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201107752 <br /> required by 1tESPA, and Borrower shflll pay to T.ender tha nmount nocessary to mnke up the deficieucy in <br /> acoordnnce with Ii�5PA, btrt in no inare than 12 monthly paynianfs. <br /> Upon payment in fiill of all sums seoured by this Security Instniment,Lender shall prornptly refund to <br /> Bottower any Punds held by Lendcr. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Botrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, oha�•ges, fhies, and impositions ntLributaUle to <br /> Che Propert�y which can attain priority over tlils Securiry Histrument,leasehold payii�cnts or ground revts on <br /> � Yhe Property, if any, and Community Aseociation Duas, Fees, and Assesementa, if any. To fl�e extent thnC <br /> these iCeins arc L�.scrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the mamler provided iu Section 3. <br /> Borrower sha11 promptly discharge any lien which has prioriCy over this Seeurity Lnstrmnent unless <br /> Borrower: (a) �grees iii writing to tihe p�yment of ftia oU1igaCiou secured Uy the lian in a m�mier acceptaUle <br /> Co T,ender, but only so ]ong nr Borrower is perfoxtning auch a��eement; (b) contests tl�e lien in good faitli by, <br /> or defcnds agaii�st enforcemeut of lhe lien in, le�;al proceedings which in Lender's opinion oparatie to prevent <br /> the enforcemenf oF Lhe lien while Uiase proceedings are pencling, l�uC only mrtil sucli proceedingn are <br /> concluded; or(o) seeures fi�om fhe holder of Yhe lieu an agreement satisfacCOiy to Lender suUordina6ng the <br /> lion to thiy Sacui'ity Iasfrniiienk If Lendcr deterinines that nny part of the Property is eubject tio a lien wlvch <br /> oan aClain priority over this�Sacurity Insttmncnt, I,ender may give Borrower a notioe iden�ifying the lien. <br /> Within 10 cinys oP llle date on which diat notice is grvon, Borro��er shall satisfy the lian or tal<e one or more <br /> of tlxe actions set forth above in tlns Section 4. <br /> Lender may rnqtiirc Sorrower Yo pny a one-�ime charge For a reAl asLate Cax verification ancUor reportiug <br /> service used by Leuder in connection wiYh this Loan. <br /> 6. PropeYty Insul'anCe, Borrower shall keep the improvcments now existing or hereafter erecteci on U�e <br /> Property insured against lnse Uy firc, hazards included within fhe term"extendeal covcrage," and uiy olhcr <br /> hazarde inclndrng, bnt not limited to, earthq�ixlces and lloods, for which Lencler requires ius�uance, Thia <br /> uisurance shall be maintained in the aanounts (uicludit�g deductible leve7s) and fbr tilia periods that Lender <br /> requires. Wl�at Lender reqnires pursnant to Yhe preceding scntences can elinuge duiing the term of the Loan. <br /> 1'lic insutance cv'rier providing Lhe ina�u�ance shall be cliosen 6y&ierower subject Co Leudar's right Co <br /> clisa,pprovc Bon�owcr's choiee, wfiich iigh4 e7�al l noC be exeroised nnrexsona�bly. Lender mny roquire <br /> Sorrower to pay, in corn�ection witli thie Loan, oither: (a) a one-time oharge Por flood zona deCerminatic�n, <br /> certification vid tracking aervices; or(b) a ona-time chnrge for f7ood zone deteiviin2lion and carCific�Hon <br /> servioes anci suUsequent charges ench time romappings or sitnilar ol�anges occur whioh reasonaUly might <br /> atfect such determin2�ion or certi�fica4ion. Barrowcr sl�all also be responsiblo fa�the payment of any foes <br /> rinposed Uy the Feder�l L�mergenoy MaiiageinenY Agency in connecCion�uith the rovicw of aaiy lood zono <br /> delern2inatiori resulting fi�oin �.n o6jection by I3orrower. <br /> If Borrower fails to tnaintain any of Lhe cover2ges described abova, Lender inay oUtain insurance coverage, <br /> a�t Lendex's op�ion azid Borrower's axpense. Lendcr rs timder no obligaCion to purchase avy parlicnlar t�e or <br /> atuotmt oY'covei•�ge. Thereforq sLich coverago ahall eover Lender, but tnighC or inight not protect Boi�rowar, <br /> Borrower's equiCy in the ProperLy, or the conCentis oP Y1ie Proparty, againet any rislc, hazard or liaUility nnci <br /> might provide gi•eutcr or lesser coverage than was previously in ePfect. Rorrower aolrnowledgos d�at the cost <br /> of the insnrance coveragc so obtiained mighC significanEly exceed the cost of insttrance that Borrowc�'cotild <br /> have obtained. Any amounte disUnrsed Uy Lender under thie SeoCiou 5 ehall bc come addiuonal debC aC <br /> Bonower secured Uy Chis 9ecnriry lnstrumenC. These tunounts sl��tll 13ear intereae at the; Note ratie fi�om the <br /> date oP disl�urse�ncnt and eha11 be payable, wifh such inCerest, npon notice from Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> 231191 <br /> NEO�ASKA-Single Family-Fannle Mee/Fretltlla Meo IINIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28�l�1 <br /> �MP� VMP6(NE){1'10G) <br /> Wallers Kluw e�Flnancial Sarvices Fq�e fi of 1] <br />