<br /> All insurance polioies requircd Uy Lender aud renewals af such policies sha11 Us subjeet to Lendor's righ2 to
<br /> disapprove such policies, slxall include ¢ standaid lnortgnge olause, and sha11 naEne Lender as inorCgagce
<br /> ancUor as an a�dditionll loss payee. Lendet s1�a11 ha�ve fhe righ[to hold tl�o policies and renewal cerCificatcs. [f
<br /> Lender requiros, T3orrqwer sh�ll promplly give to Lender all receipts oP paid prcrnitinns a�nd renewal noticce.
<br /> T'F Borrower obtains any fonn of insurance coverlgo, not otherwise required by L,ondor, for damage Co, or
<br /> desCrttction of, the ProperLy, such policy sliall include a sfandard mortgage clause and sl�all namo T.ender�s
<br /> mortgagee and/or as aix�dditional loa�paqee.
<br /> In the event of'loss, Borrower shall give prompt notioe Yo the insuranco canier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> makc proof of loss if noY mede promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and'Borrower otheiwise agree in
<br /> writing, any insnrance proceeds, whether or not the nncierlying insurence w1s required bY Lendar, shnll be
<br /> applled to restorafion ar repair of the Propecty,if the cestoration�or rapan�ie economic�lly Peasiblc and
<br /> Lender'e securiCy is not lessenecl, lluring such repAir nnd restornliou perioci, Lender sliall h�ve the right to
<br /> hold such inaurxnce proceeds until Lencler has had an opporLunity to inspect such Praperty Co ens�re tke
<br /> wotic has been complotcd to Lender's sa6sfnetion, pinvidal that such inspection sha11 be undcr[aken
<br /> prompYly. Lender may disbursc proceeds f'or U�e repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a scries of
<br /> progress payineirts ns the�vorlc ia oomplcted. Unless an agreement is m�cie in w�9ting or Applrcable Larv
<br /> require� interest to be paid on such insurenoe proceeds, Lender sha11 not be reqnired to pay Roerower any
<br /> intexest or eaminge on such proceeds. Feas foi publio acljueters�, or otlier tlrird parCies, retained by Bmrower
<br /> shall not be plid out of the ivsiu'ancc proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of I3brrowett If tl�e resCOration
<br /> or repair is not economically feflsible or Lcnder's securiCy would be lessened, Lhc insnrauca proceeds shall 6e
<br /> applied to the sums sacured by Yhis Seouri�y instrmnent, whethar or noY H�en due, witl�tlie excess, if zay,
<br /> paid to Borrowor. Such insurance proceeds shall be applicd in flie order provided for ni Sccflau 2.
<br /> If Borrownr abandons the Property, Lender n�ay filc, ncgotiate aaid settle ntiy aveilable insurance cla�im uid
<br /> related matters. If�3orrower cloee not raspond within 30 days to a notice from Lender that the inFUrance
<br /> canier has off'ered ta aettle a olaim, thcn T.ender inay negotiate �nd selCle thc claim, The 30-day period will
<br /> begin when the notice is given. In either event, or ifLender acquires tho Properly undor SecNon 22 or
<br /> othexwise, Borrowon c�reUy assigns to Lender (a)Borrower's ri6hta to any insurance proceeds in an amount
<br /> not ko exceed the nmounts unp2id�mder the Nota or t1�ie Seourity InsLrumottt,ancl (b) any other of
<br /> Bon�ower's rights (other than the right to a�iy rcfiarid of unearned preminms pztid by I3orrower)undei all
<br /> insuranee polioies covering tl�e Property, insof'u�es suoh righte aco applicable to the coverage of Clie
<br /> ProperCy. Lender may use fhe insurai�ce proceeds aitUer to repair or reatnro the Property or to pay nmounts
<br /> unpaid under Che Note or this Secnrity I�struinant, whether or not Ylten dne,
<br /> 6. OccupanCy. Borrower shall 000npy, cstablis7�, and nse 11ie Property as Borrower's principal residence
<br /> within 60 daye afte��the execuY�ion of this Security Iustrume�lY and sl��tll conYinue to ocoupy tho Property as�
<br /> Borrower'e prinaipal residcnca for a�t least one year after lhe date oF occupancy,unless Lender oCherwise
<br /> agrees ni writing, which oonsent sliall noC bc unreaaona�bly withheld, or unlees cxtcnuating circwnet�nces
<br /> exist whioh are Ueyond Borrower's conCrol.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. I3orrower sl,nll not des(roy,
<br /> dan�iage or impair tl�e Property, allow the Property to detcriorate or eommit waste on the Property. �hether
<br /> or not Borrower is residing in the Properfy, Borrower shflll maintain tlte Properry in order to preventi the
<br /> Property ti•om deteriorating or dccrcasing in valne due ko iYs condition. Ui�lese it is deCermined pursuanC to
<br /> Section 5 that repair or rasYoretion is not economically feasible, Borrower shall pinmptly repair the Property
<br /> if clamaged to avoid fitrtl�er deferioraCion or dAmage. If ineurance or condenuiatiion prooeeds aro paid in
<br /> comiect[ou with damage to, or U�c tttking of, tlie Property, Bonower Shall Ue responsible for repairin�± or
<br /> restoriug the Property only if Lender hae rcloascd proceeds For such purpoaea. Lendcr may disbttrse prooeeds
<br /> zsii��
<br /> Nff)RASKA-Sin�le Family-Fennie Mee/Fretldla Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM FNT Porul 3020 110�
<br /> VMP OO VMPo(NE)(110G)
<br /> Wallsrs Kluwer Finannlal Soniaas Pege 7 of��
<br />