.. . , • . . , , • t. . �• , . , ,:�.,-
<br /> .. <
<br /> � . , . .
<br /> , , _ , - -
<br /> ,
<br /> _ � , . , . . . �N. � ___ ' ..
<br /> �g�OQ�3 . � ; ;-
<br /> 7.Ers�isrent Qomatn.Lender is herQ6y assigned att compensatio 9,damages and other payments or re�ief ihereinafter'Procoads')� � . � . .
<br /> in connaetion with eondemnetton or other tekinp ot the Roperty or part thereof,or for conveyance in lieu of tondemnation.Lender Shai1 � ,. `�
<br />" teken or damageQ.Lender 8hati neva the option in its sate snd absotute discretion,to appty sll sucA P►aceads,aftor deducti�g thsrefrom . • �°� � '�r-. �.
<br /> " ail costs and exp8nses incurted by it in cannection with such Proceeds, upon any inda6tedness sewred hareby and in such order as ( � • --
<br /> 1pnrlw mwv�tatatmine,or to aoDlV s1�SuCh Frocceds.aftet sueh deductinna to tho roat�mtinn at tho Proaertv uDOn EUCh CORdiU0t18 89 L _� �.,
<br /> - � Lender may determins-Any applicatlon of Proceeda to inde�tednass shali no!extond or postpone the due date of any payments un�er � �µ
<br /> 3 tha Note,or cure any dsfauit thereunder or hereuader.Any unapplied funds ahatl be paid to Trustor. �:
<br /> ' 8. PadormRnco by I.endor.Upon the occurrence of an E�eni of Defauft�iereunder, or it any act ia taken or legal proceeding � �
<br /> ° � commenced v�hteh materially aNeGS Lender's interest in the ProyeRy,Lender may in ite own discretion,biri without obtigaUon to do eo, � �
<br /> , � and withaut natice to or demand upon Trostor and without releasing Tnistor from any obligation,do any act which Truster has agreed . � .� �
<br /> hut fails to do and may atso do'any oiher act ii deems�eeessary to protect the sacurity hereof.Trustor shall,immediatety upon demand
<br /> . �� theretor by Lender,pay te Lendor ail wste and axpenses incuned and sums expended by Lender in coonection with the exercise by �-
<br /> Lender of the toregoing dghts,togeiher wfth interest thereon at tha dofautt rdte prov(ded in the Note, whieh sAaU be add2d to ths ,` ' ��i
<br /> inrlebtedness secured hereby.Lendet shall not incur any tiability because of enything it may do m emk to do hereundar. -- ---- - ---- -�
<br /> 9.Hsardow NAet�rIats.Trus[ot shall keep the Ptoperty in compliance with all applieable laws,ordinances and regulatians relating to
<br /> industriel hy$iene or environment+il protection(wtlectively refened to herein as'Env'vonmental Laws').Trustor shall keep the Froperty � �� �
<br /> iree trom all subsiances deemed to be hazardous or to�c under any Environmentel Laws(collectively referted to hereln as'Fta�rdous • • ' � �
<br /> � Mater'rais').Trustor herehy wartents and represents to l.ender that there are rto Hazardous Material on or under the Rtoperty.Trustor � " -_
<br /> • hereby agreas to indemnify and hotd harmtess Lender, its directots, officers, emptoyees and agents, and eny successors to Lenders � � �� �- , ,
<br /> interest,from and against any end ait claims,damages,losses and liabitities arising in con�ectinn with the presence, use,disposal or • ,
<br /> uansport of any Harardous Matedala on,under,from or ebout ths Property.THE FORECOING WARRAMIES AND REf'RESENTATIONS, � '` � '
<br /> TRUST.
<br /> � :; 10.Asalgnment of Rartts.Trustar hereby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a security interest in,at!presertt,tuture and after , • . �;,��
<br /> rising rerrts,issues and profits of the Property:provided that Trustor shall,until the occurtence of an Event of Oefautt hereunder,have . • -- ` , ��"
<br /> .'_. ,.. .�:::._�.
<br /> the rtght to wttect and retain such rer►ts,issues and profits as thay become due and paya6la Upon the occurtence of an Event of
<br /> :f Defauh,Lender may,either in person or by agent,with or whhout brtnging any action or proceeding,or by a recsiver appointed by a ���_�
<br /> . � court and wiihaut regard to the adequacy of its security, enter upon and take possession of the Property,or any part thereof,in rts own �F �."" `
<br /> rtame ot in the neme of the Trustee,and do any acts which it deems nece�.^Y or desirable to preserve the value,marketabiCrty ur • , - �•-•.
