<br /> � ' . �;,::
<br /> . ' ,, • " `�
<br />. , • .��
<br /> . . , . . , , '
<br /> s. -
<br /> � , �� �
<br /> � � 9��°�0���� ' . �
<br /> � 16>Bor�wer's Copy. Boirov�er shall be gieen one canformed c;opy of the Note and of this Serurity Instrumen� ,�;:�
<br /> 17.Transfer of the Property or a 8eneficial Interest tn BoTrovoer. If a11 or any part of thc Propercy or any intuest in it is
<br /> snld or aansfcrred(or if a beneficial mterest in Barrowe,r is sold or uansfeired and Borrower is not a nawral person) without �
<br /> L.ender's prior wriuen consent,Leaider may.at its o�tion,require immediat�paymenc in full of all sums secured by thu Security �-
<br /> lnsuument However,this opuon shall not be eacencised by Lender nf eacercise �s prolubite�by federal law as of the date of this �
<br /> Security Insitumet�L 4 ' .�� .
<br /> if Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shal!provids a period of not less �
<br /> - ttran 30 days from the datc�he notice i�delivered ar mailcA withu� wtuch flonrower must pay aU sums secured by this Security � _--
<br /> ; Instrumen�If Boreowex Cails to pay these suu�s pnor to the eacpitation of this period.Lendcl maY invoke any remedies permitte�i �
<br /> by this Security Insuument without fwther norice or dem�nd ou Borrower. � -
<br /> � 18.Borrawer's Rtght to Reinst�te. �' Bozrowcr meets certain conditions, Bonower shall have the right to t�ave � '�r"
<br /> ! enfoicement of this SeeEUity Inswmea►t discontinnued az any time prior to ths earlier of: (a) 5 days (ar sucts othed period as � , .
<br /> ; applicable law may specify far reinstafement)befare sale of the Propeaty pursuant tn any power of sale contained in this Scx�uity �. . , .
<br /> i Insuumene;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry L�stru�ertz.Those canditions are that Bomower:{a)pays Leader all --
<br /> sums w6ich then wouid be due ander th�s Sec�uity Insuumeut and the Nate as if no acceleration had occnrred:(b)cun�anY � ,
<br /> default of any other coveaants or agreement�(c)PaYs all exPenses incurred in enforcing this Soc�uity Instrumen�including.but � � ,
<br /> not limited to.rea5onable sunmeys'fee�and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requ�e tn assure thai the liea�of this .
<br /> Sec�city Insorumeut, L�euder's righis in the Propezty and Boirower's o6Ggation m pay the sums secured by this Seziuity `_ ,�'_ N.-
<br /> Instmmenl shall Conris�ue unchanged. Upon teinctatrmeuL by Botrowu. th#s Security Inswsnent and the obligations secured • , . _.�'`
<br /> n
<br /> heaeby shall�nain fully effective as if ao acreferation bad occ�med.Hawever,this eigfit to reinstate shall not apply in the case of • • .. ,
<br /> acceieratian under paragraph 17. °
<br /> 19.Sate of Nate;Change o!Loan Servtcer. The Nae ar a partial int�aest in the Note (tngether wah this Security � 'r °
<br /> Insprument)may be sold one or more tuaes without prior norice to Hatrower.A sale may result in a change in the eaticy(Imown � �' : _ �
<br /> as the"Loan Serncer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secuzity Instnunent,'there alsa may be one or . , �, -_
<br /> more c6anges of the Loan Serviax unrelsted to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loaa Sesvicer,Boirowea�vrll be . � __.,- _
<br /> given vrritnen notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.'tlre notice will state the aame and ° . . � .�.
<br /> :� address of the new Loan Seavicer and the address w which payme�ts should be made.'Itie notice will also contain any other , , __
<br /> mfum�alion required by applicable law. .u',' :,�--"�-
<br /> �� ?A.Hazardoos Snbstances. Borrower shall not c�use or permit the preseace, use, disp�sal, storage,or release of any , . . • -� ` �.._
<br /> Ha7ardous Substauces on oT m the Pc�ope�ty.Bohower shaU noi do,nor allow anyone else[o do,anythmg affecang t6e Property �%�.,;�;
<br /> that is in violarian of any Environmental Law.'ihs p�ing two senoe�ces shall noi appty w the presence,use,or storage on the . . . , . . •__:
<br /> P,roprlty of small quantities of Hazardous Subsrances that are geaerally recognized eo be appropnatE m noamal residennal�ses ' • r . ` �
<br /> and w mamtenanse of the Pmperty. . �' ''-,�' .
