:. . � . .:�. . . . . f Y.�� .
<br /> i -• ,�. n ` . . , -
<br />- t �� ����� - � , . .. .
<br /> ; (o} PVo action or proceeding is or shall De pending or threatened which migM matenaliy attect U+e Property:and ., ' , : "
<br /> (� N.ortgagor has not violated and shsill not violate any statute.regulaUOn.ordinance,ruls ot Iaw,conuact or other agreement(ncluding.but not , . : =�
<br /> limited 40,those goveming Hazardaus Matena:s)which might materialiy aftect the Property or Lenda's rights or interest in the Propecty pursuar�t _ . :
<br /> to thie hSartgag9. , � �
<br />� � 3. Pd�tOA�10RYGAQFS. Mortgagor represants artd vrattents that there are no prior mortgages or deeds af trust aNecting any patt of the Property •� ,_ r—
<br /> • except as sat torth on Sceeduta B attachad to Mis Mortgage which Mcrtgagor agrees to pay and partortn in a timaly manner. M there aze any prior ` , •Q„ T
<br /> mortgages or deeds of wst then Mortgagor agreos to pay all amouMS owed.a�d perform a11 oDligations rec�uired,under such mortgages or deeds • . •
<br /> ot trust and the indeDtedness secured tfiefeDy end turtt�er agreea that a dafauR und�r astiy prior morlgag°or deed ot trust shall be a default under . __
<br /> thls Mortgage and shall erttiUe Lendsr to all rights and remedies contained Aerein or in the Obligations to which Lender would he entiUed in the event • . • -
<br /> of any othar deiault
<br /> 4. TWAHSFERB OF THE pROPERiY OA BEHEFICIAL INTERESTS IN biOATGQQOFI8 UA BOARO1NE6iS. fn the evarrt of a sate,conveyance. � • ---
<br /> • lease,conusct far deod or transfur M eny persnn of all or any part of the ro31 property described in Schedute 04 or any irtterest tAerein,or o!a!I ot any �
<br /> beneficial iMarest i� Bortower or Mortgagor (rt E3orrower or Mortgagor is not a natural person or persons but is a corporation. Iimited liablity
<br /> company,partnership,uust,or other tegal cntity�,Lender may,at i1s option dedare the outsranding prindpal balanee of the OLligatio�s plus asaued . -
<br /> � interest therean immadiately dus and payrab�o• At Landar's requeSt.Mortgagor or Borrower,as the case may be,shall tumish a complete statement
<br />. � setting tortfi ffiI ot'sts stackhotders.memhers or paAners.as appropriate,and ttro extent of their respective awnership irttorests• --- -, - -, -
<br /> S. ASSI(iNPV1ENT OF HEHTS. (n consiflaration of the Obligatians,which are secured by ffiis MoRgage,Mortgagot absolutefy assigns to Lender a0 „ ;,'-
<br /> N,ortgagor's estata,right,tiUs.interest,claim and demand now owned or hereafter acquired in all existing end future leases of the Property(nduding � ; ,
<br /> extensions,renewals and subleases).all agreements for use and oecupanty of the Roperty(alt such teases and agreemertts whother written or oral,
<br /> are hereafter ceforted to es the'Leases'),and all guaranties of lass2es'parfartnance under the Leases,togethar with the immediate and co�nuing •
<br /> rigM m collact and receiva all o!ttte rents,income.recelpts.revenues,issues.proftb and other inwme ot any nature now or hereafter due(nGuding r n ,.' '
<br /> any ineome of any nature ooming due during any rademption period)undar the Laases or from or atising out of the Praperty induding minimum p , .
