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<br /> 1y.'lYa�fer�ttie�eety:c��Dmdia.�ute�t ia�o�m+�er.v aU or�qy wrt of tl�P�ap�roF c►r any m�ia.it : .
<br /> � is soW os t�eooafeRed tat if a beae5eii!ui�test in Ho��uw�c�'is soW ur traesferr��pd Hart�a�►w.is aot a natutat pa's�un)v�idnui :
<br /> - leeoder's pricrr,xriuea 000sen. Lsader may. at it3 optK►A. irmnediate pdj•asat ae fuiT'ag al[sutnF sowred b}t�it .
<br /> . ..::,Socuriq It�uumpo[,iWwrtver.tLis option s�all,mt tk a�trisei�Lenda if.ea�.ix protu'bited 6},fedecal taw a�of tbe date
<br /> . of Wis Savrity[a�rumenc. .- . .. �
<br /> - . ` , . � If I.tndcr exerecxs�option.i.e�der sl�tt g'�e Borrqi��er o�of acale�iwi.-Tbe natice�p��ide a period of mt _
<br /> — f�s fl�au-30 dsyS�ta�s[�e d3cs-!he�is de�i�rtt��_tn�i[s�d_witltiit�!i#ich�ritt�ai��misst-g�� -- sisa�c+�rt[+@d b�thts. ___
<br /> - =
<br /> ,�--
<br /> �. SocuritY Inwunnent.If BQSro+�er faifs to p;ty t�ese sums pri�to the expiratiai c►�'this peaiod:�.end�er may im�ale any cemodies - _
<br /> � :'; portnittod 6y ffiis Sear�itY Instrumax�ithout funiur notix or dcrnand mn Bomqi��tr. ��----_ -
<br /> .�, . _.. 18. Banaw�s Ri�tit to.Rei�stste. If Borrowu.� certsin cnnd'aipns. Bomawer sdaif 6a�e the right [o have =
<br /> � .: enfotament of this Sawiry.lnstcum�nt diseontioi�ed at ao}�pme prior ca tl�e e�riier of: (af S d'►y�tar such ath�peria�as - � _ _
<br /> - t to any power of sate oontained 'u►this r`=_== ---
<br /> applicable law may spxify for��temdil)befotE s�le of the Pmpwty p�tsuant
<br /> � Se�.�uriry lnstcument;ar(b1 awY d�al�$n��N'°�S��Y I�tru�;7tMSe a+nd'ttioas arc dta�t Borenwer:(a!PaYS ,�
<br /> ' T.ender atl sums which then v�roui3ti�it�ua�dec this Seaitiry Instrumens and the:Nate as if no a�arieratian 6ad oocuccad:(b) r '", _=�-
<br />�:.-,��,.: ;., cares any default of any ot�er cove��nfs or'agreana�ts:(c)�Pays ati acpenses inamed in enforcing this Seatrity tnstnuneru. :=-.�v�s
<br /> ;t.�.=-=-- __
<br /> . .� inctuding.6ut not timited to.reasouahte attorae�ts'fee�aod(d)t�Yes such actiqri ac l.ender i¢ay�asoaat�ty require ta asscre :-•:<:�- .r-�;=--�=_
<br /> .�.' �'..,.�`�':�• that the IIen of this Security Iamumeat.�etsder s rigbts in tde Pi+opect}and Bort+ower's obligation to pay ttte sums secur�d t�p �.'< ;�..r'= -
<br />:�:= '� tbLs Securlry [nso�nmeot shap coatitwe u�ged. Upon ninsiatema�t �y Borrower. this 5ecurity insuuu�ent aad tde :�°'�-
<br />�f`, y��{.`•F obl�gatiuds secured i�ereby shali retnaia fWly effective as if ao aooeleratian had acrur�ed.Hawever.this right to relnsfatc shalt -'�=.- • ..i
<br /> �:.- _ �,� ��`._ naiappIy in tUe case af aooeletatioa under auagraph i?. ��
<br /> ��� , ��':,
<br /> .<.:... ��,�,+�,-.a`�s�E,x� �;�!.Sate ot Nat�CiIY�,,e of t.oan Seerioer.�Ge Noce or a pania� i�rterest in the Noce twge�her witA�fris Secuccty ,' :_';�j,;t�_
<br /> (F- . Itt�xnp�3i�.a�qy 6e so[d mrote�3r.iapce times avitbiuuk"�notice to BorcoRer.A sate may raWt in a d2ange�n the et�titg Iknowa . ,<t , a�"-�;'
<br /> x• .};+_4 s4�';hia�aer.vscer"i�t±�l��mvr�r,IzT�t�}�+?��k�ire under tbe Note and this Security Ias�cafnent.'fhgie aLso may be ane _ �r' :'.'
