�`�� � . �x- . .
<br /> ,. .:..
<br /> , .. . ... , : ,
<br /> .
<br /> ,: -::�,:- :. .-� - �: : .. . .._�.. .___._..._......:w.— -- - —_ �
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<br /> ( ..
<br /> 7�OQSAlBIt WrI�I sU the ianpcov�aoeats sow a tre�aha yocl48 ba rie p�opeit�►.aad att ao�c..apputte�4o+,.s�,� .�� :..
<br /> fixp�ta ao�►ac i�e�eAAei� p�tt of d�a p�npa{y. AI!:tcplio�s'a�d�ddMioes'a1Wi1 aiw 6e oova�ed by Uda 8oqi�ji '._�,,.,
<br /> _ ta�meat.AU of Wo fonSbio��refaraa b ia Ws Seelrniy�nmmt�dk'Peoperty` :
<br /> BORlt�R►i,�t'�t70V@.tA(�iS tLat Hano+rer is Ir�rtrlly sei�ed of die e�st�te 6e�r oonvgtod aad h�d�o ri�hC w�didt�od`. .
<br /> ooa�r.�e,Fiu�e'cty aoid thtt tha Pnopaty is�.exaenE fot�ot n000:d. Ronnnr�warnots atd�
<br /> de[��liy the titb w the P�operty�ail cl�ims�nd dane�ts.�6�ont to�ny�of rcoad. . .. ,:;;:,;;•,
<br /> lii1S S�CEtRi1'Y INSiRUM6tqt'c�ombinea�ifonn oovs�mts ta a�t�onal nse and n�on-uniform oovctrans witir i'�ted ;;.;'� "�
<br /> vriat�t lry j�otioa to oonstituto a uoifoim saa�c�ly insuwromt coverio��ral propeaty
<br /> [JNIF�DRM C�E3VENANTS.Bornu�rer�md Lrndeccwep�et aod apx as tdiavYS:
<br /> 1. �itjrlraf at Piri�dpt ard Lteersh lrep��ie�t�LMe Cwr�-Hormwar s1ai11 proi+«pUY p�lY���
<br /> prlacipsl of and ie�e�e�an the d�t cv�deriocd Iy lht Nbt�ao�aay�epymmt aiod I�te ciw�es due ander tho Note. _
<br /> �.[�a�ta�Taxe4�Iasrra�oe.Subjoct ta applica6k[aw or to a wtittea w�iver by isader.Boirowar sh�ll psy to
<br /> ls�►der oa tba d�y moMh1Y Payaiaks an due unda tNe Nae.uotil t6e Natc is pwd in futl.a sum t'Fuadt')for:(a)Y�Y�
<br /> aqd zssesunaMs which may atfain priairy ovea�this Socurity inswment ss a lia►oa d�o Propaty:N)yatty lessd�dd ptymeots
<br /> or Em�u�d�ats oa tLe Piope�ty:if any:(c)Y�!►i�a�d u�Properti►iarrumoe p�oiams:(d)Ye�riY flood'insur�nueptrmioais..
<br /> if�y:(o}yprty mo�tg�ge unu�ttoa pt�atdwtB.if ury;aod{�any sud�s P�yable bY Bonower to I.end�r.in aer�rd�aoe rritA'.�
<br /> the provi�ns of pauagtaptt 8.in liai of tha paymeol of mortgsge inwts�oe ptemiums.7txse items ar�ca{ted"EsCco�v Ita�' .
<br /> La�der may.at au►y Ntn�oallect aod hoW Fauds ia sn amount aot to ea�eed thc t�ax{mum aaw�ua a laWa for a foderally
<br /> �efated mart�ge to�re m�y.ca�aire for Bortower s escrow acooiia undes the fedec�!Rat�tate Settlearent Ptaoed�ms Act of
<br /> 19T4 as�neldal fr�nm tic�to time;•t��T,S.C:Sectioa 2CAt d srq f`RESPA").untess another Iav�r t�t applies u►�e'Funds
<br /> sds a ksscr umont. ff so.i.ade�r��r,.;aE aery.time.oollax and hoW Fimds ia an amount not to txaod the lesser amount.