<br /> renta,addittonal[arrts,percerrtage rents,patking or common area mslnteaanee ca�mibuUons,tex and insurance caMributions,deticiency 2r�. M• ' � ;. .: , _
<br /> liqutdated damages toltowing default in any leasa,all praceeda payable unQer any poliry of insurance covering loss of ronts rasultlng from ),; ., _� �,,; -�" �
<br /> u�tenantabilitg qused by destruction or demage to tt�e Property,all proceeds payabte as a result of a tessee's exereise of an option to purcfiase the � �,u• �w
<br /> PropErty afl praceads derived from the terminadon or rejeqion of any Lease in a tranYruptcy or other insalvency pmceeding.�:�aH proceeds from ":�;. •� ,. •t. -
<br /> any rights and daims of any kind whlch Martgagor may have against any Iesseo under the Leases or any accupants of the Property(aIl of the above �t?;, . ';�,;j: " "=--
<br /> ere horeafter collectivaly reterted to es the'Rems'). Th�s assignment is subject to the right pawer and suthorft givan to the lender to cotlsct and � _�,,;��•.i'��-_-
<br /> n.==----•---�
<br /> appty the Rents.This assignment is recorded in accaMance Lvitfi applicable state la�v;the lien aeated by this ass�nment is Intended to be specifia � ,..�., �y�
<br /> perfected,and choafe upon Ute n4cording of this Mortgage,all as provIded by applicable state law as amended��time to time. As lang as there is �, .�•� � '�••'
<br /> no default undertha Obliga�ons or this Mortgage.Lender grartts Mortgagor a revocable license to eoltect alI Rer�from the lsasss when due and to r`• �. .�� � `
<br /> use such proceeds in MoRgagoPs business operations. Hawever.Lender may at eny time require Mortgagor to Qeposit all Rents inm en account �:�' • ,•.:A�.�,:
<br /> malntained b Ma or or Lender at Lender's institution. U on defauft In the a ent of,or in ffie erfortnance of,any of tt+e Qbti SU0119.LBfld@f � '-" `�-� `
<br /> Y �9 P P S� P 9 R!-^•��a
<br /> may at its optian take possesston of the Property and hava,hotd,manage,leass and operate the Property on tertns and for a period of time that .
<br /> Lender deems proper. Lender may proceed to collect and reoeive all Renta,trom the property,and Lender shalt have full power to periodieally make � ;�. _.
<br /> atterarions,renovatians,repairs or mplaeemeMS to the Property as Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply all Renb in Lendar's so►e disc��a�. .
<br /> - w paymeM of the ObUgaUOns,or to the payrrtent of the cost of such atterations,r�novations,repairs and�aplacements and any expenses ind�t� � , , ; -- c .`�-.
<br /> taking end reta3ntng pnssession of the Prapetry and the management and operat[on of the Proporty. Lender may keep ths PropeRy propeAy irru.2d ••� ��`:��,
<br /> and may dischacge any taxes,charges,daims,assessmenb and other Ilens whlch may axrue. The expense and cost of thosa ecdons may be pa:� _ __
<br /> � from the Rertts recetved,and any unpald amounts shatl be added to the pdncipaf of the Obflgatlons. These amaunts,together wlth other cosb,shi j��,�
<br /> 6ecoma part of the Qbtigattons secured by this Mortgage. r i ,',i.
<br /> .. 6. LEASES AND 04HEA AGREEIIFI'DTS. M1Rortpagot ahell not take or fail to take any action which may cause or pertnit the termination ee r:3 �r��,'�' —
<br /> � withho(ding ot any payment In connacdon with any lnase er other agreemsnt ('AgreemenY)peRaining to the Froporty. In additlon,Mcr�x. �_� �
<br />• � h whhout Lender's pflor wriiten consent,shall not(a)wttect any monles payabte unde:any Agreement more than cna morNh in advance:(bt mrs�•Y ''k } —
<br /> any Agreement;(c)essign or ellow a lien,security intereat or ather encumbrance to 6e placed upon Mortgagor's rights,title and iMerest in and to ar�y t� ' ` °
<br /> 'y�.�4; .` �;�.,
<br /> ' q�reement or the amourds payabte theroundar;or(d)terminffie or cancel any/�qreement except for the nonpayment of any sum or otfier mater(al = r
<br /> Lvc-�ach Dy the other party thereta. H Niortgagor recenres��y time any wriUen communicaUon asserting a defauk by Mortga�or under an �•A ��� , : .��,
<br /> a ..:7::. ,
<br /> �Ereement or purporting to terminate or cancel any P��r.+.��, Mortgagor shalt prompriy forward a copy of such eommumcaUOn (and any ---.-- _,;, ::...�<.<�.
