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<br /> . .
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<br /> _;.� ` �`: ` . �.
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<br /> 'p�mq p�Wd�er be�eqd�at W�aptiat ott�edtr:if�wtp�e�e ca��e Cu�tik asaount aod!'dt:t��etia!d .: .: :
<br /> �l;p� �}p�u v i d e d by��arspp�ed b�►i�aidef�te baai�ea�►vaii�ble and is abtained.So��er��pa� .
<br /> 1�t p�emiums�oq�ieal�tu m�i�in amct�ga i�no�e ia'dt�A.a w pvgide i►bss�srst�„wo�til tUc�eqtntement far a�!►,�e .
<br /> ia�iii�noe e,ads is a000ed�oee�aa�+w�it�q�a�t�Ba�vsec�id l.�eoacr or spQiicable taw. ; '.
<br /> . _ � �. .�.�!L�Ws.ia�der ar�ts��rt maY a�rnsowbk entries�poe�iaspaaions of tbe Prnpe�cy. lrrnder sl�il givG
<br /> . ...
<br /> - _ Ho�eo�aati�artt��aae�or[�iiutio�-ie�a+i�eil�SBr+e�2zc�isef�tk-.Et�spect�n. _. . — -_ _ - --
<br /> 1�CMia�ti�.�The pc�naeeds of any a+F�'d ar cla�foc da�a.diroct or ooa�oqa�at,in oorme�iaa v�idt aay. ,
<br /> _ �ioo o�ather qtiag a[my Qut of the Propaty,sx t�r�oat�aooe in lieu of�.�l�ebY acsigaed ud ----
<br /> = st�all be pvid ta i�ta� ' . _ .. . :._ .:: .. . -:� :.- � --
<br /> in tho eve�of a tont talcin�qi the PcupMy.the pc+ocads sl�ll be appliod�o tde suu�sa�ed 6y tfis SewritY lnucuma�t•
<br /> wbetl�er or mt tbeo du�with airy cxoess pr�id to Bomaww.ln the eveat of s putiai tatiog o�tbe P�openy in whid►tt�e fair
<br /> p�sulra vatue o[t6e�upertg ntia�odiately betore tho�8��w or g�atu ttun thc aaiaunt of thc s�uns securod 6y t6is
<br /> Seauity tt�ttumont iarmedi�ely.before the t�ting.udess ilarow�otd I.aider otbcnvise�gt+x in arriting.the sum4 secured by
<br /> � dps 5pcucity I�hWOmt slnif 6e reduood bp tbe amo�u�t of die pruoeods muldplied by tl�e fdlowing fi�ctioa: (�t6c tofsl --
<br /> aaaunt of the mms scaued.imaaodi�telY 6eCor�tI�t�tiag,divided 6Y lb�ttn fair m�ricet w�lue of Wc Pra�pc�cy immediatety -----
<br /> - beface tbe nluna:Anq 6�lamx shap bo p�id ta Bnn�xr. In�tbe evmt of a�wctis[taking af d�ee Property in whid�t1�e fair __
<br /> =,�•:. muixt valae of the Prope�ty i�oediately before t6e t�ici�g is less tl�n tUc aanowtt of tbe suius secuced immedia�dy 6efae tbe . ----
<br /> � tatcing.unless Bam�ver:�d iead�c otT�a�wise ags�ee in wt'itirtg or untes.applidflc iaw.oEti�viae ptovtdes.tha pmceeds s6a11 �_--
<br />:E b�applied W the sams saviad by c6is Se�wity insmuma�t whet6er ot not the sums a�ttie�d� . �`-==_
<br />-� if tbc Ptapeny is aba�doaod by Bonaw�er.or if,afkr notice by[snder ta Boc�oa�ek e6�t the oondanaor offcrs ta amlce an. . . .*f='�
<br /> :""---
<br /> awa�d�v+r�le a eLtim far d�nages.Barcower faits ta respoM to I.eader vontim��iiays';effier tt�d�te dte notice is_;given; .,_. '•.��;:._-
<br /> if ��y .
<br /> - (.20d2i'SS�IO�IZOa t0 t70lI0CE 2t1�3QQIj't�lC Q[�QCl�C�3.fl!Ii.S OQflO[�=eltllsi tQ ECS�iOtT�'.t�l�if Qf t�PtOpetiy Ot Cjr��� •� ,��
<br /> ,-.�- � .,. , � _
<br /> � " . , s+ec�uod Dy tLis Seetl�ril�e I�umeait.�6�e*'a�.lrpt;t�e�doC. . : � := :.�;. -" �'" :';.t `'� :-
<br /> Bon�oarec'ot6etwise:`` ia �►riti a�ry app6c�aia vfptvoeec�5 p� sT�all �ot eatend oi =,�;`. �� •:
<br /> '•; Unkss i.mdet�i: a�x% �8, i° =L:s: ,,:�
<br /> <<..: �:.
