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201107845 <br /> 15. BOreowB�'S COpy. I3oirower sliall be�iven one conl'ormed ropy oFthe Abte and of this Security <br /> Instrwncnl. <br /> 16. i-IazaMous Substances. Bnrrn���cr shall not c.msc or perini[ thc prcncncc, usc disposnl. sioregc, or rele�ase <br /> of niry Ha�irduus Subst�mces on or in lhe Property. Borrower shnll not do, nor �Ilo��' am�one else�to do, <br /> anything affectinq the Property thac is in violation of nny Ifn��irnninental '1'he preceding iwo scntenees <br /> shall nnt apply to the presencz. use. or stnra_e mi the Property of small quantitics of Hnz.irdous Su6stanccs <br /> lhal m�c gcncrtilly rmugnizcxl �o bc :ipprupriatc[o nonnal rusidcntial uscs anci �o iriaintcnancc of Lhc Property. <br /> itorrower sLall promptl�- giue I.,ender written notict�of any investisation, claim, demand, la�n�suit or other <br /> action by any go�-ernmental m� regulatory agency or nrivate party im�nl��ing thc Propcn; ant� n�ry Hziznrduus <br /> Subslance or Em�iromncn�al Law ol�which Burrowu� hzis knuwleJge. 1L 6on�o�ver leanis, or is notified <br /> by am governmental or reeu(atoiy authority. that�.n, �einoval or other remedintiun oYai�y I lazardous <br /> Substances mPPecting the ProperCg is neces�ar�-. Itorrower shall p��ompClg take all neccs�arq remcdiai ncLinns <br /> ii� accordance with En��ironmcntal La�v. <br /> r�s used in t'nis pera�r.aph t 6. "H azardoua Subslai�ces" nro ihose subslances dellned as tozie or haz2rdous <br /> subsi.ances by Gucironmen1�11 La�vand thcloJto���ingsubst�nces:�asoline,keroscne.Mherflammableortoaic <br /> petroleum products,toxic pesticides and herbicides.vo(atile sokents, materials containing as6cstos or <br /> formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in thi:paragra�h 16. "f?m�irnninental La�a�"me.uisfedcral <br /> laws and la�cs ofthe I�risdictior,���-here The Properh-is located t62t relate to or em-ironmental <br /> protectiou. <br /> Non-Uniforrrs COVenants. Borro�ver and L�ndcr Ilirlher cuvennnt tind nerre tis lollows: <br /> 77. As3ignment of Rents. llorrovrer unconditiuna!ly �ssiens tmd [r<msFers to Lender all the rents and revenuas <br /> ot thc Prupa�h�. Borrow�cr authorizcs Lcidcr or Lcndcr's agcnts to colicct thc rcn[s nnd revcnucs tmd hcrcby <br /> directs each tenaot of the Property to pa�� ihe rents lu Le�der or Lend�'s aeeots. Ha�vever, prior to Lender's <br /> imtice ta Rorrower nf Rorro�ver's hre¢ch of o.ny em-enunt or agreementi in the Security Instrument, Rorrow�er <br /> shatl ni�ct rcccivc all rcnls und revcnucs oFthc Property as Lrus[cc Ibr Lhc bcilcfiL of Lcndcr and <br /> C�orrower. This' assignmenl of r�nts wnslilides tm ubsolulc e�ssignmcnl t�nd nol an �ssignme�i lor nddition�l <br /> securitv nnlv. <br /> If Lender gives noliu:oC brctich tu Borrower: (n)alt rents rcx•clved b�� Borruwer shall 6u hcld by Borroever <br /> as trustee for beneGt of Lendrr unl}, tu be nppticJ Lo the sun�s aucured by the Security lnsu�umenl; (b) <br /> I,endar shali be entitlad to colfec�and rece,iue all of the rents of the Property; ai�d (c)each tennnt of the <br /> Propa�ly shatl �ay alt rencs duc and unpaid to Lender or Lendcr's¢�,ent on Lcndcr's��.ri[ten demnnd Lo thc <br /> tennn[. <br /> iiorrnwer has noC execuYed any prior assi�nment ot'the reiits and ha's not and},vill nnt perform any act that <br /> e�rould prevenl Lender from arercisine its righ�s under this p.traaraph 17. <br /> Lender shnll not 6e required to enier upon, talce oonu�of of m� inointain the Properh� before or ¢fter e,iving <br /> nntice of breadi to Bm�rower. Howaver. I,encier or a judiciall}' appointed receiver may do so at any timc <br /> �hcrc ia n brctich. :�ny application of rcnts shall not cure or�vaive any dcfault or invnlid.tte nny oLhcr rigllt or <br /> remedy of Lender. This assignmenl of rcnls of lhe Properly shtdl Wrn�ii�ute w�hen the debt secured by the <br /> Security Instrmnent is paid in fcill. <br /> 7 S. Fo�eciosure P�ocedu�e. [f Lendts- reyuu-es immeiYiajte �n}.menE irz full iarder {sar�tg,ra��L 9, Lc�der <br /> may invoice tBe pn�vzr of sa3e a�aA nny other,emecRics pernul�.teA by applicaiole Inw. C.enrler shall be <br /> entitled tu cullect a1H expenses incm�red 'en purs�aine the remedies under th?s paragraph 18, including, <br /> but not limited ic, rc�sonabic a4tonoeys' eees as�J cost5 uf tiUe eviiience. <br /> zoi�-i5�2s2a i000�y�000iiaasisa cao� <br /> FHH Norigsce'IJITH I+ERSNE I'wv�isW 4l96 P.nienend]!04 <br /> vrr.v g vm:r�n�cti=?u�as� <br /> u.ol.x=_Kluw er Financial;er:'�.ces F�nP]M".G <br />