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' ' 6• ��. ' ` . . C' .. � ' . _ .. " :.t�: . .-... ..,l,a. . .... � - ' � a . �. �� ._. . _a'•S'� . 4 .. . �' —__ <br /> .�4._�.�_�.�.....- . _ . . .... .. v._.. . . . . ._._.. <br /> l � � .� �. . n. . ' <br /> � � TOGETHER WITH all the improvements nour or hereafter erected on the p�pperiy. and all easements, appuRenances, and ` •� <br /> � fuctures now or Aereafter e part of the property. All replacements and additions shaii also be eovered by this Sewrity Instrument. . , • � ,' �' -- <br /> � AO of the foregoing is referred to in this Searfry InsWment as the'Property.' � .`. - . -- <br /> 80RROWER COVENdNTS that Borrower is Iawtuily se¢ed of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and � <br /> .`� convey the PropeRy and that the Property is unEnwmbered, except for encumbrsnces of record. Borrower warrants and will — _ <br /> detend aeneraltV the title to the Proaerty aeainst aU�Jaims and demands. subject to any encumbrances of record. (� _ Y��= <br /> � TIi1S SECURffY INSTAUMENT combines unUorm covenants tor national use and non-unitortn covenarts with limited� ` ' � � •- - -, ° <br /> � vadatlons by jurisdiction to constitute a unitortn seadry inshument covering reai properry. ' � ,�_ ' +.,.� <br /> UNIFORb� COVENANT3. Borrower and Ler+der covenant and agree as foUows: °��.;.. <br /> • R j �. payment af Principai aa�d ime.nnM T:sMSy�r.'+a:a:w.� :r"'�^o ri4t3i'L,�'°..5. 9C.r+t:Bt gh94 r^�^._.�t+rftv�.9y Y�hr+n—�� c_�._z�=_' �tr.��__�. - -- <br /> due the pr(napal 01 and fnterest on the debt evidenced by the Note end any prepayment and late cfiarges due under the Note. Q '' '��-�y�,. <br /> � 2. Funds for Taxea an� Insurance.Subject to appGcahie law or to a written waiver by Lender. 8ortower shall pay� < <br /> to Lendar on the day monthly payments ere due under the Note, unU!the Note is �aaid in full. a sum ("Funds')for (a) yea,t,rse , <br /> , i taxes and assessments which may attain pdarity over this Security InsVument as a Gsn on :fie Property: (b) yearty leasehol^ds� _� , - ,;�. <br /> - payments or ground rents on the Property.H any. (c) yearty hazard or praperiy insurance premiums: (� yearly tlood insurance�y _J, .�__= `�_ <br />� �, � premiums. it any.(e) yearty mortg�ge insurance premiums.if any:and(�any sums payable by$orrower to Lender in accorcfance �...= : ~� �- <br /> ; wiih lhe provisions ot para�aph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage irtsurance premwms. These Rems are cailed 'Escrow � • . '� —'� <br /> ,.._{ �_ ..__,— <br /> Items.' Lender may. at arry time, collect and hold �unds in an smount not to exceed the mawmum amount a lender!or a ti.;•�.�...��:;�:--i <br /> •_r-. <br /> 4 federaly related mortgage toan may require for Bortower's esaovr account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures �,;?�,,..:_._.�__� <br /> Ad of 1974 as amended from time to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ('AESPA'), uniess another Iaw that lies to the Funds "�,"��';� - <br /> apP _`"-��'-�__-�=�-^-. �. <br /> . sets a tesser amount. If so. Lender may,at any Ume, collect and hoid Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount '`"`�"'"`�" <br /> • Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the 6asic ot wrrent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures o}tuture ��:� _ <br /> � �� <br /> � Escrow Items or othemise m accordance with appGcable Iaw. ��� _ <br /> . -�°`�'f;.:;;�`t <br /> �,,.,...