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201107842 <br /> Any applica[ion of payments, inaurnuce proceeds, or Miecellaneous Proceeds to prinaipal dtiie under the Note <br /> shall not exfond or postpone the dtte ciate, or change Uie amount, of Che Periodic Payments. <br /> � 3. Pmids for�scrow Itema. Bw�rower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Paymants are due under the <br /> Note, until tlio Note is paid in full, a sum(the"Ftuids") to provida for payment of cunounts due For: (a) taxes <br /> and aesassments and oUier items whicl� can attain priority over this Secw�ity Instntment as a lien or <br /> encumbra�rce m� tl�c ProZrorty; (b) lcaeel�old pnyn�ajits or grounc9 rcnts on Rl10 Proporry, if any; (c)prornitiuns <br /> for any and all inslirwoe required by Lender under Section 5; ancl(d)Mortgage Insuranoe premiums, if auy, <br /> or any sums payable by Borrower to I ender in lieu of Che payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in <br /> accoidauce with the provisions of Section 10. These itenie are ealled "Bscrow Ite�ns." At origination or aC <br /> viy time during thc tenn of thc lioau, Lendor may requiire Ihat Comn�miiCq Aesociatiion lluas, Fcce, and <br /> Assessmeufs, if 1ny, be escrawed Uy Borrower, aud such dues, fees �sid nssessments shall be an Pscrow <br /> Item. Borrower shall proinptly litruish to Lender all votices of amounts Co Ue paid tuider tihis Section. <br /> Borrowar shall pay Lender tl�e Funds for F,scroW Tfams unlcss Lender waiVay Roerowor's ol�7igation to Vay <br /> the Funds for asly or all Escrow Itcros. Londer may waive Borrowcr's obligation to pay fo Lcndcr Funds for <br /> any ar all Escrow I¢ems a¢�auy Cime. Any snch waiver mny only be in writing. In the event of snch waiver, <br /> Borrower ahall pap directly, when and where peyable, Yhe amounYS due for any Escrow Items f'or whicli <br /> payment of Fuuds has bean waived by Levder and, if Lender requires, s1�a11 fitrnisll to I,ender receipts <br /> eviclencing suoh payment within ynch time period as Lendcr may requirc. B��rrowci°s obligation to mako <br /> such paymcntis and to provide reoerpts shall Por nil pnrposes be deemed to be a ooven�nt and ngreement <br /> conSained in tl�is Securiry Insh•nment, as the pl�ruse"covenant and ag�reamanC" is used in SeeCion 9. IF <br /> Borrower is obligated to pay Esorow Items directly, pnrsuant to a waiver, and i�orrowcr fails to pay the <br /> emonnt due for an Escrow Item, Lcndcr may exercise�Ca righCe uncier SeoCion 9 amel pay suoh amoLmt�nd <br /> Borrowct shedl Clien be obligaCeci under Section 9 to repay to Lender any snoli amount. Lender mey revoke <br /> the weiver ne to any or all Escrow Items at a�iy time by a natice given in aocordanoo wit1� Scctioir 15 and, <br /> upon such ravocation, Rorrower shall pay to Londcr a111iLmds, and in such ainoun[.q, tiiat are then reqnired <br /> under this Section 3. <br /> Lznder may, at any timc, ool7ccY ai�d l�old b'unde in nn emonnt(a) snfficieiit to permit Lender Eo apply Y1ie <br /> F�inds at lhe Cime speoified under R�SPA, aud (b)iiot to axceed the maximtun unomit a lencier can require <br /> under RLi3PA. Leuder sl�all est'imate tl�e amount of Punda dne on the basis c�f cLU'renL dxta and reasonable <br /> estimafea of expendihn�as of future�scrpw Itema or oflierwise in accordnnoe with Applicable Lnw. <br /> The Fwids sha11 be held in au institution whose dcpoaifs v�e insureci l�y a federnl agency, inslrnmentti.lity, or <br /> entity (inc1uding Lender, if Le�icier is an instilution whose depoaits aee so insursd)or in any Federal Home <br /> Loan Banlc Lender shall apply the Punds to pay t7�e Escrow Iteins�no later than tlle time specified under <br /> R�5PA. Lender sha11 noC ohza�ge Borrower for ho1ding and a�lying tho Funds, anmially�nalycing the <br /> escrow acoount, or verifying the FHCrow]tcme, anleas Lender pays 13orrowex interest on the Func1s nnd <br /> ApplicaU1e I,aw�crmiCs Lender Co make such a chnrge. Uuless azi agreemenY is mada in writing or <br /> Applicnble Law requires interest fo be paid on Yhe Fnnds, Lender ahall not be requircd to pay Borrowor any <br /> inEerest or etu'iungs ou tUe Punds, Rorrowcr and Lcnder cau agree in wri6ing however, f1�at interest shflll be <br /> paid on tlie PLmcis. Lcuder �l�all give co Borrower, without charge, Aii�uuual accountiing of Che Fttnds as <br /> rcquired by liLSPA. <br /> If tl�cro ie a eurphts of L�unds held in escrow, as defined nuder RESPA, I.euder shall account to Borrower for <br /> Ihe excess Lunds in accoidanca with RESPA. Tf tl�erc is a shortttge of Funde flelcl in escrow, as defineci under <br /> R�SPA, Lender s1�a11 uotify Ron�o�vcr ae req�iired by R�SPA, and Borrower shall pay Co Lender the etnomiC <br /> necessary to makc up tho shortage 'v�aocorclanoe with RBSPA, bnt in no more tihan 12 monChly payments. If <br /> Che��e is a dcficiency of I+nnds held in escrow, ns defined tmder RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrowce as <br /> 2317�J0 <br /> NEBRNSKA-bingle Ferolfy-Fennle MAelF�adtlle Mac UNIFOHM INSTRUM FN! Porm 3028 1101 <br /> VM P� VM Pf(Nf-)�1105) <br /> Woltars Kluwer Financial Sarvicos Pepe�v of 17 <br />