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. ,. + ; ` . � t. . - .. .f�t�f . .... a . . �r� . , : p �..5 . ,l�'�y- � �,`. .• _ . <br /> � .� � . ' � .. .� . �� �. .. • -- <br /> - ;{-, - .. � � .." "' _ .w . . _..._. . ,.. ._�....0._ _ �-Zt'... . . .. ... _ .S ..... .. ,.. a ...._ . .. _. .. . l-.. 9..Y>"��.a•. <br /> ._..�.. ..a___.�.__��..a_.� _' . *` . `. . <br /> . ,'�jj - <br /> � � .Bortower may cure such a de!auft antl reinstate, as pro-rid8d in par4graph 18. Isy causing the action or proceed(ng to be _� �' — <br /> ="-� � dlcm(ssed wt?h a ruEng tha� in I.enders good taith determirtatton.pre�udes forie�ture ot the BoROwers interest in the Properry or • � �� <br /> � ° ���� <br /> cther material impairtnent of tfie 6en aeated by this Securrty Instrument or Let�der s security interest Borrower shall elso be in • , � . . _ <br />�` �. detauii if 8ortawer,during the toan app(icatfan proeess, gave materiaity talse or inaecurate into.m�Uon or statemQnts to Lendar(or -"=T— <br /> failed to provide lender wfth any material intom�ation) in cortnacUon with the loan evidenced by the Note. +ncluding. but not � ` ,.:��#' �- <br />, . Gmited to, reyresentatlons conceming Borrowers occupancy of the PropeTty as a prinapal residence. If this Securiry .� ..,�,_ <br /> �. InstrumenJ is on a Ieasehold. BoROwer shail compry with alf the prorisions ot the lease. 11 Borrov�er acquires tee We to the • _ _ <br /> Fropetry.the leasehold and the fee titte shaU not merge untess Leoder agrees to the mergsr in wrt6ng. , <br /> .• 7. PPOtectto� af Lender's Righ4s f� the aorrower ta�►s to perlortn the covenants and agreements� , ��`-��__ <br /> f�-��--: <br /> • contained tn this Security �nsdument or there is a legal proceed�ng that may sign�canUy attect Lenders righis �n ehe Property� • ,:'. —r. - <br /> (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate.for condemrtation or toAeiture or to entorce laws or regulatlons), then Lender mey �`=��r <br /> _` do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue of the PropeRy end Lendars rights in tfie Property. lender's adions � , ;�� <br /> s �:-�„� <br /> may indude pay`sg any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this 3ecuriry Instrument, eppearing in couR, paying C - - ft,•--- <br /> . . reasonable attomeys'tees and entertng on the Property to make repafrs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph � ------`� "-' <br /> 7. Lender does not have to do so. � •f� � _ <br /> .' Pny amou�ts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shaU become addittonal debt ot Borrower secured 6y ffiis Secunry := . . �• --: _ <br /> Instrument Untess Borrower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment these amounts shall bear interest from the date of � r�s�,3.;-.:-,. � . <br /> d'isbursement at the Note rate and shali be payabte,wtth trteresL upon n�Uce from Lender to Borrower requesdng payment '� �-' �' '�°� -• <br /> , ,,..,.r :.��, ', <br /> 8. MoRgage (I1SU�c tiCO. If Lender required mottgage insurance as a eond�ion of mdm�g the ban seared by this ���;::•e , <br /> Securily InsWment,Bormwer sha11 pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in eHect If,tor any reason.the � ,i�. ;�_ <br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by lender lapses or ceases to be in effeci. Borrower shali pay the premiums required to �- , <br /> obiain coverage substantfalty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousiy in eNed. at a cost subsKantialty equivatent to the `� :��`... <br /> � cost to 8ortower of the mortgage insurance previousty in eHect, finm an aftemate moRgage insurer approved by Lendec If ' £ r. ::� <br /> substanUa(ty equivatent mortgage insurance coverage is rot avalabie, Bortower shall pay to Lend2r each month a sum equat to •t�': . <br /> one-twetftA of the yeart�r mortgage insurance premium foeing pald by Borrowu when the insuran�ce coverage lap�ed or ceased to 3r"-'"`-?