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<br /> .w.-.' T'
<br /> . . � q . .. '� ..dlt�1!o�'_
<br /> - . . . ' n��� ..,Q . �,.:5.:^^s�_:
<br /> .._..�l.�.n_3
<br /> ,.
<br /> ..,
<br /> „- '_ '. . ' .. .. _ . . ._ '__' "."_...--___"__.'_'-.:.G�{"uyn..:.
<br /> . ... . , . . _..... __ "" _. _ _'_" _' . " ... . .. �r"1)fi:.
<br /> � y,� �0���� 1' -_
<br /> � of lTic Notc and of this Sccurlry InslnamcnG
<br /> �I � 16.Borro�+vcr's Copy. ��rtowcr shall lxi glvcn onc canformed capY �of thc Pro rty or any intcrest in it is ,, �-
<br /> I 17,Tronster of the Pro�ert or p ElenePical lnterest in Iierr�wcr. If ull or any p pc
<br /> . sold�f��oT wrttenrcon�cnt,L.endc�m Y nt iGBop�donc cequiredimmcdlnte payment n�futl of nll ums sccured b rlhis S�lty .,. -
<br /> L,cnd p
<br /> InstrumenG Hawavc�,lhls option sinall not ts:,exercised by Len�ler if cxercise�s prohibited by 4edcrul law ns of e d�tc of tlds
<br /> Sccurlry Instrumcnt. �nder shall giv��n�awcr noticc of c►ccFlcectim►."Itic noticc shnll providc n period of nat lcss �•;.�_.
<br /> If L.cndcr excrci.cs this optlon, •
<br /> . -. than 30 days f orrower�fails W p Y��se s�ums ptio�ta the expL?a;i�n of�his p�riodr Lendcremaylinvoko anYr omedies permitted . y
<br /> Instrumettc If B
<br /> by this SecaritY Instrument without fucther nottce or demand on k�o:rower. _
<br /> 18.Borrower's�tiRht to Refflstate. If Boirower mcets eertain condidons, sorrawer sh�ll have the right to htive '`i`y
<br /> enfQrcement of this Securlty Instrumcnt discontinued at any dmc prior t�����Y�waer of sale aonmincd ln this 3ccuricy "" ..� � �
<br /> applicablo law may spocify for rei�statement)before sale of the Property P , ' "�'`-
<br /> z,..lY.�sr.
<br /> Instnunent;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Securi►Y Instcument.'R►n�e condidans urc that Borrower:(a)pays l.ender all ,,V,�_�
<br /> �...,ti�.���
<br /> � sums which then would be dua under this Securlry Instntment and tt►a Note�lf no accclemtion hnd occ►►rred;(b) �ures e�Y , _�-N�
<br /> • ' default of anY other cavenants ar agreements;(c)Pays�ill expe?ses incurred in er►forcing thin�ecurity Instrument,including.but � .
<br /> ll
<br /> . .�.-�:fJ _..
<br /> • and Borrower's obllgauon to pay the sums secured by this Securiry .�s����`�--
<br /> not Wnited w,ressonable aUorneys'fees;anc!(d)takes such ocaon as Lender may reasonably require tn assure that the llon af th s �.,---
<br /> ' � Seciuity Instrument, I.cndu's dghts ��n r�s.ta�tement by Borcower, this SecurltY Instrument and thu obligatin�e�o .
<br /> " InsUUmcnt shall condnue unchanged• Upo �
<br /> hereby shail remain fully ei'fcxQve a9 i f�o:,:�cet�`au°n hAd occurrcd.However,this dght to reinstate shaU nat npply .�._��
<br /> � ecccicradon undc�p�Ah 17. ---
<br /> 19.Swk ot Natei Change of La►n.Seerv�k�e�out�rio natice to Bo� A sa1�ay result in a ah ge the enu�ty(k�o t° '"''
<br /> '� ne or marc wn P ment There also may be one or -. �`;.�,.
<br /> Instnunentj may be sold o �
<br /> °� � ag the"Loai►Servicer")tliat c:ollects monihly paYments due under the Note and thLg SecuncY Instru
<br /> rnore chenges oF the Lo�n Servicer unretated to a sale of the h 14 above and pplicable ls3w.'Itie odce w state the name and . �•f y�.'� ----
<br /> . given written nodce of the change in eccorclance with ps�ra�raP `. ` •.
<br /> addmss of the new Loan Ser+ricer end �he address w which paymems should 6e made.'Ii►e nodce will nlso contain any other �`.�•�r
<br /> � � informadon cequired by applic,able law. sal, s�tnrage,,or r�lease of any ,,
<br /> x0.Hazs�rdous Subst�nces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, usc, dlspo �;,
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the PropertY•Borrow'e�S�not do.nor allow anyone else a�oe�n����or storage onethe ��-
<br /> �hat is in violatwn of an�r Bnvironmental Law.The precedin8 two senten�s��.n�ot i PA�Y�Propnate to normal residenqal uses �`.
