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<br /> �i _ . .__, .,. .. __ .. _. .. - - .. . --
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<br /> �._ - - J ' _" - _ ' " ' ..___ ' _ '_ _ ' ' __ _' � . _ -_. - - . .. ...._' _
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<br /> � perio�s lt��ee+quiRS. 'fh�insu�c p�rier pioVid'uig dre i�iurarx sMli be chOSen by BonvMe[subjGa!o l�eada� .
<br /> app�evat wbich etdl sat be u�ue�oe�bl��?tf�h�ld, tf E�oc�aw�er fails to aaioain�uve�s descdb�d-abo+Y:Ira�det may.at
<br /> � Lmderb qpaoR.o6cau�eatti�e�o p�acci I.ei�da� aSlks� 7.'�
<br /> � ' ia thc R�tperty in a�ord�oc�e*�pnpap�
<br /> Aii�pd�s�od�new�ts siqU be aoee�k ta t.asder aod slmll'n�clude a stand�cd iras�e cyuso, trader � ,
<br /> � sbau aawe dk��rit to haa a�e poli�e+�a�►�ts. f La�d��.���u}xnqCqpa��g►�o ta uwaa�u e+eoapts
<br /> - of paid pte�niwns and trnewal rwtioos. io the tvtat of toss.Bc�w�r d�al!gict prompt natice to tb��nce ra�tier aod -- - _ - - ---
<br /> ,� , t�der.:�l.e�der ttu�y make poof of lass if oot made pcornpttY bY BoRa��er.- .. - .- -
<br /> � Uak�Lender aM BaroNw dheiwis�sg�ee in wiiting iawr�ee praw�eds da�U be appliod w sessa�atioa ar�ir of .
<br /> s: - ----_ -- --- -
<br /> ;:<i:;.��
<br /> --�--- - - -9
<br /> - ° � the-pin�patty-d�awgad;if�he�tioa or nepsir is�ic�y fasiNe.and l�de��s searcity is mtlessmod,_. If.tLe
<br /> cr�ac�tioo gc.t�epair is iwt eoonomicaU9 feav'bie ar I.eoder�sccunty abuN be kssa�od.t1�e irtsuranoe paaadc s1�t1 be
<br /> -. : oppliod to tlir:sums seauod by this Security Iamwneaf.vri�lret erc rw��trea dae,with arty e�c�ess paid w&�t+n�er:.If- . �- -
<br /> - BaRtar�a a6�odo�a tbe Prope�ty.or daes not ansvirer within 30 days a notia fmm l.ender that�he mwr�ce carcier has _
<br /> Lender[aay use the p�c+eods to repair or teswc� ---
<br />--� .'> . at�e�od to s�ttie a claim.tka�l.endes tnay oolkct Io.ww�ent.wfi�or uat then due. The 30�1ay per+od will 6egio whtt —.- - -
<br /> ' • td�Ptupe�ty or w pay swns sectuo�bY tbis Securi�Y
<br /> �.`, _ the antioe is givea � �zi=��_�
<br /> - Unkss I.ender and Barower otMwiae ag�ee in writing,any application af praroeds topriacipal sfiall nat exteM or ��,�
<br /> _ " postpoee the due d�ie of th�moatLiY k�Yments cefem�ta ia para�raphs 1 and 2 at chx�ge tha unotmt of tfie paym�e�mts. [f _ -_
<br /> uader paragr�ph 21 tbe Pmpeny is acquind bg l.ender.Bartowerk tight to any insur�na poGcies and p�eeds rew[tmg ��
<br />= from d�mage ta tl�t Ptape�ry prior w die�skall pass w Gender to the eu[ent of the swns secuted by this Security `'�'��=.
