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<br /> 3.' _ '�'ti ' _ .. _ . . .. . . :.. -- - .,_ _. -
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<br /> _ _ �_
<br /> y _ .� ---� RE-R�co�vG�.� ��� �. �!�-- ��-- ���'3�"� -- - -
<br /> .pprmeats may oa iooger ba tequinea.u t6eaptioo of L,�nde�,if mo�tg�g�e�nWt�ut�+�a�sAge tia tde amnu�dt�nd far tUe period
<br /> �h�t 1.�aider �eqaitss)P'a"iderl bY�i�er app�ovat by i�ander�in be�codi�es avait�tik aaa is ohtait�od.H�urowa xhall p�ty
<br /> d�e p�iu�teqait�ea�o mtinaiiA mo�tg�e i�ar�s ia tNect,ot W pnatcid�e a tuss resent.tiatil the tnquioecaet�t far mattga�e
<br /> iasa�me eads in aocu�cQ�noc with.my writtea sEcoemet 6et�vea�Bo�towwatd I�endecor.applicat�k latrv.
<br /> !.6�ection.Lader or ic,s agent may anke.npsan�hte aitries upon a�d i�eations af tho Propeay.l.ender stiall give ___ -
<br /> Basn�ww mcice�ihe time of or piic�r ta an iaspec�ion spacifying c�asona6le cause far t!K iuspoaion. --- -_ _--
<br /> -_----- _ - �' _I�.Co�demoatioo.7be pra�eeds of auy aarard or ctaim for dunagas,ditoct or rnnsoquential:in o�aneciian with-si►g -- j���_ _ =_
<br /> • oondenaatioa or ath�r taking of any part of tLe Prnpeity.or for oonveyat�oc in lieu of rnndemnatian.are henby assisnad aod � _
<br /> - - - shalt bcp�id tal.end�r. �� #`' �- -
<br /> ��` Ta
<br /> --- In the eua�t of a totat takiag af th�Pcopany.th�proceodc st�all be appiied ta the sumc s�oeured by thia Secviitg tastrumeant, ��
<br /> �.,u�,z�-;�.-a�r;�
<br /> whether or t�at dten due.with any exoess Qaid to Born�wer. In tfie event af a panial taking of tl�c Prope�ty ia w6ictt the fair �.::�:x.��.,,,,,�,.
<br /> a'wrlcet value of the Prope�ty ittunodimtely befote the tatcing is equai to or gteater than t1�e�x�u of the surns secnred 6y Wis .� ° �-�` .
<br /> '� .. -•}�.4Y
<br /> 'y�' Security inst�utr�nt�mmadiate�Y before the taiciag,un[ess Borcower aad I.esrder att�erwise agree in wridng.the smn�secured by �,�.-�_�.: -`
<br /> SZ :�;ti=_;�'�ar.c.
<br /> -- this SeairItyc Instmment stull be teduoed bY the amowu of tLe prooeeds mWdplied 6y We fotlowing fraction: (a)the total .° ,�},��?�';fi:''.� '
<br />-`- amount of the.svms seca�esd�X beforc the talcing.dividad by(b)the fair m3rket value of the Propeity immadiately �`•f`::=�,;'� : •,
<br /> -.�.:�..
<br />���=` [�efae the�t�kiag. Any 5�aao��t�;'`lsaid w Botmv�reer.Itt tLe eveut of a parti�al talcing uf the Pcoperty in whid�tbe fair ��;�='..`�`,.," _
<br /> � u�Oet value of the ���t�efare t6e takiag.is tess than the amount of the suuis secu�+ed inuned�mtelY before d�e : :r _�F�
<br /> I_ `.. �r�i'� � °'
<br /> t�i u u g,a a i e s s"$ormv��er.a i��d}�v i s e a g i c e iti w t i t i u S or uniess a p ptic�Me larv otden�rise provid�c,tt�e prnoaads sh�il ;
<br /> . ��-.
