. . �;�, . . ,: ' _ . , . . . Y . . `,.r . . . . '.. . . ,k.,�.'; , .` .. '4' .� s�.•`,i��.
<br /> ... .. :�' " '_..__"_ ,.. .... ' ._�______ _ • . . . . . � � - ... . , ' . .,. .. �. ,. ..._._ . ...�. � . ...
<br /> � ,+,y ' _ . ..-..
<br /> •�� . ' - . ,. - .!`'y_;'�i�v,s.:c....
<br /> � . 17. Teansfer o� tho Proaariv or a Beneficial lntores4 in �O►rqWBi_ If ail or anv oart of the Prooertu or
<br /> ` � any interest in it is sold or transferred (or il a benefictal interest i� Borrower is sotd or Vansferrect end 8orrower is not a naturai '�
<br /> person)wfthout Lender's pnor written cortsent. lender may.at its option,require immediate payment m full ot all sums secured by ��� � c A�"�-
<br /> this Security Insbvment Hawever, this opUon shai!not be exercisetl by Lender A exerccse�s prohibded by federal Iaw as of the � , , �
<br /> '� � _
<br /> date af this Security Instrument. ,�s;�,: ��
<br />� B Lender exercises this option, Lender shall g�ve BoROwer notice of acceleratron. The notice shati provide a penod of not �`' '
<br /> less than 30 days hom the date the no2ice is de!ivered or r�iled within which Borrowar must pay a[I s�ms secured by th�s ,
<br /> $ecurity Instrument If 8ortower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this penod. Lendu may invoke any remed�es • . -
<br />. • permitted by this Seasrity Instrument without fixther notice or demand on 8orrower. ����•
<br /> , 98. Barrawer's RlgM to Re6nst84e. It eorrower meets certain condidons, eorrower shal! have the right to hav� � ` ' ���-�=—
<br /> �; enforcxment of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier ot (a) 5 days (or such other period as� ' • . '�♦a�y----.�
<br /> - applicable law may specHy for reinstatement)before sale of the Proyerty pursuant to any power oi sale contained in ffiis Sewrrty a � ��,��:,'%°
<br /> —�j Insbumen� or(b) entry of a judgment enfordng this Securiry l�utrument Those cond�ions are that 8orrower: (a)pays Lender all p ' � ' '�°`=`
<br /> • sums wh;ah then would be due under this Sewrity Instrument and the Note as it no acceteratlon had occurted: (b) cures any , =�'��`
<br /> � defautt o} any otfier covenant or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrumertt, inGuding, but � ~-�',��"�,-
<br /> not Gmfted to.reasoaat,te attomeys'fees: and(cn takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of � ��'-�`"'•:= .�
<br /> � th3s Security InsUUment, Lende�s rfghts in the Property and 8orrowers obGgation to pay the sums secured by this Searity :.'��-�'''f��'
<br /> Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon re;nstatement by Borr�wer, this Sewdty Instrum�t and the obGgations secured � � ,�. �
<br /> hereby shall remain iully effecdve as i}no acceleration had occurted However.this right to remstate shall not appty in the case � '� .�,,,��-r;-` ,` .��
<br /> ot acceteration und2r paragraph 17. •--
<br /> 19. Sale of Noie; Chartge of Loan Servlcer. The Note or a a partlal interest in the Note (together with this - -�� ��� ��
<br /> Security InstrumeM)may be sold one or more vmes+nrithout prior notice to Borrower.A sale may�esult m a change in the enUty ;���='='��" -
<br /> (known as the'Loan Senricer")that collects monthty�zyments due under the Note and tMs Security Instrument There atso m.ay - . ,�, _ —
<br /> be one or more Chan es of the Loan Servicer u�,-ar'ed to a sate of the Note. If there fs a chan e of the Loan Servicer. ul�, :x ��� ��,����
<br /> , � 8 z.,r'r ' eY,—
<br /> Borrower wi0 be given written notice of the change r accordance with parag�a�!r ?4 above and applicable Iaw. 't'�r:e notice wiU °� ,
<br /> , state tfie name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which�a�rments should be made. The noUce will�a �s'� ��'� ___°•
<br /> conta(n any other iniormation required by applica6le law. �:�;.�-l��'. V .�°� ��,
<br /> S .
