.. ` , .� . • .. ' . • ,. �, � . . . , . c.� . . . . :'�
<br /> � '` -
<br /> _ ` ' 1"�-'� ,_L � ._��_�_, .._._-•---- . .�_ .:...........�. . .. -'-- -- . . . ...-- --- - - � ..... . _. .._ ..... . ----�.. .�. :�c- � � —
<br />. ., . . , � . g�r—":
<br /> ��������.i� F ,, r ' , .
<br /> L,• li!
<br /> (d) (lraator has the nght and ia dviy nuuwtiud t�'�x��� '� Pt�°� '�'��hli�"tjO^� unde� thi+ Qced of Trost and thesc a.:tiunv du nuuatul ----__--
<br /> apalt ant coaflict witA the pmvisina• uf aay atntute. rcyvlaiiun. urdinlnce. tule nf law.contm.t or other egrcemrnt whtch rtuy be bii�Sing ou � , c =-
<br /> Grantur at nny cimc; ,������d which mi t mnterially af7ect the Ropeny.and '� � .
<br /> � �.
<br /> (e} Na nction or ymceedi�is or shall ht pendie�. Sh =_
<br /> �� (irsniur hne not violated and shnU not violate eny .ta�utc� rc�+lapon• o*d�n°ra°• m�����°`y cuntract or��ther agrccment (in�luding. but nut _
<br /> ' j limited to,those govemu+8 Nnzard°us Material+) which migAt nmttnalty afTsct the PmpertY vr l.ender's riehta nr in[ercst in the F'mP�rt9 Purwanf V -
<br /> , , to this Deed of Trust. �n �if�hc P�v en cxcc t as set `` ,
<br /> ' 3. PItIOR DEEDS OF TRG�T.Grnntor n�+rcacnt+ anJ wermnt. ihat therc u+n no pm,r deeda of trust afFecbng any p P , Y P , ..
<br /> � fott8 on Sshedule B attached to this Decd uf Truat.wAich Gtnntor agr�eee w pay and perform in a timtly manner• Ifth_rc a[c any pnnr Jecds of tnm �, J
<br /> then Gmntor agax� w pay ail amounta oaed. and perf�roi nll uhligations requiad, undcr +uch deedy �+f[cusi and the indcGtedncsa �e�urcd thttehy
<br /> � {���agrces tlwt a default undar nny priot deed of w�t .hall be a dafault undet thts Ueed �f Tnis[and shall entiqe l.ender tn alI righu and
<br /> - - rtmedies co�imd hcrcin ur in t6t�1bGS�tiuns to which Lender un�oid he cntiUed in the event of nny uther Jefa�lt- . _
<br /> � {. T[tA1VSFERS OF 11iEPRt1PER1'1 OR 8E�lEF7CIAI.I\TEnE.�`'f�INGEtANTO���b dO�Schedu2ley A.or�uny�nte�s► ihercin.n�r of nU ora ny ` , '. ►�
<br /> ¢otstract for dud or ttaasfer to any person of all ur any paR of ihe rcal p�p=nY y �y, . ,
<br /> bex6,:is1 inu[nst in Barrower or Gmnwt (if Eomowet ur Gran*_ur is na a narurel person or pasons but is a corpnratioa. limited liabilit co n .
<br /> puta�rship. trust.or other tegal entity). l.ender mny.nt its option dularo �he outataading principsl balaace of the ObligaUOns plus accrued iaurcs[ . . _
<br /> h
<br /> IIIeeeon immedintely dne ead payable. At Lendci s rcquest. Grautor or Hocrowa.ns the wse may be.ahall fumish a comptete aratemant sctting fonh -`
<br /> nll of iu atock4oldera.membess.or pariners.as appropriate.aad the extent of their�eapce6vc ownership in::rests. . ._.... _ _
<br /> S. ASSIGM1'2dENT OF KAV'fS. Ia coosidcration oC the tJbligatioro, which aes secured by this Dee� of Ttuat.Gmmot absolutely assigns ro Lender all , . -"';��
<br /> at�nwr's estate, right. tiUe,iatnest. claim and demmtd now own,:d or demafter acquirsd in all exi�ing and futurc lcaxs of W�PrapenY G�ctuding _ _
<br /> exteasions, rencwals and subleasea). all egrcemeirts for uu aad«supancy uf tbe Pmpeny (alt such Ienses aad ngrcemanro whettter writtea ar oral. ..:,.-`;#,-�F;,�.