<br /> L�nuneai immediately p�iot w tbe acquisitinn. ,��L�;�_�
<br /> � �. 4 q�g„ preserr�fio�. Mai�te�a�t�e aed Prateetioa d 1!e Pcuperty; BorroR�er's La� Applidia�; - �,,.:;�--_ -----
<br /> - 4. NY�v.._.._
<br /> _ ` -i�'�. ' �,�p(�$qEiQ1Mi2E'S��U1L11[!�t•C.S1�t5�1.a[Id U5C tbC�OPCtilF S1S.80170R�i'!�l��CS1dC[ICC Wtt11tt1 SlltiS/�yfS�lT. -_ . .rr_��_: -
<br /> . ;�y 1�1C Cl[OCYt[�Of���';���1 COqti1111L'W OOCII��1C PlOQltlSi 35$0([O�Y![s�111C1�I�GS1dCI1CC fOf 8E � -
<br /> "�F`•_
<br /> �CSS� � �tCaT�Ei ��-OF.�1QCi�1lCS. II�iCSS,"LCIIdCf 01I1C11�'15C � IQ W7dIR$. W�1IC�l COQSCII[ SII�II OO[ DC ` -
<br /> _-__ _ u --- ----- -�k-y�j��''q�jL��pg l9lCIlECl�F3tlC�C t1[!S!W�IIC�I aIE bC1tfllld BORV�ClA CORItO�. BO[Ib1Kii�i10[ - . .�_--
<br /> " n.x Of COIIIRIIL�IY35[GOR iT1E:�I�CI�y ���f 5�[� �
<br /> ny ,* -- -
<br /> - :;'=i._,� " des[tey.damaSe or u�r.the PtopertY•aliow d�e�'roj��ty to deteriOnte. ' ,
<br /> 6e in defa�lt if aoy fvYfefitu�e actjan a p�ocaed'm�;�1her civil or crimi�t is 6egun that in l�ender's�ood�Csith jaidgment
<br /> _ _ • y-�1. };� cautd e�ia fad'einu�e of the PropeRy or atl�ise rt�aterialiy impair tlx tien crcaAed 6�i.t[us Seaa�tY 1n�nt ot .
<br /> ' Lende�Ts s�curitY inte�e.u. Bartawer may cu�e such a default and trinstate.as provided in par.�r,r�ii 1 S.by rausing the xtion . '.;_
<br /> •} •. 1 Y f��' . , .� -':
<br /> �_ ar pmceed'uig to be d�r.�i�sed wiQi a nding tbat.iQ Ls�der's gaod fait�detertnination.pnxludes farfeiwre of the Barower's , tr 7 a=
<br />- ,. �`s; :�,,. intercst ae the H�apeitjr��r atlur material iinpai�it of the lien cnateQ 6y this`Secu�itY b�mtnt or l.rnder�s socority .° �.�+.,t
<br /> • ��'���.�, �',: intenest. B a n o�'er-s�t A a l s o b e i n d e f a d l t i f B o i r o w e r, d a ri n g t h e l o a n a P P�°° P�� �+ve material ty fatse or �, {x. -
<br /> ,c�;_``,:>�;'u.l�, , • c�ith an maoe�rial infonnation)in cannectian with !{� , 1 �.-
<br /> � �" inacc�uate infmma�in'vrstate�to l.ender lar failed to pmvide T,end�r. � F ,� ,.�
<br /> ' �. �`��,.�j, � d�`• �� the loan�,ridenee�;Eiy't�'1ioTe:.itxfuding.bat not fimited.w.ir�resecitatioaa.c ooncemiag_Banoaer's o��uicy of the ��fF r v_: _ --
<br /> l v ��,
<br /> ' <<�F=t��.; a,��` ���z3,� ptopttt}a s`3�L'L�[�0� I f(�i S SLCU4 I y IILSItUli1C111/S PQ��IlO�..BORdtiiCt S63II CQXIIPIY lYlU18I)II1C pIOV15lOfIS !/r7 j���:=