<br />_ 20. Haza►dous Sabstances. Borrawer snat� not cause ar par.-rit t'�a presence, use, disposa�,storage. w retease ;': '}�( �,"�'":J`'�4_;;�
<br /> , any Hazatdous Subsisr� on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nc: al+�w anyone etse to do, anything atfecting the t .� "' , • .• • •� .
<br /> . Property that is in vlc[a5an of any Envtronmental LsN. The preceding two sentnr:,^.;s shaU not appry ta the presence, use, or ��`-'�+��ti���-�=-�=-;,�
<br />• storage on the Property of small quantiUes oi Hazardous Substances that are genarally recogn¢ed to be appropriate to norm=_' --'`'�' •
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance cr,�e Properry. �
<br /> Bortower shall promplty gfve Le;�er written noUce of any (nvesUgatlon, clalm, demand lawsuit or other action by any �� '' " ` '`'
<br /> ovemmenial or re uteto a en or g p rty y }'.�'�
<br /> : g g ry g cy private party involvin the Pro e and an Hazardous Su�-s•.ance or Environmental Lnw ot :� - �, �•r�
<br /> _, whfch Borrower has actuat tmawtedge. If Bonower leams, or is notifled by any govemmemat or regulatory �h':arity,thst any �� �'_��:�•=:-__
<br /> remoYal or other remedlation of any Harardous S��stance affecting Properry is ��cess�ry, 9orrower sha:t prmr�ptty take all i ' :
<br /> ;:l,..s necessery remedial actlons In accordance wfth EnvUonmental Law. 4• �%;S�
<br /> �,�°� 11s:xed in this paragraph 20. °Hazandous Substances' are thc�substances dafined as Soxit or hazardous substances Sy � -- °"'°
<br /> . ,•,. �; � •-_ -
<br /> Environ^ra�tal Law and the tollowing subsKar�ces: gasoline, ksrasa�e, other `�.-n.�able or toxic petroleum produds, t�xi:, 'i, '--
<br /> . pestiGdes and herbiad,�,volatie solvents, materials ao.:.3ining asbstos or fortct�eaa�yde,and radioacriue materials. As us�ir. `•2}�,C . ' `���"�� '
<br /> . parac�raph 20, 'Ernfrort-r�rrtal Law' means federa! t��ris a�d laws of the jurtsdlctia�where the Properry is locate� that retate+s �y ' �i�,.,. � `
<br /> � health,sateiy or em(ronmerttal protection. •�•� ���
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender turther covenant and agree as follows: ,�;"`,�;r��;`�'
<br /> � � 21. Acceteratton; Retnedtes. tender shaU give noilce to Bonowar prior to accoleratlon -
<br />� r,� followl�ag Borrower's breach af any covenant or agreement in this Secu�ity tnstrument (but not .�s� a!
<br /> . i prtor to acceleration under paragraph 17 unlese applicable law provides otherwlsej. The notice � '�- �"�
<br /> �.-.•_ .--_
<br /> shall s�QCt�ty: {a)the default; (b) the acNon requtred to cure ths default; (c) a date. not less than - "�':"``�`�•
<br /> .�,.,r.,�..
<br /> 30 daya from the data the not�ce Is glven to Borrower, by which the default must ba cured; and •� •
<br /> . , : (d) that iailure to cure the default oa� or belore t`ua date specified in the nottce may result uv �" : ,".�':',. ;�^, - •
<br /> acceteraUon ar!the sums secured by thls Securtty tr,�ument and sale of the Property.The notice �-�' "�'-�^'•"t'�
<br /> �,�'=�`'�
<br /> •> sh�l1 further t�a� 8onower of the �ecp�'2 to reir��s after acceleratton and tfie Nght to bring a ,.,� �,. .•
<br /> court aaiion to a�srt the e�on-existe:�� of a d��utt or any other defense of 8orrower t� �{`' �*
<br /> :,. .'����.