<br /> ue 6aeafter aferted to as the 'Leasu').and atl guarnnties of leasees' perfomunce uader the f eases. mgcthcr w+tb the immediau and cominuiag Y-��� ,_
<br /> right W coUect +nd nceive aU of[he rcnu. income. rcceipts. revcnues. iswu• pmfiis nnd o�her income uf any nawre nuw or hercafter due Cncluding • (`'.,`t• r'�2{
<br /> any income of any nacurc coming due duciog any rulemption periad) under the Leus� or from nt nrising out of the Pcopeny itu�uding minimum ���`'�
<br /> aata, additional ttnts. percenta8� n:nta. p�rtcing or cnmmon arcu maintenance caatributiuro. wx and insuram:e contribu[ions. daftciem:y mn►s. - -
<br /> ltquidated damsgos foUowing default in nny Leasa. aII prckceds payabla undcr uny poliy oC inwrnmt covering lou of rcms rcsutting fiom . `- ',, . ;::�',
<br /> unteNUtability uused by desttuction a�damage to Iha Property,all pruceeds payable aa a etiwh of a lassec's axern�x of sn opGon to purchax the . .,' w,e"
<br /> p�ppqty, 8l proceeds dcrived f[om tlse tetmi+wtioa or reje.tion of any l.case in a banktuptcy or other isuolvency proceeding, and n0 proceeda from ' < y%. . ���+�:s�v;
<br /> P op �1�•�'�
<br /> �y pghta and c�aima of any kind which GmtRor may have againu any leuee under[he Leases or nny occupants of�he Pcoperty (a0 of tho nbove aro i,.''
<br /> � heteafter w11u��y nt�to u!he 'RtnU'. Thi�asgignment is wbjec� to the right.puwer and autharity given to the I�nder to col:ect and apply t .' • •r f;:;/-"'�:
<br /> r . '`��,;t..''� , t�i'�:
<br /> . �e ��. '�assignm�m ia rzcorded in ncconlnnce with npplicuble stnte law:�ha lian ceea[ed by thw assignnttnt ia inunded to Se spuific. �;;fr�Qf;`:. .,.. `�j l-,��
<br /> - p e r fected. aad chorte upon �he recording of�hia Deed of Trus�.all as pmvided by applicabte stnte law as amended Crom time to time. Aa loag us ;;IL�jy�<<<, •.;�.�.
<br /> T,y�,¢`. ,r__-'.____.
<br /> ��'�•; thete is no detaalt under the Obligations orthis Deed ofTrust.Lender grams Grnntor a avocable licc�ue to collcet aIl Rmts from the l.ea.ua when ' ����
<br /> due end lo use such Pmc�ds in Gmntor a business apemtions.� However. Lender rtwy at eoY �ime nquire Gmirtor to deposit all Renta inw an „- , ,�er„_
<br /> uwurrt maipmined by Q�ansor or Lender at Leadtt'n institution. Upon default in the payment of.or ia the perfortnance of,any of the Obligations. ��• •..
<br /> '. Leader msy at its option talce possession of t6e Property and �ave.hold.manege, lease end opewte the Roperty on tetms and for e period of time . -.�: � " ��,
<br /> that I,eader deems pmptt. Leader may prooced to coUcc[ and receivc all Reau frum the prvperiy, nnd L.eader stmll hsve full powcr to mskc dF��`
<br /> ..:.�.�i� , I��i"=:
<br /> dtetatiom, rerm�a[ions, rcpai�s or rcpincementa to the Property u Lender maY d«m proper. Lender may apply aII Rem.i in Lender'�sole discMion : _
<br /> � eo paymeat of the Obligetions or tu the paymcru of tde cosl of such ahemtiom, tenovations. rcpain and rcplacementa nnd nny axpenses incidem to ,;�_. _„`� ' :;:
<br /> ., ��lring aad rttaiaiag pasussion of the Propecty periaiicelly And �e rtutug�a� and opet�uon of the PropeRy. L.tadet may kcep the Propetty •.ti�,r � � —
<br /> drin
<br /> P��►Y i a a u�e d ¢p d m e y dixha t ge an y texes. cAarga. clnims. a+suamcnss und other liem which may acctue. The expenae and �09 of Ihese � f
<br /> � aedens tmy be paid itom the ReNs rcceived. and nny unpoid amounts stwil:+e adde d [o t he principa l o f t h e O b l i g a t i o n s. 'l l t e s e a m o u a t s. [o g e l h e r �"`��-';��;•..�,�a.;�-•
<br /> • � !��•, ,
<br /> �? with othet costs,sMll become pan of the Obligations s�cute d by t h i s D e e d o f T r u s l.
