,. . . . . . . �
<br /> . , , . . . .
<br /> . _
<br /> . , . . . .
<br /> . . . . . ...i. ' .�..���y . • __.._._a____. ..�,__\. --.."_c .<. ' . .. . .._.".._._�--___.�..._..__ . ' �[L.-'[t.-:
<br /> �.__�_'_�_'.`. - __-._,�,. _...... . .4. . .. .- `' -. . . 'r: .
<br />`'� `. . � , . ( � .;'.ti-v .._".
<br /> � ..�;i.c..:c_ e��.
<br /> I 8orrower may cure such e deiautt snd re�nstate. as provided in paragraph t8, Oy caustng the action or proceeding to be , � �`�
<br /> � dismSssed wdh a ru!ing that, in Lender s good taith detertninaUon, preGudes toAeRure of the Borrower s interest in the Property or '. ``_., � � ���
<br /> other material impairtnerit ot the tien aeated by th(s Sewrity Iestrumant or Lender's secu�ity interest Bonower 3ha11 also be in •
<br /> defuui?�f 8crtowes,during the loan apQGeation proeess,gave materialty}nise or inaccurate intarmation or statements to lender lor ; ''
<br />'.e - . , •';��=
<br /> fai!ed to {rrovida Lend�r wdi� eny matedat iniom�allon) In eonnection wtth the loan evidenced by tha Nota. �nctudng. but not� . _ --
<br /> iirriled to. represenlaUons eoncemksg Borroweis occupancy ot tho Property os a p�ncipal residence I1 this Secunty� . _�:.• _ -m"—
<br /> InsUument is on a teasehotd. BoRawer shnll compty vrUh ail the provisions ot the Iease 8 8onower acquvos tee tit!e to the 8 '� �`` � �:r
<br /> PropeRy.the Ieasehotd and the(ee title shall not merge urttess Lender agrees to the merger�n writing �� _ '� �'
<br /> Mi A �n ile► n o ►�. n_ - - ---_- '`T�..�
<br /> _- �. ��g�_� � w�__!'9 p,���g �tt t�„ l�.,.¢�fi�. it 3sxr�:r. oda to Fatiortn the covenan[s and agreemrnis�j -�4 ' - _ : �
<br /> contained in this Securityr InsUument or there ts a tegal proceeding that may sign'rftcantly attect Lender's rfghts in the PropeRy� ,. '��,�_�,�
<br /> (such as e proceeding in banktupicy.probate. tor condemnatlon or forterture or to entorce taws or regu!ations). then Lender may : �r.:i__� :;:_
<br /> . do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property end LEndEr's rights in the Property. Lender's actions� (�•j•r-��
<br /> may i�dude paying aroy sums secured by a lien which has priority over tt�is Security Instrument, appearing in co�rt. paying `'�, t,.`."'_-�
<br /> reasonabfe attameys'tees and entering on the Property to meke repairs. Although Lender may ta'ce action under this paragrapfi� ___�,�•.'-�
<br />' , 7.Lender does not h3ve to do so. � �- a��^-
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by lender under paragrapt� 7 shall become addihonai debt of Bonower secured by th�s Securrty �� ��;;:��' �•--
<br /> • Instrument. Untess Bortower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment. these amounts shall bear mterest hom the date ot �s-
<br /> disbursement ai the Note rate and shall be payable. wfth interest. upon notice from Lender to Bonower requesUng payment. . . ��,�_ �
<br /> 8. MOl't�pag6 i11SUT3tIC@_ 0 Lender required mortgage insutante as a conditian o1 malting the loan secured by thts ,, �"_-
<br /> Securfty Instrument Bortower shall pay the premiums reqwred to maintain the mortgage insurance in eNect. It,for any reasnn,the �t %;�•'`
<br /> ��—� .�
<br /> ••-�r-�r+��e�.:_. -
<br /> mortgage insurence coverage required by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to � :__s -
<br /> � ` obtain covwage substaatlalty equivatent to the moRgage(nsurance prevtousty in e(fect, at a cost substantiaily equivalent to the -
<br /> st
<br /> --.j4�s�f'J�'——
<br /> cost to 8orrower of the mortgage insurance previousty fn eifetK. from an eltemate moRgage insurer approvetl by Lender. If • �'=��_,- - �=�_
<br /> substantiafly equivatent mortgage insurance coveraga is not available. Borrower shaii pay to Lender eaeh month a sum equal to x: °- •-
<br /> onedwelfth ot the yeariy mortgage insuran�ea premium being pald by Bortower wfien the tnsurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �.,g.,,�r �,,;j;,,_ �
<br /> . be in eHec1. Lender wiil accept, use artd reffitn these payrnents as a toa,.s reserve in lieu ot mortgage insurance. Loss reserve ,: ..,.. . .G�L:'��'�"
<br /> payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender.H mortgege insurance coverage pn the amount and for the perlod •. ,� �°,,,.�:��;,=___
<br /> that Lender requires) provfded by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is abtefied. Borrovrer shail pay '. _.��,;���•�
<br /> tfie premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect. or to pmvi�e a toss reserve,until the requitanent tor mortgage ��:,��.�°�'
<br /> ' insurance ends in accordance with erry written acyeement betvreen Borrovrer and Lender or appGcable law. �°•,,:,;'�; �'
<br /> 9. 1�18peC4i071. Lender or its agent may make reasonabie entrtes upan and inspections oi the Property. Lender shall give �=��-�• .':
<br /> �= ='�;
<br /> Bortower noUce at the time of or prtor to an?nspectlon specitying reasonable puse for the inspecUon. -. --:
<br />' '; 10. Condem�atton.The proceeds o}any award or dalm tor damages, direct or consequential, in connecUon wtth arry + � � - -_
<br /> condemnaUon or other taldng of any part of the PropeRy, ar for comeyance in lieu ot condemnaUon. are hereby assigned and ��� ' '}���'j
<br /> shall be paid to Lender. '`
<br /> In the ever►t of a total teidng of the Property, the proceeds shali be applied to the sums secured by this Securfty �,� •�
<br /> • InsUumen�whether or not then due,with any excess paid to 8artower. In the event of a partial taktng ot the Property tn whlch '.� - -
<br /> , the fair market vaue of the Properiy Immedtate�y before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured • � �-
<br /> by this Securiry instrument immedately before the taldng, ur:,ess Bortower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums ' !_`'i. �
<br /> secured by th(s Securiry Inst�urne�►t shait be reduced by the zr�unt of the proceeds mulUplied by the tollowing tradion: (a)the ,� ;. �
<br /> total emount ot the sums secured irnmediatety betore the taking. dv[ded by (b)the fair market value of the Property immediatety ' 'Y�',
<br /> betore the taking.My tralance shall be paid to Borrower. tn the event of a partlal taking o}the Properiy in which the falr markei ' • ' ��
<br /> vatue of the PrflpeRy imrrediate:y before the taking is less th2n the amount ot the sums secured tmmediatery betore tha talcing, ; �
<br /> unFess Bortower and Lender oLhenvlse agree in wrfting or u�slass appiicable law othemss provides, the proceeds sh�ll be ' 's y:;N.�� �Y.,�j{:;
<br />:':'�j � app!iad to the sums secured by:his Securiry instrument whet`�e-ar not the sums are iher► �.va •..�;�{;��, ', ��
<br /> � ! It the Pro e is abandorted b Borrower,or N, after noUca by Lend��o Borrovrer that the condemnor ofters to m�'ce an ��.t.�' .-�• ;�'i�,
<br /> A nY Y ��{'lia:2��:='
<br /> � award or settte a claim for damages, Bortower Iaiis to respond to Len�r uT.htn 30 days after the ci3ta the notice is given, ��;i,�;��:,�{ -
<br /> �;� Lender is authorized to coilect and appty the proeeeds, at its opUon, eRr°r to restoraUon or repair of tfl2 FrapeRy or to the ;;'•''
<br /> � � sums secured by this Searity Insbument,whether or not then due. ��'"'�`�
<br /> Untess Lender and 8orrower otherwise agea in viriting, any app�icaUon of procezr3� to prtncipai shafl nat �ciznd or '•*. -��
<br /> ' postpone the due date of the�rrthy payments referred to in parag►aphs 1 and 2 or chru�g�the amount of such payments. �;(��',.: n'` �
<br /> :.^'r� v� ••;�fr .•;__.';,"
<br /> 11. Borrower Nat Rc7aased; Forbearance Lender Not a Waiver.Extensbn of the ttme for payment or ��s��. *�-r-�•- , _
<br /> � - modi�catton o? amortlzafion ot the sums secured by this 3e� insbumen!granted by Lender to any successor In Interest of •'�'!�c,�;�;,..�, ;'�,- �-
<br /> ± Bottower shafl not o�erate to release the IiaOfAty of the oflginal Borrower or Bortower's successors in interest. Lender shall not � �;r�;�:;��._;;;����
<br /> � ba vequised to commence proo:edings agafist any suceessar in interest or retuse to extend Ume for payment or oth�rvrise r`�`�
<br /> • �:,I/.n�a�#��•�,------�:r'
<br /> ` enofJ;y emortixr.ilan of the sn..as secured by this Security In�une� by reason of any dernand made by the odginal Borrcwzr ar �°�`�t;�'°`��,:"
<br />' �'? �or,awePs succ2ssors in inZa�3t. My fo�bearence by LeasaT in exercising any right o:remedy shall not be a waivar of or ��r;�'����-`""" w
<br /> fi f�G�j'��vi�.,��-` ...:r:. •:��
<br /> � y preciude the e7<era'se of any dght or remedy. � . F(<�`• -�• '
<br /> ` �, 12. Su��sors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severel Uabllity; Co-signers. me covenants and a ` ��-.�.; '=�",'?`. .�..