-.�.=,. <br /> . H'�c y <br /> The Funds shali be held in an tnsuiution wtiase deposi4s are insured by a federal agency,instrumental��ty, or entity Cncluding �� �r��=,�er .. <br /> Lender. it Lender is such an fnsti2uHon) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank Lender sha11 the Funds to pay me Escrow ��" -.'<.r�•�-'� +.. <br /> aAP�Y .,.��, t;,., <br /> Items. Lender may not charge Borrower tor holding and apptying the Funds, annuaity anatyzing the escrow accoun� or vetirying �.�,_�-�-�==�'`-=,�.,"„es' .'' <br /> ' the Escxow Rems, unless Lendar pays Bortower interest on the Funds and app6rable law pertnits lender to make such a <br /> � charge. Howevet. Lender may requ've Borrower to pay a on�time charge for an independent real estate tax reportlng service � '�__.__ --- <br /> ` � used by Lender in connectfon wfth tfiis loan. uNess applicable Iaw prov(des otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or ?�'�• - - � <br /> . ��m.�Q <br /> app6eable iaw requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be requhed W pay 8o�vrer any interest or eamings on tha funds. �� �,;,,:,��:_ <br /> Borrower and Lender may aqree in writing, however. that interest sha}1 tra paid on lhe Funds. ��.der shall gNe to Borrotver. _ ,;:''�';',r' ,Y y <br /> � without charg� an ennual account(ng of the Funds. showing credits arid debits to the Funds ar�x'<:r�purpose for which eac!! �� ,�';•�� ,�_- <br /> -��•��. debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securityr for all sums secured��ae Securtly I�strumEnt . " <br /> y;�:��:3�;:.:�.1: <br /> - If tfie Funds heJd by Lender exc2ed lhe amouMs permitted to be hetd by applicable law, Lend�sfiall acca:sr�:'t Yo Bormwer fn�-�,�. ,.�-�� <br /> for the excess Punds in ae:cordanee with the r irements of !icable law. if the amount of the Fuads held by f�e_�der at any ""�'f� � ' ='=-`"' <br /> �N aPP � `'�F---?. ,",;,, .__:=_-. <br /> � shaU,pay 4Q�e dertthe amo nt�aoce sairy to make uu the deficie ay S 8onowe►shallemake u the deflciency n(no o e tl�a . ,J . . �}'�t�f�:S°.'���� <br /> ! P cY• P •.:°''�:i° ,�:.�). <br /> �' '{� twehe mo:iLl,y Lender's sote dsueUon. � ,,.; ., -'� ' <br /> Upon payment in tu9 01 ali sums secured by this Sewriry Instrument, Lender sha� promptty refund to Borc¢tirom any Funds �y � `�% <br /> � hetd by Lender. It, under paragraph 2'I. Lender shall a ulre or sell the Property, Lender.prior to tha a uisitimo¢rr sale ot the ''�wr.�t . ���'�� , <br /> cq �{ F r,t• .� ., _ , t��,;. , <br /> Praperty, shall appty any Funds held by Lender at the tlme of acquisi�on or sate as a credit agalnst the sums s��ured by this '+�/+•=ar tk:: �'�-- <br /> � <br /> Secu Insbucrent � <br /> L; ►� �.�-'�:"-. <br /> %:';i:�: 3. Applicatimn o4 Payments. Untess applicabte Iaw provides otherwlse, ail paymuY:s •�celved by Lender under .:�,•',.=T: <br /> �`:N� P PP YP P Ym 9 •;;,.;'; . � � �.,; <br /> �f ner� aragraphs 1 end 2 shall be a lied: � an re a ent chaz es due under the Note: seccn�.a ama�:ats payabie under '��;i:< �,".: <br /> _�r�., � �' r-,... <br /> '• .� paragiaph 2:thtrd,to lnterest due:to�-�'.d 2o prindpai d�se:and las� any late charges due under n:a Na[e. �y �;,; .