<br /> 6. LEASPS AND OTHER AGItEEti1EtiTS. C�mar �all not teke or fail to take any ncuon which muy cause ur pemtit U�e termi�tation or the �� �-� •i �:,:`��,___
<br /> ` enaini to thc Pro n In addition. t3runtor.withom �.a� ', -�'.,.,f. ..
<br /> withholdin� of any psyment in conaection with any Lcase or offier agmcrtem ('Agteemen�')p �g P� Y• . . .
<br /> ,•1 4;ader's piior artitten coasent, shall nut: (a) collxt nr.y moniea pnyable uader eay Agnxmrnt murc than one month in advanca: (b) modify any e. {�� ';_ ; { - �
<br /> pg�eement; (c)assign or alloW a lien. security nmettst or other encumbrattce to be pinced upan GrantoPs c'�rdts. tiUe ead iatereat in end w any 7p�; ;;i,'. ;..,;�
<br /> � A y t e e Q U m o e t h o a m o u o u p a y a b l e t h e r eunder, or(d)temumte nr canccl eny Agroement except for the noqpayment of any sum or other materinl �;, ' '.�1;it •'';� '
<br /> bce�ch by the other pa[ty theceto. iftit�ntor eeccivn at any time any wrttun commuacadon asseRiog a de f a u l t by(i t a n t o r u u d e r a n A g c e e m e m o r ' "�
<br /> pucportiag w u�miasta or cuncol any AgreemtiR. Qmcrtor shall pminptly foiwart! a copy of suc6 cosnmunieaGoa (aud eny subsequent :r.� ��.�,
<br /> w�u y c a t i o a y re�it i q q theeeW) to lcader. Al!such Agreemeuts aad Uie amounLv due to G:sntor theieuader ane he[eby assigned to I.ertder av :�r - _
<br /> aGditional securiry for the Oblig�tions. _
<br /> 7.COLLECTIOPiOF IIYDEB'f'EDIVESS FROVI TEIIRDPAItTY•Lender rhall be entitled to notify or requin (3rur2cv w aotify aay�hitd puRy f ncluding. � ;
<br /> ' but aot limiud to.lessees. Iiceasees, govemmcnrul authorities and i�urance companiea) to pay Lender aay indeEUdaeas or obligation owing to . :
<br /> Qtaator with[espect W�e Ptopetty (cumulalivtly 'Indobtodstes+') whether or not a default exists under thia DeeA of Tcust. awruor ehell 4ligentiy �
<br /> colleei Iho Indebteduesv owing to atanror from theae third partiea until lhe giving of such notification. In the evec� that Gnntor possesscs or rcttives ,�',
<br /> posxs�ion of any instcumenta or mher remittances With respect to the IndebteAneas following the giving ot auch rtotification or if the instrumorua or ;, s •• ',.;
<br /> olher tiemittencea conatiwte the prcpayment of any lndcbtednw or iho paymem of aoy insura�ue or cottdemn�tion proceeda, G�ntor sha0 hold � � �
<br /> u
<br /> wch iasWmerrts and o�her remitwnces in trust fi,r 4ender apan 4om its ather propecty. endorse the instrucrtcnts and ather remittences to Lrnder. ��:;_�_— ,
<br /> aad immed'uWy provide Lender with possession of�he inst�+mcnts aM other rcmittancea. Lcnder shatl be uniUed, bm not aquircd, to cd!sct (bY ����
<br /> ' (egal pmtead:*,1�s or othetarise). acteau the Ci:nc for pnymeN, eomp�omiso. axchsnge or release any obGgor c�r coll�unf. or othenvise seale a.:y of
<br />"'•',' tho Indebtedttex; whetha or�ot an eveN aY d�1t exists under thia Agrcemwt. Lende* ahall nat 6e tiable p e-mntor for any�etion, ercor.vri�cn. .'•`+=--
<br /> :.- - ostd�ion or CoUy pertalaing to the actioro deuri6ed in ihia QamytapA or any damayea rcsulting tharofcom. l�atwithttandiq� tho forcgoing, -:k�ing F-_.,��;-._-_
<br /> de�ein e}ull cauae Lender to ba Asemed a mortgagee-in-posseuion.