<br /> rentability of the Property,or any part theteof or interest therein,or to increase si�s income therehom or protect the security hereof and, � - � '� '' '�•�
<br /> � witfi or witAout taking possess(on of the ProDertY.sue for or othersvise collect ffie rertts,issues and Drofits thereot,including thcss past _ :�,"A•�'g�
<br /> due and unpaid,by noti4yfng te�ants to make paymants to Lender. Lender may aRPly rents,issues and profits,less costs ertc��:cpanses �
<br />� of operation and coltection indud'mg attomeys'fees,to any indebtednsss secured hereby,all in such ardar as Le�der may dktrarr•ine.The ���
<br /> �" . ernering upon and takfng possession of the Propertv, the cofiaction of such renta, issues and proftts,and the applieaticr.:5�ereof as '�.__
<br /> ,-��;; aforesaid,efiatl not cure or waive any defauft or natis:e of defauit hereunder or imrafidate any act done in re�ponse to such defauit or :
<br /> pursuartt to such notice of default and,notwfthstanding the corrcinuance in possession of tha Property or the aoilection,receipt and . .�+ ��
<br />�,'�T� applicatian ot rertts, issues or proftts, Trustee and Lender ahatl be entitled to exercise every rlght proviQed tor in any of the Loan � �_• "'�w`�'�' �`
<br /> Instruman4s or by Iaw upon occu�ce of any Event ot Dafauft,inGuding vvithout limitation the dght to exercise the power of sale. , +� �i .� .
<br /> Further,L�nder's rlghts and remedies under this paragraph shali be cumutative wfth,and in no way a limitation on,Lertde�s riphts and ��,�� ..r
<br /> �,',5� remedies under any essignment o!leasas end rents reeorded 2gw�st the Praperty. Lender,Tr.�ra and the raceivat shs11 Ce lisble to �- ; ''�. � �
<br /> account oniy for those rents actualty received. ' "�'' •� �� .
<br /> 11.EverRe of ttd.�t.The toltowing shatl consutate an Eve:rt af Default a:c�dzr this Deed of Trust: �, .,. �
<br /> + r•t'�•i•- .:
<br /> �t;?{�.�E_: �t•
<br /> �`•;�, (a)Failure t�pay any instellment ot principaf or interest nf a-�y other sum secured hereby when due; `��'��
<br /> %�..., �.
<br /> ,; ib?A breacfi of or defsuit under any provision contatne�c�the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the laan Instrummr',�.or eny , , `1
<br /> ot�,a:lien or encumbrance upon the Property; �
<br /> • �t (c)A writ ot execution or attachment or any simUar process shall be ontered ogainst Trustot which shall beco:ne�•Titm on the _ ' `
<br /> . ;� Property or any poRion thereof or interest therein; ��4 f
<br /> :�, �.,
<br /> (d)Ttere shali be fited by ar against Trustor or Borrower en ection undet snY present or future feda'a7,s¢ate or other statue,law ,+.�~ �
<br /> o t r e g u l a t i o n r e t a t i�g t o b a n i w p t c y, i n s oN en c y or other relief for debtors;or there shall be appotat�l Fx:y trustee, :3eelver or ��r ' ..
<br /> Gqufdator of Trustor or Bortower or of ail or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or profits trc�`.ar Tcustor cr Qa-rower .� •,�s,�
<br /> _ 1 40_v na � r�.. �,,
<br /> r,yr,!�_o.�� o_p..m1 aegi mmnnt fo►the benetlt of CredftOrs; cz�����
<br /> ' (e)The sate,tranffier,tease,assignmant,convayance or further encumbrance of afl or any part oT er a�y mterest in tne t�roperqr, ' � -
<br /> � efther voluntarflv or involuntari(y,wJtt�out the e��cpress wrhten cansent of Lender,provided that Ttustor�r,�lt ba permitted to execute =- _
<br /> a tease of the Pra�arty that doea not contaln an option to purehase and the term of which does not exce2fl¢ne year, ____ - __
<br /> !fl Abandarr.nent ot the Vroperty;or . ''
<br /> �` l�) If Trustor is not an infllvidual,the iasuance, sale,tranafer, assignment, conveyance or encumbrance of maro than (it a � �;��
<br /> ' corporation)a total of percent of ita(ssued and out�nding stock,or pf a partnerahip)e totat of����cercent of --
<br /> -
<br /> . -„
<br /> 1 bili w
<br /> m an a totc4 of ercent of the Omtted liability compan- y inte.�c..Ma or voting
<br /> �. parmersAlp intereste,or a mited I a ty p y) N/a o : ��'�
<br /> dgfita durfig the pedod this Deed of Truat remains a tfen on u::Property. : 'pr'.�;.:.��;�;_;
<br /> :•�! 12.Romcdlas;QccetaroUon Upon Dotaut�.ln t:�a event of any Event of Defautt Lendar may,without notio�xxcept es required by Iaw, � • , . .
