� � �� � �� � ��
<br />assigus to Lenc�er (a) Borrower's rights to any in.surance proceeds in an amount not to exeeed the amounts unpaid
<br />under the Note or tl�s Security Szastrumeat, and (b) any other of Borrower' s rights (other tha� ttre ri�ht to any re�und
<br />of une.arned premi�ams paid by Barrower) uuder a11 insurance policies covering the PzoperGy, insofar as such rights
<br />are applicable to the coverage of the i'roperly. Y,ender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the
<br />Property or to pay amounts unpaid wader the Nate or this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br />6. Occnpancy. Bozrower shall occupy, establfsh, and use.the Properiy as Borro�uver's principal reside�ce
<br />vvithin 60 days after the execixtian of this Securi�.y Instram�t and sha11 continue to occupy the �'roperty as Bonrower' s
<br />principal resi�ence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unlESS Lender otherwise agrees iti writang, which
<br />consent shall not be unreasonably v✓ithheld, or unless egtenuating circumstaaces exist v��ich are beyond Borrower' s
<br />control.
<br />7. Preservai3on, Mamtenance and Proteetion of tb�e Properly; Insp�ections. Borrower shall nat destroy,
<br />damage or impair the Propesty, a11ow the Praperty to deteriarate or coffimix waste an the Pzoperty. Whether or not
<br />Borrtacver is residing in the Property, Bonower shall maimtain the Property in ord.er to prevent the Property from
<br />deteriorating or decreasing in valne due to its condition. Ualess it is determined pursuant to Section 5 that repair or
<br />restora�ion is not eeonomically feasble, Borrower shall pramptly repaar the Propezty if dara�aged ta avoid further
<br />deterioration or damage. Lf insurance or condeynnatio� proceeds are paid �n connection wi'th damage to, oz the �a�ng
<br />o� the Properry, Borrower sha11 be zesponsible for repairing or res'toring tlze Properiy only if Lender has released
<br />proeeeds far such pluposes. I,�ncier may disburse proceec7s for the repa.irs anci restozation in a single pa.yment or in
<br />a seaies of progress payments as the work is completed. If the inc,�rance or conde�na.tiou proceeds aze not sufficient
<br />to repair or restore the Properiy, Borrower is not relieveci ofBorrower's obHgation for the campletion of such repair
<br />Oi T@StOX2110X1.
<br />Len�er or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has reasonable cause,
<br />Lender may i�spect the interior of the ir.�provem.ea�.s on the Properry. Lender shall give Barrower notice at the time
<br />of or prior to su�h an interior inspection spec7fying such re�asonahle c�.use.
<br />$. Borcower's Lo�n Appticatiaa. Bor,rovver shall be Yn default if, fluring the Loan applicaiion process,
<br />Bonower or any persons oz entities actuqg �t the dizecti on of Borrpwer or wirh Barrower' s knowledge or consent gave
<br />znaterially false, misleading, ar inaccttra.te mformatian or statements f.o Lendez (or faileci to provide Lender with
<br />ma#erial information) in ¢vn�ection wiYh the Loan. Material representations include, but az� nat li�ixed to,
<br />representations concerning F3orrower's occupancy of the Properry as Borrower's principal residence.
<br />9. Prof�ecfion of Lender's Tnterest in the Prflperiy and Ri�Ms 17nder this Secnrity Instrament 7f (a)
<br />�rrower fails to per�o�m the Goven�uYs and agreements contained in this Security Instrument (b) theze is a legal
<br />proceeding that might signific�ut�y aff�ct Lendzr' s interest in ttie Property and/or rights undez'this Security Instrument
<br />(such as a proceec3ing in banl�up�cy, prabate, fox �ndemna1ion or €orfeiture, for enforce�ent of a lien which may
<br />attain prioriiy aver this Security Instrument or to enforce laws ar regulationS), or (c) Borrower has abandoned tJie
<br />Property, then Leuder znay do and pay far w]Zatever is reasonable or appropriate to pFOtect Lender' s imterest m the
<br />Property and rights under this Security Tnsi�v�aaent, including protecting and/or assesszng the valne of the Property,
<br />and seeuring and/or repairing the Propecty. Lender's aetions eau inelude, b�ut aze not Ii�crited to: (a) payin� any sunas
<br />secured by a lien wluch has priority over thiis "se.curifiy I�trumen� (b) appearing in cour� and (c} paying reasonable
<br />attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the I'roperty and/or rights �nder this Security Instrvment, including i'ts sec�ued
<br />posilion in a bankzuptcy proceeding. Seeuring the 1'roperiy includes, but is not limited to, entering the Property to
<br />make repairs, change Iocics, replace ar board up floors and windows, drain water from pzges, eliminate bu�.diag or
<br />other code violaaions or dangerous condilions, and have uqlities turned on or off. Althongh I,ender may take action
<br />under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not vnder any duty or obligation to do so. It is agreed that
<br />T,ender incurs no liability for not tal�ng any or a11 actions authorized undez this Section 9.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this �eciion 9 sha11 become additional debt of Borrovaer securedby tl�is
<br />Sec�ity Znsttvmeni, These amounxs sha11 bear interest at the Note rate froui the date of disbursement aud sha71 be
<br />payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Sorrawer requesting paymen't.
<br />Tf this Sectui'ty Tnstrumen� is on a leasehold, Bozxower sha11 eomply �tvvixh �ll. the provisions of t�e lease.
<br />Borrower sha]I not sw�rrender't�e leasehold �staxe and interests herein conveyed or terminate qr cancel the grouad Iease.
<br />Borrower shall not, without th� e�ress writte� consent of Lender, alter or amend the ground lease. If Borrower
<br />acquires fee titte tb the Progerty, tlie leasehold az�d the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger
<br />in r�riting.
<br />i0. Mortgage Insn�ance. If Lender required Martgage Insurance as a condition of maldng the Loan, Borrower
<br />shaYl pay the premiums reqnireci to mainta,in the Mortgage IaSur�nce in �ffect. If, for any reasan, the Mortgage
<br />Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available fram Yhe mortgage insurer that previously provided such
<br />insuraazee and Borrower was requized to make separately d�signated payments toward the premiums for Moztgage
<br />Insuranee, Borrower shall pay the premn,uns required to obtain coverage substantially eqnivalent to Che Mortgage
<br />Insurance previously in effeet, at a cost substant9alJ.y equivaJent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insur�.nce
<br />previously in effeet, from an alternate mortgage insu�rer selected by Lender. ff substantially equivalent Mortgage
<br />J�suranee covezage is not available, Borrower shall contu�ue to pay to Lender the amount of the separalely designated
<br />payments that were due when the instffance covezage ceased to be in effect. Lendez will accept, use and retain these
<br />payments as a non-refimdable loss reserve i� lieu of 1Vlortgage Insurance. Such loss r�serve shall 1�e non-refundable,
<br />notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in fiilT, and Lend�r shall not be required. to pay Borrower any
<br />u►terest ox earnings on such loss reserve. Lender c�n no longer require loss reser�e payments if Mortgage Insivance
<br />coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insuier selected by Lender again
<br />becomes a�vailable, is obtainecl, and Lender requires separately designated payinents toward ttie prezniwmis for
<br />Mortg�ge Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insuaance as a condition of mal�ing the T.oan and Borrower was
<br />required to make separately designated payments towazd the prPm;� for Mortgage Insurance, Borrowez sha11 p2y
<br />NEBRASKA—Single Famity—Fannie Mae/Freddfe Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Dor�Sag7c�
<br />Form 3028 1lQ1 Page 5 of 11 wrww.doanagic.com
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