<br /> ��• �, (ISE qNp MAIN7'FNAPiCEOP PROPER'f'Y. Otantor shetl tnke ell ections and make nny mpaits needed to maim�.rin ahe PropMy �a Bood a''
<br /> .. �r. .-�:
<br /> caadidan. Oantor shall not commit or permit any waste to bo committed wiN t�apect to�he Property. arantor ehal! �e �he Praperty ¢olely in b�a--
<br /> eonqlinace amh applictblo law end insumnce poliaiea. drarrtor ahall not wko aay alteratiore. additiona or imptovements to thc Pcapeety without ` � �
<br /> Le�er's prtor wdnen conatm. wthout limitie�g ahe foregoing. ell eltetaHons, aAditions and improvemetrte made to the Prapetty ahell be subjeA to F � __
<br /> �e Demficial itrtetest bclortging to Lender.ehaU nai�:rertwved avithout Lcndcr's prior written conseN.and shall ba mado at anntor'a eole expcnsc. ., -_ �
<br /> ' 9. Q.OSS OR DAMAGE.Qtartor shal!bwr L't:eatire risk oP any loss.Iheft.deatuction or dam�ge (oumulatively 'Loas or Damage7 a�he PcoPeny or �. ���r_
<br /> Emy ponioa the�of fcom any cn�so wha�soevm. In tl�� evrn� of any Losa or Damage. Gnntor dull.at the option of Lender. repnir tho eftected ,.,,_„_
<br /> � property to its pr+.wious condiNaa or�sy�r cause to be paid to I.ender�he darense in tne fair mar�cl value of�he efCected Property � ""�"�;
<br /> �v - r::-
<br /> 10. IIVSIJRAPIC& 74ie Property wi11 be kept insurcd for its PoII insumbte value (replacemem cost) agninst ell hazntds including loss or damage T '~;.;:
<br /> uuaeA 6y Qood.eaRhqueko, tomado and fiw,theft or olher caaualty ro the extent rcqu�red by Lender. Gwntor may abtain insu�nco on the Prnperty � ���,iti; . • ��'.:-;'
<br /> � � fmm eucb eorsy�nr5os e� s ecceptnble to fl.cader in iu solo discretion. The insurance policiea �ltall te9a.•.4 Ihe inwr+tf�e company to provide j y,; •
<br /> � P t. .f�i�b`ir��'�_.......'�_
<br /> Lender aith at t�.,n �- dnys' a,r+nen natice beforo sucD policies aro dtered or cancetled in uo e�snnet• 7iu insuwnco olicies chall � r s "�'• �
<br />� pamo Leader s+a los�payee an0 provide t*s� no nct or omission of Onntor or any other peraon shall e[tea the right of Lsnder to be paid the � :sj,�",��%
<br /> lawiaaeo proceadn pertaining �o the lose or damage uf the Pmpeny. [n�he event Orantor fait�to acquin or meiauin iesvronce. I.eader Ufter ,}[''. -• �•`
<br /> ' ,��-
<br /> � pmviding nutice ae msy be nquised by law)�wy in its diacretion p�acuro eppropriate insurance coverago upon tho Property and the iruueanee eort ' t,v t•�,t�;��-',i.
<br /> eNU bo en advaace payablo and 6earing inieccat as dexribed in Pe�agraDh 23 end secuted Aercby. Otantor ahall fLmi�h Letder with eviQeace of � ��,�,�4,�,
<br /> iawrance indicating the tequierA coverago. Lender may act as attomoy-ia-fict for liwntor in maki{� �nd ue.Uing eleims undeT insurance policiee, 'y:,,,��;,p�yy4j�<<•�
<br /> � �ancelling any policy or endoaing Urentor'e �amo on any dnfl or aagauD2o inrtt�+meai draan by iay insuecr. AUaueh iaunnsa polioiee sitell be •-•,.,.,���_,;__,3i W�.�,,��
<br /> immediamly o�;�cd. pted�ed and deUveced w 1ccCer aa fuMer aecurity for tAo dDtigatioro. !a tho event vf loa�,Onnwr a�ll immedia[ciy give , ;�;��r,�.�:�.,;�,7�.-; �
<br /> Lsader writttn�atice �nd Lender ia authori�ad W rtuke p+oot ot lose. Stch inaiaaco compaay ia dirceted to auke psymenu direcdy rn Lcader �-�
<br /> inntad oP W Leader enG l3t�atur• 1-cndor shall have the rigfit,at its wIe opdon. w appty sueh ti10I1169 toward �ho Oblig�tioos or toward the cost of • ,:.!�:: . _
<br /> �ebuilding and restoring�6e Ptoporiy. Any amouats msy at Lertder'�option be appGsd ia tha inverce order of th:dua datns thereof. _ _ .�,
<br /> Il. ZONpYGANDPRIVATL�JC�I�ENAN"1'S.Qnrtn►eha�1 not inuiato oreonxm to any change in Iho uming pmviaiona orprlvato covenaats sffecting ,�;�;��
<br /> �e use of the ihopeAy aitLatst Lender'e prior writtm consent. If(1n�or'e uae of tho Propeny becomea s nonconforming uso undet any zoning . �
<br /> ns
<br /> pmv�sioa Oraator nhell not uuea or permit auc6 ux to be diuontinued ar ab�ndoned aiihout the prior arittrn eonseit ot LenAer. Oratttor aill .
