Schedule A
<br />�o�io�5�s
<br />and Servicing Agreement for Resident�al Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mo�tgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />� Certificates, Series 2003-KS3, dated as of April 1, 2003, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation, as
<br />and Servicing Agreement for Ftesidential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Certificates, Series 2003-KS4, dated as of May 1, 2003, by and betvveen Residential Asset Securities Corporation, as
<br />and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset 8ecuritiss Corporatlon, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />i Certificates, Series 2003-KS5, dated as of June 1, 2003, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation, as
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity� Mortgage Asset-8acked Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2003-KS6, dated as of July 1, 2003, by and between Residential Asset Securitles Corporation, as
<br />De ositor Residential Fundin Co ration as Servicer and JPMor an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2003-KS7, datad as of August 1, 2003, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation, as
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agreement far Resident�al Asset Se�urities Corporetion, Hame Equity Mortgage Asset-Badced Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2003-KS8, dated as of September 1, 2003, by and between Residential Asset Securities
<br />Corporation, as Depositor Residential Fundinc� Corporation as Servicer and JPMor an Chase Bank N A as Trustee
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agreement for R�sidential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equfty Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2003-KS9, dated as of October 1, 2003, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation,
<br />as Depositor, Residential Fundin Corporation as Servicer and JPMorgan Chase Bank N A as Trustee
<br />Poolmg and Servicmg Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2004-KS9, dated as of Janusry 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation,
<br />and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Se�urities Corporatlon, Home Equity Mortgase Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />� Certificates, Series 2004-KS10, dated as of October 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation,
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2004KS11, dated as of November 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities
<br />Co oration as De ositor, Residential Fundin Co ration as Servicer and JPMo an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Resfdential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Ser3es 2004-KS2, dated as of February 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation,
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residentiai Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-BacPced Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2004-KS3, dated as of March 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securitfes Corporation, as
<br />and Seroicing Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />� Certificates, Series 2004-KS4, dated as of April 1, 2004, by and befin+een Residential Asset Securities Corporation, as
<br />i and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Se�curities Corporation, Home Equ'ity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />h Certificates, Series 2004-KS5, dated as of May 1,'2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation, as
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2004-KS6, dated as af June 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corporation, as
<br />Depositor, Residential Fundin Corporation as Servicer and JPMo an Chase Bank N A as Trustee
<br />1, Poolmg and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporabon, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Se�ies 2004-KS7, dated as of July 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities Corppration, as
<br />De ositor Residential Fundin Co ration as Servicer and JPMo an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Hame Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2004-KSB, dated as of August 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securfties Corporation, as
<br />rvvnng ano �ervicmg Hgreemeni ror Kesitlential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equfty Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2004-KS9, dated as of Septermber 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Securities
<br />Co oration, as De ositor Residential Fundin Co oration as Servicer and JPMor an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2002-RP1, dated as of February 1, 2a02, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />De ositor Residential Fundin Co oration as Servicer and JPMo an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreeme�t for Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Sertes 2002-RP2, dated as of October 1, 20Q2, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />De flsitor Residential Fundin Co oration as Servicer and JPMo an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Serles 2003-RP1, dated as of April 1, 2003, by and be�nreen Residential Asset Mo�tgage Products, Inc, as
<br />De os'ttor Residential Funding Comoration as Servicer and JPMoraan Chasa 8ank N A AS Trl IStFiA
<br />