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<br /> tn oae or morn parceLs and in any order Tnastee determines.Trostee may postpone sak ot a!l or any p �'. �. , • � � ,� #
<br /> �P� b Y P n b l i c a n n 9 a a c e m e a t$4 t h e t t m e a n d p l s u e a t'a n y previonsl y scheduled sale.LeaBer nr i�s designee mmy � , , .
<br /> prarchase t�e Prope�4y�t any sate. ` • , � ---
<br /> ; Upon reoeipt af pay�eat ot the price bid, Trustee small deliver to thP purchaser Trustee's deed coaveying the f ��'. , . _
<br /> p�p¢�y,ThQ reci�s ia the T�st�'s dced sbaU be prima fade evtd�se of the teat6 of the statements�ade tlheretaa. ` , . , .. .
<br /> t
<br />• Trustee s�l aPP�YY the p�oeeds of ti�e sale t�¢�e PoIIo�g ord�:(a)ta all c��s�es��Q�eafrc�s3�g�#ie power of E.� ---.--- ---,.--- _
<br /> sate,and the sale,imciuding the payment ot Ehe Trastee's fees aetaally tncvrred.no3 to euceed 3.o 0 0 �, � � '. � •
<br /> ot the printtpel amoant ot the note at We tinne o!the declara3lon ot defau[t,and reasonable attomeys'fees as permItte�by � , � ' . _
<br /> � 1a�(b)to a!1 sums sewred by tiiis�'yInsaroment,and(c)any eacess m the person or persous Eegally entitled to it . _. , . .
<br />: . E2.Reooaveyanre. Upon payment of` all sums sec�eti by dus Security L�strument, l.e�der sfeaUrequest 'Iir�stee to � _ ..
<br /> . , ...,.... .. -� .
<br />- reconvey the Propeity and sdall surrend� this Seauiry Instrumtnt and all aotes evideas%ag Qei�t securei by this S�urity . ;
<br /> � Inst�ument w Tmstee.Trustee shaU recoavey the Prop�y a+ithout waAanry aad withont charge w the person oa peasons legally . . . ��
<br /> entitled�o it Sucd peason ur pessons skall pay any�caidadon c�osts. . '`"`;.��`�
<br /> ?3.Sabs�iiatQ'�'rastee. Lender,ai�s oprion,may from time w t�e remove Tmstee and appoint a s�or uustee to any � . , �
<br /> Tn�stee inted heseuad�by an insuwnent recarded ui the coffity in which this Security Insuvment is recarded.Without . ��,� __--
<br /> oomeyan�of tDe Propeaty,the successor dustee shall succeed w aIl the ht1e.F�wea and duties confeaed upon Tn�stee herein and b' ..�"�'". '-- --��'<:.
<br /> by applisable taw. . . � . -����
<br /> ?A.Reqnest far Notkes. Boaower reqaests that copies of the norices of default and sale be seat w Borrower's address .��;,_,_�
<br /> '`(:;i which is the P�nueitY Addre.�s. � T'�`x'.,Fi`-.,•�_::
<br />�,'.'';� ?S.Riders�`D�L�4 3ecvr�tY Instrument If oae or more rideis ate execnted by Borrower and recorded together with this ,. ,;�
<br /> � ��� ��nriry lnsuument.the covenants and agreements of�h�uch rid�shall be incorporated inw and shall amend and svpplemeut : °'�. _�� ,
<br /> � :.� ' :-�: .��, ,-
<br /> ..:`�� rbe covea�an�and��ts�f Wis Seanrity Ins�umeut as if the rider(s)were a part of d�is Serauity Instrument ._� � �
<br />;��i [QterJ�appficable hox(es)) _ K•...�'�"��.�
<br /> Q Asl,ynstabls Rete Rider �Gondominium R+'�a 0 1-4 Fauv7y Ridar ��* " .
<br />;�:;::i ' ::=--.
<br /> �Gsaduated Payment Rider 0 Planned Una DeveIopment Ridea []Biweetcly Payruent Ridea r: .. �
<br /> ,. ; �Baltoon Rides []Rars ImPmveanent Rid� []Second Home Rida ., :;: �'f . �
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<br /> . � ' BY SIGNING BELAW,Borrowa accepis and ag�ees to the te�ms and covenauts contained in this Sec�uity L^s�ument and in ,..'.• - �i =
<br /> ' ' anY ridez f s)executed by Baimw�and recorded arith it ;� ,
<br />�';.': w,messes: " � � '��
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<br /> St$te o4Ncbr�1�W �•L Connty s4: . •,- �.:
<br />-� .. . 17ie faie,�ning instrumens was admowleadged befoze me this 3aTx day of J��Y � 1997 , ::,-.-.;F.� �-
<br /> ,:.f���_�. .
<br /> ' �Y RAYEdC?L'' S 0'COHNOR Atm J�1NI�. 8 0'CONt70R. HOS8i1bTD L�3 WIDE • �3�*,:
<br /> Wi��y 1�and and notarial s�at t3RArm ZSi,AND sr.�ltASxA i� "'�'d the daze afaresaid . ,..
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