� • - ' -'�� � _ . � i� , :. . ._ "i3•i,�..,e:.K'�: ... . — ^' ,... '. .�. _ _ ' ..�:as��c,. , .. . _t:..�__..�...._.:�: ' -
<br /> ---'--�--'"""""_......_._.v___-__ .. . . ._�. . ... �s'` ., �r., `. ,ti'`.. ,1+ ���r"�.
<br /> � 'e �� ��V��✓ ' . . ' - ��.
<br /> •TAXES ANO ASSESSSAEHTS. M.artgagar shalt pay all taxes and assessme�S ositf�t�lenOer e��month or.a-tvreftth (�i!21 cf the dest matsd �.,: c. •} . . ' : -
<br /> 1S. �.•,...
<br /> evidenco of payment ot s9me. Upon the request of lende�.Mortgagor shall dep ,,.
<br /> annual insuranee Promium.taxes and esssssments portaining to the Property. ��eVe^or a��li��e a r shat i have tha i ght at�its s�ole�optlan�to � • �-�
<br /> � payment oT taxes.sssessments and insuranee as requlrod an tt�o PTOperry � - - - -
<br /> - `� appty th�tunds so held to pay eny ta�ce�or against the Ohligations. My lunds applied may.at LendePs optian.tre eppticrd in raverso ord�r of the �` ` , ^��-
<br /> � due�ats t�ereof. , � �"`t�
<br /> ��:i �g_ �i3SpECYiAN OF PitOP�.BQ�KS.aEC0A5S!WD REPOATS. Mortgagor shall al9 w Lendet ar its hom time to m�e. Mortgagor s�� � . : � _ _
<br /> pro perty and examine,inspect end make�p�es of M�ortgagor's books and recortls portainin to the Fraperty 8 0�e bookn and records '> ---; � ='
<br /> • provide any assistance required by Londer for these purposss. A l l ot the si gnatures and intorma4ion coniained in MoRg g
<br /> • shall be gonuine.true.accurate aa�d�onall�Mcrtr�apor�shallr eport�in a o'rm sat�'stactory t L.ender.�such ntormaUOn as Lend may�aq est � „� _
<br />� recards pertal�ing to the Properly. y� g g rne mformatlon shali Ge for such periAds.ehatl refisct Mortgagor's reoards at such Ume. , . .
<br /> . regarding Mort9agor s finanaal condition or tha PropeRy. . . - .
<br /> and shall be rendered wit�s�+ch hequency as Lender may designate. All information furnished by Mar�gagor to Lender shall be true.aCCUrate and
<br /> '._I comp(ete in a!1 respects.and signed by Mortgagor if Lender requests. .
<br /> 17. �$YOPA�1.CERT{FICAT�S. Within ten(10)days afte�any request by Lender.Mortgagor sha118e1�e�dm �balance oo Me Obl 8 U ns: - y-_ - - .. - .�_
<br /> Lender s dghta with respact to the Obligations.a signsd and adcnov�ledged statemeni epsutYfa9: (! 9 , �
<br /> �d(p�y,m�er Mortgagor possesses any daims.dater�ses.set�otfs or courrterGaims Hnth respect to tha Obiigations and.i1 so.the nature ot such
<br /> claims,detenses.set-offs or counterclaima Mortgagor will bs condusivety bound Dy any represantRtion that Lende�may meRe to the intended � r
<br /> transferse with respectto these matters in the event that Mortgagor tails to pravide ihe requssted statement in a timety manner. , �
<br /> 18.DEFAl1LT.MoRgagor shell be in defautt undet this Mortgage in the event that Mortgagor,Bottower or eny guarantor of the Obligation: ; _ _ : �,,,
<br /> (a) fails to pay any Obllgatlan to Lendar when due: ` . . . . --
<br /> �p� }eils tp pedorm any Obligauun or�reaG'�es any wartanty or covenant w Lender contained in this Mortgage or any other prassnt or future ,
<br /> a roemenx
<br /> (c� destroys,toses ar damages the Praperty in any material respect cr subjects the P�aperty to seinue.conTiscation,or eondemnation; ,�:.=-+.�-.
