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<br /> paiods d�i.toder t+equi�e�. 7tie iew�aoee eaetier providiog the ias��toe s6�it be,��y Rotrowet subja:t tu L�der�i
<br /> spprcwal�+6icA sh�U uot be a�6IY wut�eW. if Bormwa faits�maieb�r►t�e�sgtdescri6ed above.LaWer.saiy,at
<br /> Leade'�ep6oer.a6tain earerage w p�otec.�t i.enderls righcc in the Pmpe►ty�acco�il�►oe�si�It�gr�p�h 7. ..
<br /> Alt irtsnra�oe policies�nd c�enewais shall be aooeptable w I�end�r aod sliatl include a�rd martgago claasa l.�det - --- -
<br /> --- s�atf lave t�ie ngl�t to 6o�d tbe poGc3es and tsnewats. It 1�endEr requues.BwtaWtr shaT!ptompol►Sive m Lender aii�ceipts —_ _
<br /> of paid qenriums aad�a�ewal twticcs. Ia the eveat of loss.Sarower shaU Sive p�omPt notice to the irtsurance carc+er and =
<br /> — Lender. Lender may malce proof of loss if not mado prompily by Boriow�r. _'_�--
<br /> Unkss I�ender aad Ho�ower d6erwise agra in writmg.�nsutanoe pmceeds sin116c appdiod to testotrtion o�apoir af . . `� - __-
<br /> �= the d�m�ged. if the �estaatian ar RQair is eoonocnicatty feasbk�nd I.snAer&securiry is not lesuned. If tix _ _ — - -
<br /> -i° n;suK�ar np�ir�not eca�omicaity fau'ble ar t.ender�satiaity v►rould be lescened,the insuran�r pmoeeAs shaU be � :
<br /> • 't appt'kd w the siutts secund by this Security Imtnmrent,w6etl�er or nof t�n due.with any exass paid to Boima� �f ,
<br /> - BoRmwsd ab�odoas tM Pmperty.or dars aot aaswet withia 30 day�s a datice fmm L.ender that the insuranoe carrier has ".��q'—�--'--;.
<br /> - of�'eted W seltia a claie�tden i.ender may oatkct the insuraooe poeads.,Irnder may use the procoeds to cep�ir ut nestae ��`i.� --�
<br /> — d�e Qtopetty or m pay sums secw+ed by this Securiry Instr�eme�,wbeWa ar oat then du� The 30�d�ry period wiq begin what . � FR:":"-�'��—��,�.=�'--
<br /> =- d�e notiee is giv�. `���`
<br /> ��r^=-�` '._�F`
<br /> . . ' •.Etdess I.end�er ao�BomnMrer dMwise agt�ee in writing„any appliration of proeeeds ta pcincipal s6alt cwt extea�d a �,°� _=�
<br />_:=.�� �. , postpo�de the due da�e of tLe mootWY WYments tefet�ed w in paragtap6s i aad 2 oc change d�e amamt of the paym�.s. If . �.�;
<br /> _ ender pa�agiaph 2! t6e Yropeny is ac�uiroa by I.ec�da:Bor�ower�s rigbt to aay ir�uanoe policies and proceeds resulhng "' �µ"
<br /> - from damage to the Propaty pnor to the acquisidat shaU pass to L�Wer w the extent of the sums secured by this Secarity `"���;�_=;
<br /> instr�unart m�mo�tety pnor to the aoquisition. . . `�: ; r
<br /> ;. i. Oc+npre�,'Pr�sawstioR. Mai�ea�ee ad Protecfjo� o�tk Propertp:�orc�rer'�s 1wIrR;�'Ap��t �` ."��
<br /> La�sd�alds 8o,ita+�tir�aftaocnpy.esmblish.and u�tt�Ptopen�as Barovecr3 p�incipai c�esid�ce Ri���y days after --
<br /> y - - -- - ---- -i�iC C�9Q�iT£�tiS S�t[ttSF�R�=��rnntimw[Q p�}�r�C Pt0(1QI[jE aS BOlIO��.,�"`c�.,��''+idetlCe for.1l-- - '` � __�___r. --
<br /> �Y - • _
<br /> _ teast a�e.'.year.:a�er the date af ae�upaoc.y. untexs i:Et�de.r•v�v�i�e agspes in vr[itusti�.;_�3.�.y�t�sha11 tat be �'' -
<br /> �� .��'� �!� ` �iver sf�all not ,�.