<br /> � ,i���c.,/f,f�-,F'�_���r of the tea9e.If BoRa�?�t�6�ee ride to the Pcorpe�ty.the teavel�aW and tiia fce titk shait out merge uakss Lender�grees .s •L�� �
<br /> _ ,�,;�, ts' ` to the mergerin wntni�.`� ,s ts in thC 3f Barrower faifs to perfortn the rnven.v�ts a(i�i agr�emtnts • �'�fi o�
<br /> •���t�'�- .... ;,;�..� . 7. Pe+aect;ow i�.�dN' �Eb �y _>.� t;�:.-
<br /> r .~.- �• ., _ -�,%'�, contait�ed in this SeCUi+Zy Instr�mem:or there "rs,a tegal proceeding that may significantIy at�'ert Lexi�et�rights in the .�;;:;;`.,�'r��..r..�.,
<br /> F �,. ;,1�:.::, ti ,_� `, , °'- �� ; ; _
<br /> � -<�� �� Phoperty(such ac a pnoceed'mg in baz�kruptcy.probate.for condemnaaon or forfeitvre or ta enface laK�t7r�elatioasl.then ,
<br /> ;,�` � ',r�j�tt.��' Lender may da and pay for whatever is nete�cary ta protect the vatue af the Ptoperty�and I.c�er.'s rigMs,in the Property. � r���_ -
<br /> �� , aa�i�trr .:«:�,��;��1' • Lender's acti�ms may include paying any�ums secured by a lien which has priarity over ttdc S�si�1,�5n^�tsasn�appeanng �' : „ '�„�t`v."•� _
<br /> ` ��'�;' ' `'�'� � :,:.•: in court.payi g rea.cq�le attom � fees and eoterin on the Pro to maicc ir�.�ti ��iita fat:e a.�t�cu� '"�
<br /> j,�'v}".� � 4,,,�y.�'F::. n ey.�' g I�rty � °n�"a�3; ., , , Y 4°% t ' _
<br /> , '���'• �,:�,���� � under this paragrapl4�`�i:i�sder dces nM have[0 3n�. : nA•,�. . . � ,� '
<br /> • rs:, �`,r � A np sunopnxs ci i�u�by I.ender und:k tCJis p:sragaph 7.rhall become additional dei�.at�r?+�avis'secuad by this �;,
<br /> ' �i,�,"o-�� Security inti�rumem. �.�irJ.�4�1�Fcawc�acid t±�r a�ree�o other terms af paymen�these attia�nits�'ra�'j�r intesest fmm thc r,�M€�f � .`
<br /> -�-- , y,�
<br /> ,�i:,. date of�is�ms�Kner�'vT�fi����+te ssf�ar.y P Ya with intere.t. po r�srower teque�a� . }, � � �� �r
<br /> �.�6J:iiY a ble. u n nrsticc fr+om.��i �e� 5
<br /> f � � � . .,: : . ;: :: . �. �: � . : 7` r� ti,.�s'� u
<br /> � :, . • .PaYmen!• ,. , . .
<br /> ,+'"`. $�. Mo�jtgc�,'K�1 mart e insurance as a condition of�iY��ii.�g the��red by dus • 1�`��k���t��4 z;�'f'�F�
<br /> s�;ft,�s;',. � • _. .. �?'-'4'�o?it�3 £.aS ,t,4 lr r,,.;: �
<br /> `;,'`` • `. Security In.+trumeni�'�e?it�Pr ehail pay s;`��giiums reyuired to maintain�he mortgage i»suraace ro.+"d�'ecb: .If,fot any , �:� �:��;,,.�f�s�,t;�..