<br /> � �, ,F''� " " ar +��,3�ri�the La�t��svioer w�!#�i r�y�,�of the Nae.If�re is a change of[he i:AVi�rS,en'ioer.Borrower w�j F�e °�'„,�:=
<br /> ��Y�' , �� �<. 8��'+�u"',]�t���ix of tl�e ctt�tge ia ac�tiotTr�itf�;.'�`t�;��g�t!4 a6ove and applica6le lav�:.T�`•paaice aill state ttte oanae atid ,
<br /> , �,,:,s - 's-- ad:c�e:�F�{��e'i�ev`•Laan 5�iti�ce:uid tir�� °�„��'''srlb3e�e pay-meass shauld be mad�The notire��ill aL�o contaio any+x�r — ''�" _-.,.�.
<br /> t��•�'�' -�
<br />. , � °w�;�r :t� i�`�-'�sfn roquined bY aph�i�bte taw. �t�''.>� ' : .
<br />., � �`�°�,,y�..�... �° '.3lfii�; 5��s.Borrowec shal!tfu�.;c�e or permit the preseuoe. nse.disposal.storage..oxs�.�of any •e• -_-
<br /> ';,l �'���:::. ;^. : ��iris�an�;i�'�s tifo ProPeAY- Borruq:es sfial! not do, nor altaw anyone efse to do, anytfzi,q�;,'sf�ecting the -__
<br /> " �;�i�-.r,r�violatia�?.�any Eaviru�m�entat Law.'1'he preceding two seniences st�afl nat apply to thr"�nce.use.or �
<br />���°+�5 r ` ' " stu u�. '� ..' ,o�;sll �ties of Harrrdo�s Substances that are generally reca�,mixed to be apPropnate to normal � _
<br /> .��,��< <'�'<'k��t,�<'�.' . ` _ . . �' �.��y ce.ao hePmpectyr. ; •.. ' -
<br /> :�. �'�.�. ` ;� - ,,
<br /> ' '� ^��.. � •,::".$orrowe�rsltatt �sve Lender written notice of any investigation.clauis.:dema�r lawsuit oi otFiec iiction by any � "_�•,'""�.. - .. •-
<br /> . . F{C'!��_r_ ',�,, ,
<br />' ' ginremmerttal ar,regnTa��.:y�icy or private pazty involving the Propecty and arr�"[�ans Substance or Eav�nmental{�w .. �. ��='^_
<br /> � � � of whicfi Bor��has.ra�Y:^ fi�owt �..If 8otrower tearny.or is notified b a� �;";�4�t(unen��.'regu}afo�y authority.EttaE- �,`'-"�
<br /> -�;. � .��-- .:-
<br />.. . Y '�}� �_•. '��.
<br /> � `= �, any removat ds u+her reme�','asi-an of arty�ous Substance aff�xing the Propercy:as:u�:;,,�o�muer shali promptty take � �_—_
<br /> - atl necessairy sr�Bedial actici,.�:�accordacco..�v�ntfi Environn�ental Law. . , • . : �
<br /> .�s.�
<br /> ., �'• . :, _�� S � � .. "A�tued�this par�ica��3:20.'Ha�t+d`ous Sub.�ts�ra�es"are thoso sub.ctances defined as a�►r �'r.:�-.�xis�aubatance�b�! .,y
<br /> • ` � '`�� . � �Zi�r:�ranental taw and fbie:f�uowing substances: .g"s��e. kemsene. other flammabte us fu�su:��ri��s=�i�siir:v�ts. t�4iG.:, ;,,� . �.- � _
<br /> ;r�>.'.-"���.�..:� ., .' f.n. •{Z.:�
<br /> �S s;:�. .',.i�,.-w��'�.�berbicides:�i,i'�i�:e solvents.matcrials.�at�iu�irg as6escas or formalde�yde.and radiaacti�re c�tiat��:;�,uxx��i�,-: ..f;: .
<br /> ; - .. .:'��>= `,tir:�a�.�� �''�..'"►, "Envira�,��tal Law" mean.s fed�$�Fa��s and faws af the jutesdiction where the Propes+�i�a�:�ra::afe�T:l,'s:ii:° '•`r; � ,�.