<br /> _ be aQplied�.LQ!t�:smas sacaied by i�t��iry ln���t wheti�er or not ttte swns are tl�en due.. ... ..: ;.-• �r.,��► �,
<br /> - If. : rs ahandaned b�`i��swcr.or if..afcer nati�e 6y Ixnder to Bormwer tbat thc eande�nnor o�'ers to make an �`'•°��.'�
<br />- ` award��auR,far damages:�omnwer faiL�to�spond w i.ender ivithin 30 days aR�er ttiz date the�uotice is given. _`:�.,s�.,''�.x'� �
<br /> ; :�>:-,
<br /> -4. _ �. [.eodcr is . ..��.�»'�off�t and apply the pracec�fis.at its�opcian.erther to restoratlon ar repair oFthe. .Ab�or to tl�e sumc ` -
<br /> - — ` secvred�E�A��i�f�utte�u•wf�ettterost�atti�dne. -- --_ _ _ . . � �4 ,:,,_.`--- . � _ _ .-
<br /> QdfE�,����fec�'e�:i3arroRrer�}�wise agree in-aTiting. a�;application of p r�x�e e d s to�t�€?�i l nat e x t e n d nr : `�� � �
<br /> - p o s t p o a��c��,5�€t�ic mu�rthly p�a}rments referreci to iu pa�s 1 aad 2 or cNange d�e a�a����.�sy+m►cs. : . . f�;:a `� -
<br /> ' �6.+ ,�- 11.'�l�iar��1!�.�ea+Fo�araoce�v.�.�de�11���aivee.E�sion of the ti�.�tg'�:+� .�',�+.`Ar mofii� �` '`�c,�,� -
<br /> � fQ� J- ��:-.x;�'`, . of amortiratiar�af�tfr�.c�poas`srecured by tbii4 S�iEy;�ttvmenCgi�hted 6y Lendex'tu any sue�va�^a�r trY�`v,�Somnwet sii�ti. ��� --.
<br /> �`""*-�^"'� �, not aperate to�cSeas� `���i1' of the `' ,&��e�os Hoseuwer's succes.wrs in inte�.:,�F���be�W��� � - .�
<br /> � _ � J '�� � ��- ., , r.. . .r
<br /> � r,�r Z, .• .3 commence pmc�edings 5gairul any su K.illt 11i7' :;�:t l�fS�9t fCi CII�CiId LIIIIC f0T tKC;c?�L�+�aa�,i�r�i.�ify arnortilation • •`� � L��`.�4�--
<br /> �. � .,. ;� PaYn►�- l. ��
<br /> ��,
<br /> .y._;a'F:;:� af ihe satr�•s0cared by this Security f�>:�a��'�.k��;au}� denwtna made by FM:�`�'���et oi�Bornacrer's . ����.�.
<br /> {� "
<br /> � • _ � suecessors.sa'inter+�,i. Any forbearanre by l,ende5;��4�,��,.�,i�:.�•right ar mmedy shali not be a�iS���V�or preciuc�e:tbe - "�'+-i_
<br /> ��'%� � �rxrcise ogany right or re.mectY. '';"�:-.• , ' :�.-.•.,.,:� :., ".;:� • F : :�r� �
<br /> r�'y_� ��r�.1. ��+�pooe�ors and �as Bound;]oi�E•"a�'���anH,�'rr,r�►i�ty:Co;�ees. The covenani.s;`�:!d��ma�ts ot t,�is '��� :'�i. -
<br /> ;. � . ;"' .,:,��;�� f inent shall bind and benefit the si���{�o;i�:;�n.a��'of l.e�?�er.•and Bonower.,su�.;;�a;e�r:?3�=.pc�ti�r�.af � �' ;;�_
<br /> r} • r( rOaSt��r: Horrower's cavenants and agreanierID.�i,G,.a��h���,s�d;sever`d.� sty.B�cit�uv�i�`.V.f�ia as�,�'� P.sic.. '�sii�:., e; _�
<br /> .:f 1"' >'✓•.b.. � "1l.�''T"`� . . .. . ,• •�,�� ,
<br /> �:r'"-• � r;=;;:�:; �- �E'nstru '�nut daes not eaecute-the Note: (a)is ccC�i�::�f:�Saairzy�t:zs��; t�R �fc�c . �1 ���'� -
<br /> �a�u �r�1r'r��'.•�.�" �'7���rs � t'';:•�'• ,.:�.� � �
<br /> . . � �:.Soaawer s interest in the Property under the tenra.�!����y^`s'Security b�titrume�=lb;�ii�'�t'r�?,��1�:r*���a+�pay eJr:a��s ;'t� ��,.�. -' a*-- _
<br /> -_ �.- - . - `.'1 sc�red by this Seceirity Mrtrument:aix!Ic1 agrees��ender and aay other Barc�>>+•er may a��.�F�+r;.�pt�iify.forbear or ,';��..__ x ,_
<br />�� ' : :�: . �� maice airy accammodatians with reganl to the tertns+a�.i�:is Securitp instrument or the Nate wit hout t hat'��a;:i*i�er s consent. - .�-,-- ,�z� - _
<br /> �,�: � ' �- � 13.t.oan C6a es.if the laan serured b thfiy�ecnri Instrument i�wb"�ct to a law whicb sets marimuin loan c es. • :Y.,�
<br /> . s', . ' ., R Y �S J' � ,. �.-
<br /> . - ;; ' , .�•:��,: � anJ that law is finall y inte r preted so that the interest or ather tvan chargec collected or to he callected in connectian with the . •
<br /> • '�:.,.. :.-• tc�an exceed the pem�itted limits. then: ta1 any wch.lx�as�charge shaU be reduced by the amount necessary"i�i`�r.;eiuce the charge . � ���''
<br /> _� ';.?-�, ;• � . to the permitted limit:and tb)any+ums already rnilur.tLd from Barrawer w�hicb exccedect permitted limits��►�3'A be refunded to �::�•-
<br /> _ �"` -- � � _ Bc►rr�wer. L.ender m;►y ehcx�se to make this refu�.� redueing the princip�al owed under the Note or�nalcing a direct ;•_:. . ..�,
<br /> . •��f�'' ' � ' paYment to,Borrower. If a refund redures princ:�,J:.•�trr r��wx��n K�iU br trwted ati r panial prepa�:tie�t Kithout any ;y`f��
<br /> ` ''�' ""�`:','� . P�Ymerx si�arge under the Note. . �� ;., � - : , �•{ ,,s�'���
<br /> . • .. ... ��3'` .