<br /> .�
<br /> j;;;�",:r�� ' , r: .'� I
<br /> Y �� .ti9�;�= � ' , reasoa:,�e mongage,^aI'�rance coveta;e r�,p�ir'¢d'{�Y l.ender lap.e� or cease� co be in effeci. Bom��r:s+sall pay the �:�'�''��s5t•'i"-,,>" -
<br /> -; .s�%�ifi:ct.al a s��:s, ��'� S��i�F�i�
<br /> � �: .�. ' •� • p��•,t��uired to obtain caveragr subsr��,;,7ls.equivatrnt k� the moct��ge in.�uranc� ,��.'�ious�y ' � '•.;.��r��I``,+,t,�,`Lt�� -
<br /> ,. ':;,..:;:;,.,:. suhs�4�u�v�.y�^s�iv�Erst to the cost to Borrotivec.�:�:i�+�mart�a�e�ri.wrance prcwiously in e►�c.�`'r�m an alsemate morig���. •:,.,�.t+� t,�fZ�Z,��3�,j .
<br /> _ . insuter�s���:it 33�krs':14r. lf wbstantially ea��i�:s6i:nt mortga�:n,u�:rancc c�t°c~�e iti Roi aaa1�a61e.$omawer shall�•� .-';a%���'�f. `�•t•,...,+ '
<br /> �-�°� ''. t�der each mar�-��eyuai to ane-twel�i ��.r� x yearl man a e insu .�e i5�i m k� = aid �Ower when the ' �,�,.: •,
<br />_ .;��', ....`:� . �' .fi. Y �'F F?�..'��; 4 $R �...•....> ���':'`��;" ...�.._-.
<br /> . y;,;.,.. . ,.
<br /> ,•.�•�;;�;� �j, :. � insurance coveta�e�se�ur ceased to be in c�"c-ri�:_�:nder will accep�,u�e xni f.i�:�:;�a��hese�ayments s�s;�,�reserve in lieu • •��w�+,
<br /> ri� � f<;.f,f
<br /> �;• ; rs k(�i;;��=• of mortgage insurana:: •�ns reservc payme�..�ui�.�no langer be reyuircd;��r•�iei;��f�,'ender.i�:�;gage insurance i�t�t` �` ,, � .x,�
<br /> - s�"' ���4 Al a�t�� ..
<br /> .�s��`� '+;��^�<" � caverage lin�he amount and far t�e�rxtad tt�«u;;�:.�i�er reyuire��provided hy,a..�, :;rL�s,�,�!f;�r!by Lender again t�ecames F- ,e;�� .
<br /> ' ,f,�r �;�r'b: . . •
<br /> avait�ble and is obtained.BPJI01s�,�i.�t'��y'.:jT.e�:��mium�rcyuired tu maintain rcu.�it�ar�.r�u;+xice in effect,or to provide a � .'`y;��,' " ,
<br /> �'f F`" • loc.s reserve.until Us�re uiremenrFvr.�a�:3;��;ia,,�ncc end�in accord:u�ce«cth rny wr�,ttrr�;y;reement between Borrower { � �'�-' . ,
<br /> h��': and Lender ar appficable law. "� '� � :` . . ,
<br /> {�•�� • �; Inspeetion. Lender�r it�agent n�ay�ctFr�rea�anable entrie�upc+n and in�pectian�oF the Pta#r�iy. Lender+hall �. � •
<br /> . „.. , .
<br /> :� • gi�e��wer natice at the ume of nr priur to.m;r�iccti�+n.pccif�•ing rcaw►nablc cau.e for thc in�pectipn.
<br />" �' ; ,;:�'".':.; ' ��►.'k�ndemoallon. The proceM���f any:i�s:ard ur claim fi�r damc�ge..direct nr cumc�uentiat.in connectlan with,�y �,
<br />�y�� � ���• './;�,��,,?,;r ''.' �,,;'f ' tiingtcf.umlp-•I�i�wnk�latFreddk�txl'�li'ON111�ti7RC�tEr"f-•lndortn('o�cn.�nt. 9,'Ib �pu.�+�;/A�e.� � .
<br /> , � . W
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<br /> � Y . � - ' I
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<br /> I • �i' . 'i . , . � I r.,• '4 ,i ;1�
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