<br /> .•; , I.a�ler may�e t6e awaut�t o�:�d�a-a�•tlte b�sis of cument data srd reasonabie atim�des of expeMituris of future —
<br /> ;;�"` Fscmw Itaais a utAe��e i�aaqord�;�y�'i��tle i�w. ' ;��'. .;;—
<br /> - - --�� �- - .-.71se Ftuds si�S�S�;beGE eea;� ����.�;��ise�eposits ane i�by a faderal a�cy;�tity. or e�xicY �;�;,�__-__
<br /> .._.,;,
<br /> (iac4rdin���odcr.if i,eoder is sn�ii�bistituaon)a in�a�ry Ftder�l Horuc Imrs B,�nlc-Ltn�kF."s�l!apply the Funds to pay tbe
<br /> Eser�w.�ei�Le�der mry�ot c�',�rrrowa for holding�rd applying t1�e FuMs.�16�r an�lyz�ng the escmw acmaa�,or ;'�t��-__---
<br /> venfying taC Escmw Itea�,qn�s:�d..�r paYs Borrower inteast on the Funds and applicabte law permits I.ader to mabce suc1� ::�?�--
<br /> � �_-, ----
<br /> . _a cl�arg�e.Hawever,L�ender may.tleq�i^ite Borrower to pay a o�x-time charge for an irdependent real es�te tau reQorting suvice �•.;:_'�_;�--�--
<br /> �>.:'b _____.—_
<br /> usor! by Let�kr in a�c,tina with thu toan, uNesc applicabie taw pravid�s ott�envise. UNess an agroemait is made or `` ��°,���, _
<br /> appliabk law roqaire�:±�st to 6��id.lerder shall not be.re�uind to pay Borrawer any iMerest or qmings on the Fuads. !�''''���-
<br /> E- __
<br /> Borro�eer�d i.�der rnay a$ree ia v:�tuag,hawever.that�i�sII;shatl be ptid on the Funds. l.ender sha11 give ta Bosmwer. �=
<br /> -- - - �•� �-�i-.-
<br /> — witlw�dtarge,art.�!accouruing of tNe Fwtds.sbaazag c�i'y:�and debits to the Funds and the�►tpose for which each ..,.4�
<br /> _-- , `�'- .debit;o.the Fu�ds,+ia�imaxk Tbr Fundc arc pfodgod a�additiod�};..s�?ssr�y,�'��sums secured by tids Sec�it��•Instniment. •,�
<br /> �_..
<br /> _ �- -�..` H the�wnd;s��;��.ender exoeo�the amff�al5_�emutce�'t�n 6�,�;�ij-.s�ticabk law.l.et�der.��Cciiutn w Borrower �
<br /> — � , ;''`i'ot the,�"��FarwL'.�;��',�ai�ontan�e rvitb.the reguir�ts of ap�it�ra#sle.lk�.,f�.t��amoan[of ihe F�li�ii:�iy Lender at any ' �:i14■�?�__-
<br /> __-�� pmc�s?ir�,'w���eie��}a��i�+ti�eEs�o�'ftxmswhendue.l.tiderm�eysaefpt�C����?i.wGr�n;ii�rii�' :�ai,�;;'�?.,?i�hcaseBornswer 3>~:4_:--- _
<br /> ;,�;� shal!pay`t'o Lendee�[�'e a�r�unt s�a�y to make up the defciency. Borns�=��i��:.et��.�se�ur�_y in no murc thap �*t�x"'_`-
<br /> � tweive monthlY payi�uis::at l.endec's sole discretian. ' `�;�. � + '.�� ���.`,.��
<br /> =�-ti��� Qp�m paymesii��;�ii of a{I su�rt�secure,�b�tiiis Seiurity Instrun� t,,�e�idec shalt promptiy cr�"arui to Burrower any • • :��:�=-`_' `_
<br /> _.=�,° Futxts he13 by Leni��`r.:i.under pa*agraph 21.Lender shall acquise or sell tt��perty.Lead�r.prior�o t€�e acqu�sitian or sale :- '"�_-
<br /> ��=�� of the Piti�i�v.s}�all apply any Funds held by L.cnder as the 4i�o£acquisition or sate as a;cn�dit against the sums secured by -=-
<br /> ---- this Sec�ii►�i����stsr�snent. •>;.::�,�- . � • ,. � _ e-:-
<br /> - 3.I�i�i �s�ci��+��yments.Unless apptica��:�aw p�vzu�,dfi�rn„<�:s�t�,paYments rere�ve�.6s�.�eder under�s : _
<br /> — 1 and 2�s�+sc�pptiK�cl:�first. ta anY P��Y��>�ar�,�;���n���.u���r��'�iss�rroand.tn asmaa.-nr,�,}�?�6I��nder paragraph 2: -X:_
<br /> . � ,..,.�NU:
<br /> ,� � � �-= . ::-: �• r:,.,},.y..:.
