<br /> -`, :,��r �' .." . co t� _ —. ,_"— ___ --_ ,'_ .r _ L_ J - —
<br /> �r . �' ' ��' � k _ _ . . _. -� ,� ` -
<br /> t1.� l'.. S. ' i� - .._._.�1.� -.. _---_—.". _ _—_ _... -.�
<br /> -��r__--- �:� ^ ----- - . - - ` . _ . -._. =92--,io�►4 � � �
<br /> __ ._ . .
<br /> caodemmuon atbWer p�icia�oEany Q�t of tho Pmpetty.or fa caa�ceyanae i�lieu of�.ate[ia+eby�s+ig�d ad , ,
<br /> sl�all be paid w I.eoder.
<br /> in tbe eveot d a wbl Wcing d'�he Propaty.�he p�oeeeds sNatl be�pplied a ttro swac secuced dy this Secuiity-- �: , _ ...
<br /> tav7nrmeu.vvhett�cr or no�thai dut.with any exoess paid to Botmwu. In the eve,�t of a patti�l t�Icin�of tht PmpeAy in �
<br /> which t6e fair market vatue of tbe P�vperty immediatelg 6�f'ae tLe taicing is oqtr�l to or gRater tGan the�mo�u af the sua�s
<br /> sts�ued by tnis Sectuity Gnsuuaient immodi�tdy befae the takit�,tatk�.c Bottoxer nnd LeMer att�ecwice�tee in v►7iting.
<br /> -- -- - ti�e soms socrosa by thiis-��itq t�tt�an shati-b�-�iu�ci by ti�-�nouot-dre�rr�x�xis mni�ivti�a[►y d�fottowing -- _ - __ _
<br /> — fractiae: (al the twl a�nounc of tbe sums socwad immodi�tely befa�e the ating,divided by(b)ehe fair muice�value of the
<br /> :':�— - PmQatY imtned'a�uly lxfae the t�Jrinng. My b�laooe sl�all Ee psid to Boaov►r�r_ In�eve�t of a panial taking of the ------
<br /> P+openY in which tNe fair maztet value of the Hopeitg im�r�ediately bet'ae ibe tal:ing is tess tlun the a�t�a�uit of the sums
<br /> -- secmed�ly beFae tite t�ng,omkss 8vaower arnt Lender ati�-is�agree in ariting or unkss applK�able hw =.
<br /> otberwise povicles.the proeeeds rh�ll be appited to tNe sumti secured by this Secadty lr►stcument wMether or na[he sums uc _ _
<br /> _ - "tBeadue. �-
<br /> _- Ef the Pmpeny is aba�donod by Sormwer.or it;after notice by Leadec w Bormwer that the rnadeanwr ofrers ta make =-
<br /> aa a�uatd a seuk a cWim for damages.Barawer ini[s tn mspond m I�ader witLin 30 days a[ter the date Ux ntKic�i.e giYe�. ----
<br />'--�; � l..ender is authorir�d to ooltert and appiy the pnoceed;.at its aQtian.either w[csto�ration at reprrir of tlie etopertg or to the . _-:.e.:�.
<br />=?. suats secured by this Security inmumeet.whether os m[tMn d� -�� �y
<br /> "" ... Qnless Lender and Rorrop�ec otUenwise agree in writing,any applirattptp.of�roceeds to principat shati not extend or - -- -
<br /> ec
<br /> f��t postpone tl�e due date oithe a�aith[Y P�+Y�►►ts c�t'�!to ia�s'i aiet 2 orch�ge the amami of cuctt paymatts. �=°r��°
<br /> t. il. 6oero�ee Nat Rdea9ed; For6arasoe � Lc�er 11'at.a Nrni�er. Es�n.+tnn of the time fai payntenc.nr � "� --
<br /> . mod'�ficati6n of am�ntia�of�he sums�d this Securitg�t [ed by Lxnder to any suroessa�in�t ��,��._�,
<br /> Ih by gsan _
<br /> t _� ` ' of BaROwer sh�ll not operate to release tfie lia6ltety of the aiginat Ba�rt+ns+es or Borta�ers succes.w�s in iraeresf.4�e� • tsa�,�,�,_ ---
<br />--' '''- -�,.� ��; sLaN nat be�equ�red to commencr pr�oe�din�a�imf anj�.:ser�cess�r in.mt�t of refuse to e�end time fa payment or °,�,�.�,�
<br /> ,t�_='-
<br /> :` -� atherwise modify:�matizatwn af the sw�,c�br ttus Se�caeit�r Instnunea[tipii�n of a►}d�inade 6y tfie original J:;:°�,��
<br /> ���hs 3.. .'.'. . , x -
<br /> - - - ':«:', Bamwer ar Bortovrer's��iisti���n��fotl�ieip�.�e Iiy t.enfer in exec�ising aof right a n�r�edy shall naR he a � ,- -- -
<br /> -- ' g�aiveroforp�Iode�tieeae�ic:i3�"" ."i�f[oUternedyc�`.,:,�, ° � , �� '� ;
<br /> .�xE � ' 1L S�ors aMl:��t aad Sei�riiE Liability:C� '[h�saave�wnts an�f agieementc of thts °�z'-t�n�:
<br /> b'�' � •` • ` Secuti�j'[nmun�es{t,3�F b��: `�� .s��;cessors and us.cigas of L;;�td�aod S�,u�iw.st�bject co the pcovisions of - �; f
<br /> _..R:� ,�-r.�.; 5.� `paiapaph IZ.�e,ets coi�f�?c4�����.':its shal!be.joimt and.�vt�;-Any'Bum�wer wti�s ca-signs this Secusit� _
<br /> ��.;., ��..
