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<br /> - , ` , ` ���Q�W�I iu f�10 '!�.IIOM di�C(EC�011 fhG�10�[tLS/��Ild 7�1 CiSd[I�IS.�.
<br /> � - a*�Ad fi�te�,.e�s now_{a��rL U�afa�ia a pa�tbe� p�opa�yt.�y.. At!rept*a�o�ac���o�ts�ind•`a_dAitions shall also be cove�ed by t6is Secunty .
<br /> ��4 �V�{IR1����Q�Y�7�YWYY1{Fl�{�WVM�J'�
<br /> _ - - --. _:__S�OWER�VENANT.�,t�iL_BO�Ig�C[IS IiY?�I�SCiSCd Of I11G ESLILC��I OO�YGjf�8M�S fI1C t1�f[t0$[8�1
<br /> . �COAYCJt fAC PhOQl�i�YW t�it tbC RUQlRSi IS idldlC�.W�CEp[fOf C�IIU6�iQOCS Ot(!CO[�d. BaR�DVYQ vY�t�[Its� - - — - -
<br /> �r�l defaid�aa�ly die6tie atbe Ptopdty aaaimt�it cl�ims aM dem�ods.suDject to aey encum6nuioes of nca�d.
<br /> �S SECUItI'['Y iNS7RUMENT.coa�tiin�s uniform covemnts for�►acioaai use snd nan-unifam oova�nts with
<br /> _ � C�od�ans by���e s unifotas sectuFty ins�unentcovering rr�!ptopta'ty. _- --- --
<br /> � UN1FOltM C1�VENAM'S. Ba:o�and i.etWer c�ovatsnt ud aEroe as fniluws:
<br /> 1. Pa�t of lrLt�l aY I�terest:Rr�MT�nt a�l.Y�t'A�r�.Bamwer shat!pcomptlY WY when due the —
<br /> ,;:::3' Principal of aad iata�taa tbe debt evideaced by tl�e Note aad anY P�Y����8�due nnderthe Nota _>.— _ ---
<br /> - 2. i+Y�d�ter'Iiues aW I�a�oa SubJoct w applical�k Law orw a writl�w�vec Dy Lm�kr,Botrower s�ll pay eo
<br />_ -.. Lsnder ao t6�day madhly payments a�e due wider the Nate.uoW th�Nute is p�id in faU.a suc�.t`�s"/�(a)I�Y �;:�::�r---
<br /> � tues and�.s which mliy amin piaity over tids Se�wity lastnat�ent as a lieo an the Pcopaty:(b)Y�� < <:;,`,�=-:,�-�
<br /> Y.( Y�Y h�r�rd ar p�opaty insura��ce p�emiu� tfi y � •`•':::�':•;_--
<br /> �.�,. payme�ts a gxouud ceots oa tl�e Pi+opaty, if sn c) ;.
<br /> s'-•�, if aod(fl�nY�ms WYablt bY Barovue�'m = -- -
<br />::�n., in�amce p�emiwms.if my:(e)Y�Y�8�8e��- �Y= . ����.� _
<br />._ �= I.a�dee ia�at ritl�tLe provisioos of pa�aph 8.ia tieie�the paymeot af matgage ias�u�noe pnmiumg--.4ffi� ---_-
<br />��. ` items aie ralle�"Fsamr Iums." Ls�der mry.at aay tnn�oolloct a�d Snid�in=r�ooru�t na co eacoed We anximam �;;.,:;F`,�._
<br />--;= amo�iti�E a(eoder€ot'a foderalty setated mo�tga�e.ta�n may�cgiite fbr, s esc�ow accotmt ander tbe foderat Rr11 :..;-:;s;:,�-�---
<br />`a.s.•, Buaoe 5eaf�mt Ptaced�s Act of I974 t4 an�etided fram eimensmp�«:12.�'$2601 et seq.l"ltESPA�7.uniess another 't;?;>::�-;;.—_-___
<br /> -� ta�t6tut appt'ies 6�t�c Wnds sets a lesser�_If so,I.endeir7t�Y•�'._ ;lime.�oilxt aad hold C�u�ds io a�e aniount not ta � .. •-�= -
<br /> -_- ex+eopA:'t�e'ksssr� Isnder may es�m�te the a�no�'ie�+if Fa�if�on U1c basis of curirn[ dua aed teasooai�ie ; ieL�-
<br /> ._ en . .,R.,
<br /> ��' �'ofexpe�pu�COffu�o�eBscruwl�emsoiathe�vvise��cordaaoea6th�ppticabietaw • . ' ��,�_ -
<br /> .' � :1Tie t`vods s691! 6e be(d m�n ic�aa whose depobi�t.ut iimae��Y a federal agency.incpvma�taliry:os eatit� , ,,":,z -
<br /> . einclading La�dcx if L.enaa is sa��u imtimtival«in a�►y Foaent r�an4e�i�c�sanlc. l.ender sinit apply thc rw�[s to pny,,;;:';;:`,_4:.;: --a�:::z:--
<br /> ;;_:, ti�c'Esccaw Ite�s. LeMer may.00t cinrge Namwa fa dnWjuB aad appY�S.tLe RuWs.aanw[ly�uniyzing the e.scmvK'r:,,;.:`.::_':;-;; �-- ..
