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' . ,. 4. � t .__��,-._�.._. .` . . -.(_.., .. . . . _ ... _ << ; .. �' a • ,c `r . �....._'F_-'___ '. _ <br /> � , -„'tt f-...�w�3""1'!°°c-�. <br /> • • DonoNer rnay �re �!sh s ����� s�d r�U+.s+3te. as orovtded in aaraaraAh 18, by causing the acUon or proceeding to be ��� � V ' � �•_.��' ` <br /> , dismissed w(th a neting that in LendQr's good faith determination.predudes torfeRUre of the Bortowei s interest in tho Property or �� � - <br /> ' other material impalmr2nt of the Iien aeated by this Sacuriry Instrument or Lendsr's secunty �nterest. Bortower shall til�o be m , � <br /> detauft if Borrowar.during tihe loan applicaUon process, gave materialty fatse or inaecurete i�tormation or statements to Lender(or � .f, • <br />� , tv7ed to provida Lender with any mateda! intormation) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Niote. mcludmg. but noi , F`�`- - <br /> � ' `� <br /> limfted to, representaUons conceming Boaower's ocapartcy of the Property as a pnndpal resfdence If th�s Secun.y � � , ' ,..,,;;,�'�_•� <br /> Instrument is on a leasehold. Bonower shail compiy with afl the prov�sions of the lease. If 8onower acquues tee trtle to the� `.� �" . _ <br /> . PropeRy.ffie leasehold and the tee tiUe shall not merge unless L�nder sgrees to the merger in writing. , • �___•.' <br /> 7. Protectlon �9 Ls�der's Rights in 4he Pro�erty.if Borrower raifs to pertortn the covenants and egreement�� . � ° `, ����*•;=s:" <br /> cnntained m this Securityr instrument, ot there is n tegat proceeding that may significantty aflect Lender's rights in the Property ' . �``��s: <br /> - (such es a proceeding in banlwptcy, probate,for condemnation or torteifure or to entorce laws or regutaUons).then Lander may � , :.�-�_ <br />' do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vaiue of the Property and Lenders rfghts in the Property. Lender's actions � � ' �:',,,��_ <br />�' may fnclude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Securfty Instrument. appearing in court. paying O _ ' ' .':�±�f <br /> reasanabte attomeys' fees 8nd entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph • . . �;� <br /> 7, lende►daes not have to do so. � • '"�`, <br /> My amounts dsbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shalt became addfional deht of Borrower secured by this Securrty � ` � =`�Y��-=-i-- <br /> " instrument UNess Borrower and Lender agree to othe! tertns ot paymen� these amounts shall bear mterest from tne date ot � - i:`�'_'.; <br /> disbursemer�t at the Nate rate and shaU 6e payab4e,w�h inte:est upon notice from Lender to Bortower requesting payment. • - �• ,.,. � <br /> 8. Mort�age ln8ur'drtCe. If Lender requ'ued moRgage insurance as a condAion oi making the loan secured by this ;,:,.-,- <br /> . Searfry InsUumen�BoROwer shall pay the premiums required to maintain thts mortgage insurance in effect It,for any►eason,the ' � ' <br /> .�s�er-�._--':'1 <br /> mortgage insurance coverage requUed by Lender lapses or ceases to be tn eftect. Bortower shall pay the premiums required to �-��•_-----.---- <br /> • obtain coverage substantiaUy equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in eftect. at a cast substanUaliy equivatent to the ` <br /> �..•,, <br /> - cost to Barrower of the mortgage insurance previousiy in effect, from an aRemate mortgage insurer approved by Lendar. It ,�"�°-'� <br /> • substantiaUy equivalent moRgage tnsurance cove►age is not ava�lable. Borrower sha!I pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ;�z.;_ <br /> ' one-twe�ftit of the yearly martgage insurance preniutn being paid by Bortower when the insurance coverage Iapsed or ceased to ri <br /> 6e in effect L.e�dc-r�nn11 accep�use and retein these payments as a loss reserve in Geu of rrortgage insurance. Loss reserve . ,r� � . <br /> • paymc�tts rteiy n�tang�be required, at the option of Lender, iP moRgage insurance coverage(m the amount and for tfie period '"�.', <br /> , that Lender requaes) $rovlde�by an insurer approved by Lender agaln becames available and is obmined. Borrower shalt pay <br /> the premlums requfred to maintam mortgage insurance in eiEect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage _ . .;�'•i <br /> � insurence en{s in accordance with any wrftten agreement hehveen Borrower and Lender or appllcabte taw. �� ,� <br /> • 9. tns��alion. Lender or its ageni may make reasonable enUtes upn�and inspectians of the Properiy. Lender shall give � -"'•'�'.