<br /> ' ' tmmediately provide Lender��ifh arinen notico of any propoud chnnges eo Qle zouinq provisiorts or private eovenami affectitt,the Ropetty . . �
<br />� ' � 13. CO]YDIIVDUA7'ION.Orantor ahall immedintely provide Lender wi�h arittrn notice of eny actual or thnatened condem�udoa or eminen� domain � . , , r=
<br /> ' , � psoeeeding pertnining to tho PropeAy• Allmoniee pnyable to 6rontor from auch condemnnt�on �rroting erc henby aasigned to 1.endcr and sh�ll bu ' _„
<br /> tpplied lirat to the pa�merJ oP Lender's nttomeys' fces. legnl expenses end dAer costs (including appr�iaal fea) ia connection with the .
<br /> � � eoMemnetion or eminent dom�in proceedings and then,at thc nption of Lender,to the poyment of the Obligatioro or the reatontion or rcpair of tho
<br /> ..i ���Y _ . _
<br /> ��-'_
<br /> � 13, LEIVDEEi'S RIGHTTO CO�LNENCE OR DEFEND LEGALAC'fIONS.Gta�or shall immediately pmvide Lender with written notice of any actual ..
<br /> � I or IAeeateaed action, sui�or other pmcceding etTeeting the Property. Orurtnr AateEy appoim� L.ender es it�attomey-io-fact to commence. inurvene . ' •'�
<br /> ' i i:x;a� defend such acuona. suiU. or oUicr legal proceedings end to eompmmise or setUe eny elaim or contmvetsy peNinia� thereto. Lendet shall - ,�...
<br /> � aot be liabte to Omntor for�ny action, error.misuke, omission or defay pertaining to the actioro dexdbed in this pangtaph or nny damngea � .
<br /> .� awtting thomfrom. Na�hi�q eontniaed hercin will prcvem Itnder fmm mting�ho acdon�descriDcd in tt�is parograyh in iW own rumo. , ,
<br /> . � 14. INDIIIQMFICA'1"ION.Lender ahall nnt asstttrte or bo rcspon:ible for the pedomtsnce of any of Omntor'a obGgatione wiA rcspect to ttie Property �-
<br /> uader any cie+cumstaacee. Ocantor shnll immedieuly provide Lcnder with arittea notice of end indemnify and hold Lcndcr end iu aharcholden. �;.,
<br /> �,' Gimnnn, affieen,emptoyees aad aRen�s harmteu from al{dairtu, damagex ILbilities (including anoraeye' fees end lega! ezQenses). causea of
<br /> attion. actiom. auits and othet Icgal pmceedinga (cumulatively 'Claims7 perm�Nng tn tne i'roperty �mciuding. i,m m� iuuitaf +••.�S�v�.: �u��S1:ug ---_-'— :•;r..-•
<br /> - Homrdous Aiaterials). Oracnor.upon Ne rcques� of Lcnder. shall hire legal comnel to defcnd I.eadcr from such Clairrw.anJ pay the attomeya' feea. �
<br /> lep,al e:pensn end oNer eoats incurtcd in connection 1Aeeewit6. 1n the eStemetive, Lender shall be entiUed to employ it+oavn legel counscl to defend
<br /> �uch Claims at Orentor's cost. Qmnt��r's nhligetion to md=mttify Lender undtr ehis paragroph shall aurvivc the terminntion, release or forrclosurc of � � ���
<br /> tLie Dced ofTtu�t. , �� a'''
<br />� ' tF�NPSU ��S/w� Cim2ots �-- -�- I •�: . . . _.
<br /> � �„'_^- -- -
<br /> ---��-..__... .r-^c--r{,,-.>+-aw�� -r, c'+ . . . . . ' . ' - -' ' -
<br /> 1 . . . . . , � .' . .�. , • - - . . . _ ` .'._ � ' � . .. 1 . . .� . ..f . +.
<br /> . . . . . , . . .. . . . r" . .. , .
<br />