<br /> (d) 58eks to revoke,te�minata or otRa'r�ise Ismit its habil'rty under ar}�aaranty to Lender or any individual guarantor dies: . _.._ .�
<br /> (e) dles,becom�s tegalty incampeter.:,is dissolved ar tertn3nated.L,-ecomes insotvenx makes an ass�9nment�f�o�rn e�bti�k�ui uefi,Q n which `� - -
<br /> . pay tlepts as they beeome dus,fites a petition under the tederaf L-ankruplcy Iaws, has an invotuntary P P�Y .�.,����
<br /> Martgagor.Borrower or any guarantor is nemsd.or has properry�cen under any vmt or process o4 courk �.�.y--= _
<br /> .. (f) allows goods te t�used,VansDoTted a stored on the Property.tne possession.transportation.or use of which.is illegal� _ `�.�:__
<br /> (y�at�owy any party c4her than Mortgagor or Borrower to assume ar�:ndertake any Obligatien without the written consent of Lender,ar � .:;,;:� ;
<br />. (hj causes L en der fi deem itseH insecure due to a significant dedlne in the valua ot tfie Prape+tyr ot'rf Lender,in good faith,beliaves for any �--�...�
<br /> reason that ths prospect of payment or pertomiance is Impaired. . �. •.�'�•'•'-_ "�
<br /> - 19. RtQHTS OF LF1iQ�OH O�AULT. If there is a defauft undet this Marcgage.Lender shail be entitled to exercise one or more of tha totlowing ��_����_-
<br /> remedies wi t ho u t n o t i c e e r d s m a n d(e x c a p t a s t e q u i re d o y l a w j: � �� �:*�- —
<br /> .. �'� ���--
<br /> (a)to dedare tha�:�gations immediatety due and payable in tult; ��r
<br /> �� � (b)to collea the oL�anding Obligations wi�h ar without resordng Lo judicfa!process: ----.-'�'�.-
<br /> (c� to require Mortgagor to detiver and make avaiabte to lsnder any personal ProPertY or Chattels cons5wting the Progerty at a placa . �?:4�-__�,.1
<br /> ceasro�bty eonvenient w Mortgage:an d L e n der,
<br /> (c9D to onter upon and tuce possess:rrn af the Property without applYing for or obtalNng the appofMment ot a receiver and,at Lender's optfon.to ;;�1.� �-;'��;•
<br /> .. a�;m a receiver wilhout bond v,it'aa..�t first bringing surt on ttie�bligations and without otherwlse meoUng any statutory conQiUans regarding .'t• :.:��
<br /> rece;vars,it being c.�:z:ided that Lenr1�:snatl have this contractua►right to appoirtt a receiver. ' ,._ � f_
<br /> (e) to emptoy a m�ana�fng agertt ot i*a Property+and tet�e�e,after payment}of s0 necessary dnar9es andrexapen�oe a�ocount of the •� •� � - � �,a;.
<br /> � :
<br /> incomes.issuss and p:ofits ot tT:e°:opariy and apph► .
<br /> OD'.:g3t3ons: "'" �' ;'
<br /> (f)t�pay any sums in any tom►a*'�'•s.T�er deemed expedient hy Lender to protect tAe security of this Mortgage or to cure any dafault other than _�,"'�
<br /> payment ot interest ot pdncipal on::�+a Ob1igaUonB; �,. �
<br />, . (g)to forectose this MoRgage: _k` �+
<br /> (h)to set-0ff Mortgagot's 061igations aqainst any amounts owed Mortgagor by Lender includin�.��=not limited to.monisa instruments,and y� .,,i-•;';;�
<br /> depa�it accounts mai�ined wdt►Lender or any CurtenUy existlng or tuwre affiliate of Lender:and �,•,..� . �S
<br />�� O to exerase all other rights avaitable to Lender under any other vrtitten agreemem or ayplicable law. ; �,
<br /> , Lender's rights are cumutative and may be exerased togElher,separately.and in any order. In tfie event that Lontlet institules a9n acti y seeking the • i r�.�yt 1�,. .�,�
<br />• recovery at anY of ths Properly by way of a pre�udgment remedy In an actlon against Mortgagor,Mortgagor waives the postin of an bond whlch �
<br /> � migAt otherwise bo roquired. Lender or Lender s des�gnee may purchasa the Progeny at any sata• TRo"mPertg or any part thersof may bs sofd In ' i� ::,
<br /> ons parcel.ar in such parcels,mannar or order as lender in its sote dlacc+aUon may eteci,and one or mac*3 exereises of tha power heratn pranted shall k��:;.,, �
<br /> nat exUnguisb or exhaust the power untess the entlre PropeRy la soln or the ObIlgaUonsaze pald In fi,B. - x:; •-
<br /> � 20. SECURtTY IH?EREST UNDER TME UNIFORM C01�f�tAERCiA1.CODE�rnts yor�q�ge shatl bs eonsldereAd a finan�'g�sffit�e'�enVterend fu N�a ��� i
<br /> filing pursuant to the provlsiona of the Uniform Commerciat G�de(as ado ed b tF.a�ate where the rea! ropeRy g ucturo .:�;
<br /> • ct►�ti�(s,and artides of personal property now owned or hereaftet attached to or to be used in connection v�i9h the Ptoyerty tosether vvlth any end et�
<br /> re�'astcnonts 8►ereof and additlans thereto(the'Chattets'l.end Mortgagor heroby grants Lender a scxudty Intecest in such Cfiattels. fio debtor is ; ��.�
<br /> the NWrtgagor desc�ihed above. The secured party Is tho Lender deacribad above. Upon demand.t��c�fiagor shall make,exeane and detiver such ��
<br /> socurityr agroements(es such term is deflned in eaid UnNorm Commsrclal Codo)as Lender at any L�ro�r.ay deem necessaty or prap�r or nqufn to _.,_�,�,,.