<br /> `'. ' � �'s-.'., aamim�or verifying d►e Hg"ctotR ice�ns,unIess l.ender pays Borrower�iest oa 1h�Funds a�applicable law penriits.{;'�;:•...:.:;:` e���`-
<br /> �� . .._.' -t: I.altler w mzke such a c6arga .tioprrever.txnder may requise Barawer to p�y��.���`�i'. e�c far an . ......�..r cral,"..: : °�fi�:'°---";.;-
<br /> . , �� F. �e �l^"^^�^� ..�:' `'tl��•'.�rs,
<br />_ . v � CSni4�R i�QILt[f$SL7'Y(�QSla�/"�:C[Ifkflp COIUlOC110R�YIt�11Z1lS�0�!!s�f�SS'9�ii+{������d11ClWISC. U11�E55 911 r'' `�'`. _`
<br /> - e.�rr�s: -�.-.... � Y�r��?�`
<br /> •-•/"•, �'y. .�,. agrei�is made a applica6le taw tequit+es ia�ese.ct to be paid.l.ender sT�t3�`r�.itb'Je tueqJuir_e`d-'to{,p�ay Bonower nan�ry,�i,,nte*ce,�s,t,�o,,r� � � :ti,° •,_.�
<br /> �-ti'•�.+T� � {d1� Ll1ElGS.�W1�UG ��{'MtIW. l.MNK.� .4. _ ._.
<br /> :���t�; `i..�:�: eauings on dje Fu�ds Bormwer and L.rnder mt�iagree iR wnung,ha �;.'�-� :f ,
<br /> �' � �1 give to Bortawer.without charge an ana�acoounting 4f d�c�s�wiag credits aad d�to the Fimds and the ,
<br /> ?�`S f;,����� , for which each debii w the E'vnds�as�aqili�,,'i1s��tc►����as addidrnal socurity far all swns sec�:bryr �'•� _ �
<br /> :;� n "�� ' ' � Instn�nen� -.� , ; ..
<br /> �`� ` �FS��1�y ��'• . ; �''••:;•�`. • �—
<br /> , .. �+` " � `' .;'.�:.�J�t�c Hunds hetd by Lender excad tbie sir,�amt"s�oe�ed P � 9 PD
<br /> t �Uc., b a licaMe law,Leader sh�ll aacta�1za�
<br /> r , . ��°",. .�, ..•. Bomrik2r for tbe sxcess Funds in xcordan�e+�1t the cecja�»Eets of�:cca6k law. If the�mour�i uf the F'�h�tr� ." --
<br /> '`f�- `�' ,-� l.end'er at aay tmoie is�at sufi'iciem w pay tt�ESi.7ow Items wMn due:��Jar tnay so notify Barrower in wri6ng,�t►r�,ir�. . . _ _ - -
<br /> ,.,� �`��' - -. ' su�b�tase 8orns�t sfial! pay w Lmd�.z the 4�ant rx�ssa�Y to malc�:�pi�d�e deficiency. Bamwer.shall m�lua�;��:j:7� .. . -
<br /> .,A,'
<br />_.:��f . . ,"�L'_.�
<br />- �., ` -. __ defica�isy in ra mote thua twetve�thtY Pacaients.at Lender's sok disct�an. • , _ � :�r
<br />;'`_- �=':" _-- .t�t�y�a�t in futl of a§!�sstas secund by Uus S�ri�r tasuument.Lender shall p�amPUY irf�nd to Borriiw�es�ny _ _.�`�� _
<br />:�, ��.� ' ; , � � F�`�►eiA by I.ender. (f.unQer�agraph 21.Lender shall arqaire or sell the Ropaty.Lender.prior to the aor��nsit;on or T �!` � _
<br />��( Tti�,_ �. ; .,f,,. sale of the Ptaperty.shal! apply"ary Fwncls hetd by l.ender at the 6me of acquisition or sale as a cm,dit against tT�e sums =
<br /> � ���.
