<br />Schedule A
<br />1. Paoling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products,
<br />Certificates, Series 2003-RP2, dated as of August 1, 2003, by and between
<br />De sitor Residential Fundin Co oration as Servicer and JPMor an Cha:
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products,
<br />Certificates, Series 2004-RP1, dated as of February 1, 2004, by and betwee
<br />Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />n Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />�e Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />md Servicing Agreement for Residential Rsset Moltgage Products, Inc, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Certificates, Series 2004KR1, dated as of March 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc,
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Moitgage Products, Inc, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-
<br />Through Certificates, Series 2004-KR2, dated as of September 1, 2004, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products,
<br />Inc as De sitor Residential Fundin Co ration as Servicer and JPMor an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Acquisition Corporation, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2005-RP1, dated as of January 1, 2005; by and between Residenfial Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />De sitor Residential Fundin Co oration as Servicer and JPMo an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Acquisition Corporation, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 200&RP2, dated as of July 1, 2005, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as Depositor,
<br />Residential Fundin Co oration as Seroicer and JPMar an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mattgage Products, Inc, Mottgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2005-RP3, dated as of November 1, 2005, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Deoositor_ Residential Fundina Corooration as Servicer and JPMoraan Chase Bank NA as Trustee
<br />Servicing A�reement for Residential Asset Acquisition Corporation, Mortgage Asset-t�acKed rass- i nrougn
<br />Series 2006-RP1, dated as of March 1, 2006, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />esidential Fundina Cor�oration as Servicer and JPMor?aan Chase Bank N.A as T rustee
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Acguisition Corporation, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2006-RP2, dated as of April 1, 2006, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Depositor Residential Funding Corporation as Servicer and JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Acquisifion Corporation, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2006-RP3, dated as of June 1, 2006, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Depositor Residential FundinA Corporation as Servicer and JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Acquisition Corporation, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2006-RP4, dated as of September 1, 2006, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residerrtial Asset Mortgage r�roducts, inc, moRgage Hsserrsacicea rass- i nrvuyn
<br />Certiflcates, Series 2001-RS1, dated as of March 1, 2001, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />De ositor Residential Fundin Co oration as Servicer and JPMo an Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mo'rtgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certiflcates, Series 2001-RS2, dated as of June 1, 2001, by and befin+een Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />rlannci4nr R acir�an+ial Funriinn Cmm�ratinn ac Servicer and JPM oraan Chase Bat1k N.A 8S TRlstee
<br />Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Series 2001-RS3, dated as of October 1, 2001, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Praducts, Inc, as
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-BacKed rass- i nrougn
<br />Certificates, Series 2002-RS2, dated as of March 1, 2002, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />1. Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-I3acKed rass- i nrougn
<br />Certificates, Series 2002-RS3, dated as af June 1, 2002, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agresment for ResidenUal Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-ttacKea rass- i nrougn
<br />Certificates, Series 2002-RS4, datetl as of August 1, 2002, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Depositor Resldential Funding Corparation as Servicer and JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A as Trustee
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mdrtgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2002-RS5, dated as of September 1, 2002, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Deposftor Residential Funding Corporation as Servicer and JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A as Trustee _
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agreement for Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certificates, Series 2002-RS1, dated as of January 1, 2002, by and beiween Residentiai Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Depositor Residential Funding Corporation as Servicer and JPMoman Chase Bank N A as Trustee
<br />Pooling and Servicing Agresment for Residential Asset Mdrtgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through
<br />Certiflcates, Series 2002-RS6, dated as of November 1, 2002, by and between Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />1.I Pooling and Servicing Agreement far Residential Asset Martgage Products, Inc, Mortgage Asset-f3acKeu Nass-i nrougn
<br />Certificates, Series 2002-RS7, dated as of December 1, 20b2, by and betrroeen Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc, as
<br />Deoositor. Residential Fundina Corooration as Servicer and JPMoraan Chase Bank N.A as Trustee __
<br />