<br /> �}�•_� ;_;��f :��; insnument but st�s.�flt exec�.�e.:�r�t�-�,�`3:�.�n-'signing this Seau�[��r�vr�ent oi�y as:lnortgag�:gram and camey t6at `_
<br /> �-
<br /> r�;��.,,� `�°•'� 'Burtawers inietes#'ttCthe Pm�reltj�'dis�;�ti;d�ta�s c�f tdis Se+auitg�?'t�).+s ttc�:jQ�sonafly o6ligated topa�r t[te.�r• !� •
<br /> S'.��` "
<br /> �,�`��. �:` " secured by this Secvrity lns�nc�ie�-`�{nd fs��?�.��fiae E�xi';�id atry atJtet Bortawer rtray agme to extend,mad'd�;focfiear-. �� �
<br /> c
<br /> rct `�,,s . ' , ��:�;<• or make arry accommodatlorcs•;yi3i�reg�i;���1�i�tljiti Securiiy t�tsumeat or the Nate withcxu�hat Bosios�'ta . �;�:,:, � �—
<br /> ��:_ ::;�-_= < . - �' ' - ca�sent. - . :;.:.;. • ' � . . :.:f- _
<br /> ; - . 1� l.�ut Cltarges. [f the toan�tiili��.�;±9's�;'�+aaa:r'�ty Instruaient is wbjecti t�a law which sets maximum Ccrats -'�� ' ;;—
<br /> �' � �- � cfrarges.and that law u finaUg.'st�s;at�;�w�:�i,�`i�9i::+;u��..-�4C�j�t otl�er loan c6arges collecied os ro be coltected in ca�iiurr ` �
<br /> ���`��i;..`���r, with�he loan exceed tha perat�?j�Ua�ti+?tis�•,�,�:.;t��.u���liran charge shait be ceduc��v ihe amount necessary cc�4i�aci�';' :,',�,, �`• ,�,,..�__-
<br /> :r'•`�:ryf3�,i��; the charge to the pem�itted fi��,�.���i��U,e� �,���iti�fl��c'�ttected from Bomawee w�:�ia�.4�+;ceeded pem�itted lim���3 ti�' , '�"'�Y,�` „
<br /> •�i�'�.,ES,���`.,,�z' - • nefunded to Boauwer. l.endza's.�;�.'�i.;�e,'s�«aa+r„•„�',�thic refund by r�ducing tt�e princip�•i��ed under the Noee or by iss���a ` � • ����r '"����
<br /> � � ;�^;;�'�:., .�'r�.��,� .direct paytne�i�ta���,�:�iweF: If a rrf�na� ,"�'�:ncipab the reduction v�it�f�e tceated as�partial prepayment without ahj� �� _� .�-°,�'`�;
<br /> E .. vv fte
<br /> °� ' , :'(s ` prePaYment cl���i�iu the Nae: . '•' ;: : • �. • :� `�i`
<br /> .� � �,,` " 14. Nati�';�L�ay notice ta$orrowei�7sed far in tbi�Secxtrqt.l; Eti�trument shail be given by detivering it ar by ,- -..Q.
<br />- =s . - - �`�:� � maiting it by firsi���ass maii untecs applicabie iaw requir�use of ananher rimeihaf.'iitrmnice sir.�ii Ue dire�teci ta tiie Fcop�tq _,= -`,�
<br /> ��':�t}n'. Address or any ott�er addrexs Bomawer designatey by notice tu Lender. Any natire taLender shall be given by firct clasc • �-•��
<br /> er
<br /> �•
<br />_ �, " � � � mail ta i.ender:s address stated herein or any other uddre.s Lender designate.by natice ta Bamawer. Any notice provided for � . , . - . ,�;
<br />__ _`f � • • ' . in this Security Eiism�mem�hall I+c deemcd to havc been given ta Borraw•er or l.e�der when given ac provided in this , , :���`�u•.
