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'_ <br /> . , ��.e-, 1���� � '. .,, ' . <br />. . �.a . - <br /> � . .: << . _- <br /> 16.Mlseellaneo��ovS3:o� ' ., • � - <br /> ta1 Rn+rawar t�tRt RcT�ascd_Ezten+rinn of the rime far oavm�rtt or moditiration of the sums secured bv this Deed ot Ttust granted ._ __ <br /> by Lender to any successor in interest of Borcower shati not opsrate to releaso,in any manner,tho liabiirty of the oriBinei Bmrower ., <br /> � and Borrowers successors i�interes�t.Lender shatl not 6e required to cortemence proceedings against such suecessor or refuse to , ' • - <br /> � extend time far payment or oiherwise modify amortization o4 the sums secured by this Deed of Tnut by reason ot any damands � <br /> made by the origina!BoRawer and Borrower's successors in lntetest. ' ' �. . <br /> (b)L�ada�s Pawen.WRhout affecdng the liability of any othor parson Iiable for the payenerrt of any obligati�n hesan merttioned. • . � . <br /> and without aftecting the lien or chazge of this Oesd of Ttust upon any poRion of the Property not then or t�eretpirore reteasad es ' . <br /> security for the fuii amount of ell unpaid abligation�.Lender may,�Trom time to time and wRhout noUee lil rel�ase eny person so • . . <br /> ' liable,(ii)extand the maturity or atter any of the terms of any such obligations,(iii)grant other indutgences,iiv)retease or reconvey, ` . <br />� 1 or cause to 6e reteased or reconveyed at any time at Lenders opt+on any parcel,porYion or att of tP�e Property,<v)take or releasa any 'F •-�-- - -- -- - <br /> � �� other udditiortal security far any abligation herein mentioned, or (vi) c[�ak�o[i1R.os�ioAS os-oiher arran ments whh dabiors in � <br /> '.� retation thereto. yf�U�ll`•'xi:fi� •y � � <br /> ; !c1 Far6�arancs by I.Qnder Not a Wahrer.Any forbearance by LendeAin ex�dt�tght or r y ereunder,or otherwise .. '`. <br /> ' ',s afforded by appiicabte law,shall not be a waiver of or predude the eicer�s'i.bL�r�A�t . Ths procurement of „ <br /> - .�� insurance or the payment of taxes or othar Gens or charges by Lender sfia"R rio�tiie a w'aT1�7 right to accelerate the , . . . �. <br /> �' maiurity of the indebtedness secured 6y this Deed of Trust. � , • <br /> (d)Sueeessors and AsslBna Bound;Joint end Soveral LiabDit7►;CepUons.The cove�ants and agreements herein wntainad shalt F;,; � <br /> bind, and the rights hereunder shatl inure ta,the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor. All covenants and . , ' %:!.+��'-�'" <br /> agreements of Trustar �hall be joint and several. The captions and headings ot the paragraphs of this Dcs� of Trust are for � . .�•s� :�., <br /> � eomenieace oNy and are not to be used to inierpret or deflne the provisions hereof. --=`— <br /> (e)R�quut for Haflr.e�.The parties hereby request that a copy of eny natice of degauit hertlunder and e�epy of any noUce of • ,��� <br />•• sate hereundar be mailed to each party 4o thia Oeed of Trust at the address set forth above in�n_�r.ana���xibed by appticsDta r: ' -----�—_, <br /> � taw.Exeept for any other notIce requt��nder ap�'ecabta law to be given in another manner,��r,yt'scs C�•��•�-for in tt. Deed oi � �'�"�`. <br /> Trust shali be gfven by meiling such nai�ce bY c�ri�ed mail addressed to the other parUes,at ihe addrr�s v:.t forth above.Any , ���-� � <br /> ' notiee provided for in this Oeed of Trust sh.a7 CE c�x�ctive upon ma�ling in the manner designated herein.If Trts,sior is mare than one , ,; .�;.�::,:- <br /> peraon,notice sent to the eddress set faet'+a�u:e��f:ba noUce to all such persons. � • � <br /> .�l.• < ' �t•.�;,,.. <br /> (fl lnspsctlon. Lender may make r�r�_sa to be made reasonabte entrtes npon and inspections of the Property,provided thaR • � •• ° ;'��t-`:�':- <br /> Er•'�s� <br /> Lender shall give Trustor notice prior�•�y such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's interest in the , --�- '��; �.� � ' <br /> Property. , '�'�,�;; _. <br /> (g) Rreonv�yanc�. Upon payment o f atl sums secure d by this Deed of Trust, Lender sha0 r e quest Trustee to reconvey the .. -_,�. � <br /> Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trost and all notes evldencing indebtedness secured by this Oeed of Trost to Trustee. - <br /> , Tnutee shait reconvey the Property without warranty an�without charge to the person or persons legalty entitied there�to.Trustor •^"•�"�'-�� <br /> , shall pay a11 costs of recordation,if any. ��� � • <br /> (b)F+erson�i Propnty;Ses:urity Agxmmr.