<br /> r,:r";�i�,;.-�.�::
<br /> { agreements o1 R�+is Securiry Instrument sheil bind and benefit the sueeessors and asslgrts of Lender and�oaower,subject to the - , __ !��;��,�¢y�
<br />' provisions of paragraph 17. Bc�ower's covenants and aa„r�:^ents shail be Jo(nt and severat. Any 8orrower who caslgns this •°-- ---�r=:
<br /> • ' � � `� ;� r..•._..
<br /> `" Ss�urfry Instrument bui does r.�?execute the Note: (a)is :ssigNng thls Secudty Instrument onfy to mort}age, �ant and�:�vey ��__':.�....
<br /> � 4h�i Borrowei's Irtterest in the Property under tfie terms��;n�s Security Instrumeni: (b) is noi personaiy obliga2ed to pay the ��"� � '��T'°�°�
<br /> � suas secured isy this Security InsWmnnt; .u'•� (c)agzess that Lender and any other Bortower may a�e to extend, modity. '����r�4�.�
<br /> - forbaar or mako any accammodatlans vrith ra��-� to the tetms of this Security Instrument or the Note w3hout that 8orrower's �=�
<br /> wnsent. _ �:�:. -:�,'_
<br /> F 13. Loan Charges. Ii the loan secnred by this S�curiry Instrument is subjed to a law which sets maximum Iosn - �-• � •
<br /> • �..�._,_.._�,_._:. ,�..
<br /> `� chtu es, and that Iaw Is flnai in reted so that the intere�t or other loan chatges collected or to be collected in connectton �•�' ?�'r��'�-•
<br /> F 9 N �v .:
<br /> . wfth the loan exceed the pertnftted Gmits.then: (a) any such loan charge shall ba reduced by the amount necessary to reduce ,.," � :�
<br /> �� the Charge to the permitted Iimit; and @) a�y sums already coilected trom Bartower which exceeded parm[tted iimits wifl be :•=��a�-r:: •
<br /> �qm.
<br /> retunded to Banower. Lender may choose.� :ru:as this retund by reduan�tho pdncipal owed under the Note or by making a r �• ` .��;;�.
<br /> f, direct payment to Bortower. 11 a reiund red�ass pdno',.�:.the reducUon r.iil be treated as a partl�J p:�payment vrithout any - . ,3;�. �..:.:.
<br /> pregayment charge under the Note. -'���'�'�
<br /> 14. Naiiees.Any noUce to Bortower provided"r��'.`=s Secu�iry InsUument shatl���,'ven by deihredng it or by maiUng ft "`•':"r.""''�'"" �='-__
<br /> ,�'�, a::. -_ . —
<br /> . By f�s-t ctass mal unless appliqblo Iaw requk�s use of�^o:ser method. The notice shall be d'uectad to the Property Address �':�f�;�;!�•;'-� �' e
<br /> or any othEr c�'✓:ress Borrower designates by rtoUce to Lende►. My n�2ce to Lender shatl be give:i by tirst class mail to •� �`�'�� ` �
<br /> Lender's address stated hereln or any other a��ress Lertder designates by noUce to Borrower. My nc=��e provided for in this ., . . �`�'�'`"��
<br /> _ . � ;�:�'�z•
<br /> 3ecurity InsVument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this pamgraph. ,
<br /> 15. �overMng Law; Severabflity. Th{s Security Instrument shail be govemed by tederal law and the law of the �
<br /> jurisdiction in which the PropeRy is located. In lhe event ihet any provision or ciause of this Securiry tnsVUment or the Note . � . . � —
<br /> conflicts with applicable law. such con4icl shall not atfect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be . ' , �
<br /> given eNect without the conflicting provlslon. To this end the provisi�ns o(ihis Securfly Inslrument and the Note are declared to ,• .
<br /> be severable. � � �
<br /> , ��-
<br /> 16. BOT�Ow9►'9 COpy. Bortower shall be given one confortned copy o!the Note and of this Securityr Inshument. -
<br /> • �'
<br /> F13t6.LM.0(iH71 F�q�• J oi S �� - ' • � ��ii
<br />. . � . . _ -�.-
<br /> .__ _ ___'— ___.._..._ .�._: --�.
<br /> . - I 1 .. .-. , r —
<br /> . i 9rr.oa � • . ' : ' 4�"`
<br /> I '.__ . . • '
<br /> .. � . ' • , �..•' •�� . ' •+ .. t - ' . . t� . .. . ' : .Si � . , .. . . . ,
<br /> , ' �. ' . . ` : y � . , .- _ ,: ' " ,.. : . � • _. . . . . ' ., .. . ,
<br /> � . . • .. , . . . _ . .. � .. - _ •• . . .... . , . • .. . ._ 'el_ .. � . . _ . � . . . _ . . . � .. .
<br />