_ -'.:='-- <br /> ce ,:�v�y�� <br /> � be tn effed. Lender wN accep� use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in fieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve °""�"'•'°'�.;-.. -, <br /> payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgage fisurance coverage('in the amount and tor the period '•r�����'''�`� <br /> • that Lender requtres) prouided by an insurer approved by Lender again beeomes availabfe and is obtained. Borrower shail pay .�;°�,,. , � <br /> the premiums required to matntaU� maRgage insurance in eHect, or to provide a loss reserve, unU7 the requirement tor mortgage ��- � � <br /> �' insuranee ends In aceordance with anY written agreemeot between Borrower and Lender or appiicabte law. �•'��---��'`_ <br /> 9. Inspeation.Lender or iis agent may make reasonable entrles upon and inspections ot the Property. lender shall g��e <br /> Borrower notice ai the time of or pdar to an h��etlon specitying reasonabie cause for the inspecdon. zsw,w,''rr$r.,•;.'; <br /> � 10. Cofldernnatlon.The proceeds of any award or daim tor damages, direG or eonsequenUal,in connection with any , , <br /> condemnatlon or other tnldng ot any part of the Properiy, or for conveyance in lieu of condemna8on, are hereby assigsied and �',`���;z; . '. � <br /> .. shatl be pafd to lender. ;�' .' � .� " <br /> :1•4;�' '�;r"` . <br /> " In the event of a total taking of the Properly, the proceeds shaU be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br /> InsVument,whether ar not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. M the event of a paNal taking ot the Property in which `..., ,. �, <br /> the tair market vetue of the Property immediatety before the taking is equcl to or greater than ths amount of the sums seeured ����-�-� <br /> by this Securi4y Instrument im:�uG;ateiy before the taidng. untess Borrow� and Lender othelwise agr�vi wt!ting, tAe sums ` , <br /> - secured by this 3eeudry Instru^aa:3 shail be reduced by the 2�ount of the proceeds mut�iYad by iha toP✓�w(ng fraction: (a)the y��� • , <br /> total amount of the sums seal:�d immediatery before the -tr.��, d'rvided by(b)the tair r..a:�c�:value of ihe Properry immediately ��, '� ��'"'•' � <br /> betore the taicing.My balance shafl be paid to BoROwer. In the event ot a ra-5at taking a4�the?rotu:y U+whteh the tair market ''""" ` <br /> value of tho Praperty lmmediately before ttie taldng is less then the amouat a'the sums sECUred im.:.o�l�ely before the teldng. L::-n��.'-��.;�::�..� <br /> unless Bomower and Lender otherwise a¢ea tn wriUng or untess applicab'�a iaw othetwi3e provtdes, ihe proceeds �haU be ,. '�;;?�' <br /> app4ed to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. � '���,�, <br /> , If the Properly is ebandoned by Borrower,or B, aSter noUce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ofters to make an v r " <br /> award or settte a daim for demages, Borrower taHs to respond to Lender wRhin 30 days after the date the notice is given. "'°•L <br />�� ` Lender is authorhed to colieet and appy the proceeds,at its opUon, either to restoration or repair oi the Properly or to the _ _.._.=� <br /> � sums secured by this Security Inshument,whether or not then due. —`� <br /> Unless Lender and Bortovier otherwtse agree in writing, any appilcaUon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ..��;,_,.�,`- <br /> �� postporta the due date of the monthty payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 er change the amourd of such payments. __ __...