-y�•;V y',rrt;'�. .,,;; <br /> 9 a I�. <br /> �` 4. Charges; L.3eeas. Borrower shal! pay ait t3xes, assessments, charges. fines arid imposit(ons �.Ti,,,rtable to the ���F•, '�!�.:;;;�+��!;•' � <br />� ���•�'• Property wh(cfi may�ai- �iorily over tl�is Securityr ns�umen�and leasehold paymeMS or ground rents,it any. Bortower shall , 'M � •`ity�. .. =`-' <br /> .',_;.�,�- � <br /> ,:.Y� pay ihese obligations i:� r.:e manner ,rrnvided fi paragraph 2, or it not pald In that manner. Borrov�er shali pay them on Ume '.• •;�j'�:.;- . • ' <br /> -�.,r�.., t., <br />,.,��,� drecUy to the person owed payment. G�rtower sha{I promptiy tumish to Lender aJi notices of amounts to be paid ursder this _ ��p,:,�1 � � r, <br /> '`•fx� paragmph. ii Borrower makes these payments directty. Borrower shall premptly tumish to lor.der receipts evidenc(ng the �; ��% f�i;�, _..-- � <br /> :,i� ,.::��ti.���i:''�;�i_. <br /> paymerrts. , .�., r:r�•,•::rs•,.._.-_ <br /> • Borrower shalf pmmptly dischazge any Ilen which has pdority over this Securfry In s b umen t un iess Borrower. (a)agrees in i f:�"� �. :�'�,l�°;�.. '. .• :. <br /> /!'�1' �t,ff,r,:,,.-.:�-z-.-' <br /> : `; wdting to the paymeM oi the obtigation secured by liie Iten fn a manner a�ceptahta to Lendrx; (b) contesis in good tstth the F.;•r.._..!.`.�„��;�; :.._.:_.-.. <br />' ` lien by, ot detends agalnst enforcement of the I(en tn, legal proceeding� whtcb in the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the '•�y-�.,. � �� . <br />_,��,�,;,. . .. <br /> ;���y�a, eniorcement oi the lien; or(o) secures irom the holder af the lien an agreement satistactory to lr�,dar subordinating the ken to �.Y l�,'�, ...��.�-`" <br /> "l'` this Secwity tnstrument If Lender determines that any paA of the Properly is subject to a Iten n�o�;r may attaln prlority over this '_��,+''�y r� ;: <br /> S ec u lnstrumen t, Lender ma Ive Borrower a noUce ide n the Ilr_n.Bortower shall saUsty�,p L'en or take one or more of - =�t'`�� � <br /> �1Y Y s �+�M 9 � .'•�:�_'�'__ <br /> • the actlons set iorth ebove within 10 days oi the gtvE�r�1 notice. ` _,,, -- . <br /> 5. H�ard ot Pr0�0tty (nSUrdRCe.8orrcwer shail keep tha improvements now existtng or hereafter erected on the -°_ _ <br /> =:3aS'-�"_ <br /> Property insured agalnst loss by Ere, hazards inciuded withln the tertn 'extended wverage' and any other hazards. includ'mg ' ra�--=� <br /> .; 4uods or 400datg,for whtch Lender requfres insurance. This insurance shaU be malntalned in the amounts end tor the peHods <br /> � that Lender requtres. The insurance carrier provlEing the insurance sha1l be chosen by Borrower subject to Lenders approval '` ' <br /> wAtch shall no1 be unreasonably wfthheid. H Bortower fails to matntain coverage described above, Lender may, at Lenders '��� ���--- <br /> a•, <br /> optlon,obtein coverage to protect Lender's dghts in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. �°•�:,_- <br /> , AO insurance po;i�•� and renewafs sha0 be acceptahte to Lender end shall include a standard mortgage ctause. Lender — ..��ra� —�_— <br /> shell have the dght to i;r.i��the policies and renewals. It Lender requlres,Borrower shall prompUy give to lender all recelpts ot ;__;:..,,�. <br /> paid pre.-r�s and re�r�,vr�f noUces. In the event of loss, 8orrower shall give prompt noUce to the insurance certler end Lender. f� : <br /> . ��L�y��� — <br /> Lender�sr�A:nake proof of loss ii not made promptty by Borrower. ,o�=•»!:;.'