. , . . , . .. . . . . . . . .. . ; . . . . . . . .rrt-� .
<br /> . . . . . � . - � • . _ � . � . . t.. . .. . � -
<br />_ . . '-c.-.-.._: . . �.. - ' � . . � , - . , - ' , . � � � . . . . '���" -, . . ` �
<br /> .. ' � . . . - . .. . . ��' . � . �_ - ' . ' . . ' ,. . . .. � : . '�'
<br /> . . . . , � i . . , . . �
<br /> : .. _ �_ ". . . .. . . . , . _�. . . .'.�...�...'_--=_-'—'� _--- - - ---- -- - '- — - - --- - ° . . .
<br /> • . . . , . , , � . . . .. . . ., "-' -. -� —�- ,-- —' ,-�-_.. ' , . . . _.
<br /> ' •• _.. . ' . . . . , . , `k- '_
<br /> , � � • 4�7� �O�• f V . � � . J'' �_
<br /> - • c�''=
<br /> ; 16.Borrower's Copy. Banrower shalI be givea one conformed copy of We Noic and of this Securiry Insirumea� `•.r ' _ —
<br />� ` 17.TransPer of We Prope�t�or a Ben�cia�Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or ar�y interesc in it is �
<br /> � sold or uansferred(or if a ben e�icaal u►t�est in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a nawral pe�son)without , • ��,
<br /> Lender's prior wriuen consent,Lendea may,ai its optian,rcquire immediaie paymeat in f�ill of all sums scxured by ttus SecuritY - ,.�,�
<br /> . Inswmen� However,this option shall not be exercised by Lcader if exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the da�oe flf this � , ..
<br /> • Security Insuvmen� '
<br />-==-� If I.eader exeicises this option,Lender s6all give Borrower nosice of acceleaation.The nodce shall provide a penod of not less . _ �_ ,_�
<br /> than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within whicb Boaower must pay all sums secured by this Security : ��-
<br /> Insrrument If Borrower faiLs to pay these sums prior to the e�cpiration of this period,I.ender may�nvoke any re�edies peimitted r �' � �
<br /> ' by this Security Insuvment without furdzer notice or demand on Borrowa. . , ,'
<br /> 18.Boreower's Right to ReinsOa�e. If Borcower meets cerrain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have _
<br /> enforcement of t}us Secunty Instrument discontu►►�ed ai anY rime prior to die eartier of: (a) 5 days(ar such other peiiod a4 � ' ._ __
<br />. applicable law may specifY for re���'�^Qrt)before sale of the PiuF�Y P�'L t�any�oa��r of sale conrtined in this Secariry , , . ::.;s`..z,�.
<br /> Instiuraen�or(b)entry of a judgr��:.�w-`'c�.�g thss Security L�sa-��':t Thase x��ians ate�u Borrowes-(a)pays Lea'.::a',! ,•:•.�r 1 F•�;,�.,� ;'
<br /> hs � .
<br />-�1•(_':,' SllIDS WhlCfl t�]EA W011�11 f!E di:..°, iu�.2'+ �S�.,.�.na� �^�fUT���.:."��r�i�C�.'^�1�LD 2CCL'�.'�F•i�1t Ls �1QIEt1:�D� CUI��Y �1 %.;;�'S�����?E{�{f�,a,sxr,
<br />'`;�-�:;,'' default of any othra co�-ea�� �,(c)^r�s z S l expe�s�s ir:�..��eai�g r�5.r� �.,�e�.mcladmg but . :rtx".:;,�'-' f r<f:_.s-
<br /> ?�"R�T.°'_. �'r- -_��,
<br />- nat limited to,reasonable attomeys'fe�and(�takes such action�Lender r.�ay reasonabiy r�--y,�to ass�re fiat the Hen of this , ;__
<br />, gecurity Instrument, Lender's nghts in the Property and Bocrower's obligatiou to pay the sums secured by this Security . 'G ,_:.:� � �
<br /> Instrument shall contmue unchanged. ITPon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Insuumu►t and the obligations sec�red �`�
<br /> heaeby shall remain fully effective as if no acceletation had accurred.However,mis right W reinstate sha11 not apP l}+in the case of , . •:'��� :'
<br /> q-�
<br /> �r�'�-;_ __
<br /> acce.terauon underparagraph 17. "'�'`��-r�.-S.-�-
<br /> 19.Sale of Nate;Change of Loan Seavicer. '[he Note or a partial interest in the Note (wgether with ihis SecuritS+ . ; . �;-s .
<br /> I�rument)may be sold one or more times withotu prior notice tn Eorrower.A sale may result in a changc ui the ent�ty(Icnown • ---- ._— —!
<br /> ' as t�e^Lo�Servicer")that wllects monthly payment�due ander ihe Note and this Sccurity insuumen�Thers also may be one or ' , � .;,;,,.^- �
<br /> - - more changes of thc Loan Scmr.er unrelated to a salc of�hc Notc.I[there is a chan8c of tho Loan Scrviccr.Borrov►cr wiU be _ •• ��•_�i"�-=�"'
<br /> . given writtcn noticc:of thc change in accord�ce with Para�raph 14 above and applicable law.'ihe notico will stato Ihe namc nnd ' __"
<br /> • address of the new Loan Servicer s�n�thc address ta+vdech payments should be ma�c.71�c nolicc will also cantain any mhcr i �
<br /> � infotmndan rcquired by epplicablc law. �
<br /> ,.. 2A.NA�ardous SuDstanoe9. Banower shsill not causc or prnnit the presence, us�. disposal. swrngc. or r�leasts of nny . ;
<br /> 1
<br /> Ha�rdous Substances on or in�hc Property.Borrower shall not do,nor alloa anyone elsa to do,anything affocting tlte Property _
<br /> • thut is in violadon of an}�Env'uonmcatal Law.Thc prcxeding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use.or storage on thc -� ; •:' `-
<br /> Property of small qnanuues of Ha�ardous Substances ihac are generally recognized to be appropnate w normal residendnl uses ?�.,
<br /> and tn mauitenance of the Property. .