<br /> 1,' :;`'•�� .!r'i''S`<;'�;`` P�S�Ph• _ ','": <
<br /> , .'i;'•"�;:�• f; JS. Go�ernit�'.I.Aw:Seserabllity: �`i,ri� Sccurity In+trument tihall be go�•emcd by fcderal law• and the law of the r �
<br /> �`.,>--. ��.. jurisdictian in Whici�the Pmpe+ty;r:�tocatec�:'�in�he evert{h:�any pruvisian or clau+e of thi+5rcurity Irouument ar i}Te Note �'� t�r �r •,
<br /> ,'`,�' �i���. . ` conflictti with applicabic bw,sti►fiia.mflict�hall ncn affec4a»tt�i'pravi.iaa��f thi.S�t-u:di�:�+uument or Ihe Not�::�''�ean ;�',�`�,, °i�,��
<br /> ��,` .. '�;' � bc givcn cffect withou�th�canit'�.-cing prrn•i�inn. Ti+�hi:•�ai�i�3:he�roc•�,:�n.uf thi.stivrit3 fn,tnt.'nenr and t��ir�:-are . �. '`'�;�;'�4��'•}���+'`:�.:'�,-.
<br /> �s% . - dCCIBiCd IQ bCC CCYCfi1bIC. '"' ;�. ;,; ... .;. �. . ;; :, i �•: t':�r�.t F��}
<br /> (
<br /> . �,,� �- �: .� 1� BorroR�er's Copy: Borrower+haQ t�c givcn ane confarm�de�a�€tf�c Nate and of Ihi�Sc*cinitv''�'.rt�'ru.hs�ar.i::;;: , ; � . .. � '�:;:it t�;o- __
<br /> ��;� . . i?. Transfer o�the Property ar a Beaeficial lnterest in Borxuv��?�Efall ur an}parl of the f'r�ertr:;�a�.si���5;�4.r�t`hs t Ti E��
<br /> '";�,,..• .. it is sold or tramferred(ar ii'a berteficia!intere�t in 8onati+er i+�n331x rran+ferred and Borrnwer iv rn�l:a:a�„���,��a�/ . :; „�,F _
<br /> . � without Lcndcr's priar w•ritten ron.em.L.emlrr ma�.ai i[.upti,a.�t;rcyuire immedia[r payment in full o�,a37�u�.���3 by �. f°.r =r
<br /> , • this Serurity Instrumeni. Hox•ever,thi+option rhalt nnt bt;:�-��i.ed b�Lendcc if exeni�c i.pmhibitc�lsr->>F,.�.':"i:.�►'a�of : :.�,�.�.
<br /> s; - '��'�' � the date of this Security Mtitrtrmcnf. ':' . � •' -: � E_:
<br /> ��r;� If l.ender exerci�es thi�apiion.Lende:�hall givc Bvfi7vsi.��n�'tire�acceleratiun. Thr.n��tice st�rJX ptt�vide a period of � �����,�
<br /> �S�y}!=� • , nd letiti than 30 d�yx from the date thr ncHir�•ia�ielivered ar tu:u1��1 u j�hi.��i"*hich Born,«cr mu.t pa�:►ij�ssi��t++ecu�ed by thiti . �� ,� ' t��t4�'ti�'c,�`^,� ,
<br /> ''f�`* : � - Security Instrument. Ii Soirua�faiiti,a�i��;.'ihcrc�ams'�ii��r o3'H�;i.�:�iratian nf:hi.��criod. t_i:ii�r may invoke any .. r,�'I ;,;,� �f�h
<br /> ,,..
<br /> � . remedie�permitted t+y�hi�S�ssit�;ln<L1735�'4yrl'N7IIlUl11 lUflACf ftOlil'C'�i�s���r�±�:and un Hoern�rr. ' `'� ',.:��t,?...,;�{`s,;c�i.,-
<br /> . � __ .. `� �y},�.r x�.5',
<br /> 18. Barrovrc�s Itight fiQ�xst�tu:'��# Bonuaer mcet� cer�3.nr 1:1:aiS;ti�� �. S�r,im�•�. . t�e rig e `1�,;:.;:k?.< < ,, �;:�-
<br /> • , ' ' n cr ha6!�s the ht to hav . ,. �: ,,;:�,;.:
<br /> '1.'.�:(I.�Ii' �'�.1f.}�}1�.�._
<br /> ' ' enforcemem a(tEtPr:St�curltJ frc�lr�attent,ii,ix�ii:�urd:�t an�•time�+ri�ir�tv t�e.rarlics uf: la�5 da}•C���trh athcr peri�xf a.
<br /> 1 `f�' �.� � ..'�` .. � ._.:: : ,. .... ; , _ , ' , c`,:;.:'
<br /> �..;:-:::::
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