<br /> aeceloration and salv. If 4h� detav(t is not cure�J c� or before the date �ecifled In 4➢�e aoli�, �-'�•��:�;��. _-�-
<br /> Lender a! its optton may require Immediate pau�a;-�i in full of atl suma s��Jred by thin Secur:;�r �=� _._
<br /> ln�t►ument wnhou! further demand and may ia��r�7ca the power af sate a�� any ot7t�r remedies .:�;,;;�,;: --
<br /> : permttted by appllcabte law. Lender sha� 6�e e�'L"3".s�ta cotlsct all expensea lrtcur�� ica pursuing �' °' - _
<br /> � the remediea provided In thts paragra�s� 21, i^�Ce„'�sg, ��c¢ u�ot limited tm, raasot��►:� attomeys' .�� ,,�„x,,,,,,�,,.a' °
<br />�•��_�:' .
<br /> ,_��:. fees and costs of tltte evlderece. :';� ��. �,.
<br /> ,. '�3�;� `��'" .�._
<br /> '��i,. 6f i�se power of sate Is Invoket9. Trustee sha;l record a notice o4 default in each ccunty u� ':���,�'"'t'`""�:r-
<br /> � w�n�c9n any part of the Property Is located and shal! mail coplea of such notice i�n �?�a manner �-°°�°�'�'_
<br /> �e�scribed by ap��eaabfe law to Borrower and to the other persona prescrlbed by a��:�aable Iaw. i.�;��'�`"""
<br /> . After tAa tlme requlred by applicable law. Trustee sha11 gWe public notice ot sate to the persons ���=•��,��,�::�s-• .�
<br />, aRd f�v the manner prescrl6e�! by appiicabte Iaw.Truutee. vyithout demand �n 8arrowor, shaQ sEtS . •:� ��;�,*�:4��3,�
<br /> the Property at public auctEx�n to tfie hlghest bi8�er at the time and plac� and under the tenr,s ��"`'"'�"�"'�°�"
<br /> :4��;F'�'::.._... .
<br /> designated In the notice of sale in one or more parcels and In any order TrusQao �^eierminea. •,,�+•,.;.� .-. .
<br /> � Trustee may postpone sale o# a11 or any parcel of the P�operty by public annoucecc�ant at the • ' �J
<br /> tlme and plsce of any previoa�ly schedulod sale. Londer or tta deslgnee may purchase the '�`. � •�• . � --
<br /> Property at any eafe. ." �.
<br /> Upon recolpt of payme�t of 4he prlce bld, Trustee shall deliver to the pu�chaser Trusltem s � � :;.:�;'''� � �
<br /> . �::
<br /> deed conve�ring the Property. Yhe recttals tn the Trustee's deed shall be prlma facie evldence af � . �';
<br /> the tnith of the atate�ents made thereln. Trustee shatl apply the proceeds o! the sale in the . �. .
<br /> followirtg order. (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale, � � �
<br /> including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually i�curred. not to exceed three � � � . : �;°°:°�
<br /> 9'0 oi the principal amount o�the �• ,. �_+
<br /> note at 4Lzo�iae�e ot the declaration of defautt, and reasonabte attomey's fees as permitted by law; '�' -"' '�`� "`.��
<br /> (b) to aR �,.,.�s secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) any excess to the person or persons � ..
<br /> legally entitled to if. � _.
<br /> �131G-LMG ft/971 0.....e-�c ' � —�
<br />= -1 . . _ �-=.-.-. ---.-, _-- .
<br /> --�' �962i1 I �.
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