<br /> u�ea�on+ki�_+�it�Neld,v�imiessextcno�ting es are Sa�s<?�3,ri*�,':� . �_' -
<br /> .destee the apow the�is�irs��i:�f�osaipr�ut�vaste o�e� f^�,;�i+rtuwer shall -
<br /> Y•���Pa!� �y c;��`� iiminal is un that in����prd�ment -
<br /> - - - . `bo in defttic4C if any fo�feiEaio.actian or pracad'mg�>ji�tfi�r �r r� b� ,. s..�,:. . -
<br /> . rouM ie:�3t`i�fotfeitcae.of the Ph�petty or othea�i's�'mat�J`�'=,3s�c�air the`Cen c�eateQ is�:.i�Sc�t r�,'#� T.i�snn�ment ar I
<br /> ' I.endec'��t�jr iat .er�_BcRroa�e���curr such a defautt a���a�'�ate.as prmvided in parag�!S:b�;�a;�ing the actiuci � _
<br /> �-'` =•;.,a, ` �. • or procee�ri�`to be:�7s�t�witt�a iyt�mg tha�in Lender�s gev�€�deunrrination,piecIudes forfeinne�,i¢Ye Soaowpr� :-_ - -
<br /> = ` �f'- �.s.` f. interest in the Propert.�•�v�ser mat�riat impairinei�.-ef the lien created by this Secunty ins�ar '�'s srcuriry �'
<br /> _ - ;� �'�:Y��:�� .`;�`_,-� . _�`-�inteRSt. Borrowec,� q;:a'�o be� ire.d�fautt if�sver.during the loan apptiptian pracess.gave'i��y�fatse or -. •: - ;
<br /> t�r , �..-. � -c.
<br /> ,��'�'1n3aUt�jB�llf011tl�fl!I'"�.'�b«`YClIICllts t0�(OS�SO�Y(f�C�.C�QCf wg�tau��terial" f�aKOn)i�m�ectian with �
<br /> ���� '=� �?+�r� , . •��the l�t;efi�s���t�e'Note. inc�5t.�ling.;but'i�+i�iimited to.�Qrcsentatga�s wsncemu� . wer:s ooc`.s;a�r►.y of� :�
<br /> ,_ :?�: r tx'. � _ - :. �:����'��ider�e. if this Se�mry In�iunet�t it a��t�ehald.�ntuwet�k�6:�:�1�+<with a11 t,fie prov'� _` � r���•
<br /> ` _��« "�'�1 ��i ���•;:a f t l�.��u�'�'���e r a c q u t�e s f e e p u e t o t h e P�y.t h e I��i a:3 a n d t h e f e e h tl e s�.+�:�r:�8e u�.��:,, � , .
<br /> � ~k 193i�.�.16}9"���tE^.Tii.T''n'3..�' •� : .. ..- ..:•T,:;., : �:,;, ` � ;,�, <y; .�
<br /> c 4 �''t-.. • ,� �`-
<br /> �� �.F �` � •`� � �+01i�¢aqti�eT 31�2e1kr's Riabts in ti��`mi�eSt�%.� �f'.ff!anT3wCF fYS(�'C�J�eifip[�•�s•rovenetr�:>s�d.�;G�is�:,s -r
<br />_�e�t? :��',�<'.�j ,`4��`Y � �; , �\�sta�ti���;�a��Sr�ris�•3nstrumcns.ar�bere�s a�i'+.:gal pr�v�i"a:��dtiat�a�►:�i-#�ifica����o.�.�ii� Le�1ar��3��:��;�.`. - •. -
<br /> . x`•. , `��:�`�;� `ptup�rt};���a prose.�ding in b�rcj-��..cy.probate.for cdr���.�or fa:1'e�r;ir+e or to e{��firtws ac r���;titl4� ..
<br /> r,r
<br /> :nd�_r _:� �L�..�1rA��� , . �._. � t ,.` .
<br /> - - - - � ?�`y,- Lc�dev r,i�y,c�ai�d pay t'ar w�ate+��:;.,ecescary ta protect��ato:of the Ptoperty and b��ues's�igt��hQ:.•�e�"�.��tg'�
<br /> .Q.
<br /> :�f. Lender's actions may in�iude paying ary suma secureA by a lis�a g�:h has priority over this 5es.�arity Inc�las;�s.ap�ar��° �'�
<br /> � in coan.paying rca.�iPe attomeys fees and entering on thc P�,ecty to make repairs.Although l.endet�'take acuon . .
<br /> � s�.� � � �`� � under this paragraPh 3;�:ader does nat have to do sa;,. •� '.- , • '. �
<br /> ._ � , ..
<br /> � '. � .�Y�,� ... . �r, My amaunts disbursed by Ltnder under th�,�pars;;rapb 7 shall become additional deM of Borrower secured by this , ,•. �'
<br /> - {.,. :• ,�.;,�.. _ :.•�.:.y`,N,:��- ._:
<br /> ;.`, . ;� "•����i, Security[nstrument. Unless Borrawer,�,3�.cnder u�nn�to other tertnti of p�yment.these amaunts shall bear interest frant tfs� •:`�it�`,c.f�_=_
<br /> ��..
