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201107845 <br /> Security Instrumenc i\ �n�rit[cn sta[ancni ol ni�y aulhorized aeem of tihe Secretary ciated suLsequent to <br /> 60 days fibm the date herenP, declining tn insurc [his S��.urily lnatrumenl �nd the A'ote, shail be <br /> daemed condusivc pronf ol suah incligibiliCy. Nutwithstanding,ihe foregning,this option may not bc <br /> c�croiscd 6y Lcnd�r when ihe=_inavallabilig� of insurance is solely duc[o Lcndcr's (6iilure lo remit a <br /> mortgage insurance premium to the Secrctary. <br /> 10. ReinstatemenY. BoiTO�scr hns a ri�h�lo bu rcinsi�ted if Lender has required immediate paymcnL io lull <br /> because of Rorrower's fatlure to pay sn amount duc undcr dic No�c or illis Securily ]nslrument. 'I'his right <br /> npplies eden atiar foreclosurc procccdings nrc ii�slimle�. Tu reinataie the Seeuriry Instrument. Liorrowcr shall <br /> Lcndcr in a lump sum alt amuuuls required to brin� liorro�n�ei's acwunt currcnt including, Lo lhe eslenl tl��ey <br /> ¢re oblieations oi'Rorro��er under this Security Instrumeot. forcc7usurc ws[a�and reason�ble and cuscomary <br /> attorne}�'s' tecs and e�pcnses properly aaaocialcd w-ith the loreclosure piviceediqg. U�pon rcinstatcmcot 6y <br /> Bo;ro��ver, thi5 Securin� Instriamenc m�d the obli�ations tltat it securca shalt rom�iin in effec��s if I.ender had <br /> not requirzd immediatc paymcot Sn fti1L Ho�v�=ccr, Lerider is r�o�required co permir reinstaSemcnt i�: (i) <br /> Lei�dar has �cceptzd rainst¢tement ah'ter the commencement of forcclosurc procccdines e��ithin l+nro years <br /> immediately precn:ding the commencement o1°� current Forcclosurc pivc�r•ding, (i) reinstatement will <br /> preclude foreclosure on dit7crem grounds in lhu Ili[ure, or(iii) reinsmteme,nt will adverscly ad�fect lhc <br /> priority o1�Uic lien craaled by diis Secu�ity lnstrwnent. <br /> 7 7. Barrower Not Released; Forbearance �y Lenaer �dot a V1/aiveP. �xter�sion nf che time of papmcnt or <br /> modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Securi�r Ins�rument granted by Lender to nny <br /> successor in in[crest ol Burro���er shalt nut operate to relense the IiabiliCy nfthe original 6o:-rowcr or <br /> Burruw-er's successor in interesi. I.ende�r shnll �iot he required to coinmcncc proccatin�s�gainst any <br /> successor in interest a� retuse to e�.end time ibr pu;anci�t ur utherwise modify amortizaY�ion of the sumti <br /> secured by this Security lnstrwncn�by .��isun ot wn� Jemand rnade 6y tha original Borrower or Barru�n�cr's <br /> succ��ssors in inls:resL r�ny forbc�rar�ce by L.encier in exarcising an}' right or rcmcdy sllall nut be�.v.�aiver of , <br /> or preclude Lhe erercis�.of any righ[or remady. <br /> 92. Successors and Assigns Gouraci; Jcint end Severai LiabilAy; Co-�igners. The corci�anls and <br /> agrccmcn[s oi lhis Sccurily [nstrumcnt shall bi�d xnd banetic the successors tmd ussigna uf Lender �nd <br /> 6orrower, subject to the provisions o'Fp�ra�raph 9(b). T?orru�vcr's e•.o�-cnants and ngreements shall 6ejoint <br /> and sereral. Any Ua�rawer who cn-signs this Sccurin: h�strumen� bul does not e�ecute the��bte: (a) is <br /> cn-si2ning this 9cearity [i�strumcot unly tu murLgage. �rant and mnuey that�iorrowcr's imcr��l in thc <br /> Property under thc lernis of�his S2curily ]nsll�ument; (b) is noe �iersonally obliea[ed lo pay �he sums secured <br /> by lhia Securily fnstrmrient: and(c) agrees thnY Lender nnd any othcr [3orrower rnay egrze to extand. mnditj�. <br /> fa�bonr or make any aecommodatini�s ���i[h regnrd to lhe tenns of ihis Security Instrumcnt nr tlic No�c <br /> without �l�eL Borrower's coi�sent. <br /> 13. �.lo$iCBS. Any notice to Rorrower prnvided (ar in tllis Security Insirument shnll be given i�y delivering il or <br /> by mailing it 6y firs[ dass mail unlc;y tipplicable lave reyuires use of anoSher mc[!iud. Thc nolicc shir�ll be <br /> dirccicd tu Lhc Pruperty Address or any other address linrro�a�ar designatcs hy nuti�t w Le�der, Any notica <br /> to Lender shall be given by �rst claee;nail to l.e.nder's addreaa sLe�cd herein or�iry address I.ender <br /> designates hy-noCice to Borro��ver. iAirv noticc pru�-idcJ Ibr in lhis Securiry [nstrumenY shs71 be dcemcd Cu <br /> havc bean ¢.ivcn tn T3orrowcr or Lendcr when �i��eri �s' provided in this paragraph. <br /> 14. Goveming Law; 58ver'abiiity. fhis Jecurity Instrumcin shall lx �ovcrneJ by I'ederal la�v and ihe la�� of <br /> thejurisdiction in which che Prnperty is- locatcd. fn thc cvcnl that uip- prQVisimi m� clause of this Sccurity <br /> lnstrumant or the?:ote conflicts evifh tl�pticnblc In�ti, such conFlict shall not affect n[hcr proviaiuns of ihis <br /> Securiq� InatrumenC or lhe Note which ca�� be given eYl'ect without the contlicting provisioi�. 'fo this end the <br /> provision5 ot this Seeurih' Instrument and Che Nnte arc cicclarcd Lo bc severnbie. <br /> - --____ ._...__.-- <br /> m��-�xz szs iaooanaoe„e=.aiae azs� <br /> FHn Mo-gage WITH�NERS-NE Ravir J 4/fl6 Amentleo�104 <br /> VMP�pJ VNM N(NE��'�'�.�5) <br /> Wolterl(luwer Fninmlal Sei•�i� Peqe 6 of 1f1 <br />