty or otherwise materialty impaU the lien created by tf�is Security Instniment or L.ender's security interest. Horrower may <br /> ��:� cure such a defanit and reinstate,as pmvided in paragrnph 1 S,by causir,�,the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> ----=- � that, in I..endcr's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of thc Borro�ver's interest in the Propeny or other mater�al <br /> � � impnirment of the lien crcated by this Security Instrument or L.ender's se�curity interest. Borrower shaU also be in defuult If <br />`"`�'� Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurute information or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> --- -- to ptovide Lender with any materlal information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, includin�, but not limi�eci <br /> - to, re�rrescntations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Pr�perty as a principal residcnce.If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> leusehold, Bonowe►• shall compty with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fe� title to the Property, the ' <br /> � leasehold and the fce title shall not merge unless[.ender ugrces to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Pirotection of Lender's Rights In the Prar►erty.If Barrower fails to perform the covenAnts und agreements cantnined in <br /> this Security Instrument. or there is a Iegal procecding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Property (suct�as n <br /> � proceeding In bankruptcy. probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations). then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valuc of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in wurt, payin� <br /> __ reasonablc attorneys' fees and entcring on thc Property to mnke repuirs. Althuugh Lender rnay take uction under this para�rnph <br /> 7,L.ender docs not have to do so. <br /> � Any amounts disburscd by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionul debt of Bonower secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender a�ree to othe�terms of paymcnt, these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursement at !hc Note ratc und sh111 bc payable, with intcrest, upon notice from Lendcr to Borrawer requesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8.MoMgage Insurnnce.If Lendcr required mortgagc insurance ac a condition of making thc loan secured by this Security <br /> -, Instrument, Borrower sl�all pay th� premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for uny reason,the <br /> � mortga�e insurance covcrage required by Lcnder lapses or ccases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtain coverage substantially equivalent to tlic mortgage insur,uice previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrower uf the mortgage insurartce previously in effect, from an alternate mongage insurer upproved by Lender, If <br /> -- substantially equivalent moit�uge insurance covera�c is not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal tu <br /> --- - .= one-twclfth of the ycarly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> ---� bc in effect.Lc�idcr will accept, use and retain thcsc payments as a loss reservc in licu of mortgage insurancc. Loss mserve <br />