<br /> ' ' dectare all inde8tedneas aecured hereby to be d�9 and payabte and the same shall thereupon becoma Q�o�rnd p�tabte without any ''"- "�""'�
<br /> ' n__
<br /> ' presentment,demand,protest cr notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: - ;,_ _r � __
<br />• � la)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SA4.E granted herein, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Tru�tar's interest y�,,,,�,��;
<br /> � in the Propeny to be sotd and the proceeda ta be distributesl,all in the manner provldad irt�t:3 Nebraske Trust Deeds Qa:; ���'�:�`c��i . -- �.\
<br /> _ (b1 Exurcise any and all rights provided far in any or tha Loan Instruments ot by 1aw upon ccevnence o: a�y Event of --t'!«'��'��' �
<br /> � � Dafauh;end ""��•
<br /> (e)Commenca an actlan to foreciose this Deed o! Trust as a martgaga, appoint a receiver,or s�.2ci`��ally enforce any of the _
<br /> covenpnts hereot. M+ ". :;'b,.,
<br /> No�emedy hereln conferted upon or reserved to Trustee or Len6er is intended to be exciusive of any other remedy h�rcic�,in the Loen ,��,.r,.;;� ��:
<br /> Insttuments or by law provlded or permttted,but each shail be cs�mulativa,shall be in addition to evary other remedy Qi�cc�hareundet,in �;k-;,,;,;_;.;.s�;;; . ��"
<br /> tAe Lvan Instrumenta or now or hereafter exlsting at law or in equity or by atatute,and may be exercised conwnently,inJependentty or �'�;�;.'_�' ,- -.
<br /> successively. -""", �•�, `'`` �
<br /> � 13.TN3lN.The Trustea may roslgn at eny time without cause,and lsnder may at any ttme and withau4 cause appolnt a successor � -""- 1='%��r�)",`;1'.;:—
<br /> l�;' or substitute Trustee.Trusteo shall not be liable to any party,including wlthout Iimltation Leader,Borrower,Trustor or any purchaser of '�-`"�•�"`"""''�'.':'�• '�
<br /> " f` the Proyerty, far any loss or dsmage unloss due to rackless or willful misconduct, and shall not be re uired to talco en action in ` i-s`''�'' —�
<br /> 4 Y ,.:. , ,�
<br /> connection wfth the en4orcement of this Deed ot Trust unless indomnified,in writing,for o!1 costs,compansation or e�cpe:�ses which mey ' i=''-
<br /> be assoeiated therewith.In additian,Trustee may become a purchaser et any sate of the Property(judlcial or undet tEO pawer ot eate - ' �
<br /> � granted here3nl;postpone the salo o!all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the Property as a whole,or ln separato � ' �.
<br /> pareels or lota at Trustae's discretion. � �
<br /> • 14.Fees and Expenaea.In the event Trustee solts the Property by exerciso of power of sale,Trustee s�a11 bs enthted to apply any sale _ � .
<br /> . `- proceeds first to payment of aIl costs and expenses of exorcising power of sate,including all Tmstoe's fees,and Lender's and Trustee's � _
<br /> ntt�mo�s fees,actually Incurred to extent permitted by appticaSte taw. In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any r;ht provlded by . —
<br /> . la►v to cure nn Event of Default, Lender shalt be entitted to recovet from Trustor alI costa and expe�ses 2ctvally ine�r.e0 as a result of . {'°°'�
<br /> Trustot's default,including without limitation alt Trustee's and attorney's feea,to the extent permltted by z�pficablo Iaw. '
<br /> 16.Cuturo Advancoa.Upon request of Borrawer,Lender may,at its option,make additional and future advances and roadvances to •
<br /> Bortower.Sucfi advanees a�d readvances,wiih interest thereon,shall bo secured by thls Oeed of Trust.AY no Ume shall tha pNnclpal � _
<br /> : amount of tho indebtedness seeured by this Oeed of Trust,not including sums advanced to protect c�a soeurFty of this Doed of Trust, ---
<br /> � excoed the orlginal princlpal amouni stated hereln,or 8 sio,000.oo .whict�-:er es greaier. � -� � ^�
<br /> ( • . !
<br /> E � �
<br /> = --=-_,-:__- -_ ,�.�.
<br /> . j � :
<br /> ti3C34570 INOnOgrltvltu�N DoeQl Rev.895 '' �� , " �.---�-�
<br /> � 7989 Natlonal Bank ot Canmeree Trust anG Sav�np�0.;sociaUOn,Uneofn,NeDrasM , � _ . . • °-
<br /> � ..�..__�• .. . .__ ^ —_•_ • _- __ -- _ _.... - .. . .. _- �•� ' .�+i '•-
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<br />