<br /> � �. grant to Lendar a pertacted sscurity intereslln the Chattels,and upon MuRgagor's faillre t�do so.Lmr��;sT is suthorize�to slQn any such a9resment x��---.,_ ,�
<br /> as the�gertt of Mortgagor. Mor�qagor hereby autAoriios Lender to file tinanGng st2�-�r-'s(as sur.t�tsrm�s detlned in eald UnNorm CommsrGal �r•_r� ..,�,, _=,�c.-.
<br /> �._:..,_:T��,e:_-'•.-
<br /> Code)w(tb respwt to 9he Chattel8,at any time,without the aignatuce of Mortgagor. d".ortgagor vdll,however,at any Ume upon�equast of Len�er, .�-;--�
<br /> slgn such flnanclng etatemer�t9. Mortsal9or will pay all flting teee tar the filinp of sucn flnanGng statements and tar tha rofiting theroaf at the Um�s
<br /> requlred,in the opinlon ot Lender,by sald Un�form Cemmerclal Coda. It tha Uen of this Mortpaps be subled to any�+rity apreement eovednp the - . , .,,y;.',��•
<br /> Chattats,then in Me evant o1 any detautt under thls fWortgage,ell tho rir�h�tiUe and Interest o!Mortgagor In and bs any and a0 of th�Chattsts is
<br /> .�.ti✓.-.�..'t'
<br /> � hereby assigned to Lender,toge�er with Me benefit of any depoafts or��ments nowor hereafter me���z�of�Y N�ert9agor or the predecesso�sor �••..��''';;;c?��--
<br /> successars in BUe o}Mortgagor in tAe P►operty. Y��
<br /> ,...�;.
<br /> 21. REIMBURSEWIEPIT OF AlIAOUHTS E7(PEHDEO flY LENDF.FI. LsnQer.at lsnder's opUon,may exFe�.d funds(nccCing attomeys tees and fegal 'r�"'`'•';:-::��`
<br /> expenses)to peAorm eny act requlred ta ba takon bY Mortyagor or W exerclse any dght or romeQy ot Lender under+8:s Mortgage. Upon damand. �:;
<br /> ' Mortgagor shafl ImmaSiately�elmburse Lender for si1 such amounta expended by Lender together wftt�1nteFast thereon at the lower of ths hignest ..
<br /> rata Gcxribad ln any Ob1iQaUon or tAe highest rate allowed hy law t�om the dato of aayment unUl the t',ate of reimbutsament. These sums shall tro �a,:;�
<br /> inctuG�M in tha deftnWon of ObIlgaUons hereln and shall bo seCUrod hy the beneflclal interest grantrat�ereln. if the Oblipatlons are pald atter 1Y.a „!''��
<br /> begir�ing of pubticaUon of noUce of sale,es hereln provlded,or In tho e.��nt Lender ahell,at its so1r���r�n,permlt Mortpaaor to pay any pert of thar .. , , . ,�..
<br /> Obtl(7ations after the beglnnlng of publication ot noUcA of sale,as hetolr,Qrovided,then.Mortgagor st�uiC pay on dnmand all expenses incutred by the ,.:�...�,k::,...�_,_�_-*�'{'
<br /> . Lendet in eanneotio�a�aaid Publicatlon.Includlnp reasonabte aKomays'feos to 1he attomeys fot ftte Lendet,and thla Mortgaye ahall be security ��,.
<br /> ' tor atl such expe����d feea � ' �•
<br /> � �, ADPLiCATI�H 4'i!F PAYIMENTB. All paymonta made by or on behalf ot M,c�;�gor may be applied against the amaunts pald by Lendea " -�- ' �Mt. _
<br /> pncl�dr.,�attorneys'fee�and legal expenses)In oonnectlon wHh tho e�.carolse o1���;�ts or remadles described in tAls Mortgage and then to U:e ,-�'r•.-�,.��, c..:
<br /> � pa;�;r,�v;t c��the remalnfng OblipaUorrs Zn whatever order Lender choosa3 ''a.•����_
<br /> 2�J. GOC�".:H OF KRORNEY. Mor�p.ryor hereby appalnts Lender as�t�attomey-in�taet to endortz i'�crtgagar's name on aIl inaVuments end other :}:;�:�. .._�,,, ,�..•-
<br /> " docurenZ�perta�mng ra the Obtigatrof+s or the MARgago. tn add(t1on.tender ena11 te enUtted.Ont r.ca requtred,to peAorm any aeUon or exacute anq ,,,��,.;:.,}`n;;�;�,,,•„••,�=
<br /> .s:;: . .
