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<br />��:..... .11 ".13t `�1:� '� ' � •-
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<br /> • ' ' . . - - - ' -
<br /> . . :.:.
<br /> _�. '
<br /> �F� . . . ;. : •'�. ..,�_.. ` �.—.--�-- _-.: --_ -. _...
<br /> _� _ J,��` . . ' - - . . � . _. . �'1 _ __ . - - _ _
<br /> _. _ . �•" '• . ,. �7�� �������'`�_ " " - _'- .
<br /> 3s �■nt�e..;_�1�e�oa�laeo�er�A`ioedp�Imq�uv�eat� ao�r.�a M�aieciod aa�e
<br /> ' y�..
<br /> p�o�e�!►i�wed a�W tos+bY fu�.h�e�ls i�l�ded�.�r�in thb ednl•exte�ded oav�r�"aad a�qy►+�'�t:�iadodia f
<br /> 'iioads ur Aoqdai�.fa�hich La�dec sequi�+ai�raicmoe.:.3'6is ia�utanoe sholl be maintainod ip ih�aawui�ta�nd fo'tire perla�
<br /> tbft LaBa�reqaiea.'ll�e insunc�oe caaler prc�vi�'uqg the insurauoe afiap be c�osen by Botmv�rer subJoct to Le�er's approval
<br /> Mthid�f1pII oot bo w�omb�y witt�hdd. 1f Bonvvircr t�s ta a�intain oavcn�ge dGSCribed above:Lender m�y,;?��mde�r'e
<br /> option.obfaia wve�e to protect Lader's rigWs ia tho Pmperty io aoc�dmoe with puagraph�. ..._'�
<br /> All insuranoe policies aM�newals ahaii be aooeptabk ta I.c�der aM sh�li inch�de a staMatd mott�ge ciause. t�mde: •
<br /> sl�li l�no tl�e riaNt w ho�d tbe pdici�s aod reaeYral.s.IE t.a�der�oq�u�s,Borrnwa s�ll Aron�pdy g'ive w Len�er ali roodpts of
<br /> P�P��aod t�wal notices:tn tLe�+rait of Ioss.Botmwa sbap give prompt notioe co tt�e inw�a��rier sd t�der. -
<br /> I,p�da m�r mtice pca�'gE tass if not mde penmplty by Bort�vet _ '' _. ' , -.
<br />- Unkss I.aidea�d Bormwes othawFse�nae ia wrhing.u�surancc Qr000eds sbatl be applied ta t�sini�ion or r�,;air oi tLe .
<br /> PmPa►y d�os�e�.if t�e rssMatioa�ceair is 000aaakaliy fasibia snd Ltmder's sera�riry is not le,udled:tf tbe oesturatioa or ..
<br /> , t�epir is eot a000mically fdsibTe or Leade�s security wouW 6e ksstaed.tLe ius�ttanoe prooeeds sh�ll De applied tu the su� .,..,
<br /> aaurod by dus 5ecaryty Instrum�at. whetber or uot ttm due.wjth aay exoess paid w Horcower.ff Bociaika a6�oa"s�tie �'� –
<br /> Propaty,ac dots oot�swer Mithin 30 days a notiae ftam La�der dmt th�i�tuaaoe catrkr h�s oHaad to satttd a dsar.then
<br /> - t�nd�er miy milat N�imuraoc,�p�oeoeds. L�endet maY use the prooeods w rtp�ir ar cestoce the Propeetx,�xr.to pxy su�
<br /> seau�ed by dns Secocity I�.vvhether ar not thea due.11�e 30-da�y periad v►n'tl6egin Wl�en d�e noria�_ic,��
<br />__ Udess[,euder a►d Boaowa ott�Cwi�c�ag�x.u�.wcitm&+ �►Y a�pli�tion of V�o�da to pnx+P�t ��no�tcataid a , :,
<br />- postpone(t���fe•d�f�e of the month/��'t+taxs nfem�3 ta in puq�ap6s ! �td 2 a c�t�e amou�of t6e payureata. �f
<br /> qo�er p�ap`l�21"tbe Piop�tg-is.aeqni�W bs►I.etder,Bormw�ec's i�zo�ny'�ace P��.�F���°b� - ----
<br /> _ _ '�to tbe Ptvpetty pti�'to c6e acquisitwn sLall pass to Let�krta$'r�Rlo�1�c sams se�,viced by this Saauiry InstrumaY —
<br /> ' �YPnoriotL�.�tiun. :, ,,�i-:. f:,`�?,•�-: ... , —
<br /> i.tla�e.�.Pr�at�t�.M��d Ptotaeti�aP.i'Jie;�:Barra�ese's�.o�a Apptiattos;�i.e�dioi¢s. � -
<br /> BorioMer shal!aaapy..est�6lisb.�nd use tUe Pna�Q�y as BonuNe9E�s piri��1 raidenx aithqt�►daysafta the oxayaoa� _---
<br /> . this Seconity Iaswmeat a�stull oontinue to oocupy the ii��'.s���`e�oe for at kast one yearaR� —_-
<br /> ,-:�he date of oocvp�y,unkss Lendcr otUenivise agrees in wr���r.cans��1 mt be unreaso�bly wiWietd.ar uniess _ �^��
<br /> � ,,,,.,..._ or i th� �§t�:�.:
<br /> ;":txtaw�ting ptwu�sfanow exisi which m bryo� Bors6wet s co�it�ul. Ro�tC?�t:iha11 �t d�stmy, dama8e mpair
<br /> P�operty.albw the Pnoptity to deterior�te.ar commit waste or the Praperty� . "�� :–
<br /> �ii►vwu s]raif be in defauit if atty forfeiturt �{-::,���
<br />= E� action or pmcoediog.�et[Kr ci�il qs cri�ninal,is 6egun t6at in leader's good futh jud�tnuld resutt in forfeitune of the -_
<br /> = --- PropatY or ot6ecwise�atly imp�i[�.the lien creaEai by this Security Ir�suimutjt.ar t.�ndef's�curity imeresE.Borcower may . � _- -
<br /> � cun suc6 a detauit aa�t��,as pt��ied irt par�ita�t'a 18.by c�ing t�C a��t p�ng to ix�wid�a raliag `s:������
<br /> tiiat, in I.ender's�,1�5.±,,.,�-ctrminruion. pieeL�s��i�eitute of tJ�e Bortir;+rt�s�:l5izenst in the Fmpei.t�.c�oetxr imterial • �+��=
<br /> impaitmait.A��t1Sie�i�t.c�d bY this Secuflry t�rae��t ar i,ender's sa�''��. Bomower sbalE�ais��F�in defanit if :�`�
<br /> $QROrYCI'�l�1�3�..-,��a�.`�l.2'�'�i �1qt�Ofl QIOCCSS.$1VE'�;}I�^�� t�F E�3CCUI3i:n�OfI71'd�1011 Of S�'[CNCIItS��t1��.C[fd1'f(Or ��� y �}�j.`;�
<br /> to paovdt:��ii�t,�rty material informatian)in cs�n�3oa:i�t�e loan evidenad 6y the Nau.inchiding.bl�t tiat ti�iid: ���–_-
<br /> �ta.��x�ing Barrawer's accupanL�;s�t�lr:i�rt�rijs�s`a P�nc�ipal residence.If this Se�vsity Ins�ument is t��r � ��.
