<br />x2. Borrowei Not Reteased; �'arbearance By Lender Not a�'aiver. F�tension of the tim� �or payment or
<br />moclification of amortizaxion of the siams secured by this Seciaity Insizvment granted by t,ender tA Borrower or any
<br />SuccessOr in Interest of Borrower shall not operaze to release �e liabilily of �onower or any Successors iun Interest
<br />of Borrowez. Lender sba13 not be required to commence proceedings against any Suec�ssoz in Interest of Borrower
<br />or to refitse ta extend �ime for payment or ott►erwise modify amorf�zztion of the sums secured b� this Secu�ity
<br />Instrument by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Barrower or any Successors in lnterest of Borrower. Any
<br />forbeatance by Lender in exerci�ing any right or remedy including, without limitation, I,ender' s ac�eptance of
<br />payments from third persons, zntities or S`accessors in Interest of Bonower or in amounts less than �e amount then
<br />due, sh211 not be a wa�ver bf or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />13. Jaint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Suceessors and Assigns Sound. Borrower coverlants a�d agrees
<br />t�at Borrower' s obligations and liabilitq sha1l be j oint and several, However, any �rrower who co-signs this Sec�rity
<br />Tnstrument bu# �oe5 not execute the Note �a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing ttus Security Instrument onlq to mortgage,
<br />grant and convey the co-signer` s interest in the T'xoperty under the tenms of this Security Inst�umen� {b} is not
<br />person2lly obligatecl to pay the s�ns se.cured by this Se��ity Instniment; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other
<br />Barrower can a,giree to extend, modify, forbear or make auy accommodations with regard to the terms of this Sec�ity
<br />Tnsuvment or the Note without the co-�ignsr's cansent
<br />S'uUject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Tax�resC of Bosrow�r who assumes Bosrower's
<br />obligations uuder'this Security Instr�tment in writing, and is approved by Lender, sha11 obt�.in aIl of �iozrower's rights
<br />and benef ts under tivs Security Instrumen� Bonower shall not be released from Borrower's obligal�ons and liabilily
<br />under this Security Instivment unless Lender agrees to sach release in writing. The coeenants and agreements of this
<br />SecuriTy Instnimeat shal� bind (except as pzbvided in Section 20} and benefit the suc,eessors aud as,signs of Lender.
<br />14. Loau Charges. Lenc�er may �h2.rge Borrower feesfor services perFormed in connection with Borrower's
<br />default, for the gurpose of prote�cting I,ender's interest in the Pragerty and rights urider tl�is Seci�rity Instnament,
<br />including, but not limited to, attorne}rs' fees, property inspection and valua�ian fees. Iu regard'to any other fees, the
<br />absence pf eacpres,s authority in this Secwrii[ty Insh�unaent to charge a specific fee to Borrower shall not be construed
<br />as a prolubition on the ohazging of such fee. I,ender may not charge fees that are e�ressly proYubited bp this �ecucity
<br />Inslrwment or by Applicable Law.
<br />If the Loan is subj ecY to a 12.w which sets malcimuv� Ioan charges, and that law is �inally interpreted so that the
<br />interest or other loan ch�rges collect� or to be collected in connection with Yhe Loan exceed the gem�itted limits,
<br />then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amou�t necessary to reduce the charge to the permiited limit;
<br />and (b) any sums already collected from iiozzower which exeeeded pe,zmitted limits wi1I be refunded to Borrower.
<br />I,ender ma.y chQOSe to make this refund by reducing khe principal owed under the No�e or by �nalang a direet payment
<br />to Borrower. If' a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a pazlaal prepaymeut vsithout any
<br />prepayment charge (whether oz not a prepayment c�arge is provxded �or under the Nqte). Bonower's aceeptance of
<br />any sach refund mad� by direct payment to Borrower w�11 constitute a�waiver of any right of action Borrower migkt
<br />lisve arising out of such overch�ge.
<br />15. Noti�ees. �11 notices given by Borrower or Lender in coanection with this Security Inst�ment m.ust be in
<br />writing. Any notice to Borrower in connection with th'rs Securi2y T,nstrument shall be deemed to have been given to
<br />Borrower when mailed by first class mail or when actually delivered �o &��rro�over's no�ce address if sent by other
<br />means. Natice to atry ane Bonowe�r shall constitu�e notice to a11 Borrowers unless Applicable Law e�ressly requires
<br />btherwise. T'fie nolice address shall be the Properry Address unless Borsower has designated a substitate notice
<br />address by notice to Le2�der. Borrowet shaIl promptly norify Lender o�Borrower's chauge of address. If L.ender
<br />specifies a procxd�e foz repoztiug Borrower' s change of address, thea Borrower sha1I only report a change of address
<br />through � specif ed proced�e. Theze may be only one designated noti:ee address under this Securily Instrument
<br />at any one time. Any notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender' s
<br />address stated hexein unless Lender has designa'ted another address by natice to Borrower. Any notice in connection
<br />with this Security Inshvment sha11 nbt be cleemed tb have been given to Lender until actualiq received by T.,ender.
<br />If any notice ree}uized by this Se�urity Instrumeat is also required gnder Applicable Law, the Applieable Law
<br />requireznent will satis�'y the conespondi�g requirement under tliis S�curity I�nst�ument
<br />16. Go�exving Law; Severability; Rriles of Constrnction. This Security �tnuuent s1Yall be govemed by
<br />federallaw and tUe law of the jvrisdiction in wluch the Property is loca�l. AIl rights a�d obligatio�s cantained in
<br />ttais Security Insl�ument are subject ta any r�quiremenis and li7ni'tations of Agplic�.ble Law. Applicabie Law might
<br />e�cplicitly or implici.tly a11ow the parties to agree by contraet or it migbt be silent, b�t such silen�e shall uot be
<br />construed as a prolubition against agreement by contract. In the event that auy pravision or cl�use of this Security
<br />Instrument or t1ze Note con�licYs with Applicable Z,aw, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Seeurity
<br />Instnmment or the Note w�iich can be given effect withont the conflicting provision.
<br />As used in this Security Insilvnnenfi (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean an�1 include corresponding
<br />neuter words or words of the feminine gender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and include the plural and vice
<br />versa; and (c) the word "may" gives sole discretion without any abligation to take any action.
<br />17. Borrower's Copy. Bonower shall be given one copy af the Note and of tl�is Security 7nstrament
<br />18. T'ra�usfer of the Praperty ox a�eneficisl Interest in Borrower. As used in tbis Section 18, "Interest in
<br />the Property" means any lega.l or beneficial intetest iu the Property, includ�ng, but not limited to, those beneficial
<br />interests trans�erred in a bond for deed, cbnttract for deed, ins�ent sales contr2ct or escrow agreement, the intent
<br />of wluch is the h ansfe� of title by Borrbwer at a 3'uture date to a purchaser.
<br />If a11 br any pazt of the T'soperty or any Interest in the Property zs sold or transferred (or if Borro�cver is not a
<br />naturai person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferrec� witho�t Lendez's prioz wriiten cons�nt,
<br />i,ender may require i�nediate payment in fiill of all szums se.�ured by this Securi�y Instrument However, this optioh
<br />sl�a.11 not be exercised by Le�nder if such exercise is prolubited by AppTicable I,aw.
<br />NEBRASKA—Single Family—Fannis NlaelF�eddie Mac UIdIFORM INSTRllMENT pa�a�/��
<br />Form 3028 1(03 Page 7 of 19 www.docmagic.mm
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