' � �r:' 'F `, � .. ` -. .. <. ' . ' ... .. . , . . � .. . , , ' , • . -.. .. _ '._'E`_ . „ • � � . --
<br /> .L_. .-- .... —-_. . _ .__� __- . .. . . .
<br /> �. � � . `t.. .. .__.
<br /> � 17. Transfier of the Property or � B�nef�ctat in4erest in Boprovror. If all or any part at the Properly or • : �r`�. .�
<br /> ,r .� any Interest in it is sold or Uansfened (or d a benefidal interest in Borrower is sold or tran s fe�reo ano oorrv..��� .-��: a�.a•�: � - -- .
<br /> person) wilfiout Lender's p�or written consent. Lender may.at rts opuan,reqwre immediste poyment in fuil of af1 sums secure6 by �
<br /> � tNs Security InsVument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise fs prohibited by federa� law as ot fhe � ,
<br /> � date of this Security Instrument. ' . �-. "
<br /> I} Lender exercises this aQtion. lender shall give Bo�rower noUcs of acceteration TAe noGce shaii prowde a penod ot not �r •� _,YF,
<br /> less than 30 days from the date ihe naUce is delivered or mailad wRhin which Bortower must pay all sums secured by this � , r
<br /> � Sawrity lostrument. If Borrower tads to pay these sums pdor to tAe expireUon of this period. Lend2r may invoke any remedies � r � .�%�'?�
<br /> ' • permRted by this Secunry tnswmeni aithout turther noUce or demand on Bortower. ,=�s._
<br /> • '.�'�r;-„
<br /> � 18. BOrtOwBr's Right to Fae1nS��. U 8orrower meets certain cond;Uons. Bonower shalt have the nght to have �_.. �.:
<br /> eniarcement ot this Seeudry Instrumeht diseonUr►ued at any time pdor to tAe earlier ot (a) S days (or such other penod as � . '. z�:��.
<br /> _ = appiicable law may specity for reinstatement) betore sale o1 the Properry pursuant to any power oi sale conta�nec!m th�s Securiry �'r � - �;-� •
<br /> ,` � Instrument: or (b) entry of a judgment entorang this Security�nstrument.Thase condiUOns are that Barovrer. (a)pays Lender sU � �._ _- ��.�r��, '-
<br /> . --�';�
<br /> sums which then would be due under th�s Sewrity Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred: (b) cures any w�r�,_',
<br /> defau8 ot any other covenant or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurted in entorcing this Securiry �nsdument. mduding. but 0 , '_.r� _—
<br /> not GmRed to, reasonable attomeys'tees; and(d)tnkes such action as Lender may reasonably reqwre to nssure that the lien of�i•s� ,_
<br /> this Security Instrument. Lender's rlghts in lhe Preperty and 8ortowers obfigation to pay the sums secured 6y th�s Secu►ity <s,_-,T�r;,--
<br /> InsVUment shall coatinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bortower, this Security Instrument and the obligations secured � �'�=''R'�"a`-=
<br /> PP�Y� ,���..
<br /> hereby sha0 remain fuflyl eftective as it no acceleraUon had occurted. However,this right to minstate shall not a in the case �.��
<br /> ..�_---•�_,
<br /> of acceleraBon under paragraph 17. _
<br /> 19. S1le 04 f1tO2e; Chango o! Loe71 SerolCe�. The Mote or a e paAlal interest in the Note (together with th'ss � -
<br /> Securiry Instrumerrt)may be sotd one or more times wfthout prior notice to Bortower.A sale may resuft in a cfiange in the entiry � `,��_;��
<br /> ' (known as the °Loan Servlcer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument There also may r -.. _-__ -__-_ _—_
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sata ot the Note. If there is a cAange of the Loan Servicer. ��.m.� .
<br /> Bortower wi0 be gi+ren wrttten noUce o1 the change In accordance with paragraph 1A ehove and applicable law. The noUce wili ,'',1l�s-:�,
<br /> ' state the name end addresa of the new Loen Servicer end the address to which payments should De made. The notice will also
<br /> '. contain any other InfomiaUon required by appUeabte law. '. ..
<br /> � 20. Ha�zardous Substanees.Bortower shell not cause or permit the presenca use, disposal, storage, or release ot .�.��._....__.
