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<br /> ..�.�::$�i ae� ��. Ba�a�� loeep t�e�mpmv�a�s mw c�i�ar h�nt��ea::aa tha
<br /> . . _
<br /> .Propatg i�tited againsi tass by fit�'h3iqtt�u�clude3�ith�the iaetit'Qatetrdod oave�a�go"aud any utht,�.in�i�ao�
<br /> ' tloods a lfaodiqg.fnr v`fifii�fi lender rec�uir�-ii�sur�nce.This inwrmces3�all.tic maintaic►od in tde anxwat��nd tbr tbe prriatts
<br /> t1t�t irender t�equires.The insur.u�oe carrier priri iding the iosuran�sf�lt't�e ct�oscn by 8ar[axw subjoct iii l.MWer's appr���i
<br /> ` N'IIICIi SI11I��I10 ItIliC7•SUf17�IY R7L�IHCW. If SDfIOWCI f1tIS W�*�oint�in.d1Y�'C tI4:S4Y1I��l1Ve. �R73�.�j.C1bC[.�3
<br /> �, ' b�101�.tt�Il C6YQ�CiD pIOtCLt�.C�if 5 TI�IiS tD l�lfi P(OQl'�1�1 tD�OL`/Nd�11CC N'1j�t Q117�1'�17. � �,s , — _ _-- .
<br /> � � ��IRS111i1IQ0�D�lilGS 9tid[�101Re�S'S�I7��11C aO�C W_��'S���11CTt1aG�S11IIdi�IIlO11$i�'�CisiiSG.�CT --
<br /> � sWil't�ve tt�o rlght w l�iG t6e pniici��nd��ts.�f Esade�ires.BdNroxrr s6�41 R�P�Y Siv�ta I�a�der�tl iootipts of
<br /> - �r.�iid txemiums ana r�e�vat na�a:3a an eti�me of toss:8oma;n�er slnn Sive Qrampe aotice ca d�e inw�rur;�x aaa t�ada _-�--- -
<br /> - , .:� -iieader taay a�ice�oof of loss if mt mad�prixaptty bg Honawer. -.. �• - ;� ��.--�__-
<br /> - Uauss Lender a�d Bormw�r ott�erwisc agc�eo in wciting,iawr+iwe ptucoeds sh�ll t�e s�pliod ta�sto�ati�rn ar npair of the �;,;_�._-
<br /> -- PmpeAy damagad.if tt�e astoration or npair is aoonomicaUy feasible aM La�der's soairiiy is not losseoed.lf tlw restoration ot ==�' _
<br /> e�..°'=r--
<br /> �ir is na eouooanicatiy feasiMe or l.ender's secur+ty would be le.csenod.tGc inwi�cioe pc�0000dy s1�11 be applied to the sua� _-_—
<br /> _ savnd by this 5xurity tastrament�what�er or not tQen due.with aay exaxs paid ta Horrower. lf 8orm�vu�the ==�,�-_
<br /> Propeay.oir Qaes mt answer wlthin 30 aays a oottae from trader U�t tho irtwcuioo caaier has of�'e�d to settio a ctwn.thea �_�_
<br /> 1.stWe'may aottax the�prnc�eds. lender may use the pcocroods to rcp�ir as restoiit�he Property ar to pay sums �-�_�„---._
<br /> _ �-----�--
<br />``= - sea►c�ad tsy this Security I�iQindot:�rt�et�er or not t6ea due.The 30day period r►iIt begin wfirn tb�mtioe is given. -
<br /> r_ - Untess t�eidec�!Soria�er ucharise�gnoe in wrlaag.�nY appticstion af pr000ads[a pri�cipat sdall not exu�d or �=�,�
<br />= pu�tpone the due date nf 16e`meerthlY P�+Y��refeaed to in paragranGs i and 2 ar c6ange the.amount o[tho pa}matts. If "-'��`"—
<br /> G �:�-•�
<br /> nnder parag�a�ph 21 the Ptnperty is ac�ciced 6y I.eoder.Borrovrer's rigl�ta any in.wraace pnlicia and piaoeeds resulting fiutu ;=��"=""--
<br /> ' ��_Y_ :
<br /> = d�nmge w the Propect.g p�r ta t�e accwsidu��ralt�ss w t.etder ta the extent of thr wuu savrod try this Sop�riey tnstnunent -.� ::-
<br /> — immedi�a�elYF!vrtoa���-. �'=:_`: :�:: ' '. . ��
<br /> — -- f:Oo?�!�',�atio�,:�idiiiiicR:s�d�ctioi�af tlle Ye�opeet��Bal�o�rer�t�Ap�iia�ioa;i.�sd� - ; _
<br /> 8dr[nriers[dl,�:�+s,R ii�:�it;�A�:�ierty as'Biaicower's princip�l residrnc��rithin sixty days�:�tLe executioo of ;
<br /> , .•. , ty.:_,_':
<br /> tlus 5eo�rirty i�aud�iti�:�ioriii�'�,ri c?�upy the�4�dperiy as Bortower s prinappl Ksida�ce.for at l�st one year after •.�;;<.�,�_
<br /> the date of oorap�q�y,�usiless fxnder aher��se�s in viniting.which Qonseat sAalt oot be unrezwmbly withdeld.or unless . _
<br /> � �-:'„� eatenaacing cir�aes exist whicfi are beyvad Barmwei s oont�l. 86m►wer shall not destroy. damagC or impair the :.. ;;
<br />'�;�'-.� y-:�,°�- P�'�PertY. allot��t[ie�property to deteriorate.46.:cammit waste on theTroperty. So`rower shalt be in befautt if any forfeitur� .. _
<br />`;�'i �a;_.J:��." actioa or proaeoding.whether civil or criminal, 'ss begun that in I.endet's good faith judgment cqwld resuh in farfeiture of the ' ..
<br /> =i�*`,��'.=�%�:�- Pmp�ct�or otherwise materia�ty impair the lien created by this Secvriry Instrument or L.ender s searity interes�.8orrower may ' - --
<br /> •� :.�_:�:4--. , : _ _�
<br />.�}, .._4 ..J.;'G.y_,Lj�Z, a�re�,srd'm`a default and reiastate.as pravided�paragraph!8.i�g�g the action or praceeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling . ���� -Y
<br /> �"�- d�,,w,�"?�tles s�aad.faith de[cm,inauc�,.•�ieds�des.fo�fedt�ce'of i[te Hormwei s incer�e in the.Pnnpeny or qther materia►
<br /> '" }kT_�• . .
<br /> `,�� - �y�- �r�-1 ipqr�n�n��r��n crra[ed by this S�ri�:iir�swmenc"ae��ndec s�ecuricy imerese. �Orrowet shall alsa de lu default if `=--
<br /> � ;~ '��'`•4'�' Bptias�'ii�sr+,w��.�a�an�t p�;'g�}�mat�a[�y,f3tse or inaecurate information or rtatert�ems to Leader/of faited " "f��
<br /> �,.. �"�.._"s�' te t,irsxv�,3'.�y���e��c s�miti�iadf ir'.di���f���alth the Ioan evicleneed by the Nate.including.6ut not fimitod �"��;�a�.
<br /> ; ::k,.y� �; . �.��,��,
<br /> t ta;�;�'���:�w�xarn���xivwer'c��u�i�y o�"cti�.�idperty:�a principal�exidence.tf this Security Instnrment�s on a �:�;�,,
<br /> ' � �- �r,f, : 1ea��i�.,�a�i.��.�a�i oamply witb all #Eie�pmvisiaiis'vF the leaso. If 8orroKer.acquires fee tiQe to the Property,.;�he . - .
<br />....�i�.: j�'�. .�' ..tY� ."