<br /> ~�.. '. stcutW by this Savrity Instrumen� •" <` , =
<br /> ��� � '� 3 Applia�tion of P�y�eeaW. Unless applipbte law provides otherwise, ali payments t�eceived by L.ender under ' '
<br />�-� . ,r���. ;:a�- r ace ._#; `�
<br /> � , ,:. -. .•- �Mu 1 and 2 shall be app''�ud:tirst.to any prepaymem charges dae under the Note;second.to amounts Qayable under � , : :;f� ':-
<br /> ' �h 2:t hi t d,to in l e rest d w�:�t u e u t h.to princi p a l due:�t#a n.t o any l a t r c A a r g e s d u e w�d e r t h e N o t e.
<br /> t , f��''"- w� � � � _.
<br /> ;�.;��*.. •..." �; ±A:':CMarge�l.ias. ao�u•a�er sha11 pay afl taxes.'a.�assments.chazges.firks and impositions atiributable w the
<br />,'���,,�;: �:,r• . . �Y�o�3:which r��a�itain priariry over thic Security tnmument,and teas�►�td payme�ns or gaand rents.if arty. Bo�rower --__
<br />_ . . :r '
<br /> :;p'��. a,�i.�,.-, • : �;; :;�'';,� ;,.s���these�'r;g3a��ns in tf�manner proa'i�d in P�S�Ah 2.or if�;pai�i in that manncr.Barrower shap pay them on . -
<br /> `��,�; "'., � . : ' •-s.• `� 4`:^ ., 'i5r}v:c�i�ctly to�.�z�5on owe���;yrrs.nr.:�b�ser shall pramptty funu'�t�il..ender ap notices of amaunGs to be paid under ,-
<br /> ;,t?�`J� �ti � '�� �'� ,; �Si���aph. if Borrower r.w�dst��,2y�ia,r�direcity.Barrower sir,�i•�amptiy fumish to l.tai�e�receipts ev�deaciag ' � . . r�'`
<br /> 5" = �""".. ��' ^ dk��1a}h:'�ents. '` '_';` ` • . .: ' ` . . : ,
<br /> ' +'":•?' j :' :,��.�'<,::;' s..?3armwer shall promp�iy d��ii�:any Ise�t whicb has piiority aver�his Security Pis�.vmcnt unless�oirower.(a�agtees ;: ;
<br /> , � �' � ' ;; r;�ariting to the pay�nent af the oh7"rgwtion ac�►��'by the lien in a martner acceptabte to�i:ist4er;(b)cv,���}.t gnod�the , ,.. -; � .�;•. *�-
<br /> ^�_
<br />�`.� . ' • � �•� t�n by.a defends agalnst enforcement of tt�e.'.k�i in.tegal proceedings which in thc Lender's opinidc�'c�r�r�to pievenf the ` , ? ��
<br /> ��'�` . ` .�,,ax;&us�ement of tf�e lien;or(c)secures fmm�se��utder of the lien an agreement satisfactoty to l.endeP�li�hcdlnadng t�e h�.,• . • ..° �
<br /> �r-. ��..�..�
<br /> j�, n -,,•,�. , .-f_. ,� •. _
<br /> ,� ,�, # � � � ` ,��Security lnsuumen� 1!l.eader detem�iacs that any part of the Propeny is subjact to a lien whii�t may atta;n•�+ii�'rty�� � ; , , .
<br />� + " �i ;'-:�s.'psE�rs Seciuity(nstrumen�Ltvitet may give Borrower a notice iAentifying the lien. Barrower shall satisfy the`;ies mrl:�+� ` •:'"�!:;,�t; : �
<br />;t`, ��s ,'� ��i�,i�'�o r e o f the 8 ctions set t�t�tfi;above within IO da ys of the g'rvin g of notice. -'` "° '
<br />� ' ' �•:�>' � .� Ha�rd aR Praperty'Qcesiurance. 8oaower shall keep thc improvemcnts now csisting on c�reafter ere�£�ti�e � : , • '"�;
<br /> .' _ ..,_ , a • ..'f.
<br /> " ' -" �;�n��Aecty insured�inst fass by fire:hazards iactuded within the term"ei�tended coverage"and any other hazards.ine�ctding � ;r �� � �;�r�:
<br /> � `:.. . . . � •.°'1��<'or flooding,far which l.ender tequires insumnct. This incurance shaU be maintaiaed in the amauc�ts an¢fq�the :':.��: �?;�:�
<br /> ' � , � � �% , ,<
<br /> ",, . ��: '1,,'�.i ,�a:;:,",,�c;, _ ' . E'an3sffi 119! raax9r,.�7'O�taj;PSi� i { ` .
<br /> .�.
<br />� � t i ' • �"i • '�' .. i' 1.
<br /> * . . . :� .'f.� ,�i�. 4 �
<br /> �r i �,r,;�:.',
<br /> '� . �'� .1�.t � r. . . . ,''. _ ' 1 . �`,",..
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