<br /> 1
<br />� �sequen!commuNcatlons rotaUv�g thereto)to Lander. NI s.,.d^l�qreements and the amounts due to MoRgagot thereunder ato hereby asslgnod tv �•��';��': ' "�-
<br /> lencter cie addiUonal security for the Obligaflona. � �' � :' � �
<br /> . .tk�{'...;;. i� . t„'.
<br /> 7. COLECT[OH OF IHDEBTEOHESS FROM TH1R0 PAATY. Lartder shatl be entiUed to notity or requtre MoRgagor to notNy ony third party ,apr.•.q•=- .;_� "
<br /> Qncluding,but nat ltmitad to,lessees,licensees,�ovemmerttal authorities and insurance compantes)to pay Lender any indebtednass or obligattan ��..: ;.
<br /> : owing to Mortgagor wltA respact to the Proportyr(cumutatively'Indebtedness')whether or no!a default exists under th(a Mottgaps. Mortgagor ehalt ��, . __
<br /> Oillgentiy coltect Yhe trtdebtedness owing to Mortgagor iram t!�ase third parties until the giving oT auch notiflptton. In the evant that Mortgagot ' . +;� _
<br /> possesses or recelves possesslon of any instrumenb or other rer.?;tances with respect to the Indebtedness toltowtnp the gtving of sueh notiflcaUan or :
<br /> � H the Instrumenta or other romtttances consUtute the prepaymazt ot any Indebtedness or the payment of any insurance cr oondemnaUOn proceeds, ' —
<br /> Mortgqgor sha11 hotd such Instrumonts and other remtttances in trust for Lender apart from its other property.endorse the instruments and othet
<br /> . remiftanoes to Lender,and(mmediniety provids Lander wAh possession ot the Instrumenis and other romitfaneen. Lender shatl be er�tltted,but nat
<br /> raqulred,to col{act(by tega!proceedings or othenxlse),extend the Ume tor payment,campromise,exchange or release any obllgor or coltateral,or ` ��; • • ,,�c= —
<br /> otherwlse settte any of the Indebtedness whether or not an e��ant af defautt exlsts under thls l�groement lender shall not be liable to Mortgagor tor �.;• _�.� � �,..
<br /> any ac8on, error, mistake, amission or delay pertaining +�x'�he acUons dascrihed in thia paragraph or eny demages resuWng theretrom. ����F�:.�,_',:_
<br /> � IVotwithstanding the iorogoing,noth(ng heroln shalt cause Lert�a-m be deemed a mortgageo-ln-possesslon. -- -
<br /> � lJSH AND IAAINTEHANCE OF PROPERTY. Martgagor shs;l telce all acdons end make any mpairs needed to malrttain the Property in good , , ��` . • �'�'`' .�"-=
<br /> � e�tllUon. Mortgegor shall not eomm(t or permit any wasta to be committed wiU�respeet to the Property. Mortgagor shall use the Property solety In
<br /> .-:�;mpuanoe wri�epplicabta law and(nsuranca aa'�cles. Mo6gagor shall not max�s any slteraUana addit(ons ot Improvemerns w the Property�!�saut "t'����,,_ �.�_
<br /> tr,.�Qer's pric7 w-:�en consen� W,thaut limtt:-�,��Me toregoing,all atteraUons.axdktons and improvements made to the Property sflatl be a:�;ar�to :.q
<br />- •".'+a beneflolal irrterest betonging to LenQer,a���!?not bs removed wFMout Lendar's prior writtan consent,and shalf be matla at MoRgagoi9 sole _ ' �'��
<br /> ���ense. �'-�i',ri•-----
<br /> a��r-,�:,
<br /> S�. LOSS OA DIWAGE Mortgagor shall bear the entire risk ot any loss.theft,destrucdon or damaga (currtutaUvsly'loss or Dunags')to the • '•-���'�«
<br /> ` PropeRy or any portlon thereof from eny cause whatsoever. tn the event o}any Loss or�amage.Mortgagor sha11,at the optlon of LenQer,repalr the ..'�±�=��'�T�— �__
<br /> .; ;' ...:-A-�:�.