� <br /> • Unte�s Lender and Borrower othenvlse agree in wdting, insuranee praceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the -�°°�'.'^�'�'����;��' • � <br /> . Property d�maged, it thv restoration or repa(r Is ewnomically feasible and Lender's security is not Iessened. H the restoratlon or j� �i'�`�"��,:- <br /> • t repair is not economlcalry feasibte or Lender's secudry woutd be lee,sened,the insurance pror,eeds shali be app0ed to the sums ' � <br /> --�w'-i��.:.�. <br /> • secured by this Securtty InsVument, whether or not then due, with any excesu paid to 8orrowe►. If Bonower abandons the �• ' '• <br /> : � :—. <br /> �:::,. Property. or does not answer with:n 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance car►ier has oifered to seflle a ciaim, then I �'�P�!4:.:�=.y <br /> "t',=�� Lender mxy collect the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restoro the Property or to pay sums ��'�.f•d�`�;;a,;..,,.�,. <br /> '����•`�`y securea b�this Securriy Instrument,whether o�not then due. The SO-day pedod wii!hegin whEn�,'a noUce is ghten. • '^����'�-•'••� <br /> �,�;,:;•,� .�,. .w:t�. . <br /> ;�s;r. Unless Lender and Bonovier otherwise agtee In wdUng, any applicaUon o! proceeds to p�:ncipal shail not e�dend or - - - _-- <br /> �'"�"' postpone iho due date ot the monthiy payments referred to in paragrapha 1 end 2 or change the amount o1 the payments. If ,,� �. ' �,��_� ;;.. <br /> � undar paragrayh 21 the Property is acqulred by Lender. Borrower's ttght to eny�r��:rance pc!icles and proceeds resuitlng from •��� � ' ���=i <br />�+,%�;;; demage Co the Properiy pdor to the acquisRion shall pass to Lender to the e�Ert c� L�� sur.s by this Securiry Instrument . • � <br />�,:,'�,;,+ tmmedu�c�f pdor to the acqutsition. � . i- <br /> 6. ��cupancy, Presenrab:mro, Maintenance artd i�c�tection mf tha ��tty; Borro�+ror's Loan � . �_:- <br /> Applieatton; Le8S8hOld9. Borrower shatl oaupy, estabtish, Er.d use the PrcFerty as 8o-rc•�Ners principai residence within . . <br /> sixly days aftet the execuUon of this Security Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy the PropaRy as Bortower's prindpal �� <br /> ' residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy. untess Lender othenvse agrees in writing. which consent shall not � � � � � <br /> ' be unreasonably wfthheld,or unless extenuaUng circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bortower shall not . — <br /> ' desVoy. darnage or impair the Property, allow the Properly to deteriorate, or commit waste on tho Property. Borrower shall be in � ___ <br /> detauft 8 any todeiture action or proceeding. whether civil or cdminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could resul2 •_ <br /> in torfeiture oi the Properiy or othervrise materially Impair the lien created by this Seturity Instrument or Lender's securiry i�terest. . — <br /> - � Ft3i6.�MG f�J971 Pa9!'2 ui 5 � ]_�� . � .. �, Y.-�•' <br /> .. � . . <br />_ _. --- 97W4 i--..----- -;- � <br /> �1 . . <br /> - ---•—' - .. ' . -. .—Ir.".;-- . , ....� - .. �,�. . • - . . _ .. . .. . . -t ' _ 1 '+_ . _ _ �� ., <br /> , ' • . • - _ ' . ' • • . ;i � .. �i.. ..i . � . ' � . . . <br /> . . . ... . . _�i . , t _ . .. . . • ... �-� , , ''�` .. .' .` . .... . • . . . .. •• .f�� •` ` ._. .. . . �,�� , . .•�'•- . � ' .. <br />