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: . . . . . _ <br /> , �. , � � --._._, ..�. . ,..__ .-�_ � � . .._...__---- ,.. . ' .--_�__.._. ..� ..- -�-- ._... .` _-----�-----�-�^'� � ' ' :� <br /> _.�._ , t t <br /> �i - -- <br /> • ' � , ��� ����� ' . . . �� � 4� .... <br /> IS. TAXFSAYp A.�'FS�IIENTS. Orantor �ntl pny all tn�es nnd asscsstrtrntx celaung [0 7mpeny when due and immcdiately pmvido IeMct , . � ,�' - <br /> evidence ot puymcat oimme. Upou�he i�qw:u af�rtrtar 3ss1t Q:pavit a'itls L:ad:r:a:h m�nsh :ss=taclSlt t!'!2? of�Ae cctimated aMual . r_ -_�=��_—_- - -- <br /> on - <br /> inwmnre,pn:miumti t�sa aad nssessmrn�s peAninin� �o the Property. So lang as ihcro dcfauh,th«e am.�ucua shall hc applied to the Fayment ^ �` ._ -_ <br /> uf taxes. nsscssmenta nnd insumta:o as reqwxJ .m the Pmperty W ihc evant .d defnult. L.enJer ahaU tuvc thc right,nt ita sole �+p�ian. ta apply tho � . . , . �� <br /> funds so hcld tu pay any inxes or ogainst th: ubtibatioas. Any funds applied rtuy. at Lcadti s optioa bc npplied in rove�so oeder o!ttte duo dato , _ <br /> thaxof. , <br /> !6. INSPECTI01i OF PROlEItTY.HOOKS. RE(%ORPS A.VEI REPOR7'S. (3mnwr .dall allow t.eedsr or iu ageats [o o�umine and inspect the . . - <br /> Pcoperty aad ezamiat. ina�ect aed m�ke copies uf timnwr's b•wks aad records peetuining to the Property fmm time a tiasc. l7mntur aksll provido .. , <br /> any assistnnto rcquiT+ed by Ltndar for these pu�poses. A!1 uP ttto sigeetuna nnd infumwuan contniaed in Gmntoi s booke and tewrds shaU bo <br /> j�*tUUl/li. INC, accumte t� COiIIpIMC in aU rcapacts. Gramor ahell not. �Le existaaa of Le�Mer s beneficisl iatecest in iu b«�b aad rccords ' <br /> nd <br /> Feeteinieg to tl�e PmpeRy. /tddiiwanlly. Grantor s6a11 rep�,rt. in a form altinfactory m 4ender. sucb infomution w Lender may nequest aSanli4S <br /> Gnntoi a fin�ncial coaditioa or We Property. The informatiun shaU be for sucd periods, ahall rcflect �tantor s rccorda st tvch time, aud sAall �e <br /> �,;��rcd iv�th A,;h frequersy m Lsnder mey Aesignatc. A1linformauoa fumi�ed 6y Granwr tu l.ender shall be tme,aceura[e nnd complete in all ' i:- . <br />•-�. { rsspcets.and sigaed by Urantor if Landu¢queus. ; `- -,-,' �,- . . - <br /> � 17. ESi'OPPF.I.CER77F[CATE�. w�hiu cen (10)dnys aftee any erquest by Lcnder. Gmator s,ha11 do:iver to Lcisder, or nny intendcd traasfetee u! • <br /> T <br /> 1 (,ondor s rishts wi�h rcspeci to t6e Oblig�tioa+, u:igaed and acknovrlodged amte�nt specifying (u)Ute outatnnding baLwce on� ObGgntiom: and < <br /> h <br /> � (b)whether Grantor posse�es aay cleimv. defeoses. ut-otTa or cwateauuns with rcspect to tho Obligations and. if so.tite ntuin of sucd ctnims. . . . . . <br /> defrnse,v. set-0ffs or oountenelaims- Gt�ntor dill be conclusively bound by any represenmtion thnt Lender may m�lce to tho iatend=d trrnsfetse witD , <br /> n�spat to these maners in tha ave+u thst amntor f�ils m provide�he aqur.