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<br /> In one or mnre pNrceM �nd ia any orde� Teuetee dNlrmines� ry'ruatee mpy patpone eale of al! ar wny p�rcee af Ihe
<br /> . property by publk �nnumacement wt the tlme and place of�ny prevbaaly echedukd s�►k� Lender or t4�dryl�nec m�y
<br /> purch�ae t6a Property�t any eak.
<br /> Upon reeelpt ot p�yment of the prke bld, 'i'ruatea eh�ll deliver to the purch�se� �'rwtRe'e deed coeveytn� the
<br /> i�Yuperiy.r a�e��:�tae twa 4�:a'Q'v�.;2:.�o dc=�ctin�! b' p�i'-'i�testM ev!=.!rr!ee ot the tr�ath oi tbe atatcments mpde there[n.
<br /> ���v``�`� 7'fustee alull s�epiy the procetde o�the�ak lo the tolbwdnR order:(A)to�U rnet�aad expenaa�ot exerc�irt�t�e pawcr of
<br /> .�✓ ex{G,and the e�k�Ondwcbtna t6e pxymeeQ of the 7'rwtte'e ttes actitsiliy Encurred,not to exce�d 3.o00 96 ��
<br /> �;��AI� of tbe principa1�mount of t�e aute at the tin��ut the deciarAtion atdefpuft.�nd reeaon�bk Rttnraeye'�ea�epermttted by �
<br />=i.: I�w;(b)to aU sum�secured by t61�Security Inetrument;�ad(c)�ny excese to the pereon or pereone k1t�ltY ent[tkd ta II�
<br /> 22.Itabnve�ance. Upon pay�rent of all sums secutcd by tl�is 5aurity Inswmeat, Lcadcr shiil rcquest Trusteo to ;
<br /> <. re-Wonvey the Praputy end shs11 eumndu thls Socurity Instrument and dl notea evidencing deb� secwticl by this Securlty �
<br /> � �,' Inspncmuyt to Ttustoe.'IYustee eteall roconvey tho Propcity withcwt warianty and without charge w ohE�r..on or pcasons legally �_
<br /> endtkd to it,Such person or persons sh�ll�Y wnY roca�lution cans. _
<br /> � :. � 23.Subadtute Trustee. i�eiidu�at�ts option.may from tima ta dme cemovo Tcuswe andeppoint a sucassor wstcc to any _.
<br /> � con e a�of the Pcoputy.the sue�essor�tsu�st�e�a11 succood w e11 Rho tide,pow�r end dud tyconfecreA upon'iYusteo herGin and
<br />_ :: . by applicaeb Iaw.
<br /> . ?�.Requat[or Notkes. Harower requcsts that copks af tho notices of defeult and salo be acnt to Bormwer's address
<br /> '' ' which Is the Pro Atklcess.
<br /> 2S.Itlders�this 5ecurity�astrument. If ono or mnra eld�i3 �a ex�cttSul by Batrotv:,t:r�d t+econlet!togc.hta with tbi4 �_
<br /> Security Insa�umen�,tho covenant�and egroements of esch such rider shall be incorporated lnto end stwU amencl e���suppiemcnt
<br /> � � the covenants and agroe►nents of thfs Security InstNment as if the dder(s)were a part of this 5ecurity InswmenG r
<br /> _ ...`'.�4'- [Chncic Gc�bb boa(es)]
<br /> (�AdJustabk Reu Rider �Condominium Rid� []1�4 Famfly Rider
<br /> : �, �(iradusted peyment Rider []Planned Unit Devdopment Rlder �niweekly 1'ayment Rider
<br /> '' ' 0 Balloon Itida �Rate Imprc►vememtRldu 0 Second I�oma Rider
<br /> �`.�- 0 VA Rider �Othu(s)(spocifY)
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<br />-_�_�K';.;'3'..�,r HY SIGNda�1G BBIAlN�Bormwer accepts end agroes to the te,rms md c�venants contained in thls Sccurity Insirument and�n
<br /> .,.,.t�..,.
<br /> '��`���'�a���'�° a r►y r k k x(s)oxccutod b y Borrower and rec�rdtd with it
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