<br /> _ �,`.�;` postponetheQueda�ti€11�������trtodtoipparagraphsl_and�v�d�ffie�moanto�rsud�-payma�ts.. ;:�,ii�: ;�'�.;�_
<br /> ll.IIanoRV i�; ° EY I�der Nat s Wairet E�oar��ame for paymentor modifiration �� tr
<br /> co �roessor in interest of Borcovrer shall ' '' ��
<br /> - of amortiration of d�si�s����'�jt`�S�auntY Instcu�n��a�ttod by Leader an.Y; ``�,��`"'_-
<br />.>�L. - - '� not qxrate to rctcas���.sa6i1`uy of the origi�'13orrowa or Botcower's s�p�s.5ats tts mterest.lx�xkr aha!!�wt 6e roquirod ta - ��.:� � � .. _
<br /> .'-�.•...;r t.� _
<br />' eanmeaoe pmcaad��gainst a�e s�ooessor ip ii�czrest or refuse co extenct i�'paa�for paymmt or at�ecwise madify amortuation
<br /> - of tbe's�savrad by this Se�u�iiy L�suo'meut:?by r�awa.uf any den�.'i�iade by'the ariginal Boirawer or Botrowet's _
<br /> - suove�s m inte[rst. Arry forbeaianoe by Lender,in earrcising any righc b�,rett�edY sf�al!noCbe a waiver of ar preclude eGe -
<br />. .-,�M'�'� ezerr�s of a�,r rigHt ar remedy. ' . - : ,�;� - � �
<br /> � !2.Spoc�o�s As� .. ' and ree�cs of this ;_;� `'�
<br /> and l�pd:;lriii���nd Serasl I.ia6iWy:C��'['�e oavenaats s�g
<br /> ��`••� Socurity instrument shall bind a�fbe�efit the�':�?�seswrs and assi af �arrower sub' to the provisions of °�
<br /> S� �.?� • �'• '= �
<br /> � .a=- .•-:,_: ,.. , ,
<br />_ .�'� para$r�Qh 17. Borrower's cavee�ap�u�and agro��rt�ents shall be joint an�i�st+s�.:a�. 1�.Biiarawa wt�a�i�b-signc this Sauriry .s_� --
<br /> e r , . -- .�' .:
<br /> •��.�' �-. '; �!but does not execa��e'fi�ote: (a)is ca-signing this Sa:urity instru�tieof:c�,ca maitgage.giant ud con�ey that : .
<br /> 't:.�s i_�, ' � . y ���n
<br /> .. � _ `'s incercst in the Fro sc�'•der the terms af this Securiry instn�men�(b)is riirc`�resonally obligated tu pay the sums •�t� '
<br /> s �
<br /> �__ ����: ,.
<br /> ��
<br /> -- �,;*:. � — secur a d fi a'q i l i's S e r a r i t y I�suumem:and fc)agrees that Leadev asKi atiy ath.r Barratrer mty agree w extend.modify,forl+ear or - . __�
<br /> . �� �nalce any accommodations with regard ta the tenns oi this Securiry lnstrument or the Note withaut that Bonower's coruent. .. � �>
<br /> �:�.�. .�':�
<br /> ,y:�:� .�,__ . 13.I.osn Clwr�es.lf tt�e toan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets masimum loan d�rges. •,:�
<br /> -�:::;F�'; and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or ather taan chargea collected or to be collected in con►�ection with the .�_
<br /> ;�.�:; .;;:r#' loan excoed the permitted limiu,then: (a)any such toan eiau�<l�all be reduced by the ama�nt nocessary to roduce the charge �:
<br />- �a �; . �-� ta the permitted limit:and(b3 any�ums atready.calledod fry'�riu��rrower wbich exeeeded permitted limiu will be refnnded to
<br /> _ • ' -. .:? gaaower Lerider may choose to make this re�ti�3 bY redii�?��.����►c�pa1 owed under the Note or by matcing a direct _
<br /> �•� _
<br /> �',f:�f- J payment to Bortawer. 1P a refitad reduoes g�a�s�. the re3u.�xf�zu�,���1:�e treate+� �c a parti:►1 prepayment withont aay
<br /> ��;;;.;�.�._ A�Y�t charge under 1he No[e:.' `. �: ' `... �c��F``,:��:`.
<br /> _ ;.;�`���'` ' ' •'�t�Notkes.Any notice to�8u�iri:wer provided fdr in tfii5�ea�,titti-�i�,�ament shall be given by delivering it:oibp mailing .;}���?� ,,-
<br /> "' �`� "'f'°. c.; � � it ls�.���?�t�lass mai untesc a ti�l.h,t law r mres uu of an��c�u�;i;,.fis�a�natice sha11 be directed to the I'ra Addreu �l _
<br /> � PP �1 ��
<br /> ".�r., . .. ,, �� , -
<br /> °' :. ,t:...��� ,�.;_ •.:=o�;s�;;�w-t;ti�-s�•.�rrower designates by notice to LendCr. Ai�3's�ui:ra�to Lender shall be given by G�st class mail to • �
<br /> t�� . ,} . ;„ ; �,��r��$,�cG c;�d:+:�erein or any ather address l.ender designates b�r,7szice to Borrower. Any notice pravided for in this
<br /> ti, '• - '�"` -- d ,: ,Sec►�xst�,�.�r�s,.�rt a�!6e dee�te6 ta have been given to Barro��r ar ixnder whcn given as providod in tfiis parage`.�
<br /> y��� � ,� ; ' •• tls����'�wt Se��ility. Thic Security InAninr�:c+t sh�ll t+e gavemed by federal law and the�a:sc� of the •�
<br /> �'' � „a�'��u�n�,i�r�i�c.''r.P'r�u�.�:g;�s�located.In t6e event�C�1u,�?�u+�l�o or ciause of this 5ecurity Instrutne�u:�t:�':�iVote °
<br />`.`,t:' ".. : 1:::;:. �,���{;�s�,:���ii�iaw.sii��i.'��,o�ilice s.ha11�.��affect ae'r+:�;��si:��:+ii5e�Ihi.Srruri�y tmtrument ar tite Note a�zcte can be ;;`�
<br /> . �'� Y:•`�,,;: � .
<br /> - ;;•givea c:`f�d wil�s�c�;:u�:rnttS��;;�.�'ii�rovisiaa.•���this eed tht��r��t,r�r�.�F'�:hiti 5ecurit�ln�irumema".��it�Natc 2�r declared �
<br /> . � �to���erabJe. . • ,�. ,_�,�.: .; , ,, , ..,. :.., , � . :� ..
<br /> ;�'.` .
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<br /> �
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