<br />•,,;;, aftected Property to its prevlous condiNon or pay or cause to be pald to Lender U�e decrease In the falr markat vatue of the atfocted Property. . �..���_���°�'
<br /> � t0. ItiSURAHCE The Properry wlll be ke�C nsured fcr its futl insurabte vatue (replacament oost)agalnst all hazards inctuding lass or damage . . .• •�°,�,� �
<br /> '.� caused by tload,earthquake,tomado and"�cE.•.hett or other casualty to tha extent roqulred by Lender. Mortgagor may obtaln(nsurence on the _: ;,�,��1��k�t: ,;. _ '
<br /> . , Property Bom such companlos as ore acce�.M�to Lander in its sote disore8on. The insurance polldes shall requtre the insurance company to .,..,.- < �;�;- ,�...
<br /> .. yF''�",,'tK�jr,; .
<br /> .; provlde Lendar wlth at leaet -- days'wrftten no�ca before such policte�s are atfered or cancetted in any manner. The insuranea po8cles ti",,•„�;,,•�+:: := ••-'-?��a
<br /> �att name Lender as a loss payee and provlde ffiat no act c:zr^.isslon ot NioRgagor or any other person shall aftect the rigl►t of Lender to bo pald the � �. , ,:��.�. °
<br /> i�suranco proctteds ertalning to the loss ar dama e of t�9 C�r� e In tt�e event Mortgagor faits to act�ulre or meintalo insurance,Lender(after �;;:�-� �; .,-;".
<br /> C! p 8 A nY• �� �°
<br /> provlding notice as may be roqulred by law)n_�in its discretien pra:ure apDtoprlste insurance oovarage upon the Property and the Insurance oost ' :rr., �v�,y;:.. _
<br /> shatl be an advanca a te ared bearin iet�t as descrlbed In Para r h a��r^d secured herob . Mo a or ahall tumtsh Lender wtth evldenoe ot - 1t"; •
<br /> P Y� 8 9 8P Y R4 9 �....�, .''"',�,..�r• �,. ...-
<br /> insurenee indisat}ng the requtred eoverage. :faTGer may act as attomeyan-!ax�t.r Mortgegor tn making and eattling Galma urtder insunnce po'.ides, _ —`t"`,.=`-. -:
<br /> � � cancelling any poticy or endorsing Mortgagor's name on any draft or negoNabi�msVUment drawn by eny Insuror. NI such Y.hsuran�potictes sASll be "i
<br /> � immedlatsiy asslgned,ptaags:snd del�vered to Lender as turther securiry tor the Obugat?ors. �the evont ot toss,Mortgagor shall lmmediatety glva ."'�'�'.�"'} "?'--•
<br /> lsnder wrltten notice and Ls�J?rr is authorized to maka proat ot loss. Eac�insurance co.r��y ia directed to make payments directly to Lender , , . � , --
<br /> _ _ instead ot to Lender and Me^;�c:.ar. Lender ahatl have the ri�rt�at Its sote option.to appty s,�V 1 monles towerd tpe Obllesttang or towerd the cost of r:• ;. • —��
<br /> �• rebultding ano restodnp tha P.�aerry. My amounts may at Lender's apUOn be apptied in tNe imrorse order of tne�ue tlates thereof. ���C.; �,` • - ° ��. •
<br /> � 11. ZONIN01 AND PRNd1TE COYFNAliT3. !:'iortgagor ehall not INttate c�rxcsent to any change in the xoning provlstons or privato ccvenante '�� '��'� "":�
<br /> `� aifecUng the use of tfie Properry without Le��r'�pdor wrftten consern. M h°.r,y:ugor's use of tho Properry hecames a nonoontorming use u:f.9r any �.`�"�'` •• . ��f�`? �•' '
<br /> ,�:5.�•.: •.,,i..,_
<br /> � ? zoning provision. Mortgagor shap not causo or permR such use to be disa�tinued or abandoned withou2 the pdor wrltten consent ct le-dec �lr��t. • •:+•� ___
<br /> � Mortgegor w311 Immediatery pmv:de Lender with writtan notica of any proposed changes to�".e zoning provlsians or pdvato r�svenanta aftecUng the �!^:; . . � -- _
<br /> , �o�� . �'-
<br />� 12 CO?70EMNA1'IOti. Mortg.:gor shall immedi8tely provE�a Lender with wdtten notice c4�.iy actual or throatened ec�?�mnatlon or eminent • ,.,.....