<br /> �':'��_`-.�-:-��--�-�-- 1ea,c�iaE��sa��i:.�e�title shatt�t a�crgc uritcss i.cndcr agrees ta thc rnecgcr ia writing. _ =_
<br />;�'� '��:4`:�-'': �`.'l�atec�i�pii of Lender's RJghts ia the Praperty.If Borrawer fails to perform the covenants and age�ments contained in -�
<br /> '���' ��'�`� � _� this�o:�rity Instrument.or there is a legal pmceeding that may significantly affect I.ender'c righu in the Praperty(such as a ` -
<br /> ' '�'•°�*=-'�'::. `��. procerding in 6anktuptcy.probate. for conclemnatian or forfeiture or to cnfarce laws or regulationy).then Lender may do and - �
<br /> " ��� pay for whatever i�necessary to protect the value af the Propeny and L:endei s righ�s in the Prope�ty. l.ender's actions may
<br /> �'��.���•'•.• , - inctude paying any sums seecured by a lieri�w�iuch hut priority ove�this Secnrily Imtrument. appearing in wurt. paying :.. ' '�����'
<br /> : �' ���-• •-- - reaconabte attomeys' fees and enterin�an�x.��erty to malce repai�_Althaugh I.ender may take actio�uadec Ibis pawgraph _ `;:�• :
<br /> '2:�� � ��� 7.f�e.ad�r does not have ta dn sn--. ., c - �, ., : ;'`�<��r�,� �t`:
<br /> -fd"► ,`��s'� ,��,._. ,:�•.:�"amounts disbutsal-,t� P.a�w�;s�I�,rer�, �' �1�;7 shall 6erome additiona! debt o!'Bunawer se�.ureci Dy chis �i����?�nz��.:'
<br /> .;..` '_!�'�f. ' Scci�,6�istrura�cu;�[Inlec�Bc�srower•arHi�.*<gr�:u.i a�t�of g�aymen[,th�e amaun�s chatl bear inter�est from the .��`
<br /> :�� `'�' ' ' '%' da����'disti�t�al the Note ratc anit,:�1p�3F i�:"���±f+��:�u�i[i�a�,�t, upon notice from Lcndcr to Borrouer ceqaesurtg , . =
<br /> ,.,� ,. , .. • •. . •,. ;
<br /> >� �..�:::-.i.r ' PaYat�en�• • '�-° :..,, �,�.,1. .:;,�� . --
<br /> � ::�;:�:.: '�; ,,:..•#dC Matg,s�Biruursmee.if l.ender requirect rn�rtgage�rm�ic:,��,f�a rondition of making thc Inan zecurcA by this Se�vriry -
<br /> �'•�'i'_~� -.;: • �t. Sairower shall� �he prcmiumc required�o�ffr:�:in;;a:,�n t�ce mon�gc insuranrc in cffec�. lf, for any reason, ehe __ _ —
<br /> ,.,
<br /> �~"i;-•' `�`-� � , �"r�,���.ticursu�ce eoverage a�ired by{xnder lapyes�?K���w be.in effecn.&�rroarr tihall pay the premiutns requirec!t�. ;
<br /> . ,� �, ,:: ' ��..���a'u�t�verage���tantialty a�i;�F�alent ta�t�•�ort�;�+ns�;.�cce previit��ty in effect.m a cact.rubctantially equivalem w tite �� �
<br /> '°��"�!�'� -'�� .f'��;�t . ',�ti�i��''.Bonov►�et^��'1hr nwrc���e.zz�ur�a��tiiou.J�;�ii.�i��x�. frocc�an alternate mongage imurer approved by [.ender<f�' •
<br /> ' ;�'r' }*'r�: .•. . . � y�. �,:.. ; •,''.1,.,::�,� .
<br /> i,•.��r�,'� •- - ���#i'�.1y equq�atent morrgs�i+ar�,��r„e�acn;i:r-,���r4 t�e:a�;��tabt�.Rvrr���ver.haH pay to l.enJer wch manth a sum•e,�aal,r;a . ��k „
<br /> � , �s��.�.'���•' " �� ' , " �: �;r.k;,;�,�'
<br /> ..cme��r�a:til�of the yrdrly t�s#i�i��surxn�yn:r.nur.t�aq�pa��t by�Bnru�wer when thr in.urance cu�•er:sge lapsed at��u�i•�r� . �:�.; s
<br /> :,.. jie�� • . � . . . .. , : „�i}�� ,
<br /> ber,�:.�t�?�st,l,ender will acC��.:.:qa��aad r�a:i��,iisv�sc pa�:r�:��.��a to.s rescrve in licu �rf mnng�ge insutance. L�iS�'i��� :'. ; � ''• .',
<br /> ��,� • �. • ` •`s � ,. • r .;: : i _ ' �, . ' Fam 3Q� 8),9Q�, �
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