<br />If Lendar e�ercises this option, Lend,er shall give Boztower nolice of accelezation. The notice shall provide a
<br />period of not Iess than 30 days frcrm the date the notice is given in accordance with Se.ction 15 withim wlrich Borz�owez
<br />must pay alI suFns seciued by this Sec�arity Instrument. Tf Borrow'er fails to �ay` these sums prior to t1�e e�iratian of
<br />tlais period, Leuder may ib.voke any xemedies permitted by tY►is Security Tnslru�me�at without fur�her natice or demand
<br />on Bonowei'.
<br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate AftQr Accelecatian. If Borrower meets certain Cbnditions, Borrower shal]
<br />have �he right tQ ]�ave enforcement of this Security Insfrument discontinued at any ti.me prior to the eazliest o� (a)
<br />fiv�e da�s before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Insirumen� (b) s�uch
<br />other period as Applicable I,a� might specify £or xhe terfnina�ion of Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) entry of a
<br />judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those condit�ons aze that Borrower: (a) paqs Lender alI sums which
<br />�en �woulc� be di� umder thi� Security InstrumenY and the Note as if no acceleration had occurre�i; (b) �ures any default
<br />of au}� othzr covena.nts or agzeem�ents; (c) Pays a11 expenses incurred in tnforcing t1�is Securily InS�ent, inclu�'na,
<br />bnt not ]3mited to, reasonable attomeys' fees, properly inspection and valuation fees, and ot}jer fees incurred for the
<br />purpose of protecting I.ender's interest in YYxe Property and rights undes this Security Instrument; and (d) takes s�uch
<br />action as Lender inay reasonably requ,ire to assure that I.ender' s i.nterest in fhe Property and righYS under this Security
<br />Instrument, and Bonnvver's obligatian to pay the s�s securedby this Security Insfrument, shali continue �unchanged.
<br />Lender may require that Bonawer pay such reinstatement su,ms and expenses in one or more of the f�llowSng formis,
<br />as selectedby I,ender: {a) cash; (b) money order; (c} certi$ed cheek, bank cheak, tre�surer's check or cashier's check,
<br />provided a�'y such check is dtawn upon an instittittion whose deposifs are ins�red by a federal agency, instrumentality
<br />or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Insir�ment and obligations
<br />szcured hereby shall rema.in fully effective as if'nq 8cceleration had occurred. However, this :tight to rei�state shall
<br />not apply in the case of accelera.tion iander 3ection 18.
<br />2Q. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer, Notice of Grievanc�. The Note or a partial interest in the Note
<br />(together with this Sec�ity Tnstrvment) can be saYd one or more times withot� prior notice to Borrower. A sale might
<br />result in a change in the entity (�cnoa� as i�ie °Loan Set`vi.cer") that colle.cts Periodic Paym.ents da�e under tt�e Note
<br />anri this Security Instrument snd performs other moregage loan servicing obligations under the Note, this Security
<br />Instrument, and Applic�ble T.aw. There aLso might be one or moze changes o£ the Lqan Szrvicer unrelated to a sale
<br />of the Note. If there is a�hauge of the Loan Servicer, �rrower will be gieen written notice of the change wbdclx will
<br />state the name and address of the ne�v Loan Sezvicer, the address tc� whieh paym,ments should be made and auy cjther
<br />infozmaiion RESPA requires in conneetion with a notice of transfer of servicang. If the Note is sold and thereafter
<br />the Loan is serviced by a L.oan Serv3eer qther rhan the purehaser of the Note, the mortgage loau sezvicing obligations
<br />to Borrower will remain with the Laaa Servicer or be transferred to a suecessor Loan Servi.cer and are not assumed
<br />by the Nate purchaser tmless otherwise provided by the Note purch�sser.
<br />Neither Borzower nor Lender ma.y commence, join, or be joined to any,�tdicia.l action (as either an individual
<br />litigarrt or the mexnber of a class) that arises from the other pari�' s act�ons purs�wt to this Securit� Inslrument ox tha#
<br />alleges fihat �the other pariy has bzeached any pzovisian of, or auy duty 4wed by reason o� t1�is Seeurity Insixument,
<br />until such Bozzowez or Lender has nvtified the other party (with such notice given in compliance with the requir�ments
<br />of Secfion 15) of such alleged Ureaeh and af,f'orded the other pariy hereto a reasonable period after the giving of sueh
<br />notice to ta2ce corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period. wh�ich must elapse before certain action
<br />can be taken, that time period wi11 be dee7med to be reasanable for purposes of tlais paragraph The notice of
<br />accelera�on and opporh�nity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of accelerafion given
<br />to Bonower pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to saixsfy the notice and apportanity to take corrective action
<br />provisions of tlais Seciion 24.
<br />21. �azardou$ Sabst�,neas. As used in this Section 21: {a) "Hazardous Substances" aze those sr�bstances
<br />defined as to�cic or hazardous suhstances, pollutants, az wastes by Environmental T,aw and the following substances:
<br />gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or to�ic petroleuru products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volaiile solvents,
<br />materials containing asbestos or forma.ldehyde, and radioaciive materiaLs; (b) " EIIVIYDVIIll�TlC3� L2.W" m�s federal
<br />laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that rel�te to healYh, safety or e�vironmenkal protection;
<br />(c) "Environmgntal Cleanup" aneludes 3ny respotise action, remedial action, or removal action, as dec�ned in
<br />Environmezital Law; an.d (c�} an "Environme�tai Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or
<br />otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup:
<br />Barrower sha11 no# caiase or permit the presenee, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substauces,
<br />or tbxeaten to release any Hazardaus Substances, on or in the Property. Borrowez sha]1 not do, nox allow anyone else
<br />to do, anything affeeting the Properiy (a) that is in violation o� auy �nvironmenl�l Law, (b) whzeh creates an
<br />Environmental Condition, or (c) w}ach, due to the presenae, use, or release of a Hazardons Substance, creates a
<br />cor►dition that adversely affects the value of the Froperty. The pr�eding two se,atences shall not apply to the
<br />presenc�, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Ha�rd�us Subsiances t�ax are generally recognized
<br />to be appzopriate to nonm�l residential uses and to mai.ntenat�ce of the Property (including, but not limited to,
<br />hazardous suhstances in consumer produets).
<br />Borrower sh�l promp$y give L�dez writt�n uoti,�e af (a} any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other
<br />action by any gov�ernmental or regulatory agency or private part� involving the Properiy and any Ha�ardous Svbstance
<br />or Environmen'tal T..aw of whiCb Bozrower has aptual �owledge, (b) any Environmerotal Condition, including but not
<br />limited to, airy spilling, leaking, discharge, zelease or tbr�at of release af any I3aaardous Su�bs�ta.nce, and (c) any
<br />condition c�used by the presence, �se or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the va1�e of the
<br />I'roperty. If Borrower leazns, or is notified by any govemmental or regalatory authority, or any private party, that
<br />any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Properry is necessary, �orrower shall
<br />promptly take aii necessaxy remedial actions in ac�ordance with Environ�ental Law. Nothing herein shall create any
<br />obligation on Lsnder for an Fr3viranmental Cleanup.
<br />N�RASKA-Singie Family—Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMEN'r 1�cM8���
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