<br /> � Barower shall m d ve Lender writtttr,nn notice of any u�ves�atiai►. c�aun. deanand, lawsuit.or other action by any ' .,;:#.� ,`��
<br /> Pro P Y SI : k h. .
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party invotving the Pra�erty and any Ha7ardous Substance or Environmental Iaw • .f� . ., .
<br />. of which Samrower has acwat knowledge.If Borrow�leams.or is notified by any govemmental nr regulatory authariry,that any ., .�;..,, ; ." ��.
<br /> removal or ather remediation of any Har�rdous Substauce aff�ing the Propeaty�s necessary,Aorrower shall prompdy take all �
<br /> necessacy remedial actions in accordance vrith&nvironmental Lam. .�k�` `� —
<br /> As used m th�s paragiaph 20. "Hazardous Substances" aes those substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substances by � �`� ;.�
<br /> , F�vironmental Law and the fol��wing substances: gasolm;, ➢cerosene, oshea flainmable or toxic petroleum products. touc . � "c :
<br /> � pesucides and herb_ades.volatite solvents,mater�als contamwg asbesws or fom�aldehyde,aad radioactive mate,r�ats.As used in --- ---' �' ' --
<br /> diis parag�raph 2p,^Favironmeatal Law"means fedeaal laws and laws of the jurisdiaron where the Property is tacated that relate �; _
<br /> � t o h e a l t h,s a f e t y o r e n v i i r o n m e n r a l p r o t e c ti o n. '�'
<br /> ':F� �..
<br /> _ :,•^^^� —
<br /> h�Y-UNIFORM COVINAN'�.Bormwer and L.ender funher covenant and agree as follows: . '- . " _'�
<br /> � ZL Acce[�ration;Remedl�.Lesder shaD give notice to Boreower prior to acceteration foibwing Borrawer's breact►of l�* _�:-
<br /> Le
<br /> � ven�at or p eemeat in this Inslrument (bat uot psi�r to aaxteratton ander paragraph 17 unlesg � .'. '
<br /> any co gr Se�ni� .
<br /> a�plt�sbie I�w provides ot6erwise).The notIoe shall specify:(a)t6e defa�..�3;N)the actIan re�uired to aue t6e def�uit;(c) �_t,, .���'
<br /> a date,not less than 30 days trom t6e date the notice is given to Borrawer,by which the det�talt mnst be arred;and(d) ..-,��° ���_�r.
<br /> flrat fallaae to cure t�e defaWi�or before the dsste specifr�in t6e nodce may resWt in aoeeteretion ot t6e snma secured *_,:��_,,,`
<br /> ' by thig Secarity Insdvment aa�sate o!t�e Property.T6P�otice shall iurther inform Bonower ot the rig6t to re[nstate . .���
<br /> �r asceteratimn s�^d the rtgLt to bring a comt adion to assert We c�n�adsteace o!a detauit or any other defense of . '•'' •�
<br />' �` Borrower to arc�ration and sale.If the defanit iv not cured on or��c,�e t6e date specified m 4ite notke,Lender,at tts � ' .`�'��-•�-�-
<br /> �dJ option,�ay reqnire immediate papment in full ot�D sams secured by 4�is Secarity Instrramea3 w-3ihout tarther demaa� � , •:'���'"�
<br /> �'t an��9 invoke the po�cver of sale and any ot6er remediev permitted 6y applta►bte t�sv.LeudeT sf�a0 be eaHtted to wilect .. � . ��.
<br /> � ap ea�y�s incurred in pursuing the remedI�s provt�ed�n W9s parap,raph 21,ina'`-.�g,b�si not t�ite�to,reasonable
<br /> tst
<br /> � attorneys'tees�1 wsts o4 titie evtdeace. . � �--''
<br /> �� It t6e powv e9 sale i�invoked,Trastee shaU record a notice of defaalt in eac6 sonnty in w6ich any part o!We � ��'' '
<br /> � property t�laca2�suid s6all mail coplcg o!sucb natice in the manner prestrihsd by applicabte law to�orrower and to the �. ' „ • ' �'
<br /> other persons prescn'6ed by applirabk 18w.After t6e Hme required by applkabk��,Tn�stee shaLl give publle notice of =�
<br /> • '� sale to t he persons an d i n We manner pr e s c r t b e d by app l lra ble l aw.Trust e e,w;t��e Cemand on Borrower,shaU seU the
<br /> 1 Property at palbt�s anttton to t�e highest bidder at the time and place a�ed under the terms desH�ated In the aotice of sate . , _
<br /> • .r., —
<br /> :I � : _
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