►? �. _ . I � �:
<br />Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower sha11 pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make
<br />�p the shortage in accordance with R�SPA, but in �o mojre than 12 monthty payments. Tf thare is a deficiency of
<br />Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Zender shall ttotify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Bortowac
<br />shall paq to Lender the amount necessary to make up the defici.ency in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than
<br />12 monthly paymegts.
<br />Upon payment in fiill of all sums secured by this Security'Tnsixvment, Lender shall promptly refimd to Banower
<br />any Funds held by T,end�r.
<br />4. Gfiarges; Liens. Borrower sha1J pay all taxes, assessments, charges; fines, and impositions attn'butable to
<br />the Property wbich can attain priority over thzs Security Instrament, leasehold payments or ground rents on the
<br />Property, if auy and Commvnity Ass�an Dnes, �ees, and Assessments, if any. Ta the extent that these items
<br />are Bscrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in t't►e manner provided in SecLion 3.
<br />Borrower si�a11 pramptly disc�azge any lien wlueh has priority over this Secvrity Instrument Ymless Bonrower:
<br />{a) agree,s in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepta.ble to Lender, hut only
<br />so long as Borrower is pe.rformmg such agreemen� (1�) contests the lien in good faith by, or defends against
<br />en£orcement of the lien 7n, legal proceedings vvhich in Lender' s opinion aperate to prevent the enforcement of the lien
<br />while those pr�ixigs are pending, but only until such proceedings are concluded; oz (c) secures from the holder
<br />of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Z.ender svbardinating the lien to this Security Instru�men� If Lender
<br />determines tlaai any part of tY�e Property is subject to a lien which can attain priority over this Security Insliwnent,
<br />Lender may give Borrower a notice ideniifying the Iien Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given,
<br />Bonower sha11 satisfy the lien or talce one or mor� of the actions set forth above in this Section 4.
<br />Lender ma.y require Borrowe�r to pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax verification andloz reporting service
<br />usal by Lender m connection with this Loan.
<br />5. Property Tnsurance Borravaer shall keep the improvements naw existmg or hereafter erected on the
<br />Property insured agains�t loss b}7 fire, hazards included wit�in the te�m "entended coverage," aud any other hazards
<br />includ'mg, but nat timi.ted to, earthqualces and floods, for which Lender reqvires insurance. 'J"hi.s insnranee sha11 be
<br />ffiaintained in tl�e amounl� (includ'mg deductable levels) and for the peziods that Ler�der req�ires. What Lender
<br />requires pwrsuaot ta Yhe preceding sentences can change during ti�e term of the Loan. The in�,rance carrier providing
<br />the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower' s clwice, which zight sha11
<br />not be e�erczsed unreasonably. Lender may require Borrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, exther: (a) a one-
<br />time chatge for � zone determ�nAtion, certification and ttacldng services; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone
<br />cletezminati�an and certi�,cation services and subsequent Gharges each time remappings or similar ehanges occur w`�icTi
<br />zeaso�ably might affect such defernzizaaatiEOn or cezti.fication. Borrowex sha.11 alsa be respons�.ble for the payment of
<br />any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency 141ana�ement Agencq in connec'bion with the review of a�iy flood zone
<br />d�termination resulting from an ob�ection by Borrower.
<br />If Borrawer fails to maintain any of the coverages �escnbed above, Lender may obtain insuiance coverage, at
<br />Lender's optaon �r►d Borrower's e�cpense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase any parlacular type or amount
<br />of caverage. Tberefore, such eoverage shall cover T�ender, but might or might aot pxotect Bonower, �nower's
<br />equity in fihe Pzogerty, oz the contents of �ie Properly, against a�y risk, hazard qr liability and might grovide greater
<br />or lesser coverage than was previousiy i� effect. Borrower ackuowledges thaY the cost of the insurance covesage so
<br />obtaiued might sign�.cantl}� e�ceed the cqst of in9uranc� that Bozrowex could have obtai,ned. Aay amounts disbursed
<br />by I.ender under rlais Section 5 sha11 became additional debt of Borrower sec�ued by this 3ecuzity Instrument T'h�e
<br />amounts sha11 bear interest at the Note zate from the date of disbursement and sha11 be payable, with such interest,
<br />upoa notice fram Lender ta Borrower requesting payment
<br />All insurance poTieies requized by T..ender and r�newals of such policaes shall 'be subject to T encler's right to
<br />disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and sball name Lender as mortgagee andJox as an
<br />additionalloss payee. T,ender shall l�ave the right to bold the polieies and renewal certificates. If Lender recpiues,
<br />Borrower shall promptly give to Lender a1i re�eipls of paid premiums and renewal notiees. If Borro�ver obtaYns any
<br />form of i�srua�ce coverage, r�ot otherwise zequired. by I,ender, for damage to, or desiruction o� the Praperty, such
<br />policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional lass
<br />PaY�-
<br />Tn the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the ins�ance ca�rier and Zender. Lender may make
<br />proof of loss if not made prompfly by Borrbwer. Unless Lender aud Borro`wer otherwise agree in writing, any
<br />insurance proceeds, whei�et or not the u�iderlying insuranee was required by Lend�r, sha1l be applied to restoration
<br />or repau of Y�e Property, if tJie zestoration or rzpair is econozx�ic�.Il.y feasible �ud Lender's security is not Iessened
<br />I)uring such repair and restoration period, T.ender sha11 have Che right Yo hold such insurance proceeds until T.ender
<br />has had an opportunity to inspec� sueh Property to ensure th� wark has been completed to Lender's satisfaetion,
<br />provzded t�at sueh inspection shall be unflertaken promgtly. Lender may disburse groceeds for the zepairs and
<br />restoration in a single payment or in a series of pzogress pa}+ments as the work is eompleted. Unless an agreement
<br />is made in wziting or Agplicable Law requir�,s interest to be paid on stach insurance praceeds, Lendez sball not �
<br />required to pay Borrawez any imtezest ux earnings on such groce�ds. Fees far public adjustez's, or other thizd pazlies,
<br />retained by Borrawer shall not be paid aut of t1ae ins�uauce proceeds and sb.a71 be the sole obligation of Borrower.
<br />Tf the restoration or repair is noY economically fea�bl� or Lender' s secuxity would be lessened, the insur�nce proeeeds
<br />s1�a11 be applied to the sums se,eured by this Security Insmament, whether or not tt►en due, wixh the excess, if any, Paid
<br />to Bz�rarower. Sueh insnranee proeeeds sha11 be applied in �the order pravided for in Section 2.
<br />If Borrower abandans the Propezly, Lender may file, negotiate and settle any aaailaUle insur�nce claim and
<br />rela�ed matters. If Bz>rrower does not zespo�,d vvithin 30 days to a noti.ce from Lender f�at the in.s�arance catrier has
<br />offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and sett]� the claim. 'The 30-c3ay period u*ill begin erhe� the
<br />notice is givea. In either event, or i£ I.,ender acc}uizes Ybe Property under Section 22 or othezwise, Borrower hereby
<br />NEBRASKA-3ingle F'amily—Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT p ��
<br />Form 30Z8 1/d1 Page r� Df 19 svww.do�cmaglc,com
<br />