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<br /> • RPPL# 001-70123034 � � ' -� �-�
<br /> - ML# 0000000000 , • - —
<br /> , ; ^ , . . . . —
<br /> •.:, � . , r,.--
<br /> . 1-4 FAiV�II,Y RIDER ��° ��0��� . _. � , � --
<br /> . Assig�ament of Rents � ' �
<br />�-' TF�S 1-11 FAMII.Y RIDER is made this 3oTH day af J��Y , 1997 and is --� - -�--�' �_--- --
<br /> � incorporated intn and sha11 be deEmed to aaaend and sappleme�t the Mortgage,Deed of Tnut or SecUrity Deed(ths ;• -e
<br /> ^Se�uity Instr�ment")of the sa�me date givven bY the undersigned(the"Boaower")tQ secure Borrower's Notc to . .''�
<br /> „ .,.,•
<br /> ' : gOMtg ggDgRAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATI�DN OF GRAND ISLAND (�e R��,� �. "—-- ---- --
<br /> � _
<br /> � of the same daie and coveamg the Prop�cy descn'bed in the Secmiry I;su�t and tocazed ax � _ • .� , • _' -
<br /> ' r:�
<br /> .. . . �_�",�_
<br /> 1117 N WASHIPIGT�iQ . � . '�
<br /> • ' tiRAND ISLAND. NE3.�.�1...�A 68801 -, w..,� -
<br /> . lP[oPertY Addtess] • .����_�,�t :::
<br /> ,. . � .t�LS��' .
<br /> 1-4 FAA+III.Y COV�1{�"1'S. Tn addition w d`�z cavenants a�t3 agreem��ade in the Secauity InsuumenL '�, a `�`� ,:�'`
<br /> �l.: .,r�..c
<br /> n ss L�ll�ws: '�E' �-,�� :t'• _
<br /> � Bnnowea and I.endea fm5£�rs mv�ant and agcee ���'�A .• " �e'��:__�
<br /> n tu �e ,>�;s�=.:4,=� �.,.��.,,�
<br /> A.ADDITIOIVAL F�iQ�2�R'1'8 SIJBJ�Ci"k'Q�TFIE SECII,'1;�I'Y INS'l'�IJMENT. In ad8irio ' ..._•..;-�.�----:-�;�,. •--
<br /> Property desaibed"u►the Se�ri�.y L.�aent,the following items�a�ded w the Propaty de.scription,and s�all �:;�_,�•��.�;
<br /> ��° aLso consdt�te the Propeaty coc¢��s1 ihe Seciuity Instrumeae bw'lding mateeia➢s.aPPliances an d g o o d s o f eve,�r ,�
<br />. r+ nanae whatsoevea now or h����at�in,on,Qs used,or intended w be use�i in connection with the PmF�Y• ;�;�,;;:'
<br /> o , ���
<br /> '�.{ iaeluding,b�not timited d,�cue for the putpo�cs af suPP�B ar���e�►g,cooling,elearic��,gas. .,; •=�
<br /> waL�,air and Gg,ht,fae Preveatwn�3 e�°,�aPPa�a��tY and access conrrol�spatatns.Plumbing, .:-�; i`; ��...
<br /> b�ih tnbs.water heatas.watea closeLs.s�ks,ranges,stoves,re���erarnzs.dishwasheas,disGe�.washers,drYers.
<br /> rt ' �f.�•.a s_.
<br /> awramgs.stosm windows,stoim doois.scrrzns.blia�s,s6ades.�;ur.�ns and cur�ain mds.auacG.n.d mamrs,cabinetg, ��� :
<br /> �,�:::'
<br /> panelling aad altacbed iloor covecinbs now or � at��ed to the Property, 2ti g�' which, iacludin8 . .��. .:�H , ,,_; ,
<br /> �' replacecuenrs aad addidons�herew.shaU be deemed tn be aad remain a part of the Pe�opecEy o3vered by the E�uoriry }>`' �}� r ,,
<br /> •, . L�suume�t_All of the foregoing rogether wa.h the Prap�ty Aescn'�ed in the Seciuity Ins�t(� the Sec�al� .'_ ,r .J� �;� -
<br /> � estate if E',bE Securiiy InsWment is an a lmse�tol� are [eferrecl to in this 1� Family t�idea and �Y _�..�; 1`�,��,. �r
<br /> TIISVlImCIIL'dS d16°ptOpC[tj►•n
<br /> -- - B.USE OF PROPE�TY;COMFLIANCE W1TH LAW. Bormwe�r s6a11 not seek, agree to or maYe a ` • "^� :.���.`_. _
<br />: .'`�. cLange in the ase of the Pmgecty or its zening classification,anless Lender has agreed in wriomg to the cbange. y'��-.,,..
<br /> Borrower sball comply arith all 1aws. ordi�nances, regulations and req�emea�ts of any govemme�tal body ��
<br />' - aPplicable w the Propeaty. ,' • •!�.�'•` :
<br /> • �;�;; b federAl law,Bosowe�shell noi allow any lien inferior , ._.,.°.,:�.;;;;��
<br /> G SUBORDIIVATE LIENS. Bucept as pamiaed Y d��'��-,``'�'-.�1
<br /> tn the Seca�riry rncrn,mQnx to be perfected against the Pmpgrty arithout I.ender's prior wntten per�ission. ,�.'., ~ s��;,c j:� =- :
<br /> rent loss in addition w the othar '�7�' ~�
<br /> D.RE1VT LOSS Tli'�URANCE. Borrower shall maintain insuiance agamst �' • h'�.�
<br /> = �L,'�.,�j;y �• '• ... .
<br />� � 6azards f�whicb insur�::ce is tequire�by Uniform Covenaat 5. '� }��`'•: .y;'� ; '�-c;.
<br /> � E."F�C(iRRO@9E,�'t'S RdGHT'L'O�tID�iSTATE"DELETED. Uniform Coveaant 18 is deleted. __ , r.� -
<br /> ,;:.
<br /> :, .�` F.Bt��ItOWER'S OCCUPANCli. Untess Le�tdrr and Borrowea othera+ise agree in wriring, the first . .,. ;'}�t�,��a--_�_
<br /> :.,,,,.�, L_ c. � , .-
<br /> � .? sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deIeted. All rernainu►g �._ ..� --.
<br />. covenants and agceem�.�set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 stiall remain in effe�t. �`-�,_- �
<br /> � ��:��-_
<br /> � •' IAULTI9TATE 1-�FANILY RaD�B-Fer.nts Nio/Fnddis QAao Uniform tnshumont Form 8170 8lD3 r� �;�=-:�..
<br /> :�1' . vap.,o�2 �47'.v{f`,--r.
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