_ " . � . . , � .. . _ . , a .} ' ' . " ' ' . . . � ' . . . .. ' . ' " . _ __�
<br /> i, ` �. •� " ' ' ..` . . " . . � a � ,�.[ ` � . . . ' a .� ;` . .� ' . � . .�}.. .
<br /> _ . •, i ' ' ,.�. . ` ` ( , . , . - . � ' � � . .... . . `. t, ."
<br /> 4 . . . _ ' ' , . ' ". . _ . ' . .. .. . . ` .. . . . ' .. �
<br /> _�_ ����.�L�i__.__._._..�Y��__._.�.�..._._ .. c_._�_......_�....'..a.-� "`_�.��'..."_+.._ _'"'___..."_ "__""_�_. _�.._'��._1 ' ` .
<br /> <T
<br /> . �. .. � . 1..
<br /> 9�-°laa��� : . �:.
<br /> 4. .
<br /> ` ;
<br /> �.ASSIGNMF.NT OP LEASES. Upon L.ender's request.Borrower sl�all assign to I.eader all leases of the ,: , ' • , .
<br />.� Prop�ty and all security degosits made in connection with leases of the Property.Ugon the assignment,Lender '.. .
<br /> - shall have the right tn acodify,extend or teraunate d�e exisdng leases and to execute uew leases,in Lendea's sole �•, ,,��; `. ,
<br /> discretion.As us�d in tuis paragraph G,the word"lease" sfiell mean"s�blease"if the Sec�ity Instrumeni is on a ------ ----- —
<br /> � leasehold. . : . . `
<br /> Borrowea absolutely aad unconditionally►assigns and transfers to L.ender all the reuts and revenues('Ttents")of the � �"�. .
<br /> ProPrat�►,re�d4ess of to whom the Rents of the Pro�riy are payable.Boimwa authorizes LenQer or Lende.r's • .'`��}- • - ._ -
<br /> � ageats to callect the R�ts,and agrecs that eacd tenant of the Propesty shall pay the Rents w I.ender or Lender's --- - "'�-�-�j�;,zt�.
<br /> agents.Hnwevea,Borrower shall receive the Rents�nt�7(�I.endea has given Boaowea uotice of defauli p�usuant m .� _�y,;;,�`��'�':`
<br /> iu '
<br /> f,,. - _,
<br /> ' paragraph 21 of the Security Iasuumeat and(n�L.enda 6as given aotioe to the tenant(s)thaz the Re�ts are to br ."�::, ,,:.y4��:"�;
<br /> . gaid w Lander or Lendes's agent This assignraent of Renu constiwtes an absolute assigarneat and �crt an ,r`�a'�� '�` � �'--
<br /> �
<br /> assignment for additional security only. '�;``°,St ``.�'
<br /> �. �• �;::,,-.
<br /> If Lender es notice of bieach to Bormwer:(i)all Rents received b Borrower shall be held b Bonower s�s � "'�S'"'''-�` �� `•�r��,�ti;
<br /> Sn' Y Y g . .�±..isr+q;�_.y
<br /> tmstee for d�e 6enefit of Lender oniy w be applied to t�e sums seau���y the Secarity Insorumen�Cn�Lendea shali ":-.-�'--
<br /> .•, ',�����,,`;
<br /> be ea�ritled w coBect and receive aIl of the Rents of the Praperty; tn� Tormwer agrees tbat each teeant af t�e �' ;- n `
<br />_ Pmpeaty shaU pay all Ren�tine and unpaid ro I.ender or Lendea's agents upon:�ader's wriuen demand to che ,�,.<"F,'�"� , :
<br /> �. t.,s:r�.�;r,a ,�„�';
<br /> ,.:,�� teaaafi (iv)mless applice�?s!aw provides otb�a+ise.a�3ienB colteaed by Le�.`�a ar Lender's ageuts shall bs � 'L:�,�.�'t�.������=�r�_--z-
<br /> applied fust W the costs of takm�contml of and mana�rsg the Property and collecting the Reaits,includ'mg,but nut —
<br /> ;;,.:� timited to.auameys'fees.rer,eiver's fees,g�nztsms e�se�eiv�'s bonds,rcpair and mauitenance costs.insivanca
<br /> �..: preaninms.taxas,assessments and other c�rarges on�ProPertY,and then tn the sams sec�ed by the Se�nriry � •� - .
<br /> . ;,�_
<br /> Instramen�(v)I.enda,I.ender's a�ents or any judicia�y appointed receiver shaII be liabIs to account for only t�nse ::t ��. �a�:� -
<br /> .. Rents acwally received;and(vr�Leatdes shall hc entii�eB tn hssve a receiver appointed to taice possession af an3 r��` '''`� '.�
<br /> _ " �,;� �- + "=
<br /> � manage the Yrapeaty and callect the Rents and pmfits deaived f�m the Property w+ithout aay showing as tn she . ��' � ,
<br /> � inadequac.y��s Anpeity as seauity. , =t- ;r:
<br /> . If ihe Rerrrs of the Propeny are nat su�cieat w wver the c�of tak�g contml of and manag�ng the � '� `"'�`=
<br />����i • Propeaty and of coltecting die Reuts any funds expended by Le,�dea fdr such purposMs s6all become indebiedness of ::� �`�+�
<br />. i, .
<br /> Boaower ro Lendear sec�iby the Secarity Instrumeut gussuant ro Unifonn Coveu^nt 7. � ,•;' '�
<br /> . Borrowea repiesents�nd ar�rants tbas Boirowa h.�nat acecuted any prior a3s�.gnment of the Rents and has . ! 'i �:
<br /> not aad w�l not perform any act that would prevent I.endzz fom ex�g its rights undea this par�aph. ' ����.� ��� �
<br /> ` Le�der.or I.endea's agents or a jadicially apposnted�xoeiver,s.�3 uat be mqnued tn enter upon,take coatml 1 .�:�.: ,+`'�;, �.:
<br /> ` of or maintain the Progerty t�fore or afua giving noti�of default ta Bormwer.Howevea,Lx�dca, or Le,�der's �'
<br /> `:; :
<br /> ��� agents or a judicially appoaued receiver.may do so at any tirne when a defauit occars.Any applicatian of Rents . � .
<br /> ' �� shall not c�ue or waive an def�lt or invalidaDZ� other ri t or remed of Leader.'I9iis assi "—-
<br /> y y gh y gwnent of Rents of _
<br /> � � the Praperty shall tesminare when a11 the sums secured by the Seauity Ins�ument are patd in full.
<br /> � I.CROSS-ISEFAULT P�tOVISION. Horrowea's defaWt oT bneach �der any note or �eement in j
<br /> �`�-�-..
<br /> , which Lenda Y��in�s�aall be a bmach uader the Seauity Insavmeut and Lender�nay invoke any of the �_----
<br /> remedies peam'stted by the S.�urity Instrument - - .��,. .r . .
<br /> BY SI(3NII�T{3 BIIAR�,Batr��ver ts and ces w the teams and v�ans contained in this 1-4 Fam� ��
<br /> � � � ' y .,�i;:
<br /> Rider. ...�,-�r�;�=�'�,��'
<br /> ,j I , � � =�-- -`+'-._
<br /> • ($Eaj� ��l R.9 1 `��f3� ($�.c�j) -_ . -
<br /> COAD J MI -Borrower MF►ItTINA B DOSTSCS -Borrowcr --°"� -_-
<br /> ($eal) (Seal)
<br /> •Horrower -Borrotver , .��_u''____ ''
<br /> .
<br /> °r_�y,��r�-r,�a�us
<br /> -- :�Y
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