. . . . ,. " .: ' <
<br /> .. .� .-. .' -. . � � .. � �. � � � �� , � : . , . • , ., �
<br /> . . � . . . -.. ` ,:_.. •� . ; , �c ; . • . , , ' `. � . � : � :_ ...--- �. . . i , �
<br />. :� g�v �oo�s �' � � � . ^ ��=
<br /> f .p'
<br /> � payments may no lflnger be required.at the option of Lender,if�a►ortgage insurance coverage(in the amonnt and foa the period � .,,_
<br /> tdai Lender requires)provideci bY an insurer aPProved by Lender agoin becomes available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the ,; . ,< ,�
<br /> premiums required to maintain mortgage insuiance in sffece. or ta provide a loss reserve, until the requiremea►c for mortgage .
<br /> insurance ends in acrnrdance with any wriuen agreement berneen Borrower and Leader or applicahle law. � ,'. � � • —
<br /> 9.EnsgPCtion. Lender or its ageat may make reasonable eniries upon and inspactians of!he Pmperty.Le�ider shall give . , '.�,. -
<br /> Bormwer notice at tha time of or prior to an inspecrion sp�ifying reasonab2e cause for the inspecrion. � ' ' -
<br /> 10.Condemnattan. The proceeds of any award or ctaim for damages,d'aect or consequential. in connection arith any . . � ' '� �
<br /> - condem�n or oth�r taking of anY Past Qf the Froperty,or for conveyance in lieu of conde�nnation,are heaeby assigned az►d _ . : �
<br />� shall be paid to I.endcr. . �:
<br /> In the event of a mtal tal�ng of the Propaty,the groceeds sLali be applied tn dce s�rns s�red by this Security Insuument, , � .. -_
<br /> whsther or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower.In she event of a paiouil taldng of the Propeaty in which the fair market � . ,
<br /> value of the Propeaty iuunediarcIy before the taldng is equal to or�ater drau the amount of the sums sec�red hy tLis Security
<br /> Insuument immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender othernise agree in writin8, the sums sec�red by this . '
<br />� Se�ttiiy Ins�u�a�nt shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mulriplied by the following fractinn: (a)the toml amount of , ..,;.,� �'
<br /> the snms seatted immediately before the tal�g,divi�l bY (b)the fair r��ket value of the Property nnmediately before the � ..°-`' -..
<br /> �.,.•.-,-_
<br /> �.Any itr:�-..x shall be p�d tn Bonower.ln the eve�t ef a partial�g of the Property in which t he fair m a r ket v a l ue o f�e . . ,�'`:-..�_,•;,.:=
<br /> t��,.�-,; "s_-n*-�y before t�e takmg is less thz� �� u��mt of th� sums secured immrdiately before the tak�g, i.:,:� = . �;, �.:�.� ---_-_.--
<br /> ��::;•,
<br /> .-ia�;nMF �f1!�'�'c
<br /> ��;.�,r��r�r ath�T.��in���"���icable law otheiwise provides,the Proceeds shall be 4-:���� ;?'�;;s�t��`� W
<br /> _,. :,::��+•,. ���:•
<br /> "';' s-�.,��.,��,;-��;e��L�ent���2�r�r r.nt U�sums are then dus. •,,=�.,• --.,�,
<br /> ;�r, + '. •` ..�... . �__
<br />°,';ris.• "�t�e Prap�is�.~�,u.�:.;��y Bosower,or if,after notice by Lender w Bormwes that the condemnor offers cn make an ..:�,,:;. �
<br /> . :��
<br /> �t ar✓�-1 or seule a claim for d2�a.;es,Boirower faiLs m respond to I.ender withm 30 days aftra the date the notice is�ven,I.ender �
<br /> . } ••, .:%`-'=:��:
<br /> is authari�xd to collecx and apply ti�e proceeds,at its option,either to restoiarion ar cepaa of the Propeaty or to the sums s�ured . • �
<br /> - by this 3ecinrity Instrament,whethea�or not then due. --�- ��-����
<br /> Unless Lender and Botrov�er otherwite agee�writing,anY apPlic�ion of proceeds to principal s1�a11 aot eAtend or posKpone . � < : ,
<br /> ���:
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments referred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymeuts. �-�
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbe�rance�y Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modifu�tion . � � '� : ,g�,.
<br /> � of amort'rrarion of the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument gcaated by L.eadea w any successor in interest of Borrower shall .j�j ��
<br /> 8
<br /> noi operxte to relc�se the liability of the otiginal Bomowe.r or Botrower's successo�s in interest Lender shall not be required to ���,#.