<br /> t�- . �' .i�7.��va��:;•�at�v or�`ironntental prutection. -,.; •• ' ,r ; .; . , - :''?� ;" _
<br /> " � �� - ;,= ;'
<br /> . • ,:�y+(�:�-fi�#,litli�}�tl�i C'(i��';�ANTS.Burrawer am1 L.eicder furtLzar�osx�.-�ant and agree ac foiloH..� ' ' '
<br /> r '.' ,.,b,,�:.1.�,•� . ` `..'�'� "21:�n:�.l.ender shall�ire aotice'to Bcr��s�v prior tcn�ccelecatloa�olio�ing Borrow�ec's breawi�, : . <<;.�• , s � _
<br /> `� o, o
<br />� ,. �'�n�-••., ' � 17'aniess ��:s:
<br /> ,�f;,;,°,,;. . ,, : :`�E::tety cavmant or a�at:"3n this Secnrity in�ent (but i�ni prier��oreleratioe apdec Pats+graPh ,�,.,
<br /> 1:%:`';`;;..:�t�;;� �pf���aw provid��c�iisv��iiw�l,�'i.bti notice shafl specify: (a)t�e defa�i'�v�i�e action requlred w cuse the detwpU;: .���
<br /> `;-;s' > .
<br /> i �_.�; ; (c)a date.nM le.ss than�'��tnf�+;C�i�afaie the notice is�i�•em ti�,i�trv�.+�r;.��ahich t�c�tault mus!6e cunYt:�uordE:. ,
<br />�,;� , � • �;��t:f.. ,: l�that tAitace to cure the�ai��`gtic;6etore tl�r date speci�i�&iva'�6e naQiae�ay s�t:ia;acceleratton oi the coi� , � � . � '
<br /> � , ..,,�;,1��; � savred by t�'Security t�ent�dl:sale oT the Pr+apesty.T�:'r�-,u��shali furlher L�Yia�I�orroKee at the rtght to F .
<br /> }). �. � •.° � :ut�state atte�;tacekratinn•�ac�the rigiit to 6ring a caurl aclfian ta�n risserl t6e.lton�exisr`��a det�E.ar an} other --
<br /> ;, .., !.. •
<br />:� ::����;��., _ . ` . .•di�3:�se of Bu�Yow•er to'aooel�+cation und!�afe. If the;�efaalt i.c nat cured.an��.f�tam tlfar�}ale.spec�i�t.i�e't3+e notice. i ' •- ',
<br /> � s� ,`Hiaa�er.at i�option.��iri;�:�yoire immedtate pa�d�ieact in futl of aH sum.c�:�e� this Security I�ie�t w1�tLaut
<br /> � . . . -_
<br /> . � 'L'uacEfier dert�tud:?��?�!�1�e the po�er ot�fe and�ny othrr remedies�i�e¢b}•appltc&bte la?�:;�+�r shall be � • .:. . .---
<br /> • � ' �, entitled to da�iet�s�+�x�.�itxvrred in pursuing the cemedies pmviAed in��1p�graph Zt.tnctddi�.��als;wr�LitqRted . �i.=+`
<br /> ' . ` , t4�t+easoRal'ilc�3x �, . '� ,-' � �.ss.,,�:s�fFf'•��",
<br /> �w�ri�� �9nd costs ot title evtdence. �. - ,�'::, ` �;;�,
<br /> '- if the�ant�•��`�r+s�`��oked.Tru.�tee shpil record a notice�f defao�,`�u� �ach c�urttc in t�fiicl���m?���'�� � �'� '��°��.•�
<br /> ,. -Y°v, :•:
<br /> . ".. • . - :'P►i�perty is[ocated'a�iC;��s9i1 copies of�uch M�tice ln 1(�manner pr�`�.b}applicn�le law tv,�i�iswa±�,y�s�d!uie� , '.fJ',�..
<br /> Vi
<br />^ ,.=-:h ' �tlee other pe�on�presct�a��applica6le ta�r.Aiter the time required b��ap�l6ical5le law�.Tru.Mee�11��c piQ`ol�e��c%�i� , ,;rJ1���.
<br /> . �� `'. df sale to t6+e�persaas a��ii5a��e manner prescribed 6y appllca6le law•.Tru�:�;�+3lhout demand an��+u�.�:�19?::�� f . `;����.�.�,•,
<br /> �� , -- - �., �'ti1 �rt�s
<br /> --- - • the Proper4g:s�publfic antctian to Ihe,�est bidder at the qme an� ce a�'ueader thr tecros dtslpnata�;as�;�
<br />- plu ' *ru3��e�ii[� � ��j:�
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