�ed statemont in a Gmeiy nwnner. . . .. - .;;���:"-- <br /> h <br /> 18. DEPAIJL'P. Gmiuot aEaU be ia defautt unJer �his Dud ot Tnut nnd ttte Trusice's power shalt hccom�: oj�erative w tAc event that (Iranror. ,_ . <br /> Botrowtt or any gw+mntor of tha Oblig+itiona: ,' ` _� ' � <br /> S <br /> (a) faiU to pay nny ObliYntion to l.eader wAen due: ��, , ,;'��,;r:_c•�. <br /> (b) fails to perform eny QbGgatian or beieac6es any wamrrty or covenaat co l.ander comained in�hia Deed of Ttust ot aay other preseat or fuwre , f .,.,.,.�,,,�,,,_. <br /> agrcement: ,- ,9�'�-• � <br /> [o eei¢uro,aoafixation,ur condemnatioa; "''" "�'���. <br /> (�i destroys.lo:,�s or damaga the PeopMy in any materinl rcspect or aubjects tLe PropcRy �-�. ' <br /> ld) see�s[o rcvoke,temunau or ot6envise limit iu tiabitity undar any g�nrenry to Lender. r y���?�'*�. <br /> (e) dies. becames Icgally incompeteN. is diswlved or lertAiaated. bccomea i�lveru, malcas e�n assignwem for tho beae6t of cttditon, faiJs to . �„�r_aL <br /> n <br /> pay debts as Utey bccomc due. C.l�n petition undu Ihe fedeml banktuptcy lewa,hu an imioluntnry petiuua in banktuptcy Cded in whicb Qranwt. °-- _- _ <br /> .; Borrower or ony gua�antur is has pmparty mlcen under any aeu ur ptocess of coua: s��""�-�`:� <br />, � (� allows goods to be uaed,unnsponed ot sto[ed on the RopeRy.Nc Srssession,trana{wNtion,or usa of ahicb,is illegal: , � �..�„��..,,. <br /> : (g� nllows nny pactv other[haa Grantor or Sorrower.'ta cawme or undem:e at�y Obligation withaui tho written consent of Leader:or , . _ _"L= " <br /> (hj r,ttusey {,entcr t�deem itself inrewrc due �r�a signifcant declinc in the value of the PropeRy: or if Lzndu, ia g�d faith,for nny ceasno. '� f� <br /> believes thal Ihe pTsS+rt oi payment or perfom�am�a is�paircd. '_r�.�:�:��— <br /> 19. RIGBTS OF l.E!\�C�L''Q ON DEFAI.7.T.If thero a a default under this Deed of Trust. l.endtr shall be eatitlad ta e�cec�cise one or moa of the , +-„ r� ��• <br /> following rcmedies urithma amice or der�.:zd(axcept as rcquircd by law): ' .` '�"�g; <br /> . (a) to declaa the Obligations imrac:.tely dut and paynble in full: ' -- - �• <br /> (b) to coUect the ec's.azdiag Ohligaciuns with or without rcwrting[��judicinl pea.P�P i�r Chattels constitutin Ihe ert �t a Ixe onsombl � � � <br /> (c) to rcquirc C-ruanr. u doliver and makt availsble tu l.ender any personal ro ettY 8 �OP Y P y .•- •-- ! '�`' <br /> toavenient w Gra.-�w-�n?l.endar. •�•�%-~"" �•� . :- <br /> (d) w enter upoW aac ca�:pw4cnwn of the P:z*{�rr} wiqsam npplying for or ohmining the appoirrtment of a receivu an4 at Lsader's • . �{.� , <br /> appoint a ttocive^u-r�aar. bo:G. yr�nut first bn:�v,i� wit on the Ohligetiare and without otherwise m�cting any atetutory co^..s�itoas rcgarding h:.• ' ' ' _ ,:i{ <br /> ' heing im.�ded that i:endcr shall have th�:on:mocua!cight xa appoint a ceceiver. f�.{ .' � ,'•?'S , ' <br /> i <br /> (c) m employ a m�nnging a�ea: at the Propcccy aM Itt the snme. either in Tius�ce'a own nam¢. in�ho nsme uf Laadcr •�r�a the oame of F �{�y: ;��t .- <br /> Granto t. a n d rac�c the nnta. iacomn. iuue9 and pmfits of the propeny and apply �he same. after payment of aJ nec�:-r;� �hatgea aaA ;�'�,"t.�. ;�:' ;;� , <br /> expeases.on acc.�.:ar c.f the 061ibutions: L + <br /> `1;�r �`:�.,=.;.