<br /> � � of smfltl 9uanuUes of Ha7ardous Substences that are generally �; '
<br /> �--� �O�y . . f o���, ., P aoann bv eny -
<br /> �� Blid[011lat�lL�ituni�c� L:�, l"o^'"'� -
<br /> .. � aoiro�ver shall prompdy give Lender wrilien nodcc of any imosd8a��n��c���d us Substanee or Environmental I.aw
<br /> .� govtmmental o�n6u1n�Y ency or pdvatc pateY involving the PropettY y y s
<br /> . , of ahich Borrower has ac�kn�lwgo, dous Substance a'tfecdng tt►o property is n��Borrowler hryall promptyly take all '.j i
<br /> „ � removal or od�er rea�►ediasion of y Haza .,,
<br /> ,ecessary remul3al acdons in eccordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ys u� ��ig p�ragraph 2q,"Hazardous Substances" are thosa substances defined as coxic or hn7ardous substances bY ;
<br /> t< Bnviro�:memal Law end the follawing snbstn�ces: gasoline� kerosene. other flanunable or toxic petroleum products. Wxic ,
<br /> pesdcides ond herbicides�voladle solvents.materlalv containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde.and radius►cave ms lacatect that r�elate '��,
<br /> this paragraph:0."Envlronmental Law"me.ans federal laws end laws of the jurisdlcdon where thc PropertY �
<br /> ' to health,safety or u�vironmu►tal protecuon. .
<br />' NON-UNIPORM C�V��"•�1TS•$O�Ower tu�Leade�fu�hex�venant and Rgcce ag follows: Bo�wer's breach ot �.�".
<br /> " 21.Accekratbni Reme�•�^.-""`dsr shs�il give notke to Borrower prbr to accekration t6iimvin�t h 17 unkss �'--
<br />_, ;��. ., ' any �ovenant or agreement �n this �."'urity Instrwntnt (but eot prlor to pece]eration uader p�ragrap �``1-
<br /> L . �pp}�qbk Is�w provldes otberaa�e)•The datice�ha�1' spec�iy:(a)R6e det4ult;(b)the nct�lon required to cure tlhe default;(c)
<br /> ' a date,not less t�n 30 ds�ys IYom the d�re 47�e date���iied in t6e o tice mny result in occekraHon o the sams secured -
<br /> tlQat faflure to cure the defAUtt on or be*. �
<br /> y_.,r� by��y�urihr Iostrument and eak of the Property.'I'ae no�ce sha��er in:orm Borrower of ths rlght to reinstate — —
<br /> � �tter acoeleratbn and the rig�st to bring a oourt actio��n asse*t the non�cfstence of a default or Qoy otaex dFteese of
<br />-.:- -...�.� .� Bornower to aocxkration and suk. Ifen�Ine�uU otp0 aume secured byf thf�Secu�rit3'InstrumenttwithoutYi'urt�her demund - _
<br /> -�::,�.••:.��• optlon,may require imraaliate psym licabie Ww.Lender s�hxU be eatitkd to rntlect _
<br /> _��„..,�h� And may invoke t6e power o!sak and any other remedks permttted bY�Ph 21,including,but nflt I[mi3ed to,res�sanabk __� _____
<br />- a[1 expens��s Incurred In pwsuiag the remedies provided is thf�paragr�tp
<br />-' �''t� s�z4nrneya'�ees and casts of title evideece. ;;;-__�_._.
<br /> _-'.'��" It the power ot sak L� i�►doked,Trustee shalf reaarrl a nortioe ot defAUlt in euch wunty ie whk6 any part ot the ..;,,��_-_. _.
<br /> ...��--
<br /> � lkable Iaw to Borrower an�l to tbe � .
<br /> property L�located a�+d ate�U oaU caple�of a�►�b netioe i°�he manner prescrt�k�ap7Yustee ehAll give pnblk notice ot ,?���'
<br /> . � � other persous prtscribcd by wPplic.�ble la�v.Atter the time req,uircd by app �;.,�s �
<br /> - sak to the persan�und in 4he manner prescribed bY appticxbk Ww.Trustee,v►�ithaut demend on 8orrower,shalf sep the �.�����:
<br /> 1,:,�°:��%.w:�};r.��:_:
<br /> � • Property ut publk auction to��he highest bidder at the time and place And uuder the terms designated in the notir�e of s�le `1 I ,_ , �,`
<br />— .i.: . . ����„� .
<br /> - �,�,. . . . ._., • .
<br /> � � Form 302E 0/90
<br /> Pape 6 ot 6 Initlal�: . - ,..-' . .
<br />" ' •� �•6V(NE)loz�2�.o�
<br /> _ . . . , 793'S ,
<br /> ' ._ . ---�-.--°�-j � -`-_ ___.
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<br /> � � ,.-._- _._.._^-....._T.----..anvx�Gmwa^^� __.V• +rtf-77�:-,
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