<br /> � ! dom�ln proceeding pertalning to the Property. Alt monles payable to Mortgagor from such condemnation or faking are heseby asslgned to Lender k�
<br />. and shalt be apptled firat to the payment of Lender's ettorneys'fees.legal expenses and othsr costs(Includiag appralsal fees�In cannecdon w!th the ! � • ' • __.,
<br />_ condemnatlon or eminent domain prooeedings and then.at the op6on o1 Lentler.to the payment of the Obllgations or the restoratlon or rers:Y o1 the � .
<br /> Property. . � � �
<br /> � ; 13. LENDER'S RI(iHT TO COtY1MENCH OR dEFEND LEGAL ACTtOHS. Mortgagor shall immediatety provido Lender with wtitten noece ot any , . „ _
<br /> actual or threatened actlon,suit,ar other proceeding aNecting the Ropeny. Mortgagor hereby appolnts Lender as Its aitomey-In-fact to commence. ,,
<br /> { Intervena in,and defend such actions,suits,or othor logal procoodings and to compromise or setGe any clalm or controversy parteining thereto.
<br /> Lender shall not be liebte to Mortgagor for any actlon,error,misteke,omisslon ot delay peRalning to tho actions described in this pardgtAph or any --
<br /> darrtages teuuNing therehom. Nothing contalned herein will preveM L,ender hom taking tho actions desCrlbed in this peragraph in its ovm name. , . ' �-
<br /> 14. INDEMHIFICATIOH. Lendet shall not assume or be rospons�bte for the peAormance o1 any of Mortgagor's obligations wlth respact to th9 ., • ��
<br /> Property under any dreumstances. Mortgagor shatl immediately pfovide Lender with wtitten notice o!and indemnityr end hold Lendor and its ,
<br /> shareholde�s,directors,oXcers.vmployeos end agents harmless hom all cla�ms.damages,liabllities(induding attomeys'fees and�egal oxponses). ,.
<br /> � causes o1 action,actions,suita and other Iegal praceedings(cumulatsvely'Claims"1 pertalning to the Proporty(nduding,but not limited to.those
<br /> involving Hazardous Materiats). M.oRgagor,upon the request of Lender,sh�ll hire tognl counsol to detend Lender from such Gaims.and pay the ' . , �.
<br /> • ettorneys'fees.legal expenses and other costs incurted?n connec6on tAerewith. In the altemativo.Lender sha11 be enUUOd to omptoy iis own legal . • ____
<br /> �� counsol to detend such Ctaims at�ltortgagor�s cost. Worigagor�a ooiigation to inuemn�iy LFir�uw unf,ar thi5 paragraph SAati sun+'wa tha tarminariaa. r -�-__ - - -
<br /> rolaaso or foreclo�ure o1 thls Mortgage.
<br /> � !
<br /> ��-
<br /> MASt50t8�FormAran Tecnnoloyies.inc ISIt61841 16001907 7769 Page 7 ot 5 � � � �
<br /> a1s„
<br /> � E'--�-•T�� - '—� ' . .
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