•�v g;;tS�•? r <br /> � (� to pay any �::ns m any form or manner dcemed expedirnt by Lender to pratect the xecurity.�f thia Peed of'fnau ar to cu� any defaul► a:.zr j�f;+' 1�'!:'�.,;r.�'i({;;t'•'j <br /> �haa Qayment of i;u�st or principal on the Obligapons: :};�, g, � s.,.::•;;{:..r., <br /> ,,r :.�...' .�tt•�,'r,,.�.;;4�.;. <br />, (g) io fonclose ttis Deed oP Truri judicinlly or nanjudicially and w dirca the aalo uf the propeety �bruugh exeaix ot the pawer of ael� c3 ;y}�Y;.'i�•.:" ., <br /> refeanced in pamgmpD 2L1 heteof in acccordnnce with appliwbk law: �s � , �..��{}� . <br /> (h)to u-.tofi(imawr's Obligations agauut any umounu owed 6�ntor by Lender induding. but aot linuted ta.moniw. inswmeau. and deposit ",":"- '��'�' �,�6� �' <br />'- attounts nuintaicr.d with Leader or nny currcnUy existing or futute offdiate of L.cndtr,and <br /> G)to exercis:all c:."..:r rights available to Lendar undcr any othor aritten ngreement or ayplicn6le Inw. �.,�:, <br />'' l.cnder's rights erc a:�rlative end may be exercised togethor. cepamtely. nnd in any ordcr. In the evant thut Lcncler insddrtw an nction seeking IDo i <br /> movery of any of[he Rvperty by way of a ptejudgmrnt rcmsdy in an xtion agninst Grantoo amNOt waives the posting of tny bond whicE might ;�, <br /> �� oNenvise bs rrquired. Lender or Lender'a desigaee msy purcdase the Pmpeny at any sale. Pnoeeeds of any Truatw's s�le he�euader 6hall bes <br /> • applied fi.^ the cona und oxpensu of exucising tha power of sa�o and of�he sek,including the payment of the Ttustee'�Cecs incnrrcd + ,. •,��-"- <br /> and arn t:+ezceed the amouut wbica+oay be proY�dcd for in this Deod of Truxt.second, to paymcN of the 061igatioav suurcd �x:ip. the .;'.����� , ., <br /> paym_-m �f junior tnisl dceds. mongages. or aher lienholdero. and thv balancc.[he person or pctaons leg�lly entitled Ihen.t.t. '�'he prope+ty .'"---- _ <br /> ' or ony part thercof s.ay 6e sold in onc parccl, or in such pnrcela manncr or order ae Lender in its sole diTCation msy elect. sad one or mcce ����rrr '° ; <br /> oxotcisea of tho pow��nuc,o gramed shall nu►c�cCiuguia"►ar exhaust the powet unlesv�ho cntim pcopcAy is w1d or�he ObUgr:r�n ate ptid in fuU. ��r•.� _� <br /> • 20. TItUS?EE'S E�c'F:w'v'E UF POWER OF SAL���L�AU1.Ts ItLender elcets eo sral Oranm:'s isuereu in�he r.�eRy by oxerciu of Uto pov;g' . ' ,:'� <br /> �._ <br /> of ule hercin coma+ara.i:a�=r rhell no[ity?rustee in�a manner then requircd Dy law. -�'r <br /> �_'__ '--�- <br /> • Upon receipt of fuch �scce of Lerzdcr and at the dircction of Lender. Trosteo shall cause [o be cvcu0:d. published aad deGve�c:d ach notica of ,�;,,_„� __ _- <br /> � defiul� and noticea oFs.:n as may Ih:n bo rcquired by Iaw and by U�ia Dccd of Trust. T�ustce ahnl� only nt tho diaction of Lender and without ','��ri�,:�,,_..,, <br /> demand on firan[or,af�r sueh time es mny then be rcquired by law and ofter ruordnGon of esuch na�ico of default and aRer cotico of wk luviag :�-;• •^ • ��=�T' <br /> . .�� Eeen given aa rcqui�d �ry laa,u!1 the Avperty a�the time and placo af snle fixed by it in such pmi�. of eale either u whole or in upante tots ar '�` � �--- <br /> parcels or items IIA Ccn:� cdutl Qeem expediem. aad in cuch ordet ns it mny detemurte, at puhlic auction to tha highest bidder for cash In l�wful �f;r�,��.»