�eM.As additicnal securRy for the payment of the Note,Trustor heraby granta Lender under r� � � <br /> the[debraska Un(fortn Commercial Cc3n_a security interest in eif flxtures,equipment,and other personat property used in conne�tion � "`' ��� . <br /> ' with the real estate ar improvemertts fa�ted thereon,and not otherwise deGared or deemed ta be a part of the real estate secure� ' •,�� �.,j ;�� <br /> hereby.This instrument sfiati be consttusd as a Security Qgreement under said Code,and the Lender shail�z�•a a11 the�ights and ^�•• � t ''� <br /> 'i remodtes ot a secured party under szd Code in addition to the dghts and remediea created under and accorda�:'ne Lendet pursuant ��'""� � ' �� <br /> to thts Deed of Trust;provided thai Ln-+dera rlghts and remedies unde►this paragraph shalt be cumuiative•m::"s,anA in no way a �A;� `i �`:.: <br /> limftation on,Lender's ri hts and re�a�t�s under any other security egreement si ned by 6ortok�:er or Trustor. � '�"���-� f�"'• • � <br /> 8 9 , r ` I` 1 <br /> `;•'+r%f�N.4r.�4 '��' . 1�l <br /> (i! Lt�ns and Enatmbranees. T:-�sur hereby war►ants and representa that there is r�a ��ault under ttie provistons �5 any '•�-... <br /> t.4t�s•:;�;;;' ,a; ;` "�9F:'' <br /> � ' mortgage, deed of trusE. Eease cs qu-c:�asa contract destxibing all or any part of the Propzrty, or other ec-tract,instrumant or °?'J�'�r;SJ��;��;� . .;E� . <br /> agraemaM constituting a fien or enrmbrance against all or any part of the Property(cotieetive,°Uens'),e�.�aina as of the date of rt..::,r,y'�t,� -," A <br /> � th(s Deed ot Trust, and that any and ail exiEting Uens remafn unmodHied except as disclosed to lendr in Trusto�'s written �'j.�, ,� <br /> disclosure of liens and encumbtIInc�s provided for herain. Truscor shell Umaly perform all of Trustor's oSLgetions. covenants, .,f;t4s; ;� ` <br />• represet�tations and warranties undur a-+y and eil existing and future Uens,ahall promp2ty forvvard to Lender eopies ot all notices of kr �" � <br /> - default sent in eonnection wfth anv and all existinp or tuture Ueno,and sha11 not without Lenders prior written eonserR in eny :�c� __�^_" �'__= <br /> � manner modify the provisions of or allow eny future advances under any existing or future Liens. �'����rl.t;,s�,,�- <br /> �7 ApplloaUon o!Paym�rrte. Untuss otherwise required by law, aums pafd to Lendar herounder, indinin7� without limitetion °�,��� • - <br /> payments of pdneipal and interest,insurance proceeds,condemnation proceeds end renta and proilis,shail Ge applted by Lender to �� � � <br /> the amounts due and owing from Trustor and bortower(n auch ordar as Lender in ha aole discretion deems deshebto. � W' . <br /> . � �� (ip S�v�nh�ty. If any provislon of this Deed of Trust confiicte with aypiicable law or is dedared invalid or otherwlse -� - - <br /> unenforceable,such conflict or invalidity shnll not aifect the other provisions of th(s Oeed of Tr�st or the Hote whtch can he gtvan E �, ' <br /> �! eNect wRhout the wnflicting provlsion, and to this end the provisions of this Oeed of Tnrsi and the Note are dectared to be j,-_� <br /> � severabts. �'-�� �� � <br /> �1 (D T�rma.The tersr•�°Trustor'and'Bortower'ahall include both singuiar and�:ua1,end whan the Truscor end Borrower ara tho �,�,� <br /> 'R!!_, "r v,'�'�: <br /> ."s same pe►son(s),those tarma as used in this Deed of Trust s�a0 bo intorchangeable. �• .� ' • <br /> �i (m)Qov�ming Law.This Deed ot Trust shall be govemed by the lawa of the State of Nebraska. �� ,;;�;�`�gy,�„�~�. <br /> s `'�� - <br />- . y ..� _• � <br /> Truatot has executed this Deed of Trust as of the date wdtton abovo. '�.t�'^-'+"• �. <br /> ' . . '�t#i.,• <br /> ,_.'�-1,►�-g.x.:- �. <br /> -��-` : <br /> +�. ;:�,r:"' : <br /> A. Truator Trustor ,�•M' � . <br />' � Trustor Trustor £���`�`'�%�"' <br /> ,..-....._,.;: , _ <br /> . ,. � _ <br /> i, ° � - <br /> � Trusto� Trustor ,:,�ry�,... <br /> -.,1� . ,. <br /> �i,�' — <br /> � �t�l:.�:1.../:�':. - <br /> .. ..' .. � '� ' . <br /> _. i`�/ • <br /> . .. f <br /> _.--- �. ,,--=-=---- <br /> :�;: <br /> NflC 3457C(Nonagricultur�l�nod)Rov.6/95 �� " • <br /> 1988 National Bank of Cnmmoree Trust and Sa�ngs Assoelation,Lincoln,Nebroskn � �., <br /> .4....�.._,.�,�_. - <br /> ' � . . � - J . . . � -- . . _.. ._ ' . • � . <br /> - . . � , . . ` . � . - . C' .. � _. . - <br /> . _1, - .. � . . ' ' _• ' . ' � . � • _ _ . • . �- . _ ' ' _ . .... � . .. ' . � . �. . _ �... C. ' ' � _ <br />