<br /> --.— thitd.to�3a�za.r:st dde:founh.ta princi�a!due:a�Li,��.�ii.�?iiil�`w�.argcs�uz�a r 3er t be S 4q�"i.,-,��.-,:,-..;:-=':_`:�':� • . �
<br /> -`"'`�� 4��Lieas.Bonowe,z,sii�fipay a11 iaAe�.asfes.���; charges.'tcr�s ared•ir��fl�.Yu�,�t�5;?ipd�ble to the Praperty ; `�
<br /> ���
<br /> .,....,�� '� . i 3� -_
<br /> =--��.� which m�,Pnain priority oves this�;�ea3rity in�ttu�.ent. and te�ehold pay�tr�i;�ur��;��+;�:�M_ Bormwer shall pay ;`'Ix4;`�_ _----__
<br /> = -�� ,.. t1�u�,�alions in the ma�mcr provid�il in pa�.�E�2.ar if nat paid in t►w�m�i3�:r.Barr�weo�ha.4��:,i�tem on tirne directly � ,•� r, �'`� � -•--
<br /> �.� � � .,_ � •,. r
<br /> ;�:-.,� to the ison owed t. Barrower shall t fumish ta t.ender all a�x�.t�s of am�unts to be '�under this h. . ;;;�� �s r;•�E _
<br /> p�, Pa.Y� Pt�Y Pa� P�S�P ���-
<br /> •=- '.��E�,�rcr.uer m�lces th�;e payment�directly.BoROwer chall promptly fumish t�i:lt;,,nder receip�c evidenring the payments. .-.:..;,�;;•_
<br /> • ':'.;;,;::�.�. �t �� "�'� -
<br /> �?.:r shab!�mmptiy discharge any lien which has prinrity over this S'ecurity In�trurnem unless Barrow�er:(a)agrees in ":,�:��,;=__
<br /> ;�t�_: ,. ,, .r:�� -
<br /> - -_ • •,t:;:.tv��sh3s�g;±�i`I,�n:,-r�,in�t of thc abtigation securcd by the lien in�m�nner acae;��b1e to Lender.Fb►wnsests in goad faith tLc lien ;t`,�.�-
<br /> s "��'�:,!'y:'.:�i�,;�i�'t,':+i�E�shi�w�nforcement of the tica 3�.;legal proceedingc w�hicfi�aa,the i.e�xfcr'.r npinian uperatc ta ptevcnt the y ��,:;;
<br /> — �-��;��fore�4 oPt�C#'i�'si�;.sau tcl�res fram thefimld��r af'the lien an agr�v:ir�,nE�tisfactory u,Ixuder•�[rvrdinatin�the licn to � ,..-,.'_!� ._
<br /> _ �3� ,. . � _ - :.�4�,�,,:;
<br /> -.,.,, this Security Inanrii�ai�:`}'�;.l,end�r determin�.tltii�anY p•rrt of the Propenv u�svbject d�a lien a�hich atay attain priurity aver , , ,
<br /> = this Savrity Instrorit�ti:,�fixt3er,}�:aice�rr�wet;�nntice identif}iag thc licn. &�no��r ah�ll�ati.fy the lien or take nne or " '�� ''�r�,�,';;r•� .
<br /> = r- .^ �� � '� {h�I�� .:
<br /> . ` ,;� more ot the act ionc set fa t t h a b mr�r W i�l�tin I U days n f t he�;i�in�aC nutiee. __ ����xtr�,�t� �`4.
<br /> ,....�3� . . � �0/�11.�� s/� �� �;f�'Yts��� .��� i�t':
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