<br /> �f;��kc date of dis6ursement at the Note rate•sr�1:�1!be�Za�able.with interext,upan natice from Lender ta Barrawcr requcsr•,u�g ;' � � r��t7 ;
<br /> `�`.F r .�g ;��i Paymen� ;. :;: : .•' •• , ; .,.� �jr frS�,< <�
<br /> , )\1 4`<r _t .C.`f� -
<br />-' '��:, '�'. � ` Secue Instn���I�snce.�lf6��Pne �n��ir¢d t ma ntain tse m�anna e n�u�ra�ce ia�;:'+.�.For an� '. '��i��;ii fffj�`t'�4��_`;=
<br /> - . =t� - . . �� ' ty .. LT�� P -� S 8 ' Y
<br /> =x te35olb rt'.y r i fS �•'r:
<br /> � ,- the mott�,+i��,.�ece co*,.ers:;�e requirt��•,b�'�:ai�rc•�,t�SPti OI C:�ScS't0 bC in effect. Bona��a[�a1'1 Pay.�►::, j�' �,Y����f�;.'�'
<br /> _ �'� :f r7 rl �f�'i � ,
<br /> "�� . ,� ptemium,c.�iir��n•�1�;�:-n cove�r'�eesubstantialiy e�cci•uGa,�t'����i-':�n:����.•'snsurance p*eviousiy i.�;,,raFeci. at �,� f Y,'�,�i'� � � 1;,�
<br /> }, � �. substan' e�ru�i��i�<<a the cast to Bormwer of thc mong«e zr:�:�i�,�.�e�n:�•;t�:«s1y in ef.fi�:a'�^m ar�a�P�te mar`g�ge ' t� � t ' ,�S��C'°"
<br />�'� � ���I� � �.•y ,�ce�.;u«� �.s s,• ��+,.� all to `' ' '. �-
<br /> �,;�,. . insut�er ap�u .1.�4asy��. If suMtantially cquivutent mortga�.�:9:��' ��-is dc+�a;�� �.��is.P.,.c�n, 5!f pay�. .s;.�. . c.,�3�,�
<br />*' � � ;,1. : � '.. l.e�der eac'h a7�is�.:a���al to one•twelfth af th'e ycarly mortgag•a insu�.aa���z�lurn h:�n�;�•:i��by���;�when the �'< '��•�` �.s-
<br /> ,_ insuranrr aa��+�;1laqisv�u�ceased to be in effcct. Lender w�ll accept,utie��u�lra:�i the�+��wz}+t���`F;s�Qu�.x�:�ve in lieu E ��� -��_��,_, -
<br /> ' .t;�<; r ,�v,;;�;� of mortgage.insu�sve::�:w�.re.erve paymen��may no tanger�e r��uired.�+�*�:opt�on's�C����x.�;E�m����es:;r.�r� �'�'� _ ;re_:_.T�
<br /> >�k`� caverage��the amaunt and tar the,prz:,�d that Lendcr require�s�rided by an inrurer a�avei�t b�'i,es,*s,d�:��n� ' E . 1;;v�,, �:'.'`�
<br />'�' " ' ,� ,E��,�,,.. �va�lable and is olxained.Hortower�'ti?ay thc premium�rcy�a��mainiam mortgage irc,��we c�S£.f�.'bi!tfl�ta'���,� !"� • ,,;?f,�`
<br /> . . � ' �:'i"•"� los.c reserve.until the reyuirement far�sswrtgage ir�ti;.�:a.zce end�id:ircar�tance with any wrrta�i;,,r,�-^s�r,n�r C�a::n�1or�v�+,a,�v �. . `,`j,'�,`;�`
<br /> , `,.i;:!-,+•.";•; ':'..`��` andLendcrorayplic�abIclaw. . . , .. : � � ; � � . ; , ,
<br /> . 9 lnspectbn. Lcnder ar it�agent may erja�n:�sonablc cntrie�upcm artd imprctions�t t'�e T�ruj�mv:' -6..ender sh�11 P' .
<br /> �, � ` ' . . . .`,�; • give Barrower notice at the time of or{srior to ar�ir,ya�a:t;�n'tipecifyi�g rca�anahte r.w,�e fot t���n?r.;�ecttc�r� '' , ` j ,ri��r�ti`;. ,
<br />�'!i;1;f.�� r� . ,.;- lOt �:nndetenation. The proceed�taf a�}tiw��3 nr claim fii�,�'a�nage�.dirctit ur runYar�,��;�s3f;.1.in amnectinn a•i�i:a�s�., . {� r. . •
<br /> I 1 t y',r1.•.!
<br /> .� ' ' . ' 'i 1;•
<br /> ."`�., '• . � � � �. _. . . � - . ���;�r:%':i��
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