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<br /> ._ ' APPL# 001-70103003 � ' ` ' . . .� _
<br /> ML# OOOOOOOOUO � `. : _
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<br /> ��- �oo��� � . ` _ � � . � . � .
<br /> 1-4 FaIV[II.Y I�YI�ER : �
<br /> affiasament or Rents . • . '. � ��:.
<br /> TFIIS 1�FAIVIII.Y RmER is made diis 2�Tx day of �aRY 1997 and is _- -. ----� - , �..°�-�-
<br /> incorporated intn and shall be deem,ed to amend and supplemeai the Mortp,�g�,Deed of Trust or Security Deed(ihe .. . . ._ •� `. r
<br /> . "Se�urity Instrument")of the same date given by tt�e andeisigned(the"Bnrrower")to secure Bomower's NotB tn .t • . -�
<br /> �: -
<br /> - � _ _ . ----�
<br /> (the"I.c�drd") . �.r��'�
<br /> • of the saine darc and covering the Prapaty descn'b$d in the Sewauity Insnument and located a� . ,�_ "�_ :—
<br /> III ���;
<br /> 4603 TARA PLACE . ``'� `:
<br /> . [ProPenY Address] , . ' „�'' -
<br /> , �.`�
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addirion to the coveaants and agceemeaits made in the 5eauity InstivmEnt, � ' ���:��_°'_
<br /> Bosower aad Leader fwct�er oovenant and ag�ee as follows •_- ---- �=: :
<br /> A.AD7DTITONAL PROPERTY SUBJEC7'TO THE SEC3,TL�tIITY INSTRIJN�NT. In addition W the ,.��-�-.,�,-�-s. �:'
<br /> . Propeaty descn'bed in the Seciuity 1ns�narar�t,the following items�e adde�w the Pmpeny descxiption,and shall F��� -
<br /> " als�constiwte t6e t�operty coveaed by th�Sec�ity Insuusnent bu�1d'mg materials,aPPliances and goods of eveay , ''� ''"
<br /> c.
<br /> nawre wha�oever now or h�Iciccared in,on,ar nsed,or u►trnded to be used'm connection with the Pmpeity, �e�t , �`
<br /> ated �:°
<br /> incIuding,�not timited w,those for��purposes of suPPlyittg�z distnbating heating,cooling,etectricity,gas. ".'`r', � �:�
<br /> water,air�d ligh�fire grevention ansfl e�n8�8 aPP�•�Y and socess control ap�arams.ptumbing, �,��^. :,�;,: ;.
<br /> �`� bath tu6s.F�zs heat�as,waiea closets.su�ks.ianges.stoves.re5i��s. ° ':;�. : � �
<br /> dishwashas,disRosa"s.arashe:s,dryeas. .,� t —
<br />� '� awnings,sDarm wc�doA+s,stmm doors,scre�s,bliads.shades,c�and c�m�s.ailached mimol's,cabincts, :: � :� -
<br /> cv'� ; -
<br /> . �
<br /> .. pazielling and a�3 Aoar cove�gs now or t�¢after attached to the �'roperty. all of which, inct� ;:;; f, �, � ;°,: --
<br /> �:`.�
<br /> . re�laceme��s�d additi9ns thereto.shall be deemed w be and aema3 a pan of the Pmpaty cov�ed by the Seiv-�y �` - P.
<br /> ' T�cm,ms�All of the fore�oing wgether with the Propeaiy d�T in the Security Insuument(or the leasehold :� . . _ �
<br /> ° f �i xo in d�is 1� F Ridra and tPie Security �� -.;��:��
<br /> e,�t a t e i f d� S e c a ri ty I n s t r u m e�n t i s o n a �e a s c h o l� a r e r e e r r a m 7 Y „
<br /> Instcua►eat a4 the"Ptopeity." � �� '.
<br /> :. B.USE OF PAOPERTY;COMPLIANCE�Nd�['Qff�.AV�. Bormwer shall noi see3c. agree to oT m€�t�e a i:-
<br /> .. chinge m the use of the Pcopeaty or its wning cta����;an,�mless Lender has agreed in writing tn the c�,�ri . ::;
<br /> . Boaowet shall oomply with aU laws, ordInances. regutario�s �nd requireme�ts of any govemmental body ,� <��z-
<br /> applicable t�the PtoDaty. � ' _.'�'"'
<br /> � C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Except as p�mitt�3 by fedaal�~w.Boimwea shall not aIlow any lien�.�z,r.4r �_ „��:�.��=
<br /> w the Securiry Instrument to be pafe�ted ag,a�sK the Pmperty wiWiont L,ender's�written Fer�nission. -�" ;� _
<br /> D.RENf L05S INSURI�FICE. Bmmwer shaII maiatam��ance a�sz rent toss�addition w t�':a 2�:�ea ' ;��- -Y- �'
<br /> hazards fas which Insuraace Ls rEq�meed by Unsferm Covenant 5. :� �;,�.��' —
<br /> ' &"i�.'��ItOVPEYt'S�147�T TO RF.nVSTATE"DE1.�u�ID Uniform Covea�ant 18 is deleted. �=-----_--� "-�
<br /> , �--_._-., --
<br /> . F��'T"sc.�OVfli��'S OCCaJPANCY. Un2css Le�.'r� aad °:amwer othedwise agtee in writing, the fiist .'� �_.. _,,._,__ _ .
<br /> �' ., seateace � �.'aifoim Covenant 6 conceming Bonc:�r's occupancy of the Property is deieted. All remaining �
<br /> . . covena�s�;3 ageements set forth ir►Unifom�Covenant 6 shall remain in effecx. --- •-'=---=,r
<br /> _ - _�:--
<br /> , � MULTI3TA'?�1-4 FAl11LY RIDER•Fannl�W�1Fnddt�Il�o Unttorm inatruc.xca Form 8170 8l➢3 � . �til;,�:. —�—�
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