��'_ <br /> . Bortower na'Cc2 at the Ume nf or pdor to an inspection specifying reasona43}a cause tor the inspection. ��� �� j �" <br /> Y•�.�._ <br /> .t- -._ <br /> 10. Condemnation.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequerttial, in connection with any -- <br /> ,�� condemnabon or other taking of any parl of the Property, or tor wnveyance in lieu of condemnaUon, are hereby assigned and �,d • '��-� <br /> shall be paid to Lender. �'.� <br /> , .;� In t he even t o f a t o t a l t a k i ng o f t h e P r o p e ri y, t h e p r o c e e d s s h a 0 b e a p p l i e d t o t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u ri t y -- _ _-'`- <br />� tnshument,tivhether or not then due, with any excess pafd to Borrower. In the event of a paRial taWr►g of the Properiy In which �° , <br /> ithe far markei vatue of the Properry immedlately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amouni of the sums secured ,. <br /> � by thb Securiry Instrument immedistety before the taktng, untess Borrower and Lender oihervv?se agree in wriUng, the sums _ __ .__ <br /> � �•;3. secured by this Security Inshument shail Lie reduced by the amount of the proceeds muhlplled 6y the foUowing iracdon: (a)the '�"��' . ' _-T ti, , <br /> � totsi amourrt of the sums secured immadiately betore the taking, divided by (b) the fatr market value of the Property immediate(y ��� .PT�T_ <br /> , betore the taldng.My balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial Ealdng of the P►operty in which the tair market ;..�"":�;. <br /> ,. value of the G�-a�erty Immediate(y betore the tak(ng is less than the amount of the sums secured Immerliately before the teMng. �, _. �.•• <br /> `• uMess 8orrnc�ar and Lender otherwise ayes In wriUng or unless applicable law othervvise provides. Yha proceeds sha0 be ---'�'�'-'u'�4=•-`` <br /> � applied to the sums secured by thfs Security tnstrument whether or not the sums are then due. ;°�,��•.: <br />. I!ths Property is abandoned by Borrower,or it,aft�r noUce by Lender w Bortawer that the conder�or o':�s ea ctaJce an ' <br /> eward or settie a clalm for damages, Bortower fails to rasg�ond to Lender within 30 days after the date the r.a7ce �s given. �• <br /> Lender is e�.hodzed to co0ect and apply the praceeds, at its o Uon, either to restoratton or re ah of t5a PropeRy or to the -""''�`�- <br /> . P D �a.�::.•=„'.,s--= <br /> sums seau�d�iy ffiis Securiry Instrument,vr��f�er ar not then due. F.� -. ---��--� _ <br /> . • Unless �nder and Borrower othervvis9 agree m mitmg, any appficatlon of proceeds to principal shafl not extend or s;•�:", __ <br /> . �� postpone the due date of the monthly payments retetred to tn paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount o1 such payme^ta. �`•��"•�• <br /> .. �n,:�•. <br /> . : � 11. BoROwer Not Released; Porbearam��9y Lender N6t a Watv�z.Extension ot the Ume tor palrrr�ent or �y;. '. �"•'.`'� ..: <br /> � mod'�tcatlon of amortfzation of the sams secured by thfs Securtty Instrument granted by:.�ender to any suocessor (n interest of ,�;+� " +�a*�s <br /> . .� � BoROwe�she0 not operate to release the(f��Tiry o1 the odginal Borrower or Borrower's successors In interes� Lender sha11 not ��°''� ��� <br /> be required to commence proceedings agalnst eny successor in interest or refuse to extend Ume for payment or othervvise L=` �,`x � -=-'- <br /> � m o�i f y e m o r t b B�o n o!t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u ri t y I n s t r u m e n t b y r e a s o n o t a n y d 2 r n ar i d m a d e b y t h e o r i g i n a l B o a o w e r o r � ����� <br /> Bonower's successors in intPrest. Any tofiearance by lender in exerdsfng any dgh: ar remedy shall not be a waiver ot or i�3,�!s_ _-i� . __ <br /> preclude the exerdse ot any dght or remedy. <br /> • 12. Succeflsor� and Asglgns Bound; Joln! and Several Llabfltty; Co-stgners. 