�•-- <br /> - rtnnoy ot tAa Unitcd 9:�.:a payaDle at the cime uf s�le. or as othcrwiaa ms� �hen bt M1QU�K(3 by law. Tnutcc �hall deliver to such pure6aer or -;-��_ ._r'�� <br /> ,..� purchasen �ereof iu g.wd and su�ciem deed or deoda conveying the pmpeny su Aold. bu� withom any cove�wm ot wartamy, c�ryrccs ot implitd. .. , :: ,�,..__,. <br /> Tha reeiwls in cuch deed oP any ma't:rs or facta shall be conclusivs ptoof of ihe tnrthtLlneax nc�:e�f. Any person, ineluding. �+'rhout limimtiun. �tr. ,�;�: <br /> Qrentor. Ttustee or Lender, msy p�n.�.nse a� such sale. Trustec may in Utc m�nner penvided by :c-�v postpone sale of all or rsrp portion of the ����� <br /> �Q�� 'e"•e __...N. <br /> a�e��-si , <br /> =1. REQUEST FY)R�OT[CFS: Gramor nequest. tAat a copy of any notico oP default +nd a copy of eay notice of sata heeeunder 6o msiled to uc� �=��;�T ''. <br /> . peson who is a party f:c:eto at the addcea+ of such peroon aet forth herein ef�Ae ssme time and in the aame m9nner rcquircd �a thagh �rep�nu p.;�+;+�, � <br /> «queat theaof tud beea fited by eech such peraon. 1�-;- � <br /> 2]. SF.CURITY INTEitCST UNDEEt THL 11MFORM CO�LNERCIAI.CODE. '1hi�Deed of Trust shatl bo considercd and be et[ective aa •tiwncir$ � , <br /> atatemeru and a fixturo filing putsumt to tho provisions of thc Unifortn Com�aial Cade (a�adoptod in tho sute wAero the ru1 proQe�ty �+locttc� r•1 • • '.� ;�,: <br /> covering fiatume.chattcla. and itticFca of persoml propcny now owncd or Aercefter attached to or W he used in coaa:ction aitd the PropeRy Wge�er ;:ti��^}�,l� __ _ <br /> ai�h any and �II repletemeats Ihen:ut ead additions theroto t�e 'Cltattets7. and Qtarrton c�reby grante Lender a securiry i�ere� tn sucD G�ettel�. .;.;�;�?;.�''��-���",' . <br /> ' The deDtot is tho dmatot descri6cd above. Thia DeeO �fTrost will be effectivo ss a finsncing statement filed an o fxtuco filing v+it6�espect to ell ;;:�•�;�:''''''.v.,, _ <br /> fixluiss included wi4.:�snid prcmises onA is to bo filed for rccord in tAo tsal esvte rccotAa of each county wherc nny paA of uid pt�misas (�acluding :;iq ' 7•- <br /> eaid fixturea) ia aituu:xS. Thiy Deed ofTtust ahall nlso bo effective ay a fimncing ststement �overin8�ny other prcmiscs nnd m�y bo filed in eny o'�.et _�`,�;.� �'�.y_ � <br /> appropri�te filing or r_:ording ofiice. Acnrt�on, photogrnphic or other rcpmductinn of thiy Deed oPTrust or of any firtancing ateteaiem re�nting co�is �'''- <br /> .,.,�,.,..,., <br /> Uced �:t 7rus�shn11 6a sufficient as a financing stntement for eny of tAa pueposea rcferrmd to in�his Pangraph. The secuted r�rty is tho ,ti,�;���, ... _ <br /> . dacri�mi ahova Upon detnand. Gmntor shalt meka execute end ddiver such xecurity agrcenknta (a� su fi temi is dofir�-d �n aeid Uaifomt ;r y;�_.