<br /> � Borrower shall prompdy grve Lender wriuen notice af any investigaaon,claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any � ``:�. .;�,.�� �: ,
<br />, � govemmental or regulatnry ageacy or private party mvoiving the Pcoperty and any Ha7ardous Substance or Environmeatall.aw _'��I�,, .
<br /> of which Borrower has actual lrnowledge.If Borrower leams,ar is noefied by any govemmental or regulatory authority,thal any . . � .�,�t� ..
<br /> removal or oiher remediarion of any Ha7ardous Substance affecang�he Prapeny�s necessary,Borrower s6a11 promptly take all : :; ,
<br /> nece�sary remedial aarons in accoidance with Environmental Iaw. ..�_.~ • :'i �''C:
<br /> As used m this patagraph Z0, "F�Tazardous Substances" are those substances defined as wxic or hazardoas subst�ces by _��'�� —
<br /> `;i :
<br /> Fnvironmental IaN and ths following substances: gasoline, keroseae. oWer flammable Qr toxic petroleum praducts, wuc , ��3d!` • _
<br /> - p e s t i c i des and herbicIdes,volatile sotvents,matenals contavung�sbestos ar fom►aldehyde,and radioacdve materials.As ased in � ':y, � s• i.,
<br /> this para�aph 20,"Euvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jarisdiaron w+�rr t he p ropaty is l o c a t e d t h n i i e l a i e ,,; -. ��.- �'.
<br /> to health.safety or enviconmental p��on. - - � °'� s�-
<br /> °7,: 4 .
<br /> � NON-UN�OItNI�UVENADi'tS.Boirowea zr�Lender furth�r covenant aLd agree as follows: �"�+_�
<br /> �� Zl.Atceleration;RemedIes.Lender shaD ga��a�iice t���7rower prtor to acseiera4on[ollowing�orrawer's breach of ; �
<br /> � . . h 17 nnless `�'�f%,��' _
<br /> aay covenant or agreement � *� Secarisy IInstrament (�bnt no2 prior to a�atti�n under paragrap „_-,.�,..�:,�:,u�,�;�„_�_
<br /> , aPPUcable(aw provtdes otherwiseD.�e noHce s�ail specfty:(a)the detaalt;(b)the a�requfred tn care the detadt;(c) .• -�: =�:�. . . :+;��
<br /> ,, ���.
<br /> � a da3r,not less than 30 days Pro�the date t'�z motice is given to Borrower,by�vhich�Q defaatt�ast be cared;and(d) . -
<br /> ' �' ttwt tailure to cine the de�anit on or before the date speai'ied in!he noBce may resai!in accelera�on of t6e sams serured . . -`�••���-—�y
<br /> �: bp tdf�Security Insh'ament and sale of the Property.The notice sball further inform Borrower ef the vig6t to�einstate �_ � '�`'�
<br /> �.'," after acceleretion and the righ4¢�bring a wurt action to assert the non�xisteuce c�G a default or any other defense o! ..�.�..
<br /> .%si��°�<';;��:_
<br /> Bormwer 4o acceteration end s�r.IIf the detault is not cured on or betore the date��ed in the notice,I.ender,at its ;--,_,_.�,1�t �
<br /> ±� oprion,maq requirs i�aiediate pay�en3 ia t�LC ot aD sams secured by t6is Sec�r[ty Instrument without farther demand ,y��,�;�!�ja.:�-,
<br />��• '' t and may involae t�s pcwer of sade and any c,3.�remedies permitt¢d by applicable law.Lender s}iall be entiUed to collect , �.=�`.
<br /> all eapenses inqurred in pursu�tfie remeEies provdde��this paragraPh 2Y, including,but no!limited to,reasona6le "��'l�..:�,—
<br /> � t attorneys'tces aad msts of 6tle c��eBCe. �•-y��;s'''��`�::'..T.,aa.;_
<br /> � U b.�e power of sate is invoked, 'Q'rastee s�aU*ec�r�J a no8ce of default in ea� �oanty in which an av� of the �•T°`'�'s
<br /> Y s� :,s,��,�t�4: _,...;.�.±;,
<br /> � Property�located and shall maD copies of���ntice in the manner prescribed by a��Cita6k taw 4a�arrower and to the °.}.,:. ,, .,...,.�,.
<br /> other peraons prescribed by applisable Iaw.A�r the ttme reqalred bq appllcable law,Tnutee s�hell girve pubik notice of �-��' �-` --�s�����'�'
<br /> �--�_�.:
<br /> sale to t�e persons and in the manuer presc�bed by appUcabie law.Trustee,withont @¢mand on�3arrower,slnaD sell the . , „� �,,,+,� ,-�..
<br /> Property at pablic auctlon to ths 6igh�t bidder at the ti�te and place and undes the ter�s designated in the n��lce o4 eate , � �+:--•��-•--��:� =,
<br /> . . .. • . _
<br /> � Form 8028 8190 . � .
<br /> � �•8R(NE)(ax+zt.o� Papebol8 inniaie: . —�
<br /> . . � . •i*-
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