<br /> �a� document roquire0 tsti L^v taken or executed by Mortga�or under th:a Mortga�. +.ander's pertatmance of such action or execu4ion ot suc!= `r`i'•;�,=,_-= '-,''`."=: _,�—
<br /> ���'>'• ' documents shafl rtaY��[llom NbrtgAgor hom any Obl(gation or cure any defau.�t�.rrs��thts Mortgage. AII powers ot attomey described in�:�s . •s'
<br /> .' .t.rif.l � t -,.. :
<br /> , ±� Martr�age are coup:es�y��"�an Intorest and are irrevocable. , ,. .,
<br /> ` 2Q. �lOBROGATION OF!El�OE�. �Lender shall be suCrogated to th.�o r.ghts e4�Q irca�fler o4 an��revlous lien,securityr interest or encumbrer,� • �;.. �
<br /> � • discRarged wlth funCa advancad by"..�nder regardless of whethot thosa�i�r+s.secur:.0«:=+rosts or alliar eneumbranees have 6aen released of recard_ �';�� ,.;,�+�,'�--
<br /> '' 25, CQLI.ECTIOH COSTS. To tho c.Rent permitted by law.Mortgsgr;r agreea to pay lender's ce�.�•r-:�le fees and costs.inctuding.but no!limfted •"'` . , ��-:
<br /> to,fees and costs of attomeys and other agent8 pncluding without hmitaUon parategats.clerkc;:R�t consultantsl.ufiather or not such attomey ar t�,.i���: .
<br /> agent Is an empTuyee of Lendet,whloh are incurced by Londer In cottacUng any amcsr.t due or er.tarcing any�Igf�t or remedy under Nis Mortgage.
<br /> whether or not suit is brougM.inctudtng,but not tlmited to,all fees and costs incu-3O on appeal,in bankruptcy,and for post�udgment colte�tlon ..5-• _
<br /> aotion�. ,,_. . � ..�� :._
<br /> �� 28, pAR7lAt RELEASE. Lendor mey retease its interest In e ponion of tho Property by execuUng and recording one oi more partiat retea�es wlthout
<br /> � aftecting its intarest in the remainlng portion o}the PropeRy Nothing herein shall be deemed to obligate Lender to release any ot i4s inierest in the . __
<br />• PropeRy(exceAt ea�e4uired undor paragraph 351.nor shalt Lender be obligatod to retease any p��r'!of the Property if MoRgagor is in defautt under ;.�;. ' .
<br /> � this Mortgage.
<br /> 27. MODIF(CATION AND WAIYEfl. The modi�cation or waiver of srsy o!Mortr,�px�ObG9aUons or Lendet e rights unQet thls Mortgage must be ��..
<br /> contained in a writing signed by lendar. Lender mxf peAortn any flf L�orroxer's�c�URgagor's ODBgations,dalay or fail to exerclse any ot ds dghts , : _�
<br /> or axept paymenta from M,artgagor or anyone otiTr�r than Mortqagcr wittnut r„u:aing a watver ot those ObtigaUons or rights. A waiver on one
<br /> occaslon shall not constituto a vralver on any other cccasion. Mortgagofs Obligz2»s under thls Mortgage shalt nm be affected H Lender amends. . _
<br /> . comprom�ses.oxchangos.faits to exercise.impairs or releases any of the Obliga5ons belonging to any IJlortgagor.Bonowor or third party�r en}I of �:..,
<br /> �ts rlghts agalnst any Mortgagot.Borrower or tMrd party or any of tho Property. Lendor's failure to inslst upon strict peHormance ot any of the
<br /> ObligaUOns shall na!be deemed a waiver and Lendor shall have the nght at any timo theroafter to insist upon strict peAormanco. �.
<br /> , .� ._t:, ' . ,:p;�
<br /> ...., c,� „m.:�- .. .,.. .. � �.. . - __ ,..__.� _ . . . . .. .
<br /> t
<br /> , . ._�_.._... ..� �•- - - . .
<br /> ,•_ _. . , . ,. • • _ . . • .
<br /> � ' � ' • . � v, � ' � ' ,. .
<br /> . . .� ' , � ._. _- ,�� • � ' ����� �' .
<br /> ..
<br /> , :„ . . . � . .
<br /> . ,
<br /> :, , . . .. . . . . . .
<br /> �c . . . �. . . . . >. . • ' . . � ,. .. . `<>),!. .". ., . • . . , �. ;�. .., � . .. . .�
<br />