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<br /> G.ASSIGNI�[ENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender's reqaest,Borrov�er sfoall assign to Lender all leases of the ' . . . .. _
<br /> Propc�y and a!I security deposits made in connecaon with leases of the Property. Upon the assignmea�t,Lender ` • _:�.•-
<br />,� shall have the right to mQdify.extend or terminate the existing teases and to execute new teases,in Lender's sole - . �" - .-- �- =- _.
<br /> di�etion.As used in this ParaSaPt�G.the word"lease"shall mean"sublease"if the Secariiy Insonuneat is on a . • �' `: �
<br /> leasehnld , . , -
<br /> Baimwea ab�tutely and uncondidonaUy assigas�nd transfers w Lender all the rents and reveaues("Reats")of the f : " - • •�` . „"°.r.
<br /> . _ Property,regardless of t4 whom the Rents of t2te Property are payable. Brnrower antnorizes Lender or Lender's ' .. :,;'��:: --
<br /> eats to collect the Rents.and agrees that each teaant of the Propeaty shall pay the Rents to Leude.r or I.�dea's f . .�' :•� `' -4• -
<br /> 88 : s. .,,:�__�_z- ,
<br /> i agerits.However.Boimu•er shaII receive the Renu unW(�Leuder 6as�ven Bo�rower norice of default pursaant to f;�.:
<br /> . �:.;
<br /> � P�Ph 21 of the Secauity InsTnunent and(n7 L.e�der has given norice to the teaant(s)that die Reats are to be . -...�,,.r..,.,�;"
<br /> paid tn Lender ar Y.eader's ageat 'Ihis assigiment of Renu consdtutes aa absolute as�gnment and not an ` . �_•xr
<br /> assignment for additionai seauiry onty. � . • ._
<br /> ,: .��` ..�-
<br /> If Lende.�gives nodce of breach tn Boirowea:(�aIl Renis teceived by Borrowea s!►all be deld by Borrower as � �`i-%.
<br /> austee far the beaefit of Leuder only,tn be applied to the swns secvred by the Se�auiry 1n,suumeaix(ii)I.eudea shall • ' #� _-
<br /> � ' be endtled w colleci and receive all of the Rents of the Propeaty; (in� Borrowea agrees that each tenant of the ' ' ��' -_
<br /> . Property shaII pay all Rents due and uapaid w l.ender or I.euder's ag�t4 upon I.ender's wriuen dem�d tn the - _ i �_ '�.-
<br /> --,� tenaal: (iv) unless agplicab2e l�w provides otheavvise. all Rents collecxed by Le�cdea or Lender's agen�s s�ali be .- '-'_���-�
<br /> . . applied fust to the costs of taldng control of and managmg the Propealy and collecting the Reutc,incl�d.�,but not -..�' ,:.
<br /> limited tn�suflmeys' fees.teCeives's fees.F�e '�mc o�1 teCeivet'S bOAds,iepNt and mamle�nce crosis.msur2uCe , .•� �,�.;�r���
<br /> m ��v,., -.
<br /> � . Pre�iums.taxes,��-"'�nts and other cdarges on the Pcoperty, and then w the suaos sec�ued by the Security '� ^�,;' {i� �.
<br />. Iastmm��(v)Le�der.Lend�`s agents or anY J����Y�inted receivea sLell be tiable to accoant�cn.^�y Lhose _T',•� : ��
<br /> Rents actualiy rereived:aad(vi�Lendgs shall he eutitled w have a receive�apgointed to take posse�n of and • . '^; ;: .
<br /> a . .::;�.•` " -..:r •_.
<br /> manage the Pmperly and collect the Reats and proSts derived fivm ihe Property without any shoc���to�.he •,;�. - •. .,,r,.. -'' ..,p�
<br /> . ��1�Y of tha Property as s�uritY. �._�, � t -
<br /> . 1f the R�ts of the Propeaty sre not sufficierit to omti�u a�:,costs of Ial�g contml of and managiag the ,°.�°�' �;';"i ��'�� `:
<br /> ..•.; Fmp�ty and of collec6ng the Rents any funds e�ended by Le�3er for sncm p�poses shall become indet:..,�ss of � �,,,; i� `•' �•
<br /> Borrowei W Lender seaued by the Sepuity I�-aent puist�ant tn Unifor�a�ureAant 7. �'''l :
<br /> ':.�F r:��.•.. .. � t)' .
<br /> :;:; Bwmwer represents and wanants that�a��er has not executed any ipncar assignment of ihe Rents and has � , ar r
<br />'�:t,t;i aot and w�11 not paform any act d�at would grevea�t Lenda from eae�cising its rigdts undea[Ius pa�graph a .� ---
<br />::�:�". Leatda.ar Lender's agea�ts or a judicialIy appointed receiv�.s6all n�t be required to entra upon.take control -.��'- 'e.`y;�;i s` _
<br />.,.;,, • . � '
<br /> , of or ma'snrain the Propeaty befare or after giv�g notice of default to Bo:row�. However,Lender,or I.endea's ,,,N„�,���'��� `
<br /> .,� age�ts ar a judiciallY aDPointed receiver.may 6,�so ai any wne when a defauIt occurs.AnY aPP&cation of Reius � •"�'': .; _����.
<br /> �� shall nat arre or waive any default oz invalidate�y othea right or remedy of Leradea.'Ifiis assi�merit of Rents of ,.,��. ' ���
<br /> .>�#.�. '+�� �
<br /> the Praperty sLall te�minane whea�all the sums secured by t�.:Ser�naty Inst�ument are paid in full. '"�*�•'. �
<br />� b CROSS-DEF�AULT PROVISION. Banowea's �:�aalt or breach undr,r any note or agrc�ment in ���•�° �:--�
<br /> • whicb Leader has an interest shall be e bneach under the�arity Ins�unent and l�der may involce any of the :;,.'�„'";§ --_ .
<br /> remedies penniueA Dy the Security Instaumer�i � :.°,�°
<br /> -- , _ t.
<br /> AY SIGNING BELOW.Botrowea accepts and a�ees to the terms and�.vvisians coatained'a�t�s�-d Fam�7y .---` _; ,``° .��
<br /> ..;�=�
<br /> ;�/, " Rid2c. r�;"==�'�"=+- '_
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<br /> �•57 �oaa�.oi vap•z o�z Form 8170 8/�3 - - �"+�Y.. �r
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