<br /> � .:�f�•• ��;`;�: 14.Koaa�c.An naticc to Barrowcr raviJeQ�c!r;�r�ii"sa�'��a�ti1�'4n�tru�ent th�1f 6c gi�•en by dclivcring it at by nrai9ing ,r.`"�,�;`.,+P;�,��� ��-
<br /> , r�j,�� . . ,,'` ;•it by first class mail unte+s applicable taw reyuite•,i►',�ai a.,�;�iittlr!r('..�,'Ci��J.�Ati�r,�ice�hall be direc�ed w tPu:Praperty Address ' �c;t�t;;���t�1:t.,���
<br /> �, .,_
<br /> �«,�` ,:�•° ;,t;�;,;'� . osany�other addre�.� Barraw•cr dc�ignatcti by nat�e��.�1 �.,�S�a-�''�,^y n�r,���;1n'�ndcr �Ir.�}I [�c.givca 1a�t';tust class mail tv ,., �w�,s:.i�S;�`'YS�' � �-
<br /> � _-!'�,f. ., ;�. _
<br /> r�,� � '� `' ���i•i+�':��4 Lender<ard3ress stated herein or.an ��ther addres�1..�:31�:�,�� � ,�6 nir��.5��'r��Hotwai��:'i�en noticc rovided far in,�his ' ,E•{�4•d�/(.;�� �!�.t'��>•::
<br /> ;_1�,�y.�J ,. Y , _ R�•: Y 3 0 �.�f''���`S�l�� '�Q
<br /> _�� - �,i;�'�c�t�".;:f• Security Casrrument.hali bc deemed to havc becn�i<<�xr+� $c�s��`�i:nt l.ender��"!en gi�•cn rs,pr.r:iJe�l in thi�Qaragraph; , ' 1E11���, t '4'� "_
<br /> :i� .�.r.t��' . ' 15.�Co��erni laM: Se�erabUii This r- Ins� �r.�m � li '�� ��` ` ��"��.�'�`�,
<br /> �. •, . . n� y. 5��: tru � ha t� rcmc.�l by ftdcral ta�� ���� the law of tfie . �,F ' ,
<br /> • ' '� ''��' • ,.�� ,_lurisdlction in which the Property is t�xatcvf. In:c#��i►,�n that any pr�n•i�ivre�z��u�e��f thi�,Securily•�iui�srnt or the Note .' •j' � � • ,,
<br /> ��. .. , �=;°';sanflicGs with a Qlicabtc faw.aecfi rnnflict shatl y�:�.++�t athcr pravisiun.nf thiy Sccurity Imaumcnt r�rt�'1'T�,te a•hich can be ' ' � . .
<br /> . � ,.
<br /> • ,� '�;5�' . ,',' :':given eff�x.tivithout the cunflicting�+ravi�icm.�'��rti�'�:�id the pcc►�Ftiiom uf�hi.5ccurity In.�rumem ans�ii4 Note are declared � •
<br /> .- . ,} to be seie�tiF�. `'., r,., ' ,,' 1 .
<br /> ' � 16:��hxvwes's Cop}•.&�rrou��r�alE ba�ir,u2:�:ia�,e rnnfi,rtr�af�v�p}•��f thr'���te:��►¢.o!`tFu:.��ja�ur�e�.L}�tmmen�. �
<br /> ; ��,�,. ,. ��•, ; :: . , •.�. . �� `�: . .
<br /> , . . ..z.,` . .�`ti. ' ' . ��''r .,Fam 3028 9J90 !.
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