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201107779 <br /> Securlty InstnunenL A written statement of any authorized agent of[he Secretary dated subsequent to <br /> 60 days from [he da[e hereof, declining to insnre tliis Securily Instrument and lhe Note, shall be <br /> deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Nolwithstanding lhe foregoing, this option may not be <br /> exercise� by Lender when tlie unavailabilily of insm�ance is solely due to Lender's failure ro remil a <br /> mortgage insurance premium tu the Secretary. <br /> 10. Reinstatement. Burrower has a right to be ceinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in fidl <br /> because of Borrowcr's failure to pay an amount due �u�der tlie Note ur diis Securiiy Instrument. This right <br /> applies even after foreclosure proceedings are i��stituted. To reinstate tlie Security [nstrurnent, Sorrower shall <br /> tender in a lump sum all amounts required to bring Borrower's accoun[ curren[ inchidi�g, to �he exfent they <br /> are obligations of'Borrower under this Security Instrumenl, foreclosure costs and reasonable and custmnary <br /> xltorneys' fees and expenses properly associated with [he foreclusure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by <br /> Bon'ower, this Securily Instrument and lhe obilgalia�s fhat it secures shall remain in effec[ as if Lender had <br /> not required immediate payment in fu1L However, Lwder Is not required to permit reinstatemenf if: (i) <br /> Lender has accepted reinstatement after the commencemenl of foreclosure proceedings within two years <br /> immediately preceding the commencement of a current Foreclosure proceeAing, (ii) reinslalement will <br /> predude foreclosure on different gmunds in the fatare, ur (1ii) reins�atement will adversely affect 6�e priority <br /> of the (ien created by this Security Ins(rumenl. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of tl�e time of payment or <br /> modification of amortization of [he sums secured by this Secu[ity instrument granted by Lender to any <br /> successor in interest of Borrower shall nol operale to releasc the liability of the original Borrower or <br /> Bo�rower's successor in interesl. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any <br /> successor in interest or refuse to exlend tlme for pnyment or of6erwise modify amortiza[ion of the sums <br /> seareed by this Securi[y Instrument by reason of any deoiand made 6y the origi�al Borrower or 13orrower's <br /> . successors in in[erest. Any for6earanc�e by Lender in exercising any right or rernedy shall noY be a waiver of <br /> or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bou�d; Joint and Several Liability; Co-Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreemen[s o£ this Securify Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and <br /> Burrower, subjec[ tu tlie provisions uf paragraph 9(b). Borrower's covenants and agreements sliall 6e joint <br /> and severaL Any Borrower who co-slgns this Security 7nsfn�ment 6u[ does not exeaite fhe Nole: (a) is <br /> casigning [his Security [nstrumenf only to mortgage, grant and convey that Boaower's interesl in the <br /> Property imder the terms of this Security l�strument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security Instrmnent; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, moAify, <br /> fmbear or make any accommodaflons with regard to the terrns of dtis Security L�shument or [he No�e <br /> wilhout thal Borrowcr's consent. <br /> 13. Notices. Any notice to Bor'rower pmvided for in this Security Ins[rnment shall be given by deliverin� it or <br /> by mailing il by first class mail unless applicable law reqaires use uf anot6er method. The notice shall he <br /> directed la the Property Address or any olher address Borxower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice <br /> lo Lendcr shall be given by first class mail to Lender's adAress stated herein or any address Lender <br /> designates 6y no[ice fo Borrower. Any notice provided for in tiris Se�curity Ins(rumenl shall be deemed to <br /> have 6cen given to Borrower or Lender when given as pcovided in this paragrapl�. <br /> 14. Goveming L2W; Sever'ability. This Security Ins[rumenf shall be governed by Federal law and [6e law of <br /> the jurisdiction in which the Propeiiy is locate�d. In [he evenl tha[ any provision or dause of [his Secnrity <br /> � Instrument or the No[e conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect uther provisions of [his <br /> Security Instrument or the Nole wluch can be given effect without khe conflicting pmvislan. To this end the <br /> provisions oF Chls Secnrity Instrument and lhe Note ace declared to be severable. _ <br /> oot iz2sseosa ciaioanx s.zsn.Da vz <br /> FHH Mortgagc WITFI MERS-NE Revis VMV4N�NC)f(1105)?00 <br /> VMP�� <br /> Wol[crs Hluwer Financial Scrvlces Peye fi of 10 <br />