'rne covenants end ��.,xR--� <br /> • ngreements o!this Securfry Instrument shal b'nd and benefrt the successo�s end assigns oi Lender eaW 8ortower,subject to the ��'•- -- '--—,-�,� <br /> . provlsions ot paragreph 17. Borrower's co�3-�ants and acgeements shatl be Joint and several. My r�;,r.ewer who co-sl�ss lhis �'��°°��- <br /> • 3ecu Instrumerrt but does nat execute tAe i�lote: a is eo-sf nln this Secu' Instrument on to moR ���� <br /> . T�Y () S 9 ►dY 1Y 9a9e,grant and convey <br /> , • that BorroweYs intere�t in the Properiy under the terms ot this Security instrument; (b) is not personelty obltgated Eo pay the ,��j;�.,,,:r;.;::•U.>:: " <br /> sums secured by this Secudty Instrument; and (c)agrees that Lender and any other Bortower may aflree to extead, modity, � ��i:�, � `-' <br /> totbear or make an eccommodations wfth re d to the terms of this Secu Instrument or the Note wfthout that Borrower's `�� . �� � <br /> Y 9� �Y ���;:;�_._' <br /> � � consent � . <br /> , �' <br /> 13. LOe^.71 CPIaIg89. If the loan secured by this 3ecurity Instrument is subjec! to a Iaw which sets maximum loan � �i <br /> • charges, end that law is finallyr interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be collected in connecUon =���''�``' <br /> wiM the toan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce ��'�`. <br /> ' . the charge to the pennttted OmH; and (b) any sums already cotlected from Bomower whlch exceeded pertnitted Iimits wiil be ��°'4 <br /> ,-��. _ <br /> refunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make thls refund by reducing the pdnGpat owed under t�te Note or by making e =•;�4�'"-�"�rr•� � <br /> direct payment to Borrower. If e retund reduces pdnclpal, the reductlon wi�l be treated as a pa.�'.ia1 prepayment without any �'.*_::��;�::;_•.__ <br /> , ,�;;� prepayment chruge under the Note. . ���'°'' <br /> 14. Notiees.Any noUce to Bortower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivedng it or by maifing it , �'�'���`����,�"� <br />- by first class mail unless appflcable law requires use o1 another method. The notice she:l be directed to lhe Property Address '•-�'.�,w:'�.,•.� - <br />• or any other address 8ortower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Ler.tie� shatl be given by ilrst c�ass mail to , ''' � <br /> " Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by noUce to B�r.ower. My noUce provided for in thfs ,�.,,�w . • - <br /> ��-_�;i',: _ . <br /> Secudty Insbument shall be deemed to have been gfven to Borrower or Lender when given es provided in this paragraph. � . �; <br /> 1S. ��eTning LIIw; S�vefSbitity. This Security tnstrument sha0 be govemed by federal law and the law ot the ., � ' • -• � <br /> judsdlcUon In which the Prope»y is located. In the event that any provision or ctause of this Security Instrument or the Note . <br /> con111cts wRh appflCeble law. such contllCl shall not aflect other provisions o}thls Sb;urie�r InsUument or the Note which can be �• � • � <br /> glven eHect without the confticUng provlslon. To this end the provlslons of thls Securty tnstrument and the Note are declared to ' � <br /> be severabte. � : - <br /> 16. �oTPOVUe�'S Copy.Bonower shall be ghren one confortned copy of the Note and o(this Seauriry Instrument. t • � <br />� �'� -a <br /> �. F7316LM6�7KJT oan� ;nf 5 . <br /> ._'-._ ._ _.�„-.-._'.-...-�.._ <br /> � � � � � . . .. . <br /> �46273 �. � -. . <br /> `, .. . - ---•� � ..�_-... <br /> �- — . , � . _ , . . . ' • . . - _'7�_ ' ,� . , . `. . . ._ . .' . <br />.. ` .. �, _ • . - _ . .. .. � -. �. . . . . •1 ., • . . .. . , . . . ' .. . • _.. .., -. . _ �.. . � � . • • � . . _ ., . . .. ' .. <br />