<br /> � any Harardous Subs�tances on or in tAe Properiy. Borrower shall not do, nor altow anyone etse to do, anything aBecfing the -
<br /> Property that is in violaSan d any Environmental Law. The preced�ng two sentences shali not appiy to the presence, use, or _ _ _�
<br /> storage on the Property of sma[I quanUUes of Har�rdous Substances that are generalty recognized to be eppropriate to nortnat "'-ti�i:_�
<br /> '? � residenUal uses and to ma(ntenance of the Property. �
<br /> e Lender wriiten noUce ot any investigaUon. claim, demand lawsuit or otfier acdon by am1 " �
<br /> • Bamswer sh�Jl PromPUY 9� =
<br /> govemrr:ci�.k cr rEgulatory agency or pdvate parry invotvfng the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of --R
<br /> � whlch Bonower ha.s adual knawtedge. If Borrower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or regutatory authoriry, that any ,• ' _
<br /> removal or other �►edfaUon of any Hazardous Substance aftectlng Property is necessary. Bor►ower shail promptty teke al�
<br /> necessary remediaf ections in accordance wfth Envlronmental Law. . , ;✓
<br /> � As used in thls paragraph 20. 'Hazardous Substanees' are those substances defined as toxlc or hazardous substances by ` �;<;�..^ :
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoGne, kerosene, other Ilammatrte or toxlc petreleum products, toxic • f� ,.i���:
<br /> � pesdddes and herbicldes,volaGle solvents. materlats contaln(ng asbestos or fortn JdEhyde.���dloactive materlals. As used In ,ay •• a i?-:.:{-
<br /> . paragraph 20. 'Environmental Law' means federal faws end laws of the jurisdi.c��n where tiTe Property Is located that relate to `�°�•`�'�� �� �.�� ��
<br /> heatth,satety or envlronmental protection. . . .�` �` , �
<br /> NON-UNIFOAM COVENANTS.Bortower end Lender further corenant and agree as fof.ows '. ° -_
<br /> " 21. Acceleratlon; Remedtes. Lender shall give notice 4o Bor�ci-ar prior to accederatian .�:_
<br /> , foltawing Bonower's breacfi of any �ovenat�t or agreamenC ��e 4hia Sacurity Instrument (but no! '�..._-
<br /> � priw to acceleratlon u�de� paragra�a�e 17 untess applicaix�e �.re provides othervvise). The no3ice . ,:�f
<br />; shall specity: (e) the detauf� (b) the action ►equired to cure�he c4gfaoc y (c) a date, not less than s__.•.r``�r-'•":
<br />� •'��. 30 days f►om the date the notice is given to Bainower, tay whlch the �afault must be cured; and ��--�= -�
<br /> (d) tha3 lailure to cure the defaul�t on or before the date specffled ln the notice may resu(t tr� ,_ �, ;:�; ��•.
<br /> �� acceleratlon o!the sums se�urod �y�+hls Security Ustrume�3 and eale of ti�e Rroperty.The natice ¢��� "�"_''�
<br /> -� shall further tntorm Borrowor of the right to re�ns4ate aRev �celeratian and the right to hring a �__- � -_-�
<br /> ' court acttoa to assert the non-exis4ence o4 a defiault or any other defense af Borrower to ���-�---�:�-
<br /> • . acceteration and safe. ff the defautt Is not cured on or before the date spectfled fn the notlee, �'�''�`,�,��.�=
<br /> . • Lender at Ifs option may requlre immediate payment tn full of all aums secured by thls security ��3 �,_ -
<br /> � Ins�trument without further demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any othar remedies r,�;:
<br /> : permitted by applicable law. tsmder shall bo eMiUed to collect afl expenses Incurred In pursuing ��_f�., �°w��'
<br /> .��;c�"°<:*, -
<br /> the remedtes provlded i*� thla parag►aph 29, incfuding, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' _ �.�- '
<br /> � �o�and costa of tltie�i�nce. :�;-• -- -' ''�-
<br /> . 4"Y'Tt'�{�'-�.:
<br /> �i the power of sa�a E� invoked, T�ustee shaQ record a notice of default In each cou��y in ,3�_:.�•.�____._
<br /> � �nich any past of the Property Is located and shal! mail coples of such nofice in the manner _,,,.,.,f�,�,,,,:.:.•'
<br /> � . � • prescrl6ed by appUcabfe law to 8��war and to tho other persona prescrlbed by applica6fe law. � ' � �
<br /> � Ay'�,.er the tirna requtred lsy apptica�3o :aw, Trostee shall give public notiee vf s�.t� to the persons 4a,;.�c;:�.�. .. , .
<br />' � �;:� in the manner prescsebed Iry a��lieaBle law. Trustee. without doasand on Borrower, sh�i� sell „;:,��;,;,,,;,; ;�,,.
<br /> '�� the Property at pubUc avction to t�e hlghosz m9�tder at the 4ime ar.d �aace and under the ba�ens --
<br /> . designated d�o the noHce of salo i�e one or more parcels �a! lo E-;q 6rder Tr�st�e deterr..t:�es. • :���':��.,'�
<br /> ' Trustee ma,y aastpone sale of al9 or any parcel of 4he P�a�carty► by p�+blic arr�:cr•.�ement at !he .
<br /> time and plar.e of any pr�aviously sa�eduled sale. Len�er or its a�esignee may purchaso the . ;�"
<br /> ''` :. . Proporty at any sale. _
<br />. . . lD�on receipt of paymont of the price bir9, Trustee shall delivoP 4o the purchaser Ter�:�aa's �::�_';�:� _ �
<br /> � • deed conveying the Property.The recitals in t3�a Trustee's doed shalt he prima facie evide��o ot � .• • . .
<br /> 4he truth of the statements made 4�sarein. Trustee sha�� ��ly the proceeds a4 tho sal� in ths
<br /> � gollowing order: (a) to all costs and expenses o! exercls��g tho �xower of sato, and t!►e sale, • ' , - �
<br /> � including the payment of the Trus4eo's feos actually incurred, no4 tm o3cceed three :
<br /> ' 9'o at the principal amount o# tfie -
<br /> ' noie at the time of the deslaration of defautt, and reasonablo attornay's fees as �s�rmitted 6y lavr; .
<br /> � (b) to all sNms secured by this 5ecurlty Instrumont; and (c) any excess to tfiv gssRSOn or persons : •
<br /> �. � legally entifted to it. . '
<br /> ...n.,n�. P.�a��4 td S
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