__-__� <br /> r. 11. Borrower Not ReBeased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver.Extenston of ths time tor pa��r.:ent or ���,-_,�- <br /> mod'rfieatlan of emottlzeUon ot c�$sums secured by this Security Insbument granted by Lender to any successo7 (n Ir.:=rest of =_-- <br /> °. '. . ,.. . . <br /> � Borrower shai!noi operate to r��se the Qabifrty of the originel Borrower or BorrowePa successors(n Interest Lender shail rtot <br /> . be requUed to cc�mence proceedings a�i��t any successor in interest or retuse to extend time for payment or atherwlse _ ° <br /> modify amoRtraUon o1 the sums secured by this Securily tnstrument by reason of any demand made by the original 8orrower or � ; Z,�i' <br /> � • Bortower's successors in inte� My tarbearance by Lender in exerc(sing any dght or remedy sheD not be a welver o1 or <br /> ' prectude the exerdse o1 any dght or remedy. ��''�n`H'�`''-__ <br /> � 12. Successora and Asstgns Bound; Jo3nt an� Severa! L1a6ility; Co-stgner9.Tha couenents and ________ <br /> ,. '' acgeements of thts Security Ustrument shail bind and benefrt the successors and asslgns of Lender and Bortower,subJect to the -a °---� ; � _ <br /> "� :- provisfons�f para�aph 17. 8orroweYs covenarrts and a�eements shall be joint and severel. My Borrower who co-signs this +�•-��+, <br /> " Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey . . <br /> that Borrowe�s interest in the Property under the tertns o1 th�s Securily Insbument; (b) is not petsonaily obiigated to Qay the ..�Ti.__•:.._ ' ' <br /> • aums secured b this 3ecu' InsWment; and(c) egrees that Lender and an other Bortower ma a ee to exter.�, mod',t,, �`��r� �� <br /> y � y y � "7� Ye'r.�:a�:•�::; <br /> torbear or make any accommodations wltb regard to the tar.ns ot this Security Instrument or the Note without thal B�rtower's _ _ 4'f��?=h��' <br /> � : } consent. �_,...'T'�,`_'r'�.�° <br /> ����_'�:=:�.�:. <br /> •• 13. Loan Cha�gea. N the loan secured by this Security InsUUment is subJect to a Iaw vfi�:h sets maximum loan �: <br /> charges, and that law is ftnalgr interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges collected or to be eoltected in connecUon ��;y:�,. <br /> wfth the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any sua7 loan charge shall be reducc�d by the amount necessery to reduce - �,.1 � <br /> the cherge to the pertnkted Iimit: and (b)any sums are2Cy coStected hom Borrawer which exceeded perm(tted Gmits will ba �a���k°. <br /> ' retunded to Bortower. Lend�r may choose to make thls re:und by reducing the prinapel owed under lhe Note or by making a ��" �}'` <br /> _�� direct payment to Bortower. If a refund reduces pdncipa), the reductton vldl be treated as a parUa� p�a�ayment wRhout any �:`�`��'�,^�:�_ <br /> prepayment cherge under the Note. "' ..�'`'�'at`��- <br /> 14. Notieea.Any noUce to Bortower provided}or in this Secur(ty Instrument shall be ghren by d2Gieriag ft or by mailing R �i��•~ c�'-�� � � <br /> .r::.::�;?�.i•f+.�... .. <br /> by first class mail unless applicabie law requires use o1 another method. The notice shall be directed to the Prope�ty Address „ .;•:,4-{.-, ! <br /> or any other address Borrowe� designates by noUce to Lender. My notice to Ler�der shall be given by first c:ass mail to - .;;'��'::�.,:' ,,.•,-3; <br /> lender's address stated herein or any other eddress Lender designates by noUce to Borrower. Any r.otice provideA"-�r in this ' <br /> Security InsUUment shall be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. � � <br /> 15. GOVBfQIRg LaW; Severab3�it�y. Thts Securiiy Instrument shaU be govemed by tederd.lew and the law oi the � �' � . — <br /> �. Judsdiction in which the Property is locat�. In the event that any provision or clause oi this Securty �nstrument or the Nole <br /> � coniUcts with appOcabta law, such conRict shall nol aftect other provisions o}this Security InsUument or the Note which can be • . _ <br /> ,. given eftect without the confilcting provlsion.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to , , _ <br /> . . be severable. ' � <br /> • 16. Borrower's Copy. Bortower shall be given one contortned copy oi the Note and oi thts Security instrument. • , <br /> F7316.LM6(try7) page 3 of S • . � ' — <br /> -.==- <br /> � ...�-_.� ��_� <br /> - - - . <br /> . �9fi2tt � . ' .. � <br /> .,:_...': . . � .�. , >.: . •' �' . •• . .. - . ' . . 1. . . ���r . .. • ' ' . <br /> .. .11� . °' . � � .. .. ,,. .. . r `r°. � � �_. . - +�.� . . �'fj� .. ' . . ' ... , �•�V- , . ' _�' .. '.. �� <br />