<br /> commence proceedings against any sucsessor in int�rest or refuse w eatend tiirte for payment or otherwise modify emorti�ation of �
<br /> . �.�� the sums securEd by ihis Security Instnunent by reason of any demand made by the original Sorrower or BoiroNer's succ��sors �..,,�: : � ` .-•
<br /> .� in inteaesL Any forbearance by Leader in exe�ising aay right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectude the e�cer�cise of any .� .� .�, • .:. r}
<br /> .�, _-,
<br /> right or remedy. �'
<br /> � • 12.Snccessors and As4igns Bonad;Joint and Severa!Liabllity; Co-signers. The covenants and a�reeme,nis of this •�,
<br /> g¢cuiity Instrument shall bind and beaefit the successors and assigns of Leader and Borrowa, subject tn the provisions of ���� �.� �
<br />, paragraPh 1T. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joumt and seveaal. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security .?rE• •
<br /> Tnstmmeat but dces not eaecate the Note: (a)is co-siBninB this SecuritY Instrument only w mortgage,graut 2ad coavey that �` � �:-_
<br /> Bonower's inteaest in ihe R+a�eaty under the teams of th*s Security Insuument;N)�s not peisonally obligate�to pay the sams �r .' =-
<br /> •�.;.•.,. . �• � :.�:
<br /> se�mred by this Security Insnumen�and(c)agrees thac Lender and any oWer Bomawer may agree w extend.�adify,forbear ar _
<br />• • make an accommodations witb tegard to the tera�s of this Se�uity Insuuwent or the Note wittwut that Bormwer's conseni. '
<br /> 13.Loan Cbarges. If the loan seaued by this Sec�uity Inswment is subject to a law which sets maaimum lomn charges. ..:;`�;!��_..
<br /> and that law is finally intexpreted so thai the interest or orher loan charges collected or to be collec�e►cana�xinn with the loan - __ �
<br /> e�c�ed the peimitted limits.�:(a)any such loan c0�a�e shall be reduced by the ammmt necessary w reduce d;�charge t.�the {y,�, , _ ;
<br /> . �aiued luni�and(b)any s-.,.,.,s already collected from IIorrower which eaceeded pe�'.itted limits w�71 be zef��ra Bomuwea _t�^�'�;
<br /> Lendea may choose t� maYe this �efund by reducing the prinapal owed under the Note or by malong a cL�a Faymeut w _ �.
<br /> Boirowea.If a refund reduces principal,the rednction will be ueated as a pactiai prepayment without any pre,gryment char�z _s ._ - �—
<br /> �auder the Notc. m�°-�--- .
<br /> 14.Notiees. My nouoe ta Borrowea pmvided fQr in�L•s Security Instcument�Lall be given by delivering�t�by mailing it � "�•..�.�- ,__-
<br /> �3�f i i s t ctass mail unless�ti�ble law requires use af aar_ther method.The rtacis,:shall be dire�ted to the Prmj,�ty Address or .:��°+�"F�":` .
<br /> .• . any other address Borrowea designates bg rcorice ao i.e�',.�.My no6ce to L.endea s:�all be given hy Ssst class mail to Lender's ' .•,,�„'.......—..
<br /> , � ,
<br /> .:�., addmss stated herein or any other addres�L.entler d�,y ates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for in this Security .` ,.;'`�";:�;:",�'.,.. •.
<br /> Instmment shaU be deemed to have been given to Borraatc:r cr Lender when given av provided in this pa�agraph. ..... • -:• •�%
<br /> �;4�"�;',`.�:a,�. :�,:
<br /> . ,. I5.Gover�ing Law;Severability. This Securi�r �•�'r-��E shall ise goveaned by federal law and tfte law of the • � •• • _
<br /> jurisdiaron In ahic6 the Property is located. In the evera��at a�y provision oa clause of this Security Insuument or the Nore ��---�'� � �' � �--
<br /> 5- �sir�:.
<br /> --�r�-,-::
<br /> conflicts wit�n applicable law,such wnflict shall not affect other pmvisinns of this Security Instrument or tha Note which can be "��'���•.���
<br /> :-•:�:-u-: - .�`
<br /> ven effe�t wit?�ovt the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Insuument and the Note are declared w ���i�. .:�"���:•� .•_ -
<br /> b severable. .�,,_•,,.�~�- f
<br /> FormSO48 9l�0 '�'��� . . -
<br /> �•8�1(HE)I42t2).Ot Pape�of8 Initltb: ..___ � . . . �
<br /> , --•-•-�.°--T-�..-�-+-�--��.-'•. � . .. _ �..
<br /> ._.._._..-_._..—. - � � � —
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