<br /> Icasehold. Hotrower•a1i�i1 comply with ap the ptai��s of.ttie�lea�e. lf Bonower acquires fee tide w'!:l�o Propetty. t[k �:.� �����._ _ �
<br /> te�ehotd and the fa titte shall not merge unlesq Lendei agrees to[he merger in writmg. _"�
<br /> 1.Ptntectjoo of l.ender's R�Rs in t6e Ptupesty.If Botrawer fails to perform the covenaqts and agroements contained in - �•`~'��
<br /> this Sxurity Instrument. or there is a legal procceding that ma��§�ficanNy affed l.ender's:�i�ts in the Propeny(such as a ��
<br /> proceeding ia bankntptclr,probate,for condemnation or forfei�a`ao enforce laws or regaliatiqns),then Ixrder may do and ''�
<br /> pay for wh�tever is�Sary to protect the value of the Pc��;ai�d L.ender's rights in the Qrapecty. i�Yes's actions may � ` � ---
<br />_ ; .�€' •-
<br /> inefude paying any s.�aa.c secured by a lien which thas��t�t;:over this Securiry Instntment, 8ppeat�ts�j�n c4wn. paying � _;: ��„ �
<br /> reasonable�t{a�crKys'fee's and entering on the Propert�s;t�R���.?#�a.�s.Althaugh Lender may,t5fi�ai�i�s�i�r!'r:�this� • � ,. , �_
<br /> 7.l.enderddes�othavetodow. �;t ,::.,:: ' , •`•'�: : - . � �,`:;. • . � �..-'• t _-
<br /> a�r�r s�tintc dlsbuned by Lendcr under this�i�tsg�,n"�'�1 became addilional lse�4 x��:t�lsftxr����:i�cured by•�- t _-_�--_
<br /> . �r, , _
<br /> �.�.��3iument. Unless Borr�wer and l.ender a�;io cx.x;ir:s�eta�s of payment.these aim�unGs�hal#�iA:erest from the �:,:- ,,,•
<br /> :;;�}:of disbursement at the Note rate und shall be payable. whh,imcrest. upon natice fram l.cnder ta�6a�ower requesting �'' ��:"s;' :. '-.
<br />. . , �';�::-. ' -
<br /> ��'�8yII1C11t• '• • :" + '� ",` .
<br /> --- ' S.MoKp�e Imunna Ii Ixnder rcquired mortgage imura�as a condition�f maki�g��,§e taan secured by this Security ,�''=';;�� i',
<br /> -��• � ,,;•:it�trurtsent. 8armwer shall pay thc pnRniums requirrd to maintain the mortg:scr:in�uw.u�,q�a.�f£ert. If. far any reasan.the '.':;:`'�' �� �.n.�-
<br /> � �`�::; :4 , � � . . .
<br /> ��:� �.:�ir�artgage insurance oaVar,��requ�red by l.ender lap.�es or ce.�res ta be in effe�::Er:�i�ower�tira41 pay the�,�,vms tequirea to -°-�s*R�r
<br /> � �y ''�:�.,.: .
<br /> _ :��* :�Ci:ain wverage substa�lnse.t,,�+equivalent to the martgase in.�urance prevlousSy;a��1. at�cast substanr�a3ly�.c�vivalent to the :�:`,�,`,� _,' °�:��r;-:
<br /> — -�'''�� �` '+�ist to �orrower of i�.t�iitgagc insurance previau�ty in effect.frqm an xi'�ta�t�:mongbge insurer app�i,+::r��by Lendet, if _:- ����' �
<br /> R.;;.;;-.•'.'.,'' ' ., sv�sta�i%a��i�,a�(uiva�c'�i't�trwrtgage insurance eaverage ir not availabi�:,f�'+airou'�t rHall pay to Lender eact�martih a sum�w�3E��
<br /> .�:r;;� { . :�ir,�ta���cif a��,Yearly manga�e insurance premium being p�aF�['���ar�,ucr�.vhen the insarart��e rnverage lapscti mr�::itia;�, . �`.
<br /> .. �
<br /> '''�� ' �i�►'t�[�}�:,'k:qs�.�r"w,t!accept.use and retain thesr�i�:r.�,t��+.u.;�r'��i�� reSCrK�e.ia lieu af martgage iRiu�a�u�:. $.ass'h.�•� ';'•' {�.. . ..
<br /> ,•;:} , ; .�,. , , , i. ,. . . , , ��: .
<br /> k: ;,T ,� A�r ��. � ,� .y ��1'�ccm 30?�i ��6} ' � -
<br /> _isk, t . . .5 r �E'� . ?;:�n�} �dYt ti 3E�' � � 3� ?�� �3 •,.��j.t ' .
<br /> . �y k��,��� l,,'- . ' , i a y . ,. I :.. /f�6i. : '
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<br /> � '�(j�e,a�!,�6 �� � {'. . ` : - ' 'v • ,:.r {�', t.i.�5�+rrc�r�
<br /> +i.j�;(4►�'.rr:... ?_.;,; ,` . �.�r, :;;_ . ,.., ,�t;�t.",��• •'l�;� •!�.,�,t':ltt. .
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