�,,y,�•... <br /> ' Commeniol Cedc) ns Leader a�any time may deem naassery or pmper or nequircd to gmnt to L.ender a parfccted ecwrity inte�cec in the Chtttcls. .. � -;w:.y�'r-'. <br /> and upon Orantai s failuro to do ao.Lenster ia nuthotiud to sign nny such ogttement n� the agent of Grentor. Qrontor heceby nuthorius Lendat w •�: � <br /> file financing sate�ment� (n� such �em�is dofined in aaid Unifnm�Commercial Cnde) with r�pec� to�he Chattela, at sny time,arithout tAo signamm of .��..:�:,.,•.. ' <br /> Grentoe O�antnr will.h.�wever. a� nn7 �ime uMm rcyues� of Lcnder. <ign such finerning >tattment. Qrontot will pny nll filing fces for tho ftling of <br /> ' auch fimncing qntemcats and for the mfiling�hcrcuf at Ne u�my rcquimd. in the��pinian of l.cnder.1+y safJ Umt:+rm C��mmercial C�de. lfthe lirn of , . <br /> this�ced of Trust ht subject to noy ucurisy agrcaaus+t covering the Chattel�. then in ihe avem of any defnult under �hia Dccd of Trust.aU Ne righf. : • <br /> tAl:cnd intecest of Granmr in and to any and nll uf the Chanels ie hee�eby assigrteA to Lender.tngether with thc hensfil of any depusiu or paymenfs .. <br /> now ur hercefter mlde thereof by Oromor or the prcdeceason or succeunrs in tiUe of Gmntor in the PmpeAy. • • � <br /> 33. REIMSURSE1+tENTOF AMOIJiVTS E7(PENDF.D BV 4E11DER.Lendcr,nt Lender'a optinn. mny expend funds lincluding atmmeys' fees and legal . , <br /> expenses) to perform any nc� rcquircd [o he tnkcn Ay Gmntor or to c�crciro any rigAt or rcmedy of Lender undc� �his U:ed of T�us�. Upon dem�nd. � <br /> . aranlor shnll �mm=diately teimDurse Lender fnr all�ucA ant�unta expeoded 6y Lcndtr tugcther wilh intercat Ihcrcun nt the lower of 1hc highest mtc , <br /> deacrihed in any Ubligation or tAe higheu rate allowed hy law 1'n+m the date of paymeni unid the dare nf reiml+ursemrnt These sum+ nhaU he , <br /> included in the definition of Obligatiore hercin and ,hall he securcd hy �he hencGcisl interest gmmed heain. Ifthe Ubligntions aro paid after the ,. <br /> beginning of publicntion of notice of s�le, ay hercin providtd, or in Ihe evertt Lender> it�s��lt option. pemut (3mntor to pay nny pan of the , _ � <br /> n6ligationa aflcr the 6eginning of PuAlication ��f noti:c ��t ealo.a+herein provided, thcn. Gmnt�+r shall pay on demm�d all expenses incumed by Ihe <br /> Trustee and Lender im m�neclion wilh�id puh(cati�in, in�lodins rcaxort�ble nuomeyd itta��+�he mt�.meys f.�r the Tmstee and fii-the Lender.and e . _ <br /> rcas��rubte fec�o ihe Trustee,and thia DeeJ�+f Tru.t shall nc.c vnty tur all such expenus and fce}- . ' . ' • <br /> - Ii. AFPLSS'�TSi:.`:flF 4'A:'!+SE.`:TS. T!:'TrJ•�"-'- .h,n nprly �h� pnxecds ot the uustee's .alc, the ..,�t. and expense. nf caercisin� the -- - _ _ <br /> pnwer of sale and of ihe sale. mcluding the paynun� nf the T�ustee'. &er nctually irnurrcJ n��t t�+ax�ecd the �m��unt wh�eA mny ne pmv�ded Gtt m = <br /> • �hc Deed nf Trus�, aemnd, to paymcm of the I lhligauon yecurcd Ay thc Qecd ��f Ttust,third.t�+the paynxnt ��f�unwr Jecda of tru:t. mongnges o► <br /> o�her licnholders,and Uic halnnce.if the per..+n ur pennn:.k�nlly enti�led thcreto. . . ' , � <br /> i <br /> Po�idS _. " - . . . : <br /> IP�ESI� U:lWi . . - . <br /> - _�_� _ ....'._.R�. . � <br /> - . .. � ' , •i• , � • ', � , .. , ' . . �•.. ,yy' . . . . . � , � _ � � , . _ . ,t., ' . � .. �. ..•'.� • � , . . <br />